Related Poems

I will be here in the safest of places.
Right in the middle where nothing can reach me, on the vast mass of land surrounded...

"The brighter the shadow the darker the light I try to cover it up with the viceIs that giving up the fight Bait from the or...

Mother Poetry,
Lend me your ears,
So I can tell you my darkest fears.
Help me grow as tall as a tree.
Mother Poetry,
Lend me...

The things that are kept inside
are the things that no one sees.
It's the things that are hidden by a smile
or a laugh
or a...

Now I feel as if I'm inside of the looking glass
my eyes are set on the beholder but are his on mine?
I have to...

I'm a guy that's different,
but that doesn't mean I'm indifferent.
A guy that's diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome.

Freedom of Mind and Soul
Without it
I am caged
I am silent
I am nothing
With it
I have power
I have strength

The raindrops on the sidewalk are the tears,
of the girl who tries to please everyone.
The tears and yawps from within are...

I remember what it felt like to lay next to you
To hold your hand
To feel your legs across mine
To hold you
And draw closer...

Realistically, I was fine.
On paper, everything was more than alright.
I worked hard,
and I technically was a big part of...

God, my alone feels so good, but lately I’ve craving something more, something deeper
I want love
But not just any kind of...

Foul mustard yellow sand suffocating me with their sharp piercing mineral hands
Starless darkness enveloping me with hatred...

His lusting hands grip
and weakly protest do I,
I'm not ready, but here it comes
the months endless in which I'l cry
and you...

There is a dark place in each of us,
That many can't escape,
Where permanment slumber is what we are told to crave,
We are...

Where the water meets the sky
and the grass grows from the gound
Know that God is there for you year round
To stabilize...

Day in… Day out…
Life begins… Life ends
“Tic Tok” “Tic Tok” “Tic Tok”
Oh that annoying grandfather clock
We sat there…...

Looking at the bathroom mirror,
There is a girl staring at me.
Scars on her pale face,
dark hair down to the waist.

I awake
Elevator Door
Push Up
Go Down
Can't Get Up
Next Day
Elevator Door

I walk around like a zombie.
A reflection of a corpse.
Like Im in a body thats not mine.
A body depression has invaded.

You are not alone today,
I am with you as I write.
Just hear me out for one last thing,
I know it will all be all right.

Ice cold veins, her heart is what controls it.
She doesn’t know it yet, but she’s the only one who’s frozen.
Lost in her...

I am so fatigued; my eyes have grown fuzzy,
The words have turned rigid and bland.
From White to Grey to Black-
I can feel...

How do I tell you I'm not doing so well.I don't feel real feels like i'm in overview almost like i'm not the one thinking...

Dear Future self,
Do more. Do more things that bring you joy and happiness. Do more things that make you uncomfortable and...

Why, my daisy,
Do your petals droop?
Fading, falling to the ground?
And why, my daisy,
Do you bow down to the wind

Something was smaller than it was in the beginning
Expansion of space shows there was something smaller
Like a child...

I am from the darkness that arose in my father's heart,
I am from the pain and misery,
Of every human being,
I am from the...

How long can it take
For one to go insane?
Who knows? Don’t we all take
the trip down ‘Crazy Lane’
Things start to appear...

No need to bring it up it’s easier to forget.
Maybe it was all a twisted dream that’s what I keep telling myself
If I...

a cigarette
between split lips
and shattered bottles
the taste of whiskey as i tripped
365 days
infinite ways
it seems...

Dear cloudy beautiful soul,
Behind your black and blue eyes I see every color.
When they try to label the way moonlight and...

It's not what they call you,
but what you answer to.
Never let someone else's words
define you.
No one is "normal"
No one...

Iam more flaw than flawless speaking in terms of mind you have to make maistakes so that flaw can be less than stress a...

I imagined a life before my own with you.
It was a sweet dream that felt like a glimpse of what was supposed to happen.

Wake up in a tearful mess,
Locus of control, upside down,
Minds a racing,
Head trumping to the sound of despair.

You banished me from my walls
Replaced all my tapestries with portaits of you throughout my halls
Like this place was some...

My nights are a living NIGHTMARE
My days, a living HELL.
Every waking moment I spend HERE
Makes me feel more trapped in a...

"He says you smell good
and thinks you're really pretty."
"He said he loves me.
Why would he lie about that?"...

My flawless imperfections were made by God
rigid skin, like the after effect of lightning versus a rod
a black heart was...

I am sorry.
i am sorry for shredding you to pieces when you deserved to be cherished.
i'm sorry for the six years of abuse i...

Work, study, sleep,
work, study, sleep.
I have no time
to finish a rhyme,
to busy am I
trying to get by
With a monstrous...

In the wake of my unwieldy predisposition to death,
the emergence of comforting sounds
penetrate the surging waves.

Dear Mom,
He was there for you. He loved you, kept you in his arms each night.
Until you went to another.
He was sweet....

Let me tell a story
About my heart getting broken
He made me feel like crap, so he could get a token
I was outspoken,...

Thanksgivng in Rehab
Another addict at The Lodge
It is myself I can no longer dodge
But what have these drugs really done...

you act like I'm nothing.
I'm not worth shit.
I've given my life to help you get your life straight
but no matter what i...

People keep staring
I just look to the floor
Strangers start talking
a few more steps to the door.
Beep.. Beep.. Beep.

I sat here alone in the silence.
I sat here alone and waited for her.
I waited for her light in this darkness.
For my...

It reminded me of home.
I felt the warm sunshine beating against my face.
There was a momentous rhythm of the waves

You push me to the ground and then demand me to stand up. But I have learned to overcome you. I have learned to be...

I am a want.
Guys want to love me.
Guys want me to be their grilfriend.
Guys want me to be their "Friend with benefits" ...

Dear Loneliness,
You are with me everyday
With no friends, you are the only one
There is nothing I can say
It seems as if...

I met some folks at work today.
It was my first day at the job.
A fellow staff gave me some keys
Then turned to fill out...

Life is to hard to live
Money is to hard give
But we do it anyways
you never know it saves to pay
In all kinds of ways and...

I try not to think about splitting my head open and letting all the pressure out. When my parents ask my doctor if they need...

For a larger portion of this existence, it's been quiet, sulking in a vortex of bad decisions and missed opportunitiesThis...

An infant; innocent, pure, and optimistic.
Supported by all those around them
Attention here and there,
smiles that come...
Without fliter i am just an average girl.
A girl with imprefect skin and facial features
The fliter protects me from the...

We're all people.
All equal.
We began the prequel and will end it with a sequel.
See you've built this castle of loneliness...

Don’t show
Just smile…
Hide the cuts
Hide the tears
Don’t do it

<span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: small;"><i>by <a href=""...

I am not feelin’ good.
Instead of staying in my sheets
I will hit the streets
It was a bad day
But this will be a good run...

No matter what size, shape, any variation of human,
We all hit rock bottom.
Some are deeper, some fall harder.

I'm trapped, I can't get out of bed, I don't have any motivation.
Why am I like this?
I never chose this, I...

Why has this feeling come to me once more
It's like an old ghost knocking at my front door
anxiety and worriedness have...

The sun sets as shadows consume the landDemons travel with them and the forgotten one comes lastHe consumes my mindDark...

Another day here all alone
Nobody to talk to
No hand to hold
No one to hold me and tell me
Everything's going to be okay

You see that boy,
Sitting all alone?
He isn't daydreaming or being alone by choice.
He's contemplating how many ways he...

i’ve seen people
in my own mirrors
come and go like seasons
and just like summer
soaks up the heat of spring,
each one of...

To the man who took the most precious thing a young girl could have...
You cut me so deep inside that I may never heal...

I wish I knew the answer.
I wish I could just stop.
I can't, I just can't.
I feel like a freak, a hideous person.

When life throws shit at you
You can’t stop and feel blue
Keep your head up and just push through
Easier said than done I...

(Ever since our first real love we all learn to keep our hearts in box with chains and locks so no one can damage what has...

Empty rooms.
Pealing paint.
Weathered floorboards.
Broken windows.
Open doors.
Mental prison....

The sweet yet somber days wear on.
The dreary darkness of the world consumes me.
As I mournfully wait,
for the angel of...

Laying like a corpse,
Dawn of a new day,
Familiar sinking feeling,
Feeling full of dread.
Struggling to get up,

Mother and Daughter, hand in hand, with love so strong, so dear,
Walk across the meadow with not a single fear.
Their hearts...

I’m probably gonna diebefore I even lose a wisdom tooth'cause I am destructiveand maladaptiveI tear into my own skinand don’...

The Young at heart are forever;
Forever as words are infinite.
Bodies may grow through awkward stages.
Stages where arms are...
My heart was one of darkness,
pain all consuming.
Scars standing out,
as if to mock me.
I was delivered a blow I
had been...

Going to boarding school didn’t seem like it was going to be so intimidating.
It was always something I knew I would have to...

I was drowning
In my own sea of tears.
I was burning
From the hole you left here.
I was poisoned
By the inflicted fear.

They say that this is only a
phase but little do they know
that this has been going on for years.
This darkness that...

Blurry lines and crooked faces all crowd around, hushed by the inevitable doom, I breathe, I exist and yet all the same I am...

Where is my youth?
Wasted on a site.
Where is the truth?
Hidden in the night.
Where is mind?
Pasted nowhere in sight. ...

Clash the Tones,
Dial your Life.
Make the Call,
Pay the Price.
Get the Message,
Forward the Tones.
Spread the Word,

dear depression you began as a childhood friend who saw the young children teasing me for my skin, my thick hair, and my...

Held hostage by hurt
Like dreams in a catcher
I long to be free
For myself ever after
I try my hardest to not show I care

You never know why someone chooses to use filters.
Are the self-conscious?
Do they want someone important to see only the “...

Are You Even A Christian?
You are sitting here waving your bibles in my face
You are sitting here wearing your gold...

Do I have to have a destination if I decide to runaway?
Or would I end up in the perfect place for me?
We'll, see. We'll...

I am more than a name,More than a chair's cold frame,More than the bucket meant to catch whatever you can throw,More than...

Once, creatures of flight and fire and air,
now we wallow in the dust of despair.
Fallen are we, the dead and the living,...

Sitting here thinking about the past wondering why it didn't last with tears and Cries and wanting to die I finally...

I've become more lazy during this time,
I eat more, I sleep more, I move less, and my self-consciousness grows.
I try to...

I'm here but my mind is miles away. I feel wavelengths of desolate thoughts crash over me as the shell of my body floats...

We stand in a crowd of people
but we stand alone
In a busy world filled with billion
We are still alone
But this is the true...

I once was
A girl caged in lonliness; living nightmare
The devil on my back
Crawled in my head
Infected by the lies
A virus...

She lives in her world so unaware.
She sees them laugh,
She sees them glare.
She lives in her world so unaware.
She knows...

What am I doing here?
Where am I?
Who am I ?
Looking at a pair of eyes in where they stare back at me in the mirror

Gripping the razor
She admires its silver tone
Exposing her wrist
She examines her canvas
She glides the razor
Ever so...

When it comes to Annie,
She’s that friend,
That no one wants.
She’s that friend,
That I don’t want,
She’s always there,...

Sadness took over my body,
Seeping down into my bones,
I spent nights uncontrollably sobbing,
Feeling completely alone. ...

Happy is all she ever wanted to be.
She finds it hard to be happy with everything going on
School, peers, keeping up with...

(poems go here) Sweeping over me, its cold and harsh.
Chill bumps raise up on my arms.
I start to shake, my teeth chatter...

He ponders on if I am his, if she was with another, if he was not the only one that commited a crime. He looks at his little...

They both sit in the dark room bathing in silence as the tension starts to build.
It was like a tennis match; She would yell...

Why must our heroes have vices that kill the ones they are supposed to save?
No mercy, no empathy, just sterotypes and...

We take the moon for granted. Through some divine campaign of evolutionary marketing, we have convinced ourselves that...

Insomnia seems to grace me
With his presence each night.
Loneliness often deafens me
With the words he left unspoken....

When I lie here awake,
There is one thing I relise,
I am not who I say, ‘not who you think I am,
Do you think I have it all...

My mother said
You are not good enough
To travel abroad
Let to talk of America
You cannot go above Africa

Crimson and sable intertwining, A temper with passion, A woe without finding, Commencement of the wandering, the fire...

(While you sit here and look at life it is all a surprise for us to synthesize on everything and everyone who has us...

At 12, my innocence seized
Mind fuzzy and fogged, allowing the darkness to take over
Several attempts, trying to make the...

Sometimes it's a leaf falling from a tree
Others it is the tree
As it drizzles
More leaves sprout
As it pours

A mother should love uncoditionally
A mother should whisper words of love
A mother should let her children know they're...

The yelling starts again
The tears begin to flow
The thing I'm beginning to
Need the most
Is ripped right from my hands

My past is permanent
ink on my skin;
cuts that scar my body.
Pain flowing like an
endless river,
always fading to gray...

Live life
Love life
Live happy.
Be happy
Stay happy
Live a life of happiness and always be alive.
Think well
Be well

Screaming, fighting, sacred food was the symbol of the 1980's.
The weekly baths, always a storm, I went last,
only to find...

One pill, two pill, three pill four, already started let me take some more.Five pill, six pill, seven pill, eight these are...

Cold like an icicle, melting stories from your brainYou don't know where to go, it's hard and you feel so much pain.Leaning...

Blank document,
is the best way
to describe my mind
as this very moment.
Disconnect this USB,
full of confusing thoughts,

worn and weary is the dreamerwhose nights are never in his kingdomi'd imagine grass there to be greenerbut oh his sleepless...

She sat in her chair across from me
Scribbling on a pad of paper that held pieces of my life in a careless pattern

The moon is a symbolDespite the darkness, somewhere out there is our source of light
People try to say "If things aren't...

By: Lgoan Peninger
Luminescent hazel eyes watch its target from a distance as its razor like claws were being sharpened

Adverse Childhood Experiences
Not one, not two, but experiences
On a scale from 1 to 10, rate your
On a scale
Tell me...

Life is rough. Some people love you, some people hate you. The thing is, those who hate you, always hate you. Those who love...

May She Grow
How little one can be
Yet grow to be big
Like Roses blooming in their time
Finally blooming
That is what...

when i was younger all i desired was to be older
locked in my my mind wanting nothing but to be a soldier
clenching my...

Teacher why are you being so mean to me?
I just want to be able to have some peace.
Peace like the emotion I wish you're...

It is during those periodsOf bitter, bitter silence,That your memory is asForeignAs my own ambivalent thoughts-Wallowing in...

The sun sets beneath the trees from afar
He stares at the ground
Thinking, worrying, anxious
He knows his way home

People have very skewed perceptions of what is really means to be depressed. Depression is not just sadness and it is not...

If you walk into the lighttowards the end of the tunneland you don't come backhad its beauty ensnared youor had it simply...

Today’s Hercules
Hercules the demigod of ancient days
Lifted Thor’s hammer he wins the sweepstakes
One two three four

I intentionally joined the am and I,
I have done it so much but why do I lie,
I lie to myself about who I am,
I walk into...

Some people love chocolate, sugar, and cakes
But I must say that I love dates!
Icecream, coco and peppermint
don`t satify me...

Another glance into the mirror
Another day, another year
A coarse example of the person
Who is hiding under there
Looking to...

Super Glue
I hit rock bottom
Substance had camouflaged and
Calloused the woman I was
I was employed by a mind manipulator...

Green pills
White pills
one, two, three
25 mili
50 mili
How crazy can you be?
Blue pills
Purple pills
four, five, six

Not a word they saidUnspoken words hung aboutPain inside but smiling withoutShe said goodnightAnd away she wentHe asked her...

My heart is heavy
My face is damp with tears
My voice screamed raw; threatening not to heal
I long to fly, run away from all...

She was born out of sad songs and cold dark nights.
Wandering the streets aimlessly every day, she picked up small pieces of...

Is this really my life?
How will all this end?
Why does everything in it have to suck?
Why does everything have to turn to...

She silently gilded across the moon reflecting sandThe dreadful night everything was takenThe torture, the torment and the...

14 years old and growing younger by the minute. Invinsibility is the only way to describe the pain she felt those days. She...

A quoted young fella with the mind of a revolutionary trying to change the world around him to make it safe for future kids...

I feel like I am trapped in a box with my thoughts keeping me from smiling with the fake ness of my laughter coming out the...

Perhaps the only way to succeed is from failure. In dividing my entire life into the categories of accomplishment...

Losing a friend isnt instant,
The memories linger,
And the what if's become unbearable.
The guilt sets in at sunrise,

I am the opposite person,
Of whom I thought I was going to be,
I used to think my world was full of darkness,
I saw the...

It's such a plot tiwst,
When you're your own worst antagonist.
It's not people who hurt you,
It's late night thoughts you...

I’ve been told to give up and I’ve been told I would never succeed
And for a long time I would have agreed
Because the...

Let my chest ache,
Let my heart hurt,
Let the tears break and hit the floor,
Let my world fall,
to hell with it all.

I fly in excess over the sun,
Ready for a rapture that does not come.
Although I travel in great speed,
It is I who has all...

What's real?
The tree coming through the walls?
The hand reached out towards me?
Or are they all in my head?
I've never felt...

Her idea of love has morphed. Contorted and transformed into something that cannot be explained. Could it be because of the...

I'm the type of person to keep things to myself.
My feelings and emotions are kept in this bottle.
I was never really this...

it’s 12:34
and i guess i’m just
a sack of skin
caffeine replacing
my endorphins
my happiness is busy
she’s gone,

How many years in the dark
Will it take you to realize that
Life isn't all rainbows?
That, eventually,
You must paint your...

I feel my toes in the sand and look back
I look back at who I was and feel small
I was the sand, soft and pliable and weak...

"What do you see,
When you look at me? "
Black, lust, rage, watch.
Headaches, flowers, debt.
Broken doors, long nights...

S M I L E !
That's what they all say
Try faking a smile to mask the pain
Try to stay alive day by day
Asking for...

They tell me what were you thinking. You seemed so happy. But they never knew how i felt inside, the sadness and...

Today I met a great new friend
Who knew me right away.
It was funny how she understood
All I had to say.
She listened to...

the raindrop
that splatters
on the kitchen
counter means
there is a leak
in the roof again
my mother takes
an extra...

My body and me are not as friendly as we used to be
We do not see eye to eye
We see things quite differently
My body needs...

Fresh with rain, glistening so beautifully,
Welcoming for mine, it haunts me,
Chills bite at my face,
Numb with fear…

Who knows what it's like?
To grow without.
We live every day
hoping to find food on our table
hoping to make it out of...

Am I real?
I see my shadow,
I feel my skin,
Yet on the inside,
I feel numb.
Am I real?
I cut myself every day,
Yet I don’t...

Two sad boys none knew were falling
They fell so damn fast.
The world beat them so hard-
They had no chance.
They left...

I sit here and type in the darkened room. Just the glow of the lights that drape the walls allow me to see. I can hear...

I stand now at death, its doors
called by those that have gone before.
I wonder, will this moment be the end?
My last...

It’s not fair.
It’s not fair that some are accepted while others are not.
Fat. Black. Crazy. Dumb.
Different. Awkward. Ugly...

Walking down the street of "Empty dreams"
Realizing there is nothing left of me.
Every step I take
I slowly fade into the...

the best friend i never asked for
listening to my problems all day,
and knowing exactly what to say.
no matter how i'm...

I see the trees I see the bees.
But why oh why can't I see me.
I hear your heart I hear your brain,
But I can not see your...

Welcome all to what I call my imagination, quite a unique thing let it fill you with facsination.
But there comes a price to...

Not everyone commuting suicide wants to die.
But to end the pain they hide from society's eyes.
They're tired,
and don't...

Fat thats what I am.
Ugly that's what I think when i look into the mirror, that mirror that just looks deeper into my eyes...

The voices in my head is telling me to do one thing but i wanna do another
the voices in my head is telling me to stop the...

Mama always said there'd be days like this//
The way things can switch and change like this//
Friends become foes in the...

I laugh, cry and think
smile-I feel it now..
Inspiration here to play a role
Flipped on like the light...

Let it go,
Leave me alone.
What do you want from me?
I wanted to talk,
But now I walk.
Away from it all,
But is it every...

They say suicide
Is a selfish act.
Although I never could fathom why
When it is so difficult to acquire the help one needs...

Heart racing, thoughts unclear.
It's midnight.
Looking down, a piece of metal.
A thin blade.
One touch to the skin it...

A pre-concieved notion of who she should be because
she was not "good enough"
in the eyes of those she allowed to control...

Life seems normal, content and all.
From the outside you see a girl whose standing tall.
But the truth is really a much...

Hide the scars draw a heart on your armtake a pictureadd a filterkiss her scars "stay strong, love"
Only discuss what your...

Last year I drowned in the sea of darkness and lament
So many mistakes I made that weren’t my intent
The time I spent on...

She grabbed the razor blade in a hurry as if she was running out of
Slid it across her pale skin as if she was just in...

Boys and girls of every age
Wouldn’t you like to read something strange?
The tale that began with a rabbit hole
Went so...

In that moment of realization, I understood the mental capacity one finds theirselves in when ones nerves come into sync...

For a Struggle has no Value, should it teach nothing.
In the Beginning, all was normal.
All was at peace.
All was changed,...

The expectations bearing down on me,
People taking such wagers too seriously,
They continue to beat my mind with a stick,...

What started out as paradise,
Couldn't have been told a bigger lie,
What started out as meaning,
Turned out to...

Hey, where are you?
I'm calling you but you disappeared again
Hey could you hear me?
I'm screaming here but like always you...

Negativity nested so
deep that I had to build myself around
it discourteously.
So now it’s there, but it’s there wallowing...

Always one to make others smile, you cant keep living this way. You need to let go but not this way. Thats all I hear but I...

That feeling of uselessness
Unable to fulfill the desires of them
What did they want of a child in the first place?

When I think of the word Me, I think of myself of course. When people say that word I know they're also talking about...

Darkness lies inside my mindCoiling around my soulScarce are those who are kindCausing me to not find my roll
Trying to stay...

There's a mask that i wear,
With colors, and shapes,
Its packed on my skin,
Like glue and tape.
My hair is like...

The world is full of mistakes we've made
Heads full of the things we don't say
and our Hearts full with the love that we've...

Just as the morning dew
Shakes me awake
I feel my heart skip a beat
Ache, shake, break
My heart is broke
No more left to...

Had a loving family,just a little kid with a mom and dad, how were we to know everything would change, 7 is a lucky number,...
I was that girl, who weighed more than she should've.
Who wore glasses and braces to make my appearance even more bitter.

Without realizing it, I am at it again.
My thumb and ring finger are tearing at my eyebrows.
Brow by brow I am taking away...

I want to leave.I want to escape.This life I got,How did I deserve this? Blade in hand.Tears running down my face.Should I?...

Lets think of this as a poem rap song:
I used to be the type of person who use to be a mess.
My reason for that was...

Sometimes I feel like the waves in the ocean;
calm and violent
strong and deadly
My mind is a tsunami
thoughts, ideas,...

I write for it's all I have
I write to let my feelings fly
to let the sins and pain wash out
I feel the pen in my hand

With no one to talk to
I'm so confused
How will I vent to hold down the tears
For no one seems to be here
My mind...

Who knew that I would be reduced to this?
From an honors student to a dangerous patient
In a hospital with bars on its...

The teachers don't see it,nor do they seem to careno one even pays attentionto the ones who seem to notbe there.
They don't...

Shatter the vase for the burnt out cigarette, The fire still burns; yesterday isn't over, yet.
But yesterday was two years...

Confidence within.
Free from manipulation.
Self empowerment, justified pride.

One mind
Incapable of Change
Like a paper airplane
making the same folds
since you've been this old
Unable to watch it sore...

Love is often experienced, but never comprehended.
We think we know what it is when it happens, but little do we know, love...

Sometimes I feel like crying.
Sometimes I feel like yelling.
Sometimes I feel like laughing out loud.
Sometimes I feel like...

The teachers don't care
Care about whether or not you're suffering
Suffering not just on the outside, but on the inside....

From birth I was raised by the one I loved, but the one I loved was not the one that birthed me. At first, things were...

Everyday i wake up walking down long hallways
its a place in my head i fly to escape
maybe I'm an activist but i cant add...

Why didst thou write to tease my weathered mind?
In eighteen years on earth I searched to find,
Translations for your works...

Mirror, mirror on the wall,
you showed no truth to her at all.
Where there was bone,
hanging close to skin,
you showed her...

Hey, teach,
I wanted you to know something
I wanted to tell you all about the kind of shit I’ve been through over the years...

I am a survivor.
I have yet to survive poverty
Nor hunger, abuse, or a bed-less home
I call myself a survivor
Because I...

I was sentenced to 10 years imprisonment
For a crime I am guilty of
But am yet to commit.
I couldn’t possibly ever...

I cannot understand my current emotions on the relationship I am in, I don’t understand how I feel anymore. My emotions don’...

Night comes, you come, and I ponder.
I think too much and can not keep hold of my lover.
Hold me, kiss me, love me, I don't...

I stand here petrified, awaiting for the storm of judgment
I want my voice to be heard, I want my voice to reach the far...

I sit and stare out the window in my room. I haven't a care in the world, some may assume. But in fact, lately I feel lost...

We sat down on an old brown wooded bench in the pouring rain
He held me tight and he told me to tell him what I was feeling...

No matter how deep the sadness,
No matter how wide the pain,
I vow to live,
For a brighter day will come again.
I vow to...

when your friend just killed herself and you dread over the last poetic, witty, insightful, long ass conversation you ever...

Everywhere is still
The world around you has stopped
It's quiet
The world around you is dead silent
It hurts

My life seems like a dream
A beautiful nightmare, to be specific
There’s one part my dream is dark and eerie
The feeling of...

Don't romanticize depression
It is not
Endess sleep
A bottomless well
Of tears
It is exaustion
Eating at the backs
Of my...

She's beautiful on the inside and the outside but she can't see.
She dreams of one day becoming a "daddys girl",...

At my self i feel a darkness surounding me
No one understands it
No one can see it but me
Everyone feels like their shadows...

Once upon a time…. I met a princess
A special Princess, a rich princess, a smart princess, a kind princess
A bam spankin'...

Dear Insecurities,
You swallow me whole as if I were a piece of meat and you were a lion.
You drag me deep into the abyss of...

They say knowledge is power,
and it's true, we can learn something every hour.
But unfortunately there is a chain...

Phantom hands grasp
When never severed
Reaching, Tearing, Pressing
Few hold long
Many falter
Each leave marks of passing...

I needed a friend...
Who would always be there for me
To keep me safe and secure
To do what I wanted...

Oh, but the more I wrote about youthe easier it got, mouthfuls of poemsfilled up like my anxiety flowing out.I hope you...

The one to nurture and give love
The one to hold you when times are tough
The one who's supposed to be there no matter what...

I look into a mirror and yet I dont see who I should be.
I look intoa mirror and ask "Who Me?"
Why do people find me...

I was once a pebble
Small and fragile
People’s words were like ocean water
Washing over me effortlessly
Their criticism...

Sturdy and strong,
From the outside nothing could go wrong,
Crumbling on the inside, this tower
So tall and so bold

How do u explain to someone you cant hangout . "anxiety bad today" wont come out the mouth
Laying in bed , not wanting to...

I want to kill myself everyday. And that will never change no matter what anyone say. The girl I love will move on like the...

She wears a face full of makeup to match her perfectly styled hair.
This woman is beautiful, although she is not aware.

“My brain hurts”
The average teenage anthem
In a pantheon of suicides and fried
Swell, I suppose, when everyone...

It slowly crawls behind a person
Like a shadow in the early stages of life
The few who leave early
do not get consumed by...

My grandfather is my family hero,
And nothing less than my superhero
When the cancer had come along,
I knew where I did...

Interesting word,
horrible feeling
You feel every syllable
Especially the "low"
Happens randomly
Out of the blue you...

im trying my hardest to keep my head up
but ive been pushing through as best i can
no matter how hard i try ...

i am not perfect
perfect is far from my reach
i have not always lived
to the expectations you had for me
i am something...

I'm not as strong as i'd like to be
I wish for a better tomorrow
But sadly, I don't hold that key
My smile is fake you...

I am half-read books and highlighted words inside of them.
I am my favorite quotes and my favorite films.
I am the music I...

Drip, drip, drop
Water falls
Never stop
Drip, drip, drop
Is there a bottom?
Where is the top?
But the water still knows...

I am very sad
I feel like I'm dying in the rain
The rain is my tears
That I cry from everyday pain.
My once happy self...

Caught up in the gazes of delegations, fashion ,the critics of publicity,and what our friends say
Gives us no room to be...

she has cuts on her arms,
she blames the cat,
she has burns on her arm,
she says she did it while cooking,
shes dropped...

Sterilized blade,
Mesmerized soul,
Caught in depression,
Doubting of herself in this world,
What is there to believe when...

Why couldn't you save me?
I tried to tell you,
I tried to let you see,
but instead you withdrew,
away from me as if you didn...

Just Breathe
but how can I breathe when I'm drowning?
Drowning in every thought shouldn't think
In every tear, I long to...

CUT CUT At 15 i shared a story with my sisterOnly started sharing this same story recentlyShe would CUT CUT to mend her...

Where is my youth?
Wasted on a site.
Where is the truth?
Hidden in the night.
Where is mind?
Pasted nowhere in sight. ...

A great escape for many, a sublime way to create yourself.
Look at the people with messy thoughts and mixed up hearts.

Hell is a place where the mind can goNightmares exist before eyes are closed
Fear has a home inside my soul
Memories hold me...

My anxiety is not one of pray and tell,It is not buck tooth quaky shaky kneesIt is not a quarter on saleor a dog full of...

I wear a size seven,
you want me to be a three.
Forget what you say.
This is real, this is me.
I wear a size large,
you want...

I once was lost,
I felt alone in this world and empty,
I felt like life was not worth the cost,
My insides were hollow,...

Look one way, and then the other.
What is it you see?
Nothing and nobody
Because nobody is me.
Silence it my safe house...
Truth be told, I only saw what is real
Because my heart is an open sore that I do not expect to heal.
You see, a beaten and...

Said I apologize
Energy it escapes like a vacation
Just tryna get away
And fuck what they saying I'm gonna play it; cause...

In just one moment
Her inner soul was shattered and broken
Never to be the same
Her option of control was taken
In just one...

(Reason?: To Get it Out)
I sat in silence
in the half darkened sky of a coming storm
crying, pleading with someone,...

Here I come,
There I go.
Here you come,
There you go.
Here you come,
There you go.
Here I come,
Here I come,
Why did you...

I can't take what's happening these days,
people coming up with strange ways
to do things.
Can't find the right phrase,

I sit on the throne of creativity, and yet my illness controls me
Violent, Hedonistic brush strokes protrude my canvas and...

I always thought that you had to
be important to be listened to
like somehow if rose petals dried away
while you spoke...

Not a poem, however my therapist told me to start somewhere to find my identity and I don't have really much of an idea...

Held at gunpoint, she is asked,
“Why don’t you know loss? Know the
Shame of being broken, the guilt that
Appears from your...

Mad, sad, glad,
is always the right time for Chocolate.
I am the flavor of all love,
of all rejoice, and all morn.

Its warm
In my bed
Too warm to be awake
I am awake
Outside it’s almost light
But not quite
Too dark to be awake
I am awake...

Who's going to succeed
paranoid from all the weed,
trying to get by
while staying high
making it closer to die
but will I...

Psychotic (adjective); crazy, mental, reckless,
Out of control, violent, strange, scary-
You throw around the word psychotic...

Don't stay around waiting for someone to tell you when it's your turn
You want it?
Get it.
There is no valid reason to...

She was held captive by the sea
Underneath clashing waves
Deep in a dark, secret place
Where no one could hear her scream...

She tried drawing herself as a lover on the canvas of his mind
He erased all her sketches when her called her just a friend...

She chased,
gave her devotion and held death’s hand,
but his fingers were tighter,
She screamed,
gave her best fight,...

I want to get away.
And then other times,
I want to stay.
I need to get out,
But I need to look in.
It's not all...

Will I ever find my way
Just going through life
Day by day?
I don't think about it
No wanting to work
But just to play....

A shaky breath falls from my lips
An obscure painting on a strange canvas
My wrists, my thighs, my hips
Red drips from a...

why do I feel so alone?
With a life so blessed
Why do I feel so poor?
Perhaps poor of happiness

0A1l0l1 n0a1t0u1r0e1,
0S1p0l1i0t l1i0k1e0 c1a0p1p0i1l0a1r0i1e0s i1n0t1o0 t1h0e1 u0n1k0n1o0w1n0,
0W1h0e1r0e t1h0e1r0e m1a0y...

dear anxiety,
you have been with
me for what feels
like eons, now.
you have whispered
that have...

The horizon is infinite.
It’s as if I escaped the sea of Barbie’s
And landed— in a little ship!
No more land falls behind me...

I am living
Yet not really living
I am laughing
But not really laughing
I am seeing
But not truly seeing
I am a...

Escalating discoveries,
Sublime absorption,
Intensifying cerebration.
Neurons firing.
Grinding gears reverse.

It started
As a hole
I wasn’t sure
How deep or dark
It will get
Doubt gets
Trapped and soon
It becomes a...

Words were there for me when no breathing being was
They filled me up and I spat them out on loose-leaf paper
They were my...

Imagine you're drowning,
and running out of air.
You feel the burning in your lungs,
the tightness in your chest;

Of course you don’t understand how it feels.
I’m loosing my mind
in a whirlwind of society’s perfect description of how to...

When you’re alone in the castle
When even the mice have gone
When the moonlight shadows stalk
And it’s a long time till dawn...

Click on the link and press play. Any feedback is appreciated :)

You buried me,
With your sand,
So my words only hit,
The walls of my mind.
My screaming only reached,
The rocks that...

As a seed I am sprinkled into the rich dark soil, I’m a very difficult plant to grow.
It’s a difficult life to have autism....

He's on his knees.
He's lost everything.
All this pain, is inside him- boiling.
His wife slaughtered and raped, as well as...

She always looked for a silver lining
But never thought it would be a silver razor
One side dull
The other thin, sharp...

A faceless beauty with out a name
Oh, what a shame if you only knew her story
You would know her name
Just another face in...

It's very hard to figure out what i need most
from my family to the many marvelous friends that i have
but somthing that...

No means no. Yes means go.
they say it's your fault. I was so young and confused.
I wouldn't talk or eat. I cried myself to...

Your smoked filled eyes
Holding the thing in your hands,
Precious, you say.
Your smoked filled eyes,
Holding the lies you...

Hot water deeper than the length of my hand.
Three false candles illuminate the darkness.
Like a dealer with cards Pandora...

I am like glass
Fragile and easily broken
I am like dirt
Walked on by the people who feel they are more important than me

Dear Demons,
My soul has expired,
With wounded veins
And guarded values.
You may not push me,
Or fight me without reason. ...

Despair,Hiding in a closet.Desolation,Peeking through the cracks.Forlorn,A solitary light.Gloom,Streaming through the bottom...

*NOTE* I wrote this when I was sad. Right now i'm in the best place possible so don't worry about me
theres no where left to...

I'd take It all.
Every one that you have ever had.
You'd never experiene It;
Think of what life would be like!
All of It....

My eyes open and I stare at this charcoal wall, my back aches, my ancles are stiff, and i cant even fathom the thought of...

The light he sees is but the birthright I was given
I am made of soft flesh, but scars are more prominent than people know....

History is a Mystery
Everything said, I look for the negative,
What’s the point of even considering the positive?

No need for sadness for the deceased
They lay in peace
They are only sleeping
No need for weeping
Just smile
Your heart...

Walking past me,
There he is with some of his friends
we make eye contact
then he looks forward pretending I don't exist

The Poets’ Code
As a poet our job is not to make the audience feel comfortable but our job is to say what needs to be said...

If changing who I amWas as easily accomplished as changing the sheetsOn my old and indented mattressThen I’d wash this body...

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
You are the only one wih a say
you are the owner
So say to the controllers, game over

How many pills do you drink a day? None? I drink ten. How many eyes do you have starting at your way?None?I have one too...

Mind is jagged reality ragged, cut by my knife; harvest projected ideas collected, intellect my scythe.
Intent integration...

I can't describe it
I'm just not happy here
I would go through with it
If i knew there was somewhere to go
somewhere else to...

This new face
My familiar quiet place
A return to a home that was never my home
This world is not my home
But as the world...

Eyes are the doorway.Enter this typically smiling place
but a frown will form;the gut seeming stuffed with aches and pains,...

Hello, I’m finally greeting you now
I’m sorry I’m so late
I guess I am now just ready
To face you confidently.
Sometimes I...

You see the girl in the dark corner
All alone
Do you see how that darkness shrouds her, grasping and taking a hold of her....

Books put together a powerful message
You can find words that make you sound impressive
For me, a book would make my mood...

We find ways to make it.
We are stronger than we think.
Most believe they will break
So they give up at the brink.
It is...

Sitting patiently at a red light,
watching the other cars zoom past your Ford Taurus
you wait for that brilliant green...

Maroon- the color of crimson love, fermented
Of December midnights, mingled with the tears of flesh
Of sweet agony,...

In a home where you feel no one cares. All in one room full of silent stares, no words spoken. Room full of hate to the...

I am okay.
I am okay
as I sit in the dark of my room silently screaming please kill me now
I am okay.
I am okay as I look in...

Lies that I Lie With
By: Bethany Tisza
It’s like a waterfall in my mouth
Sometimes I shut it off
But when it’s on
It runs...

That train ride was the longest one in my life
The anticipation to be back home,
Or what used to be home
What I hoped could...

You're looking skinny like a modelWith your eyes all painted black.Always going to the bathroom,Saying you'll be right back....

I am done not being done
I lost it all, the fat is gone
I tried, I really tried
Then, I had a moment with the mirror, it...

You think you can’t be hurt, but we all know that's a lie. When you were born you shed the tear of life. When you were...

You would have never saw it coming
Because I kept on saying I am ok
I am always suffocating in my selflessness
I am fighting...

The light of day and dark of night
This pale moon is such a fright
A breath of wind, or a catch of air
Caught beneath its...

I've grown up in a struggle I've grown up poor I've had times where I have just wanted to jump out of a moving car door just...

I sewed the strings up.Tied them around the wrists and ankles.I wiggled them around and you followed.Coming back to it all,...

There has to be a bigger world out there somewhere
I know there has to be higher intelligence other than us
Or am I...

Everyone wants to be a judge with no degree.
To challenge the mind of the defender for free.
No law learned; No law...

We both don't think the same
Yet we still are the same
Same skin
Yet our mind shifted and split into two of us...

Fear of failing, fear of not becoming successful is very stressful. Fear of failing school, my family; friends, myself...The...

The putrid heart,
it shows,
all the retched places it's been,
only i shall fetch it,
shield it from it's known horrors,...

It was all a game to them,
But to me it was something more.
They didn't know how it was affecting me,
They didn't know that...

I am ready to make myself whole,
I am ready to make you porous.
I am ready to clean myself up and clean myself out,...

aching soul,
wanting change,
emptiness that burns,
loneliness that make you week.
gasping for hope and relief.

Never before had a boy tell me noOr tasted a melon, knew indigoNever before had I let love goEscape from me, flowers in the...

She is...More precious than the jewels that surround her King, the Queen is flawless her love is deeper than the bluest...

Nothing poetic was ever written,
But I alwsys thought of it as a vision
I look for my brain's talent everyday in depth...

I'm sorry no truly I am I'm sorry for so many things to so many people through so many times but most of all I'm sorry I...

It's a lonesome life,but with a flame that entices the soul
To attract others and fight the good fight,
in our hearts, you...

I keep fighting these battles
With ending in sight
Hoping that someday it'll all end
I keep fighting these battles

If you have ever
Survived the feeling of pure loneliness,
Then you will be able to embrace every positive
That comes your...

Point your finger at Me,
For I am the only target to see.
I was blind
And I was naive.
I didn't see
How I affected you,...

No phone calls receivedNo morning runNo drive to work that dayNo reply to messages sentNo breakfast madeIn fact he didn't...

The tears I've held in for so long are all at once flowing.
I try to take a breath, but my cries only become louder. Every...

Taught to suppress
I struggle to express
To appear weak
I would disappoint
Taught to suppress
I still struggle to...

When I was younger, I used to think I could trick my mind and body into loving the feeling of pain. So that instead of agony...

Don't it seem like I'm Always there when it matters,
Mama why are you crying, you'll laugh again.
Things get rough but I...

I can smell it from miles away, drawn to it like a shark to blood.
My mind empties as I hold the bottle,
My lips touch the...

Dear Diary,
I write this poem in memory
of all lives lost in the tragedy,
to give strength to their families,

Along with the Thespians and the Thieving
Traveled the Thinker, boisterously singing
Songs with the lot of them, stopping...

Racing mind and nonstop motion
Shaking legs and bitten nails
Painful head and shortened breaths
Anxiety strikes again

I’m so tired. I feel like fire
Am I wake or asleep? I feel like I’m in a little too deep.
Everything is dark, I feel like my...

Cold.My hands clenched, gently,hoping that yours were still holding mine.But I knew you were gone once my own...

These strings that I'm attached to won't let me go
I dance around a dark room
Swaying from one wall to another
I slowly...

She’s not the definition of perfection
As she studies her reflection
Theirs pieces missing, pain and tears
Surrounded by...

Reluctant to see this beautiful entity
Casting man across the seas of the world
Adore her
They adore her, calling her...

You’re paranoid
Always looking around
Terrified by the simplest of a sound
It’s not ‘cause your on some sort of steroid

I've been...more places than I thought I would be. Shared many opinions with people that see, eye to eye, lie to lie. Why do...

Insatiably stalked by haunting perceptions
Mental insecurities cause collections of indiscretions
Bleak emotions are...

Here a mark on my arm that i’ve made
When i felt i could do nothing else but cut with a blade
As the jagged edges ripped...

I see the standards
They seem to be just from my reach
No matter the amount I try,
I can't conform
The ability is not within...

I wish to tell a tall tantalizing tale
Of when mischief misery came sneakingly stale
The heart of a unstable hungry person...

Parents say that school comes first.
Teachers say school come first.
I've even started to believe school comes first.

steadily pacin back and forth,
heart racin, watcha think i'm worth?
did your life take this course from your day of birth

I have been very independent.
Very to myself.
No one to cry to.
No one to ask for help.
People help me with obvious things...

Teach Me
Teach me to breathe, teach me to be human,
to be a student pulling from all of those before.
Teach me to think my...

Sometimes I feel like I'm a failure.Sometimes I want to cry.Sometimes don't know if im in hell orI am in the skyBut when the...

The teachers don't care
Care about whether or not you're suffering
Suffering not just on the outside, but on the inside....

I make ruins of what was already shambled;
I trample over the brain of a once great village.
The heart of the city I, grit...

Why do you do it? Why do you put yourself in so much pain? Why do you put me in pain? You may not realize it, but every...

Just be happy!I can't.Just don't worry! I can't.
Don't you get it?It's not that easy.You mean well with your words,But don't...

Bees are like kamikazes and Superman probably ain’t gonna save the day today oh well let the strange hang today I’ve been...

I told him...
"Pretty girls don't have scars,"
And I cried.
With a finger under my chin,
He made me look into his eyes.

His mood was short
The transient feeling was impermanent
But it became plentiful and copious
He was now fragile and tenuous...

as you start age daily,
you learn the
between right and wrong:
what is accepted by this
temporary home

Its funny,
i've been playing life like a game of rummy.
Year by year i watch my days pass,
as if im wathcing my life from...

Take a normal day.
Make something tragic
Happen to one person.
What do you have?
A normal day!
A normal day

Everyone hates a captive ball
A free ball sounds more appetizing—
But I the one who takes the fall.
God not slightly...

Every summer now and then,
As the bright white clouds descends,
I waited forever and ever,
just to see your smile.

There once was a man, as so remembering,
that resorted to a form of morbid coping.
Indeed, quite macabre in recalling.

i said no
but you didnt let go
holding on to me
you wouldnt let me be
now im stuck with these scars
metal bars
beat across...

I am the center of a tornado
Everything around me is crumbling and crunching
They are spinning and spiraling out of control...

I fell in to a hole filled with dark voices
A hole full of dark voices
I fell in to a hole
They visit me in constricting...
Death is opportunity
Life is the challenge.
Opportunity to relapse
Challenge to stay above.
Opportunity to give up...

You know what i'm thankful for? Me.
My heart, my soul, and my mind.
I'm thankful that my inner good is fighting for...

I remember every day that we would spend together. I let it get the best of me cause I can still feel your hands hold mine...

That's it I'm throwing rhymes on this shit
She's a very scary girl with a mind of a skit
Has it played out she knows exactly...

I miss him, him, her, them.
I have lost myself mentally,
Giving to everyone.
It's easier than facing my mistakes.
Giving to...

Looking in the mirror and see nothing attractive. Seeing myself for the creature I am. The looks deceive but I can see ...

The struggle- it's real. But we mask it, and we hide it, and we walk away from it thinking it will finally just disappear. I...

Still walking,
through the rain
and shine
and snow -
walking and more walking-
more walking then you know.
I walk...

Do you feel as I do
do you see as I do
like the world is fake
like it isn't there
Does it scare you
Does it frighten your...

The don't understand my illness.
They ask "why aren't you better yet?
You have so many friends,
you're not poor. There's no...

A thought is all it takes
Your ship is sinking
Try not to embrace
what all is happening
Just start a new leaf
The rain will...

I am a Precious Flower
That bloomed one summer day
Not many words were spoken
But I had a lot to say
For those of you who...

My mind has fallen into the deepest parts of the abyss.
I see nothing
I feel nothing
Why is life so difficult?
Why am I so...

I am that girl
in the corner
wishing to be alone.
who cries in her spare time like a hobby
its easy to pretend to care...

We take it forgranted, yet we can't live without it.
It plans our day and creates our future,
giving us motivation to keep...

Why even try? Constantly feeling the need to get their approval and for what? Praise? Recognition? Why is it that you go out...

Pacing the hallway back and forth,
I feel my breath quicken with each step.
I receive the signal to enter the room,
So I...

It's not at all clandestine
to know my thoughts are indelible.
They are like a conflagration, they are simply memorable...

Did you harm me in any kind of way? Do you have a guilty conscious of you doing me harm? Did I sense you did? Hope that you...

You may think I'm just listing mental disorders
And I sort of am.

it's like your least favorite t-shirt
you shove it in the bottom of your closet
so you can barely see it,
the only bit...

I'm writing this poem for her, the temptress
she took my mind down like a boat to a tempest
I used to be scared when I saw...

I started to belive at the age of fifteen ,
That I was Independent.
I believed the earth was my clay,
And I decided how to...

I will forever be changed
By the sound of your heartbeat
Beating down
The voices in your head
You can’t escape
Save for the...

From showing no pityto playing on the streetfamilies attempt to escape povertynobody recognizes realitybecause the...

a dark night. a young girlwalksaloneher steps echoingunfamiliar footsteps
no destinationvaigely familiar streetsnot far from...

I am blind to people’s ignorance,
However ignorance is bliss.
And I still have tolerance,
As I wait for an aching kiss.

She gazes blankly at the wall,
pondering what to do next.
Is this her final curtain call?
All because of one heartless text...

At thirteen I lost my reason to live,
my sister, Virginia, became a stillborn
My heart was torn in not two, but a hundred...

What's this world coming to?
Crooks, Traitors, Mongrels
In Washington
The people running the country
Are running us down...

Please stay
I've watched as the things that I loved fell away
And sometimes I struggle to make it through every day
To be...

I swear all I want is peace, like a Sabbath day of the week,
Just a day to sit and meditate on the faith I've yet to seek,...

You are the little girl who wants to be
A doctor one day
To put on a white gown and a pair of squeaky clean shoes
To save...

She wants to die And no one knows whyShe wants to cryBut her eyes remain dry
She's fighting for her lifeWhile grasping a...

These are the thoughts of my daily life
Something that I consider a normality
"Normal" for me is "horrible" to the average...

X, A, B, Jump, Roll, Hop
Control Me,
Reset the initial settings to your personal preference
Warp me into the...

I need to see my pain
I need to
I need to
Cry for help?
I just want it to go
be different.
If only

I may not have a loud voice, but my passion speaks louder than any.
My passion involves others and helping them through...

There's this girl in the mirror
I wonder who she is.
There's a story, lullabies, and goodbyes
When she's looking back at me...

Daunting with every step you took in the wrong direction,
I am left dreary-eyed, sitting eternally, patiently, waiting

Changes don’t happen overnight;
but if they did, think of it this way:
dusk is the beginning of the bad stuff.
The darkness...

Alone but surroundedLightly she stands with a heavy concentrationHer eyes fixed at nothing in the distanceThe rippling water...

They come in at night when all is still
they scrape away and run and steal
my happiness and pleasure
They see it as their...

Day one
Thin black mist
Floating like clouds
Quiet little thoughts
Singing sultry melodies
Malicious lying mirrors...

Sad and broken. Everything is goneNothing left except the memories i have drawnBut are they truly a memory?Or just broken...

Today I am 17, soon
to be 18 and it wont be long
until adults will respect me, youth
will reflect me. But I just sit here in...

Like waste my life reeks
Of things that could be done
But never did
Because here I am
Typing away worthless words
Still more...

I don’t want to not believe
I don’t want her to become something other than what she sees
In the mirror, is a different...

I remember the day, I remember it all
It was a rainy day.
The sun took cover behind the clouds, I guess it knew my fate.

The dolls creeping, chilling, their hands dragging you down
where the dark space of...
the chilly lonely hole full of dolls...

Some one is honking, honking at me As I open my eyes and turn around I'm blinded by headlights I cover my eyes and look down...

You are yourself. You may not be a celebrity, or the hottest girl around, but that knife won't make you pretty. Staring at...

There was never a time, never a place
Never a moment that was not erased.
I try, I forget, I remember again
And you’ve told...

You were always skeptical of the future, uncertain of it all. You were never eager for another day, at times you wish they’d...

You come, like a theif in the night.
To kill me, to destroy, and to steal my joy and happiness.
You come without warning or...

When your whole entire world comes crashin down around you, and everything just falls to shit what are you supposed todo?...

Because I love you I won't let you down
Let you down by leaving you alone
Or crying in your bedroom,bathroom stall
Because I...

It’s because I love you,
That I would make you cry.
And that’s why
I’m your greatest ally.
It’s because I love you,
That I...

The butterflies swarm inside my head,My mind decides to tell them everything I've said.Fluttering, moving, spacing out,They...

She was fading
She was alone
There was darkness
Nothing more
She saw a light
Up ahead
She saw a face
She saw a hand...

My legs are like rivers
they flow forever
My eyes are like valleys
you can get lost in them
My fingers are like branches...

"Pleasures" no longer yearned for,
Distorted within currupted, coerced gratification,
You seek Only Seclusion.
Fashioning a...

Your eyes shine like the stars above me
My endless love projected onto thee. I prithee great mother.
Doth he love me the...

Some days we are told how to feel and what to feel.
It is on those days that it is most important to listen to our hearts,...

Before recovery, when ED talked i listened. HE said i was lazy, i ran. HE said i was fat, i dieted. HE said i ate to much,...

The sun rises and sets everyday,
It dosen't matter if your watching or not, it dose it anyways
But oh if you take the time...

In Memorandum :
There were signs. A lot of them. Sanity was distorted. Everyone focused on one, one focused on everyone. A...

It was Friday night and I sat there alone,
Thinking aboutus and how we went wrong.
I regretted telling them about you and me...

"You will never be anything".
"Anything you achieve, it is because of me".
No, b**tch. That is where you are wrong.

I've been standing here longer than you think,
just taking a very long good good look at me
through the eyes of those who...

Live in the gleam of the sunlight. Be one with the ground but higher than the sky. Smile like tomorrow will be promised but...

who are you to judge my mistakes and past
but i have changed to be honest you dont care its all about first impression right...

Dear Mom:
I would have committed suicide because of the pain I was going through everyday
All Just to Obey
I could have...
The hazy red sky, bees on flowers,
How many hours until I die?
Be it obvious or be it a surprise.
How many hours until my...
Breathing in the fresh salty breeze
I'm invincible on that shoreline.
The waves come up and brush my bare feet
As I run...

What long walk shall I take home to stretch my weary heart?The rut I’ve made grows deeper until I can walk it no more.Broken...

(INTRODUCTION) (Skip below to read a description of my mom to help understand
the poems.)
The next 6 poems I write are...

For a woman
Each strand of hair
Holds its own weight
The longer the strand,
The more power the hand
So one day, I cut my...

I'm Smiling.
I am happy because I'm surrounded by people who love me.
I'm strong.
I feel like I can actually...

"You look normal"
"She looks FINE"
Why can't you understand the pain behind my eyes?
"I have a short temper"
"I scream and...

I thought you cared
But you didn't
I thought I could have my feelings shared
But I couldn't
I thought you'd understand...

If mental illness was treated as such
there would be
no kids online blogging about their eating disorder
getting comments...

You sit behind me in the midnight sun
Urging me forward toward the edge
Always there my dark twin
You are the sin to my...

Why is it that I feel like giving up on this situation,
Everytime she opens her mouth I die a bit more,
"Hold on," Grandma...

A mind is a beautiful thing to waste
With this reality I'm often faced
Seconds tick by at an alarming rate
Reminding me of...

I am so much more than what I think I am
I am more than my diagnosis
I am more than my medication
I am more than my label

My mother tells me she used to believe in
abortion. Said her body wasn't ready to
cradle stretch marks that would tuck...

When I was five I wanted to be a princess.I wore pretty dresses and mommy's heels to make me tall.Even at that age I strove...

Thank heavens dear doctor, your schedule is free! Of course my child, now what shall it be? I see you suffer from OCD, Take...

I harbor my hatred
My eyes glow at the pretentious
Those who come to self benefit
Those who step on the...

Why did she say that?
I wonder what he thinks about me?
I wonder how they feel?
What if she doesn't like me?
How do I let...

Hooray!! A big box has arrived.
it is so... BIG, I wonder what must be inside?
BUT inside your mind, you know something is...

Empty.That's how I feel.Something is missing.What is it? DOes anyone know.I'm always rejected.Always avioded.Something has...

The piece missing from every puzzle
And when found
I don't fit
Some will try hard
To press their thumbs
Jamming me in and...

The rain.
The pain.
The disdain.
That's what is keeping me down.
I can't even go into town.
I'm wearing a permanent frown....

Of course I'm fine, why do you ask?Oh don't mind this, it's just my mask.It hides the grief, it hides the strife,I wear this...
Her wrists tell a story
of a damsel in distress.
A princess with her head held high
and tears in her dress.
All the...

Seasons will always change;
tomorrow will always become yesterday,Nothing ever remains the same,
when blessed with the...

Here a mark on my arm that i’ve made
When i felt i could do nothing else but cut with a blade
As the jagged edges ripped...

As a child, I endured extreme anxiety
once my adolescent body found itself
incarcerated by the unforgiving
darkness of the...

The bag sits the corner of my recently deceased sister's room
The bag full of pills
Full of drugs
The bag that kept my...

So old, wise, strong and frail
Tragic, empowering, endearing and vague
The man I have lost and the man I have gained
We have...

Poetry is my tool for expression and stress relief. Here is my poem which is a debate I have within myself where I claim...

Love me as I love you
care for me as I care for you
Give me your all when your word is all you have
Let me help when all you...

blood is thicker than water, they say
but to me, they are the same
i feel the blood leaking out of my heart
like liquid...

i was looking out the window at a flock of pigeons in the factory district.patient a, a melancholic, was nodding off,...

The most inspired eyes look into your joy and sorrow,
The vivid drama reshape these momentous events/incredible change,...

(poems go here) I feel it...
Inside of me
Your apart of me
Sweet child of mine, please forgive
Forgive me for...

my brain and my body just aren’t meant for each other,There is no lining up the fight we create in our own heads.It only...

The Front
By Caroline Bradbury
Present one thing
But make up something else
Sit up to drink and dissolve
But then I...

I don't need your sympathy.
I know who I am now.
I feel differently than you but I'm not crazy like I thought I was....

You are a fool
Nothing but that
You think yourself right
But are you really?
You fantasize about what it is
You feel it as...

The Mind.
It is a very fragile thing,
if yours is not sane, then you are an outcast.
Keeping your mentality together is a...

It stares at me in my despair
As I sit in my lonely chair
The numbers on its face
Watch me in my disgrace
It likes to play a...

Who is this girl and all of her insecurities?
She is not pretty enough, not smart why is she here?
Why is she...

A seventeen year old cocaine addict
was the first human
to ever evoke
a sense of belonging
within my barren chest.

You pass through life and it's all a blur,
But something catches your eye.
A momentary pause
Turns into your defining moment...

By Janea Hope
From light to dark
Time is growing thin in it’s
Own right with its head
Below its tale
For Ever falling

Digging deep down inside,
There's no place to ride,
I feel a since of emptiness,
that sometimes I can not hide,
Who cares...

She smiled,she laughed,
Such a happy human being,
She longed to see others smile,
Even if she was bleeding,
She was...

I wasn’t a kid anymore the day you walked out the door.
I stopped playing dress up and started cleaning my mess up.

You're sharing time with each of your loved ones
The clock strikes the witching hour
A well-dressed man steps into the room...

Blood, drugs, tears, alcohol all mingled on my skin as I prayed to you
Long nights all alone and crying,
praying for some...

It was with increasing frequency that my affections dwindled towards them.
I didn't know who she was, or who they were

The eyes of the dead.The skin of the dead. They're both upon us.The sound of the dead.The smell of the dead.We can never...

Beowulf versus Grendel
A classic tale of battle, which continues in me.
My Grendel has terrorized me for years,
Sinking her...

I can’t tell you how scared I am
I can’t tell you about my fear of being left alone
I can’t tell you about the kids who...

Watching me. Faces turn.
Feel the rush of warm tingling blood rise angrily and burn.
Flutter of the wings of Butterfly's who...

I will like meEven though for yearsBut for what felt more likeA millenniumI thought I was a mistakeBecause of the jokes they...

Sprawling on the cold harsh floor Surrounded by broken glass Covered in cuts and bruises Weeping silently Wishing for...

Hold on tight little butterfly
You can fight this
You deserve better
So come on little butterfly fly those wings
You can do...

Nobody starts off as the star of the show in front of a cheering audience
Everyone starts off with a curtain in front of...

The void is made of silvery, satin silk
A beautifully fabricated lie
There's no place for time to fly
There's no voice

It’s lurking.
I can feel it everywhere I go.
Sitting. Watching. Waiting.
Waiting for me to give in to its prescence. ...

Hypnotized by the reality,
Still after soo many years,
My Misty eyes remained silent.
The susurration only had confirmed my...

I want to tell you
How much I care
About your broken green bottle
How much I care about the sea
And dandelions
And cracks...

Come see the beautifull creatures of the underworld she wispered As he entered the entagles of her beautifull world
He was...

I was asked today if I was okay.
When asked that what do i say?
Say yes? and lie,
Say no and explain why?,
which is worse? ...

Tapping fingers on a desk
No one notices
Tapping fingers on the keys
Everyone laughs
Tapping fingers on my head

"Would you consider yourself to be a fighter?" A fiesty, runty, redhead I was. From the day hair sprouted on the top of my...
she always sits on these steps
these old forbidden steps
only because she wants to feel something
whether it's fear, pain,...

what four walls can hide
is astonishing
the face of a girl
that's been hiding
every day
behind that door
it's not what you...

What if the rainbow you searched for as a kid had that pot of gold at the end?
What if everything you went through all the...

As I sit in my bed.I try not to cry.But the tears sneak out.No one can deny.
She has relapsed. Again...My sister has...

Life is sometimes rough
but everything happens for a reason
always make sure to be yourself
Open your mind and your...

Deep within the abyss of my being, my sorrow lingers and brings forth my tears
In which my sadness resides I find the...

Mother you’ve done wellWith your gardens and birds,Your beasts look well as do your skies.But what’s with those little ones?...

It whispers to me like the wind whispers through the trees.
It calls to me as a mother calls for her children.
It seeks the...

Searching for the bridge back home.
I wondered too deep into the forest, I lost myself along the way.
I put a marker at...

Hey, where are you?
I'm calling you but you disappeared again
Hey could you hear me?
I'm screaming here but like always you...

i'm still brokenstill trying to healno help for medoing this all on my owneach scar almost gonejust need to keep my calmdont...

I see the smiles, hear the laughs of my fellows
I feel the joy of the society, see the contented hearts of the people

Bulimia nervosa,
Or so they call it. I wouldn’t say I was too nervous about it;
Actually I was quite disgusted both...

Rolling up, almost past the barrier.
Brakes Squeal and cars jerk in place.
My heart beat is still in a race!...

The putrid heart,
it shows,
all the retched places it's been,
only i shall fetch it,
shield it from it's known horrors,...

it feels just like bleeding
like you’re slowly dying
and as you are crying,
hiding, alone at night
you and that fearsome ...

Do you ever feel your chest sink?
It’s like when you dive under cold water,
The deep ocean pools the emptiness inside

A verse, a sign, a way to move.
To not hinder, cower down, not show up, unlive.
To not be defeated
jealous, envying,...

Every night,
She sits on her bed
Replaying their words as a movie in her head
Her green eyes growing lifeless as time fades...

Wasted time dreaming of a you and me
How stupid could I be
It was all just a game
Now you don’t even know my name
In a narrow crevice
where echoes the hunting hawk's screech,
a cougar asks a bear to explain
the morals of a leech

Story of my life.
Dying, dying, dead.
Story of my joy.
Going, going, gone.
Story of my soul.
Mutilating, mutilating,...

They look, they speak, they hear.
they're looking at me make it stop
in out stop. in
do I look bad did I do something...

Bright lights but a shadow heart
Real Words but a hurtful tougue
Persuasive eyes but different color pupils
Loving songs...

In the abyss
a crevice of black
I curl my neck
ready to attack
With inked rapiers
in my claws
I slash and stab
hoping for...

I am a soldier
Who has fought many wars
That knows how deep the scars run
I am a soldier
Who fights for my pride,
To seek...

Surrounded, trapped to be exact
No matter what way I turn, they're always there
Magazines, TV Commercials, Billboards...

What do you want from me?
Am I not good enough?
Am I a dissapointment?
A mess that needs to be cleaned up?
The perfect...

Corrosive stares deteriorate
the fragile filter my fears create.
This pseudo sense of normality,
is a dam for my creative...

I never understood how people were homesick or what that term really meant.
I am a very logical person or at least I try to...

The heart and soul can do so much,
and leave us so far back.
Make us feel so weak,
Though there's nothing...

Back at it again.
My long lost friend.
Your presence i can not extend.
Your friendship, i can no longer depend...

Can you see her, at the gates of Hell
Pretty white nurse, toting a gag bell
Was she ever yours? Do you even know?
While you...

Even when the snow melts away, I am still cold
winter remains, clinging to my bones
damp and moldy
working its way between...

Idiotic, that is the word,
My life is nothing, not even heard,
To be or not to be,
When there is no fee.
Words on paper,...

Spacing out.
That look in my eyes
that you despise
but I am too far gone,
To notice.
When you ask the question
If you’d...

I feel so lost in space and time that I loose track of who I am and where I'm at. So distant from the world to where I...

Nobody sees the real me -
The me that only appears when I'm in my room all alone,
the door closed and the lights off- Or...

I have A.D.D.
Anything that shines
Anything that chimes
Anything that catches my eye
On my mind
thoughts that never die...

How is she?
They ask.
I don't know what to tell them. I don't know how to say that I see her maybe twice a month. I don't...

Out of the wind
Out of the wild
Sometimes it hurts
Knowing I'm only a child
But when I'm with you
I feel only desire
For you...

It was so easy at first.
Like a moth to the flame.
I was an innocent victum.
And you a harmless game.
Just skip one,
it can...

Pressure is all I feel,
Every day and every moment.
The bills just keep stacking up higher and higher.
Friends want to hang...

I fancy myself as one who knows darkness.
Not that darkness is something wonderful to know,
In fact, it comes...

Her mind flooded by judgment and oppression
Her body aching from hate
Her soul yearning to escape the cage it was forced...

No heart. No pulse.
No distinction between true and false.
A sore hand. A sore wrist.
Playing too long with hands that were...

Every child dreams of their senior year;
For some, it never comes.
Whether tragedy or truancy;
it always seems unjust.

It's all tears from here--
A one way-ticket to eternal heartache.
Darling, you're the only one I can fear--
The one who can...

The single years that feltbest described as decades;
Spent in time isolated, alone and confused
Maturing made difficult;...

She walks alone,
She eats alone ,
She doesnt talk much,
might just say a simple hello,
occationally She smiles,
but She...

Thou camest like lightening through a blue, clear sky,
Like a strong wind through the trees as I walked by,
Like fire...

The darkness
Surrounds me
knawing at me and
saying "come, come"
The hands
r e a c h
for me but I stand firm.
This will...

In the unchecked corner
There is a darkness that thrives.
It lies, and bides its time
Slowly consuming our lives.
The "...

Blissfully dancing, each crimson tear
One by one creating a river
Each river unique
Yet each river filled with sorrow

One day I won't always be there to dust you off after you run through the dust bowl
But please dont ever stop trying
You are...

I may be quiet but I am confident
I challenge opinions but I am interested
I appear stressed but I am focused
I run from...

What am I
I am a person
A girl
A friend
A daughter
I have a face and a body
I have hands and legs and arms
But what am I

Silence is a gift
From you by you
To think and to understand
To understand and to think
Why do you hate silence?
Why must...

I see how you suffer
I want so badly to help
I do not know how
Will you tell me?
Is my smile okay?
Was my hug comforting...

A little more older,
Than before,
Not so keen to cause trouble,
Pain is real,
Muscles hurt,

I try so hard everyday.
I try to make you love me,
I try to love you,
But it only goes away..
Goes more each day.
I try to...

My Flower,
In full bloom,
Demonstrated it's beauty.
My Flower,
Although shrouded from sunlight,
Thrived off of the happines...

You have turned into my writing.
The girl that was lost to herself.
The girl who thought the rest of her life wouldn't be...

I am here. In this second. Without beige and honey paint stroke
Bare boned flesh in disguise, hidden behind deliberate smoke...

This is a story about a perfect family.
A family with a mother who looks at her husband and kids lovingly,
A father who did...

Hate never silenced her wordsAnd compliments never brought about changeAll she ever did was binge and purgeBut her mind...

Why is this so hard?
I look to you as a god, a lord
sittin' on his thrown
as if I had known, that
what I see is merely a...

Their magnetic hands grab at mepulling me into the darkInebriated with emotions.. "NO! Won't stop..won't stop.."A spirit...

Closing the day, going back to remembered dusk and your heart on a spoon,
Dreamland is a little too far among the gray...

This is all very scary to live through
Covid is causing so many bad things
Catching the virus is easy to do
What horrible...

Sit me down on a couch covered in plush cushions
Ask me my name
Ask me my age
Ask me why im here
I can answer these...

I've returned form Never Land,
To the place where you're told how to dream.
I've never enjoyed it here.
These sadistic...

sliced wrists
gashed thighs
voices screaming in my head.
am i better off this way?
a runaway
a thief
been arrested.

The pain of yesterday is calling my name today,
Promising me pain today,
Just like I felt yesterday.
I don’t want to cry...

There’s darkness all around. I cannot see a thing. Darkness surrounds me, for I am afraid. I need you to hold me: to...

I will break away.
I will break away from the walls that hold me.
I will break away.
I will break away from the lies they've...

There were no
scars on my
fragile wrists
only on
my dying
heart, but that
is almost
worse, where no
one can see

My Little Sis
Silence at sunrise.
It's not unusual.
It's summer,
for late slumber.
Yet , a sound.
Woke mother and I....

Why Me?
What did I do to make you want to hurt me?
All I have ever done is to make you happy?
Why Me?
All my life is...

Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me but is it really true cause words can do both break you...

Poetry is not just literature full of rhymes,
but it contains the emotions and inspirations behind it.
Poems are an art of...

Put down the knife another day is coming
No more red drops and keep life going
Battle scars are worse in the heart, I know...

I’m starting to lose my mind
My thoughts are taking over me
And I feel like my mind is going 1,000 mph
Down the freeway...

you're so strong,
you leave such a great impression.
PLEASE! Leave me alone!
Leave me alone so I can go back...

I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place.
I don't know where life or God plan to take me.
I don't know what this world...

Where I see blue, others see gray. The sky is my limit, but for others it's the ground. Perspective is important, it makes...

I am not strong.
When everything in life goes wrong,
When everything in life crashes down,
I drown
And shrink with shame,

Thinking too much
creates bad thoughts.
The negativity in those thoughts
are from depression.
Discontent, sadness,...

Something you are given at birth
A sense of love, happiness
Sadness, pain and family
A beautiful yet treacherous...

A jungle environment
With fists clenched tight.
Clinging onto fig branches
Like a baby koala.
Fingers sharp and tightened,...

I look in the mirror and see skin;
Excess the only perceivable remark.
Peel it away, a voice says to me.
Peel it away, and...

You can see me smile. And think I'm okay. But I'm not. Can't you see? I'm an enemy to myself. And everyday I wish I wasn't...

In a world that often demands perfection
I choose to embrace my own reflection
For within me lies beauty and grace
A unique...
I am broken.
My skin, my soul, my heart, my mind.
I am broken.
I am wounded.
My heart has been stabbed and
Is bleeding out...

Be aware if you dare
stare i don't care
i have everything being my teddy bear
its ok if you dont like me
but i bet my life...

No wasted sighs or pity
The town, the whole universe
It’s too much for him
The dirt, the death
Afraid of something
Afraid to...

Losing a friend isnt instant,
The memories linger,
And the what if's become unbearable.
The guilt sets in at sunrise,

You look and you see disgust
in what others see beauty
you cry because you can't understand
what others see clearly

Everything just feels so screwed up right now.
I don’t want to do anything,
I don’t want to remember anything.
I don’t want...

Let me be,
Notice me,
Take the pain away.
Help me see,
Set me free,
So I can breathe again.
Look at me,
Come cry with me,

what was that? no, no you're right. i shouldn't be walking down the hall this late. if at all possible, you might not ...

Joyful laughter and witty comments are her body
hair shines with intelligence,
sole thick with confidence...

The curtains have closed, do not slow your breathing.
Midnight has come, you feel them near.
The Demons are coming, the...

don't tell me i'm beautiful when i'm really just a slut,
don't tell me i'm lovely if you haven't seen my cuts.
don't tell me...

The fiendish desire to die lurked in the depths of the innocent.
Lost little souls with nowhere to go with their perception...

Long ago, you were a clap of a thunder,
the power behind a gentle smile,
the pulling of a window shade
the clinking of ice...

Dezmonique A. Garris
I walked up to an older lady and told her, “I am your lover”,
I told her never to forget me...

Outside lives a girl with a smile that can brighten up the room,Yet, inside hides a girl with a frown full of despair....

The first time I was told I was too loud, was by my own mother,
She had good intentions, but that just made it hit harder.

Speak softly, don't rush ahead
Things are real,
but not in my head.
The pictures dance and speak
I sit alone with nothing to...

What’s wrong?
A common question with good intention.
Yet when you utter these words,
I feel citrus orchards
tear through my...

That's the target I've been given
Watching the world go by through this dark depression
There's so much more to my mission...

Shy and introverted, scared and intimidated,
Too scared to socialize with the rest of the world.
Is this how my life...

A smile that is what I show
Behind it a tortured mind that no one will ever know
I walk my line, I do my time
I try to be...

Laughter is stuck in the back of my lungs , slaughtering motherfuckers with THC in the back with guns , target practice...

Wouldn't I be pretty
If she wasn't tan and skinny
Knew all the words to country
Like you do
Wouldn't I be pretty
If you...

I heard the other day
About a girl
Just a few years older than me
Who took her own life
She had it all
The love and support...

Let x equal me
Let x^2 equal depression
If I could subtract the anxiety
Add the confidence, squared,
Then that should...

I thought if I closed my eyes,
I would go to sleep.
And dream of beauty and butterflies
and forget my broken wings.

My body begs for me to stop.
I will not listen. I will not give in.
The Voice forbids it.
It's true, less really is...

Poetry soothed me.
The sadness entraped me.
Expression was power;
Power to overcome
Weaknesses that dwelled within.
Suck it in suck it out.
What are you trying to do, pass out?
Not something you wish to be?
Take heavy thoughts in wisely.

I'm having an odd
Because it's late
And my walls are pacing
It's becoming dark
Like usual, this time of...

Walking around all day, feeling like shit. The night before was
difficult, whilst laying on my pit.
I lie down at night,...

My mother is my scar
A mark that reminds me
That I’ll never be successful
In what I want to be
Whether it is music...

I’m cold here within this silence…..
I’m alone here within this silence….
I’ve lost friends, family members, and most...

Peace and sincerity......
Demoralized in a world,
Of where women strive for parity
But become deprived, by the world

I recall our first sibling school picture,
me all curly haired,
smoothed skinned boy,
immaculate in uniform.

Its slumber nary broken
The beast inside the mind.
Pills are the token
To leave the past behind.
The beast inside me stirs...

In a world that often demands perfection
I choose to embrace my own reflection
For within me lies beauty and grace
A unique...

My minds got me convinced that I'm scared of the silence , so I sit here with the music off.
My minds got me convinced that...

Confidence within.
Free from manipulation.
Self empowerment, justified pride.

Schizophrenia makes my brain go insane
hearing voices in my head while I drift into the next lane
they tell me to that to my...

The dark road leads me to a town
that consumes all who fall down
This special black hole place
Were memory and despair...

People say that you choose your mood and I would always interupt them and ask
them why are other people depressed? If you...

Life as we all know it is full of uncertainty and change. So many things can happen and before you know it, life has already...

Everyday its something new.
I try and try to keep you at bay, but I just can't get rid of you.
I've tried ignoring, I've...

I hope you receive whatever it is you desire. Whether it be a King or a Queen, anything that reflects you, will do. I hope...

The Note
You're standing there looking at the lines on the paper. You want everything to just be ok, but you know it...

Am I alive?
I seem to be
but is this really me?
Am I real?
The others see me,
but i may just be a reflection,
an illusion,...

Dark clouds,
cover the emptiness in my chest,
my hope will break the windows of ignorance that threaten to box me in,

I don't even remember,
the times I used to cry
All that I can remember,
was redness in my eyes
I keep on laughling,
Life has taught me to be strong,
I have learned right from wrong.
I'm planning on bettering myself,
Making a mental...

-What a strange relationship we had
yet the only time I felt love was then
The Refrigerator Mother was...

In my dreams,
I awake from reality ,
And escape to my fourth dimension,
Where I find peace and clarity,
And run away with...

I feel different, I know I am. I get stares just by walking in a room, I get laughed because I don't have that pair of shoes...

Why do we wake up?
Humans are evil .
Humans are dumb.
Humans can think yes.
But only of what suits them best.
Humans walk...

Normal is all I want to be.
Normal is what they say I am.
But Normal is not what I am.
They say, I am Normal.
Who calls...

I’m tired of feeling this way.
I’m tired of being the irrelevant character in a plot that doesn’t need me.
I’m tired of...

The toxins taste like chilled cherries
Once your purpose is as buried as pharaohs past.
Inside the pyramid lies a...

There's this girl in the mirror
I wonder who she is.
There's a story, lullabies, and goodbyes
When she's looking back at me...

you feel all aloneyou cant breathe from this lonelinessyou feel suffocated with this emptinessyou feel dead insidebut do...


In the field, on your toes, eyes always open.Blink, you're dead. Sneeze, your platoon is dead.(Be the perfect soldier — no...

Sit before the Lord.
Stand before the Lord.
Kneel before the Lord.
Sharing my secrets
And sins with the pews.
As if they...

It’s so frustrating
You’re suffocating on Societies poison of thoughts and decisions
You want to be prestigious so you study...

I wish for a life
Where we love eachother unconditionally
Where the abuse of spouses and children is absent
I wish for a...

(One Cut)
Don’t ever wake up at 3am
It’s scary enough falling asleep
Waking up out of a state of rest
Takes a lot of...

Mirror mirror on the wall,
you make these girls feel very small.
Megan Fox and Brittany Snow
the faces we all love and know...

Everyday I stare at the clock
I watch as oblivion moves
Tick, Tock
I stare out the window
The birds fly by
No time...

The feeling at hand brings on trouble and issues that I cannot stand
It changes my plans and unfortunately, I cannot fuflll...

I am the death in your eyes, the tension in your veins, the creator of your despise. I am why your blood rains. You are me...

A smiling face
A cheerful laugh
She seems happy
But it never lasts
She goes to bed
But she can't sleep
The depression hits...

I'm headed straight for the floor
don't wanna fight anymore
I'm tired of giving my all
of pushing past these walls
I can...

Till this day,they think I am a dorknothing less than a jokeI cant denythose words ruined my lifeTill this day, I still...

My soul
Is like a polaroid:
Something beautiful waiting to happen,
But turned dark
When exposed to the world

Integration, assassination, precipitation falling from judges heads as they decide the outcome in a steamy Louisiana court...

She'll never know the pain behind your eyesShe'll never see the damsel in disguiseShe'll never know the truth that lies...

Where is my youth?
Wasted on a site.
Where is the truth?
Hidden in the night.
Where is mind?
Pasted nowhere in sight. ...

The voices scream their whispers at me.
Their haunting voices fill my mind.
You can't escape your own mind.
There's not...

Was born from a mother's wound.
Almost died as she opened her eyes.
Felt a thing around the neck.
Tight, no air, I can’t...

The bright morning light's nearly dark as the sun.
The baby blue roses, silent at first sight,
are actually discussing...

I sit here letting out silent pleas
With the blood that I bleed.
I cut myself, once again,
Hoping that it will cause my...

She was squatting on the dark
worn out
green bench.
Kids’ echoing laughs passed by.
Her head pointed up to the bright blue...

O Orb in the sky, break through
The ice in my body.
Melt the frost in my heart,
The freezing daggers of my eyes.

-It's hard getting in touch with your feelings and even harder to tell people how you feel
-It's even harder being an actor...

I AM A fighter.
Walk towards the ring as fresh and ready to go as a microwaved Hot Pocket.
Six States inhabited.

With negativity enbedded in their minds and saddness permanetly saturated within their veins, people in need of help are...

Why do I smile? I smile because I have to. I smile because I can't let people down. When they look at me they have to be...

submerged deep within my thoughts
lay a community of lies
gathering and organizing
to keep me from my prize
Static is all...

Ribbons of hunger,ripple through my bones.More pain and fury,than I have ever know.Eyes of fire,that blaze with red."You're...

Through the earth, past heaven and sky
towards the shore where God's May lie.
From the world life's conquered
once more, I...

I lie on the ground from discomfort,
Sound plays in the background, I listen,
Then standing I follow it, leading...

Hearing my own thoughts as if they were being spoken aloud.
Its like I'm being jumped by words I scream STOP at the top of...

Leave me here in my sorrow,
The pain I feel has left me hollow.
No longer are those cheerful nights,
Instead exist...

Strained thoughts fly through my mind
Like cracks in the pavement.
Each line deliberate and
I stare at my hands...

It’s not that I don’t like the light,
It’s that I prefer the dark.
I don’t mean to shut you out
Or push you away.
I prefer...

Why must I crywanting to die?Sad puffy eyesthat wont go dryI loathe this lifeand days that fly.Sick and deprivedto feel...

The darkness formed a box in my mind,
Trapping my thoughts and never letting me see the light.
I'm trapped within my own...

Please Note: There is a trigger warning for this poem.
As she covers her arms, she covers her whole world.
A world rooted...

I see it when no one does
frightful, tormenting, traumatic
I see it when no one does
A ghost
My ghost
The ghost is me

I am from the hot ocean breeze
and crystal clear waters
From the baseball fields
where the dug-outs are covered in original...

Why can't you hear me ?
Am I not loud enough
Don't you hear my thoughts
Striking the sides of my mind with such brutal...

All my life I've been surrounded by competition that I want no part of, but I gotta admit that I dream of a job that's more...

I can never speak, the words come out
twisted and jumbled and ran together
as if the sentences I form were hit by
a train...

We all give something up for love
For the feeling that were high above
the touch and tenderness of one another
more than the...

Your skin is like a magnet
You are bound to get scars
Whether they are on purpose
Or by accident
When it is on purpose

I remember the day, I remember it all
It was a rainy day.
The sun took cover behind the clouds, I guess it knew my fate.

In the dark
Where life is lost
Dreams are dust
Feelings Dumb
People wicked
Voices pester
The thought alone
Of bliss it...

As I sit through your class,
I hold back tears.
Tears of anger, tears of stress, all kinds of tears.
But the tears you will...

Mocking mirrors here and therealways relishing my despair.Never ceasing in their testimonyuntil I miraculously become bony."...

Welcome to the mind of the twisted minded
Depression took him over, now he is blinded
From what he can remember he was...

I can't put the pen down.
Phrases, words...
A plethora of sequences run through my mind.
Never fleeting, never failing,...

Oh sweet companion, how did you know?
That I would need comfort, when hitting this low.
We knew this was coming, We’ve been...

I learned in philosophy on Wednesday that
Evil leads to Suffering
Suffering leads to meaning--
A search for meaning.
I am...

"Describe yourself in three words."
Descibe myself in three words.

It keeps her heart sweet, her mind pure,
But they still are unable to find a cure.
While others wont keep her feelings in...

I sit in class and don't say a word.
When I do speak up, I go unheard.
People say "I know who you are", but they really don...

waves of suspision splashed on the shore,
finding what truly matters always fathomed my mind.
Until my glasses fog from the...

We are equal,
can't you see?
There's no need
for you to be mean,
or downgrade me.
I never did anything to you,
you won't...

Depression depression you bring me down you make me sad you make me drown.
Drowned in emotions so deep so dark, they melt my...

I am like dirt.
People don’t like dirt.
I don’t know if it’s just for how I look
Or for how I am.
Some of the people that I...

Attracted and driven by atomic hedonism,
but a quiet pious life does not elude my dreams.
Vengeance and ruthlesness sear my...

I am different now,
no longer a child.
I hate the life I have
I want the life I use to have.
Before the incident.

Every thought assaults me,
You're too fat
Your nose is crooked.
Why can't you look like your sister?
You've gained weight.

Sanity with Humanity
My smiles remained fake,
the weight of society hard to take.
I went downward because of a coward.

A writer without a pen is like a horse with no hair. Naked, ashamed and buried in a pit of self loathing and despair.Words...

sitting in the chair alone he sobssobs for the loss of his wife, and his childrenthey all left him when he lost his jobhis...

once upon a time,
an old woman with wrinkled hands held out an apple.
“try it. take a bite.”
snow white smiled, shook her...

It feels like I'm spiraling down
Toward the floor
I can’t stay here in this world
It's a hard time for me
As anyone else

Staring at the blank paper in front of me, I think about what to write. If only my clouded mind could turn from being dark...

Be still
Take a moment
Breathe in
Step outside
Let the weather caress your skin
To realise
The world is bigger

Waking up is always the same
Eyes opened to a new day
With erased mistakes
Ready for the new ones I will eventually make...

The future is mine.
With the present stress,
I promise it will be fine,
In the future I see success.
Now is the time to...

Sometimes I forget.And oh the bliss that comes along withthese moments of unforeseen abstraction.The bliss that helps me...

Silver and crimson over and over
Across my arms, along my wrists and neck
My good friends help me keep my composure
When I...

There is something about the cold,still air
That made your senses sharpen
And suddenly, you see every hair on your arm,...

I see a familiar looking girl,
smiling on the outside, sad on the inside.
Ghosts of her past would always linger their way...

I was always a mixture of too much and not enough.
A galaxy dotted with stars and brillance,
but with dark spaces in...

I've been wandering these streets for years now
Searching for answers to questions i dont know
Hoping to find them in...

I tried to balance
The pressures from a distance
In safety
But the winds pulled
At my current until I
Was sucked in

Vulerable, Alone, Unstable.
Without the makeup, you can't make a smile
You can only cry because you don't have your costume...

I lost myself a while ago
I lost myself because I lost all hope.
Still, slowly, I try and stand
Though I fall and fall, I...

Sitting in this Room,
Mouth clenched shout.
My thoughts keep talking.
I can taste the silence on the
tip of my tongue.

I'm running, but going nowhere.
I need help.
Help me try to get through all these nightmares
that keep racing through my...

Upon thy field you've blessed.
The track of home. The throw my will. And the score the truth.
my constant battle of am I...

She's overreacting Her pain isn't real Her tears aren't real Her fears aren't realButHer dreams areHer pain is greatHer...

If you look deep in my eyes
You could find out about me
I never express it
Unless it's in poetry
You would find pain and...

Darkness my friend,
reaching out to me,
tearing at me trying to make me notice you,
Cut. Cut....

I destroy homes, tear families apart,
take your children, and that's just the start.
I'm more costly than diamonds,more...

What if I told you I wasn't okay?
would you continue to stand and walk away?
why is it so hard to see my point of view?

Fate could be any darker,
waking to broken dreams and nightmares,
never to reach full potential,
the light ahead seemed so...

I though I had schizophrenia. Or was it schizo-affective disorder. Maybe I'm a little shy around the girl. So What. Who isn'...

When you seek power and control over other people, you waste energy. When you seek money or power for the sake of the ego,...

In three weeks I’ll accept my diploma, wearing my cap & gown;
I should be happy, but I’m truly sad, because my dad’s not...

Walking on a thin line
Passing the warning sign
Where did I go wrong
On this road so long?
Walking down this cold road

I want to escape,
Escape from here,
Total frustration,
Anger, fear.
I want to escape,
Escape from here,
Too much confusion...

Anger is like a wildfire
It burns down a whole forest of trees
The trees are the relationships
That affect you and me.

Flaws and all She was born like this not very tall with curves he likes to kiss the chubby cheeks on her face a smile that...

Dear Depression,
Your waves rushed over me
The pain was comparable to the sting of your biggest bee
Your words...

She Just Wants To Get Away ,
From All This Hatred And Emotion ,
All The Hearts She Handed Out To Them Return Broken ,

I run for me, and not for you.
It's time to improve myself, and be the person I want to be.
I lift because it makes me...

Feelings dark,
Dripping like black ink
Kill the beast!
Cut his throat!
Spill his blood!
Makes the...

When my glass slipped out of my hand
I watched in horror
Full of dread, if nothing else
Knowing what was to come
And before...

Two days clean,
All down the drain,
To myself, I’m mean,
I just don’t feel the pain.
Through the cuts, the blood seeps out,...

I know I may not be much
But who knows what goes on in my head
No one seems to care
I am seen as nothing there
I feel...

Pounding in my chest
I can't breathe.
The only time I get away
is when I sleep.
How did this happen?
Am I...

I look to the sky
And wonder where I'll be
Will I still be alive in ten or two years?
Will I ever learn to face my fears?

And the way that you left me
I hope you don't forget me
Look me in the eyes
You left me hypnotized
Our love broke out but...

Blue eyes looked down at me
But I didn’t want to look.
The words “I love you” left your lips
But I couldn’t say it back....

Whispers from the Abyß
Posted on November 11, 2017
Opera Rülë Zërœ
A Modassic Classic
They cut the throats of our...

Look before you leap
That's what my mother used to say to me
Like a child who knew everything, I acted un-interested in her...

People must know
and be aware
that they shouldn’t be scared
by fear or any of its allies:

If i had the courage to tell you how i feel then you might fall for me
if i had the stregnth to hold our relationship then...

Roses are said to bloom in the spring,
Just like every other flower.
Perhaps this year there is a different timing,
For a...

Road Map
Look into my eyes that's where my demons hideWhere my stories lie, a place that cannot be deniedTo look, to see, to...

I'm fine.
You're not.
You're fine.
I'm not.
Push it away. I don't want to think about it.
It's not me.
It is you.
Why are...

She'll never get anywhere the way she acts, they all say.What's her problemShe thinks she's to good, they all whisper.It's...

People always told me,
That my best friends could become my enemies.
Too bad nobody warned me about my family.
In my time...

Rock-a-bye, baby
Won't let you drop
When the wind blows,
You cry and don't stop.
Then daddy hits mommy,

This is not okay.
It is not okay that people don’t know how to cope.
It is not okay that the only way they find relief is by...

Please, let me live in a fool's fantasy,
don't come crashing down on me with reality.
Let me swim in a sea of innocence,

What is beauty?
A number on the scale
The size of your jeans
A smile on your face
Or something in between?
I see beauty in...

My life is like a book,
Its pages torn,
Its words stained,
Its cover beaten,
Sometimes its hard cover becomes,

Padded locks lining the door frame,
Keeping the monsters outside at bay.
Attempting constantly to have monsters tamed,

Some winds will blow your boat forward,
while others can send you back shoreward.
Plenty will bring along waves and rain,...

Gravity is irresistible.
I want to stay away,
But this concept is not unmistakable.
It must sustain on the bay.
I feel...

I see myself,
I hate what i see
I can't stand the reflection staring back at me.
My hands are shaking,
my eyes are swelling...

I lay here
thinking about my life
all these things I have to do
I'm so young
why is all this stuff being thrown at me?

It sits in the of your mind,
It claws at your thoughts to give you what it finds.
It seems to want to disappear for a...

Vibrant Oranges and reds that have gone mute
Seeming to be in a negative filter
Blues and purples coming into a mix

Somewhere customary and serene
Disturbance of none
Except the existance of a dream
One feels free, yet alone
In a state...

She sits.
She waits.
Alone, ever so,
in the dark corners of her mind.
She muses.
She doubts.
Love is but a myth to her....

Who am I
Behind the mask,
Just get to know me,
And you won't have to ask.
I'm like nobody else,
A snowflake of creation

Day goes by without knowledge of it
Day goes by just living it
Day goes by doing what we know and love
Day goes by doing...

My toxic trait
My toxic trait is that I argue with God
Ya know the alpha and the omega
Jah, Allah, and Yeweah

Learn early to trust no one,
Or later suffer a pain of a whole ton,Let go of desires,Write them down and throw into fires,...

My troat is closing
Faster.... faster....faster
I want to shout at you, but I can't.
Why did you have to...

There is this deepness,
Burning in me.
Begging me to give in.
Striving for approval,
Reaching for hope,
My mind is the enemy
I can't seem to shake off all my demons
I'm my own worst enemy
When will this madness end?
I'm my...

The first wall to fall was made of ice
It was cold and sad and gloomy like me
But underneath your touch it melted
Warmed by...

Wake up in the morning,
lazy and tired me.
Mad at the world me,
when it’s just me.
Irritated and sad me.
Dad and me,

I hear it all the time,
Your words are truth,
Your words are strong, ha.
My words are drowning in lies,
And are too weak to...

The Monster Behind Your Eyes
You wake up everyday day, but your day starts backwards. It's not you who wakes up, it's...

If I was to put into words
The most necessary thing in my life
I would be doing her an INJUSTICE
She is more than just a...

Thankyou anxiety! For everything I thought I couldn't do,
for the moments I felt blue because of you,
and convinced myself I...

A Man who's come from Ill life experiences.
Not many friends anymore.
All gone from the ghetto ignorance.
I've discovered...

When I heard the news,
A dormant emotion roared to life inside me.
My windows to the world has blinds of what I choose to...

Hey you misguided soul, I know that you can hear me
Come wander in darkness, free from the people's scrutiny
It must hurt...

sunshine fades
hope delayed
whispered sadness
shallow breathing
inner madness
always healing
constantly dreaming

I have a secret. It’s sad and it’s dark.
I do cut my wrist with a knife that is sharp.
My parents don’t know what I go...

Today I’m done with EarthI want to say “Goodbye”All these things I’ve witnessedMake me say “I’m done” and cryI’m running on...

They tell her things
They say cruel things
They can't be heard by anyone else
The voices in her head
It started when she...

Silly little girl, quit your dreaming
This world is not for you.
The tide is crashing in again,
The lies all scream they’...

I have fire in my mind
Ice in my heart
Light in my eyes
Darkness in my soul
My demons consumed me
And spit me whole
I found...
Let me be me
Stop criticizing every move I make
Stop judging me, without fair play
You make me out to be the villain

Everyday is the same
The feelings I have can't be tamed
Do these people have no shame
Walking down the halls

Cold. Sharp. Inviting.
I don’t want anyone to pull me back into this world.
There is a reason I want to leave, and pulling...

I said I would quite and, I know I promised but darlin' this world is tearing the cries from my soul and making them scream...

They say that love cant exist without hate, but i dont find that to be true
The hatred is strong
Strong enough to stop the...

She sits alone
No one by her side
She's only nine
Everyday and every night that poor little girl cries
Her life has been...

Alocohol, Caffine, and NicotineSkipped AD’s, hellish dreams
Sex, drugs, out of bowlsOCD, no control
Depression and...

My happiness, is my sadness.
You are always here,
for me,
with me.
Understanding me, more and more,
day by day.

I'm writing..... writing.. and writing.
And I lose myself in the intensity of my inquiries.
It seems pointless sometimes to...

People expect me to be strong.
Like the man with the long salt-and-pepper beard in his tan Volvo making his way across a...

Vast are the expectations of a grueling crowd of thieves.Stealing all the souls from the lonely hearts they feed.A chemical...

Middle class, two parents, average grades, no life changing experiences.
How do i become successful in a community where...

As time stands still,
The glistening of the trees quiver.
I wait silently until,
The cold breeze finally makes me shiver....

The fall is more than you can imagine
The twisted sounds of the poet's words
Creates a fury deep down
That cuts more than...

When thoughts fail, or words do not come
Though all alone emotion remains
I should not be guided by this
But I can get...

Im driving down the road
An emerald meadow bathed in moonlight
The azure river did flow
That mid summer sunday midnight...

Before I was better nothing was right.
I'd cry in the mirror in the middle of night.
Before I was better my skin felt so...

The key to thee
is that of three
Know this mastory of three
and truely shed thy
body and be free
Live that of three

they are heroes
heroes in discreet
they are the heroes no one notices
and no one will notice,but they are heroes
whether it...

Divided by three the strength in me still exceeds infinityBecause my affinity to be great cannot be gratedSo I apologize if...

I feel like I'm in a movie.
But not like a super cute 90’s teen drama where the girl runs around the whole movie acting...

I'm pushed around by a big mean kid, the bully of the playground
In my mind that kicks and hits and spits about the bits and...

You feel alone don't you?
Your heart is aching with an unbearable pain.
He hurt you. And he was the one you trusted most.

Do you know how it feels
To be alone and unwanted
Crying but no one to talk to
In pain and no one can mend it
When your...

The tides of life take me high and low,One moment I can dip deep into the abyss or into the heights of the sky.
I am a boat...

I know you're hurt, but can you help me sleep tonight? Can you let me sleep in ur arms tonight?...Just for one last night...

wisper wisper
the voices' lysp fill my ears
they've been with me all these years
they constanly go never ending

And That’s the Tea: Reality
I always imagined what college would be,
but never expecting what would become of me

it looks in my eyes
pleading me to use em but I tell him no I refuse but he knows my words were all lies
I can't find myself...

They shuffled in every Page
In every word they flew
They danced in my teardrops
But that you can't do
It all burns from the...

You would think I'm the perfect girl
I have the perfect grades, perfect smile, perfect personality to...

You Are
You feel lost
You have nowhere to go
You are lost
You feel like you're just a face in the crowd
Never noticed, left...

He barks so loud
Right in my ear
Like the most annoying alarm.
“Time to get up.”
He yips.
“I am starving.”
I just want to...

have you ever met someone
and found yourself
so overwhelmed by passion
that you just had to tell them everything?
every odd...

I’m drowning in myself
I can’t catch a break
And can’t catch a breath
I’m drowning, the darkness spreading

Strip me down,
Tear off my jeans.
Smear away my makeup,
Wipe my face clean.
Strip me down,
Unfollow my twitter.

The Ocean pulls it’s body back and forth like my lungs that breathe in life.
And my heart that drums it’s final beats.

Lost in time.
Lost in the dark.
Lost in the light.
She gave up, she never won a fight.
She’s drowning in depression. ...

The sunlight creeps in through the cracks
Peeking in on myself
Covering me in the light of what was,
from son to sun.

In this moment,I step off the chairFeel the ropePull on my neckAs I swing through the airOn my summer tree."Would you kiss...

They tell her it’s good for her
and that they’re guilty they noticed too late
that it’s vital for her
it’s wrong
(what she’s...

Does anyone else feel like they are useless? Did anyone else think they could be better?
Does anyone else hate themsleves...

Resembles a singing sun, is the heart’s first hope-
Does it enlighten, does it not shine?
As sweet as a mocking bird, is...

My smile
Secretly pleaded
Was all I needed
It asked
For someone to fix the cracks and wavering
To acknowledge my joy...

I once believed
I once believed
That I could one day change the world
The world is a cruel place
And I wanted to change...

It is cold.
Not outside in this physical state but mentally and inside this heart and mind.
It is cold.
Its something I can...

I need to relax.
Right, left, right, left.
Step on every single crack.
Right, left, right, left.
Stumble purposely...

When you're worried
Don't think you have to walk alone in the rain
Love has no boundaries my love
You won't ever have to...

How is college?
She asks, I laugh
I quit
Her eyebrows
Drawn together, concerned
Are you eating?
I sip my black coffee...

Poetry has taught how one expresses their feelings without speaking.
Rainy weather is the best weather.
It shows that even...

Scared is a State of mind.
but its a feeling i learned to leave behind
it will be a matter of time
before being scared come...

I see no hope. I see no future. I hate that I see this but my mind is drunk. Falling over getting back up and falling all...

One hour looking at one page
One hour, in one seat
One hour, one location
One mind, one focus
One flaw within this plan

(poems go here) The world is so big
And she so small
She is scared and weak
Moving centimeter by centimeter
Inch by inch

I've noticed something
in the past year.
There is sadness
in everyone's eyes.
Some more than others,
but it's there.

My heart flutters
The beating of the wings
My speech stutters
The pain is the sting
Away the happiness flies
The pounding of...

Standing before the full classroom
I suddenly feel their age again
Awkward in my own skin, let alone my clothes
It takes a...

Is it really my fault
I can't explain the heavy heart I feel
I feel like crying
But I have to hold it in
Everything is my...

(poems go here) Blood shutter eyes
Can't seem to find the light,
Prisoner inside a box where shadows are ghost,
peeling the...

I know you're my teacher, and you need to talk, but I can't be alone in a meeting with you.
You see when I was little, I...

To get there
Rising each day
the sun gleams bright
Following the path
to a better night
Hunger aches me daily
As I struggle...

The darkness swallowed me whole
I was drowning, struggling to breathe
I reached out trying to grasp onto something, anything...

Sometimes my brain is not kind to me.
It starts with the sounds around me.
My teacher is talking.
My classmates are...

From the split ends in your hair
and the gap between your teeth
to your unsightly wide hips
and your brown skinned, dark...

In Respect To A Lady Of Granted Due
iLL Tell You A Secrect That once was true
I Ate A Biscuit and Sat On A Log
I HAd A BiG...

You had a family who loved you
who took care of you and had your back
You chose to turn to the dark side but you didn't get...

Without fliter i am just an average girl.
A girl with imprefect skin and facial features
The fliter protects me from the...

There are days,
When I can't help but look at what I have done to my own body.
The scars. The marks.
I did that to myself....
Allow the tears sear your cheeks while you leave your reality and embrace that fake necessity. Release the pain entrapping...

Rainbow Of Possibilities
Am I the shy girl that sits alone in the lunch room
Who barely speaks
And silence is...

My mind is whirlingMy heart beats so fastI can hear it comingThis is the very last My eyes are closingMy hands I tightly...

I don’t know what to do.
My world’s falling apart and I feel so blue.
Every planned day never seems to work.
I drown in...

As our worries start rise, the emptiness of our world fulfills itself. When do the thoughts that make our mind itch stop?...

Your hurt, I want to help
But I'm not aloud
Your sick, I want to help
But you refuse
You fall, I want to help
But I can't do...

Twisted wrong
Stepped over upon
I glare up to see
While on the ground
I see myself
To be the one
Who tortured me all along...

My heart grows weak from the pain and the suffering of this cold hearted world i sit back and wonder why i have to be so...

The shrinking girl
Slowly shrinking,
getting smaller,
Day by day she loses more.
driven by pain,
and words of anger.
Used to be afraid of the cracks in my house falling through the light of day
crawl around run from this but something is...

What if one day the normals changed?
What if one day they screamed for no reason? Or cried for no reason. Or said I hate...

Momma I just wanted to say I forgive you.Even though you've blamed me for everything.To this day you blame me for your...

Not everything works
Like it used to when
We were young
Disease fills us
Disorders rot our minds and
We’re never cured...

At 1,
You had a simple interest in spoons.
At 11,
You laughed at the sight of yourself picking up another one, as your...

Recently, I have come across the incredible works of Yayoi Kusama, a Japanese contemporary artist, touched by mental...

Tick tock,
Good morning,
Today, a life will be lived and a life will be lost
Today, a murder will happen and a child will be...

Cycles of life and death slowly unravelling
The path I walk is blistering with pains so deep
Hope immersed in darkness,...

I am in a river and the current has caught me
under my feet and is sweeping me downstream.
I try to gasp for air, but I can...

Your wrists, your arms, your ankles, your thighs. Look me in the eyes and tell me you're fine.
You're stronger than you know...

What is the city girl to do when her city is burning once more? Is she to continuously rebuild her mirror fall skyscrapers...

Just Tryna stay sain before my mind becomes slain from my hearts eruption. I'm headind down a steady path of self...

Open you throat
Let your emotions pour out,
Like the rainstorm that threatens to come.
We will sit under rain clouds and...

Mirrors and mind contort what I see,
Skinny and thin is what I must be;
86 pounds just isn’t enough,
Starving myself is...

Dear Depression,
Yes, I am fully aware that you're here.
I know that you are always by my side,
But for Godsake please be a...

How many people know
What it feels like
To have anxiety
How many know
What a panic attack
Feels like
To be unable

A broken head and broken soul
Struggling to make sense.
The past two months took a tole
I feel my body on defense.
As I look...

flow so potent no emotion jus stay focused on your toesa
show my foes i go beast mode chico loco pouncin bogo
ocean motion...

The epitome of hope gleams in your eyes
Fear, a constant reminder of the past
Whispers in the wind, an unknown story

In the end we are only dust blending in, the essence and energy of our youth lost.
The crow claws at the bones that once...

Swallowed into forever darkness, I find myself.
no sense of a beginning no sense of an end
The Air is dry.
Stiff, breathless...

We all have our issues.
And everyone’s problems are relative.
Relative to the life they live and the experiences they have....

I tried to end what life he gave,
I treid to end what I thought was sin.
Daily I thought "How can I win"
Within this...

I thought I knew him
I thought he was the missing piece of my life
I thought he'd never smash my world to pieces
I thought...

I was 8 years oldAnd I found myself swingingReaching for the starsHoping that aliens might come fromFar off and take me to...

They're always following me, never can get enough.
Streets, buildings, cars.
There they are....

To my dear depressing thoughts,
You’ve been apart of my life for so long.
Living, breathing and hurting inside of me.

i’ve got a winter soul and a brittle heart
no sweetness calm could stop the start
a cloud of mist begins to swell

For so longed I've searched
Yet, I could not find
The one in whom I first discovered truth
The one that showed my purest...

Today is the last day that I'm neglecting words.
They've inspired me, acquired a new meaning to function effortlessly and...

Can You hear me, God?
It's me again.
I've come to talk to you
about my dear friend.
She told me the story of
how she...

I am the voice for the mentally insane.
I speak on behalf of the those with voices locked inside their brain.
The ones who...

I can hear it
My blood rushing
My mind pounding
My heart gushing
Living a lie for what people want me to be
Does it even...
My anxiety release is witnessing the night transforming into day.
Indulging in this natural reoccurrence is like...

Darkness surrounds.
Sudden burst of lights.
What do these stars carry with them?
I am a whirlwind
I cannot choose the place to go
I am a whirlwind
I cannot chose the place to go
This energy is overwhelming...

She fell from my arms into the burnt rose bush. Ashen peddles covered most of her in clouds. As she lay the charm I knew...

What is chaos? Complete disorder and confusion, destroying everything in it's path.
Leading some to their own execution,...

I wanna run away
Away from all the hurt and pain
Painful mistakes and irony misplaced
That is all I...

My head is up and my heart is beating
But yet it doesn’t feel any different to be standing here
Like I’m someone I’m not

Every morning she wake up
wash her face
paint on her socially acceptable face and pretends
pretends of being something she...

What is distress in the land of opportunity
My life is a snitch because in the end she's always telling on me
I'm falling...

Pressure can create beauty or beasts
Pressure can create success or lessons
Either you remember why you do
Or you fall to...

the words that are spoken, lay heavy at one's grave. longing for rest, so it sits and waits. blessed is the man that is not...

(poems go here)
dear rady,
I never stop thinking about you.
I wonder where you are...
what you're doing,
who your with......

Nothing ever goes right
This is why I write
It's easy to slap on a smile
Does that always mean it's real?
I feel insanity...

I'm stuck…
I'm trapped…
Give me your luck,
I'm strapped…
I'm strapped…
I'm in pain…
Help my pain,
Help my sane,...

I wasn't dead, no I wasn't alive
I trenched the earth with my own design
I kicked the dust up into my lifeless mind
I stood...

Tears employ life's purest energy They contain what we're meant to be Small droplets brewed from our soul Dropping silently...

That beautiful smile
I shall never forget
The smile you gave to everyone
So beautiful
I can visualize it
I wish I can see...

It was a good year
till fear appeared
and destroyed my career
which put me in tears
but now I am here
ready to cheer ...

As a bird
She flies away
With the setting sun
Brave and radiant
With a burning soul
And determined heart
She soars far above...

I’m running.
Always running.
I’m running through the forest, and I can’t look back.
I can never look back.
I want to look...

Many a man question what darkness is, where does it come from where does it go?
How can the darkness transcend upon us who...

my stomach is in knots
my face hurts
my eyes burn.
you hurt me
i hurt you.
it’s almost too much.
i promised i’d never leave...

Items, gadgets, substances, objects, clothes, gear,
supplies, equipment, MACHINERY...
Just a preview of a recipe that is...

life has thrown you
into a wave to carry you away
everything is out of control
nothing is in your grasp

The walls…
The walls are screaming at my silence
Pestering me me me and irritating me me me
Mocking my name,
My name in this...

Is Fear the feeling that you get when you can’t stand on your own two feet when challenges comes your way?
Is Fear darkness...

At some point or another, we all will want to quit.Everbody's been there. Go ahead and admit.But at some point in time, we...
Dear ED,
or should I call you by your real name?
Oh, how far we go back.
I have written this letter in my head...

A flooded tub stands in the center of
An illuminated chamber
Filthy, ink water covers the upper surface of the tub

You, at any one time, have a choice of
Good, and of course the Bad, and less recalled
Nothing. It is through ation by way...

"You can do it."
"I've been in your shoes."
"It's just teenage angst."
"I understand."
You don't understand.
I cannot...

A lot of things have happened over time.
The fall and rise of friends and enemies,
And the destruction of the greatest lie....

There's a pit
Stretching from the ends of space
To the void in my heart
Infection ravenges flesh and bone alike...

Drowing in my thoughts,
My happiness disappears and rots.
Swimming in my fears,
Nothing but panic and tears.
Floating in my...

(poems go here) I once had a tortured soul.
Head down, beating on the pavement
Not lonely just empty
The sight and lust for...

I feel him on my back,
The demon that’s riding me,
He’s been with me through everything.
Every panic attack,
He’s the one...

Its everywhere around the room
Piles are here and there
bulging from the drawers unraveled and unmaintained
years of...

The night gave me a knife,
The knife was swift and gleamed in the light;
The air in my throat escaped, leaving my lungs...

A place within is, there is, a large room with no walls, no floors, or no ceilings
A deep abyss inside us, there dwells our...

growing up
throwing up
find your shoe
need to poo
write a line
find sometime
to realize
to emphasize
to change your skin...

The fog has settled in
It swirls around my head
It's there when I wake up
And when I go to bed
I cannot plan my future

Dragons do exist- I’ve glimpsed one
Flying overhead
But Camelot lies far away
From the confines of my bed
Dragons can...

In Respect To A Lady Of Granted Due
iLL Tell You A Secrect That once was true
I Ate A Biscuit and Sat On A Log
I HAd A BiG...

Rise in the morning, to know something is wrong.
Enter class to see blurs of movement and shades.
A panicked breath and a...

Deep breathes, tie the sock harder around your bicep
Tears running down my frozen face
Lips red and big, bottom lip...

The street
I walked down the street
The wind whispered in my ear.
The only sound is the pounding of my feet.
I wish there...

Memories of bright days flow out of my head and drip to the floor
Into a liquid blob of obscure, lifeless, dark figures....

The door is shut again
I'm the one that shut it.
They are the ones that started it
How can you live in a home like this?

I look deep into the windowless abyss falling further and further into the never ending wormhole i call a brain
it is weird...

You brought me into the world,
So gracefully,
You told me you were actually supping soup,
The connection I had...

There's a quiet thunderstorm inside my head,
the thoughts strike across my brain,
neurons illuminate with light,...

I hide behind a curtain of isolation
i stand with my friends and feel a strange emotion
isolation when standing with people...

I wonder, I ponder, I breathe
I let my eyes go blind when dozens of roses come my way
I let ideas challenge the way I...

There are voices telling you thatLaying in bed and crying all day is normal.You're just an "average teenager."It's just...

What goes up,
Must come down.
So will my smile,
Become a frown?
And will my cruelness,
Come back around?
Will Karma...

Who am I, Really?
I know I am a Woman but what make me who I am this very moment?
Who am I, really?
I have a past that's...

Maybe I will heal myself.
Perhaps it could be me, or else,
Maybe it will be the paper and the pen
That could finally fill...

His hollow black eyes whisper lethal,
but he sure knows how to weave grace into a dull ribcage.
His secrets of elegance...

The mind is an insect,
Bothersome, but auxiliary.
Needed by all, hated by all,
The source of all pain.

Why are my brothers and sisters judged on the color of their skin
Why do Women compete when in we're alive isn't that...

A wolf alone in the wood,
Not by choice but by cruel fate,
A social animal without a pack,
A mind consumed by hate.

The Weed
You say I make you better but you make me worse
You're like a weed in a garden
The Weed see's how beautiful the...

The greatest strength
I've seen in people I've known,
Is their ability to
Reject the love
They are offered
In order to...

I fear to dream like to fear to breathe,
Asking to much of the gods above,
Becasue when I dream I reach it,
But sadly I can...

One Job May Change my life
Or maybe it won’t-
After all they’ve said and done
Maybe it just won’t stick
Maybe I’ll...

Sad all the time didnt wanna go out
sittin in my room crying my heart out
I Needed Love
Took the razor to my arm
pulling my...

I still remember that call.
Right after I got out of the hospital
It was stabbing into my ears just yesterday.
She said, “...
Child upon the horse
Horse runs strong with a spirit
He sees through the lies
Spirit brings life to the girl
Child far from...

Part 1 of a 6 part poem written to my mom using different
body parts as a guide to weave each poem together.
This one...

A father is a man
Who is always there
Through happiness and scare
He will always care
A father is a leader
To tell you...

As I child I would speak
No one could hear me
Was I talking to loud?
Or were their thoughts preoccupied?
The day I...

I remember the time I first saw my mother cry.
Her soft blue eyes were puddled with red.
In the corner.
Sniffling and sad....

We all have these desires, aspirations, wants, and expectations for our love. But we fail to that we need those...

This past school year i been through
A lot of pain
Doctor's start telling me
I was going through
This thing so called...

When we got the call that he ended it all
My heavy tears flowed down my cheeks.
My pen and paper took the pain as my hands...

In a world overrun with the pressure to be perfect, lives a girl tired of feeling helpless.
Day after day she puts on a...

age seven i drowned my pillows in teardropscovered up my sadness like a pimple on a preteens nose;a clear attempt that didn’...

(poems go here) I have a deep obsession with pudding, pudding completes me.
Many people don’t quite understand what it means...

I know you're bitter
i know you're hard headed
i know you're passionate about never being hurt again
hold my hand you're...

Dear scatterbrained scatter of forgetful brains passing the old bhikkus happy rolling crick
Rush? Shush. Look...Miracles in...

I don’t confide with the sun
I wake up slowly in bleak
My agility has become vitiated
Side window, bed side window to...

I heard this myth called perfection
She says she’s real but I know that she cannot be
Sometimes I pretend she is though...

Gather around
Let's have a masked parade
To mask the pain
That proves that we are all the same
No shame, it's a masquerade...

the impossible dream
i wish to dream as others do
aloft in clouds and breeze
i see the bliss
the smiles
the care
all with...

One cut
That's all it takes.
For the addiction to start.
Five years have passed.
The collection of scars has grown.

That's what he said we'd be
Forever Loving
Soon became hard breath
'cause in my head were disillusion
you can't...

Because I love you, I am patient
Waiting as you ramble about things I don’t care about
I am patient as I wait for you to...

I honestly cant help but write.
Its the only thing I can escape too in the middle of the night when my head aches and my...

they could never catch us.
not because we didn't want them to,
but because we didn't know how to let them.
we spent our...

My road is made not made of blacktop, dirt, ice or anthing made by man or nature its made of past mistakes and future dreams...

If the pain is deep,
Weep my darling, weep.
We are only human.
Our wounds do seep.
We are only human, but I can't sleep.

Bricks are problems.
Hard, cold, small problems that can be stacked together to be one big, deep problem.We all have them....

Our view of love is like a rose
Beautiful in warm weather, turning brittle in the cold which soon dies as the cold air...

Hollowed cheeks and tapering limbs,
A sign of illness the mind can't win.
Her hair is thinning, her stomach concave,
But how...

i've been broken, still am
i've thought of death many a time
but i can not do it,
for i hear pitter patter and a cry

I have a name What it is is not important because as far as your concerned I’m just the girl you caught a glimpse of That...

Something that all look at, but precious few see
is the one thing that all men need.
To capture the beauty of the sky or the...

The total imeersion of errtaic behaviour within me
Is sometimes a relief of sorts to me to ackowledge
I have at times like...

My pain is unforgivable,
He haunts my most loving and purest memories.
He sneaks up on me when I least expect him to.

Enslavement of the mind. Implemented by the white man’s design. Predestined to be consumed by society from conception.Worth...

Never does the swinging stop
Always back and forth
Left to right
I’m treading for my life now,
Believe me.
Oh how long can...

You are my hidden angel
It is not your time to leave
You still have many more
You are a hidden angel
You suffer
You cry

I can ride a wave of light to the stars and
swallow them whole, spitting out
constellations and fireworks.
I’m the heat that...

Am i kin of the ground
or son of the sky?
tell me what you see
when you look in my eyes
Is my father the lion
that roars...

When unforgiveness lives in us, it eats us up alive
It takes so much wasted energy and time so precious and so short

I was a boy, it appeared
Running or walking, it followed
Crying or laughing, it loomed
It was attached
I sobbed
Slowly, it...

My life is a joke
I wake up, and I laugh.
I laugh at myself
Because I have the nerve to
Show myself.
I laugh at the day...

You are insignificant,
But only slightly.
You are one person
out of an infinite amount of
You are also the only...

I walk down the hall
I can't help but notice everyone smile at me
I try to return their expression
But I already wear the...

Coming up to 7 years of age was a magical time. We smiled,
laughed, and life sailed swiftly by.
Getting to the old age of 8...

There she stands alone
Ignored by the ones she once held dearest to her heart
You see her gentle eyes
The features on her...

There is this girl I know
She sits in the back of the class, quiet
Never thinking and never speaking
She is hurt, and she...

years has gone the time has changed, your voice still whisperin' in my ear, every night scream out loud your name but only...

twelve months ago
I happy
school no worries
much to go
eleven months ago
my happiness
was tested
which it passed
ten months...

I remember the golden years of being a child.
Especially the strawberry ice cream.
But now,
I'm given orders to proceed...

And today I morn
Holding the parts to my crushed heart,
I stare into the abyss of my dull soul.
The feelings I held...

I see it over there on the horizon and dread what it is to come.
Knowing there is no escaping makes me feel all numb.
Oh why...
How can something be so refreshing,
Yet so draining?
An escape,
Yet a prison?
Monsters under the bed.
Monsters in my...

I can’t always feel it, because sometimes it is out of reach.
Lonely, anxious, worried, scared. Negative thoughts race...

Who Am I Underneath?
Not the same as the outside
Depression runs in my viens
Suicide runs through my mind
Fear shakes me...

Hoy entendí que significa esperanza
Es algo muy real y nunca con mentiras se disfraza
Es algo que nos impulsa a seguir

Can't-- I can't Breathe...
I know...
I've done it again
You don't think I know...

"it is just a title
and a diagnosis"
a bunch of words composed to create a list and
you are not your mental illness.

Black is the only color i see
darkness is the only color for me.
sitting in a big black room alone...

Being depressed isn’t easy.
You never want to talk to anyone.
You never want to go anywhere.
Everyone thinks you’re just...

Pretty little liar,
in your pretty little attire,
looking stressed and hot wired,
we see through all your games.
You’ve got...

Can someone explain the meaning of life?
Is it like a swimming pool filled with knives?
Or like trying to swim in a dry...

Give me liberty or give me death.
They taught me that, but I can’t even take a breath.
They stare with distaste,
that test...

As I stand bravely in front of thousands
My body starts trembling with fear and thoughts
I try to calm myself down

You guided me down the right path,
Now I shall do the same for you.
You taught me valueable lessons,
which I will do for you...

Intelligence used to be a virtue,
Ignorance used to hurt you,
But in the past few decades the roles have reversed . . . I...

I see a doll
across the room,
Her eyes are big
that set your doom.
I state into her eyes
and she stares back,
she look...

I instill fright inside the young boy during the light darkness of the night.
I engulf my prey while he lay, struggling in...

As I child I would speak
No one could hear me
Was I talking to loud?
Or were their thoughts preoccupied?
The day I...

You began as a single raindrop into my existenceAt first the presence of you was quiet and unseenAs your small stream flowed...

What makes me beautiful.. the fact that i can hide my flaws with makeup??
What makes me beautiful...that i can mask the real...

Gaze at the sky
I am grounded
I cannot fly
Then I am astounded
It is a bird
It is a plane
My focus undeterred
From what does...

17, the first time,
Huge lower back pain,
Great agony,
Wanting to stay in bed, an eternity.
Exhaustion followed,

Often times, as we progress through life, we find ourselves at a crossroad between knowing and the abyss of not knowing.

I've never been the type for whirlwinds.
I don't like comparing love to unpredictable weather forecasts-
I'm not one to be...

Wondering what life has to offer when all you see is failure.
Breaking all promises.
Letting the emptiness cave you into a...

Jewels lie upon me everywhere,
uneasy life has deteriorated I seek answers
mind in delirium for what jewels i may discover...

Hey, baby, what you doing tonight?
I see you stumble in half buzzed.
Take a sip, knock it down a bit.
It looks like you’re...

I know that I'm not perfect, and that I've done some wrong,
so, in a way, I'm expressing it through a poem not a song,

I wish
there were words to
what happened
to the voice
inside my head.
I string these words to try to

From what?
Yourself? No.
Running from what you're afraid to become.
The catch is, you're not really runnning....

Hey, remember me?
I don’t know how I’ve changed, but I’m back and stronger, I don’t cry at nights anymore, I can tell you...

You’re Losing Yourself
Age steals your time and mind
You’ll feel lost looking for what you’ll never find
Walking through the...

A mind as vast as the universe,
Can get lost in the depths of time.
But pause,
Look around at your company,
For the stars...

The battle is over
The victory is won
A young soldier returns home
He has seen much
Friends ripped...

Are you high?
Don't lie.
No use.
Miss Independent
Thought she could.
All Alone
Hold the phone...

You sit there watching as the red paint beads up against the pale background. You sit there and watch as your painting of...

Dear Moonlight,
The way you glow through the blinds in the night.
It makes me feel like you waited for me.
Kissing my...

A working night a normal shift
Hour by hour time began to drift feeling dizzy and bleary eyed only a test would prove my...

I woke up one morning with the thought to pick a rose
A rose with its pretty shades and thorny stems
As I reached out to...

You know what really gets my cornucopia of thoughts filled with anger? The fact that all threw my education life I have told...

They tell me not to worry,
They said. Oh! You’ll be fine.
They tell me it's just hormones,
But they don't feel me cross the...
Oh my how dark it is
My world
My day
My night
All so dark
Where is my light?
I you see suffer from not one but 3 mental...

To whomever it may concern:
I wonder why the sky is blue
Or why the grass is green
I wonder why the tabloids are so mean

I can’t spend one more night waiting for a fat girl chaser.
You know,
Like a cold glass of milk to make you forget
How much...

Texas is about to implode, from messages of stories untold. Why can't I explode? Coming to find out that life has its yes's...

I see them,
Do they see me?
all I can breath,
is the humid air coming from that tree,
You're about to bleed,
You're about...

Sadness, depression
When you can't handle it alone
I'll be there to listen
Tell me what is wrong
When you need me I will...

The Car in My Mind
it zooms by
crashing, smashing
I am confused,
as my emotions
attack me
Is that
really me
My mind wants...

Darkness is more than just the absense of light.
It's the inability to see.
See a future
See a purpose
See a reason to live...

Kill yourself and be a part of the 22 a Day
fighting a battle where no one dies and no one knows
the reson for all...

We are tangled together by two yards of baby blue sheets under the bedroom window. Streetlight tattoos our legs in a fried...

As you walk by me
I try not to stare
For to see you with some else
Is something I can not bare
I disguise my true feelings...

I am fight against myself.
My mind, it...
It tricks me.
A gasp of air,
a cry of pain.
my thoughts of death, alive...

The world around me is like a prison
Capturing the demons that live within it
Torturing their bodies, invading their souls...

We all host an inner bully deep inside.
I was my worst enemy
Whoever said words can’t hurt,
Never considered them fathomed...

Do you make wishes at 11:11Do you plan from 11:09 When your hope bubbles over andAll of your troubles and desires File into...

Is it just inevitable that we grow up?
Or is it a label that we have collectively agreed upon?
Or are people just so eager...

Ambivalence, confusion, anxiety
Being on the state of complexity,
Crazy, that's how they call you,
Defining how is it to...

Does He hear all this noise in my head?
Is it more clear if I write it down instead?
If I don't get it out I'll go insane....

I became old when the honeycomb becomes too waxy to eat When the queen bee becomes a tyrant And you start to feel bad for...

Broken I was,
There you were,
Lost and alone, until I used my headphones,
You felt my pain,
I felt your rage,
I seen you...

One was family.
Two was a friend.
The third was all the hopes and dreams
that would soon come to an end.
They scurry...

You think it’s beautiful for a girl to be brokenBecause you see strength in her reflectionBut you don’t see the damage in...

I will not
I will not
These words repeat in my head
Over and over and over
I will not cry
Not in front of you I must be...

I know my fate and where it will take me
and I am not scared no never fear
I seen the world from the outside
all the...

We all know that feeling
That feeling we use for excitement and adventure
That feeling we have when we take first steps

We're all children of this world
So why must harsh words be hurled?
Why must bitter thoughts and grudges
Be bottled up and...

You began as a single raindrop into my existenceAt first the presence of you was quiet and unseenAs your small stream flowed...

There are shadows
Down the hall
In the corner
On the walls
Words are shallow
I hear voices
Some are deep
Most are small

Normalcy was the chaos.
Each day passing with the hopes for happiness and cheer at dawn
And the cries and disappointed faces...

(I lost all hope no pieces are left I am more heartless than you would be able to express he made me like this I confess......

In class, licensed to thrill because all us beastie students are on iPad now...
But it's oh so hard to FOCUS
when ADHD gets...

In July of last year I was blue. To be precise I would say I was powerful, Electric Blue. My presence screamed, “I am...

~ You don’t know my name,
but i know yours!
I’m something many people adore!
Run to when their lives get rough,
all they...

My mind is blank,
My thoughts won't grow.
I'm a bit tired,
But I thought you should know
The way I feel when I'm with you....

I'm a living women who breaths
I wonder when I will stop living
I see laughter around me and
I want to join in
I'am a...

I only have a little time, such a little time for me to hold on to. The time I have suffocates me yet I continue to hold on...

Cold wind blowing.Chills run down small spines.I turn around, you're gone.We never got to...go to dances or play ball.No...

I've never been the girl who was alone.
I always had a friend by my side,
walking down the halls in school,
over summer...

And tonight will be the night remembered as the time I let me get the best of me, I let my memory replay every little word...

I don’t know what got me here… I don’t know why I’m here, I don’t know who brought me… the last thing I remember is saying...

Rain is falling but not hard enough
The wind is blowing but far too much
The sun doesn't shine but for a touch
People are...

The moment of realization that my mortality no longer intimidates.
He's walked with me and slept alongside me every night as...

There is a thing in my bed
It's there when Im asleep to when I'm awake
It holds on to me no matter what is said
Then it...

(poems go here)
In Too Deep
I'm air
I can't breathe...I can't think
All around me is water--a torrential...

Sorrow is the pitter patter of rain drumming steadily on my roof.
It is the feeling of a heart piercing shard of pain...

New players start at level 1.
There's not much you can do.
The enemies are too difficult -
one hit and you're down,

i lost my grandmother, its lie i lost the world.
she saw the good in me to her i was the perfect girl.
i cried alone its...

All alone you run after thin air
HE doesn't hear your cries
for he's long gone
Despair and disbelief...

"Pull yourself together!" You say.
You make it sound so easy.
But where do I start?
What do I pull?
The only way I know...

I sat there waiting to be hugged by the sweet arms of death.
I sat there awaiting the clock to strike twelve and for my...

Liar, Liar pants on fire
“Mama,” her body began to spark more and more with each step
“I’m going to Emily’s house,” her...

This rage of my screaming pain
I writhe in my own agony of the stains
The stains it has caused in my mind and oh so many...

Let's clear up some misconceptions about being
It's not too outlandish an idea to reconginze that
getting better...

The slits on her wrist,
The burns on her calf.
Not eating for weeks,
Hating herself.
These are not things to glorify,

Depression can’t be seen.
Depression can’t be heard.
Or Can it?
You can see the cuts on their wrists, stomach, thighs....

Cold wind blowing.Chills run down small spines.I turn around, you're gone.We never got to...go to dances or play ball.No...

Bombs all around me
Shrapnel hits my skin
I can feel my life fading
I’m about to give in
Then my Corpsman came
He patched...

For many years have teenagers been considered to be the new tomorrow. Yet, technology is ruining the thoughtful minds and...

One's Wise Words Are Anothers Painful Thoughts.
But I Have No Regrets Againts My Mind,
But I Do Wish I Could Go Back In...

Lord tell me everything is going to be okay.
That even though there are rules to obey
Tell me that myself, family and...

You are yourself. You may not be a celebrity, or the hottest girl around, but that knife won't make you pretty. Staring at...

Filled with emptiness, nothingness
Masterous, Marvelous
questions of confidence

My heart feels like a dark forest covered by blue rain
as the raging womb of mother nature herself represents the great pain...

She's not real
I tried to convince myself as she stepped out of her painting
Her silky voice sent shivers down my spine

There is a mountain if front of every one of us when we are born,
Each one a different size,
Your shoes will get worn, your...

(poems go here)
why do you so desperately seek attention?
I just want to gather you all for an intervention
It's a problem...

I hate that feeling when I open my eyes,
I hold my breath in dread,
Will today be a morning to rise,Or will I just stay in...

This damaged girl coming from a broken home, no hope left leaving it all torn,
Not a single soul for help in times of...

Yeah my brain's getting bigger But my skin's getting thinner.The test says that I'm a winner,But I'm not. Just tell me this...

Darkness, uncertainty
Unmaskable pain that pumped from my heart and through my veins; a throbbing reminder of my grief...

They say that eyes are windows to the soul
Her eyes, they draw you
Like a moth to the flame
They seem to promise you...

Having recently divorced parents any scholarship would help my to accomplish my goals. I am a bachelor of arts psychology...

Soceity beckons me to keep my feet on the ground
But I'd rather have my head in the clouds
In a world infested with walking...

It wasn't until one day,
A Thursday to be exact,
That I opened my eyes slowly
To the shimmering beams of light.
Soaked deep...

Buck teeth and bright eyes
I was eight years old,
I spent my days out on the playground
all alone in the cold
right by the...

Large, mystical, and unpredictable,
He guided us through the night.
He saw us enter the alley
That led us to shivering from...

he was raised well
he found love
he found work
he found education
he found happiness
his parents told him always
"It's for...

It’s in the morning that I think of you
I can’t seem shake the feeling in my chest
Though I thought I was breaking...

The noose had been tightening around my neck
Or more specifically, my waist
As my skin began to seemingly
Melt from my bones...

I am from over stacked bills
Feuds in the house about where the money will go
I am from insecurities
Big shirts and no...

** this poem serves as a voice for those that may struggle to express their depression/anxiety. fill in the blanks with the...

The world now in a state of despair. Uncertainty, ominous, something sinister in the air
Allurement and beauty, a lack of...

(poems go here) Laying on your chest,
Playing in your hair.
With you I am at my best.
But I would never dare speak—I would...

Thought I could forget a moment that eclipsed many before it.
Now a distant memory drowning in the anger and resent of...

You act like you can't stand the sight of mewhile my heart palpitates in my chest,This pain that you inflict by acting like...

Failure comes as fast as it goes
Though no one knows
Flowing trials and tribulations
We learn from mistakes taken
As ones...

The girl with the blonde golden hair that drapes
like ice sickles on a winter night.
Her brown eyes glisten in the night ...

Lost and confused: Yet relentlessly persued: How often I forget: That His plan for me is already set:: But I'm facing the...

Looks for
Hope when she
Is in pain. But hope
Seems to run away because
You can't find something if you
Don't believe in...

If I died today,
I don't think I'd care,but the last thing I want to remember is running my fingers through your hair,oh...

This isn't my nightmare, no! My dreams and thoughts and veins ache for you! For release. To see them all again. All over....

The Body:
The smile tells a lie,
The eyes hold the truth,
The smile tells a story of happy times,
Smiling and beaming the...

I keep my faith and hope in God no matter how far my life has gone, keeping its simple is not easy as it looks but it will...

You are a variation of a language so sweet,
the rhapsody of a never-ending love,
like 3.14159...
or happy...

I'm always dreaming,
Even when I'm awake.
In my dreams, I have control
Until one day,
There was a razor in my...

When life brings you down,
but others are around;
What does this mean?
Are you just screening,
trying to sift through the...

The extracted mind
I've conquered my insides in turn making black turn into red
Making peace with dark and light ...

Feels as if I have been laying naked by the toilet on the bathrooms cold hard floor,
Strange how pleasant it feels...

One tear. From a woman. A beautiful, elderly lady. Fifty-five years of marriage.
One tear. Two sisters sitting in the...

That voice in my head
The devil that clings to my back,
Tells me I'm not good enough.
Not pretty.
Not skinny.
Just not...

Love. It is the single most important substance for the body, mind, and soul. The amount of love we are shown shapes our...

Why did you go?
Why did you leave?
Was there anything I could have done?
Now as I sit here and cry
I wonder why.
I miss...

No cuts to show,
No bruises that glow,
No signs of a blow
No drunken deed
Or drag of weed
No needles that bleed
No forced...

I love you. It's not until night that I realize just how much I love you.I've loved you since 9th grade and I haven't...

As they shine so bright, the darkness is never in sight.
Whether they are big, whether they are small,
no human being has...

You by Lucero
What if tomorrow was your last day?
Would live that day as someone else
and lead your real self into decay...

The kind that makes you want to scream
You could hear a pin dropif you had one
you're alone
In a dark, damp room...

To crash and burn to fall on the goruns
to break.
To smell the flowers to listen to music
to reflect.
To sing and dance...

I have a relationship with the sun.I have been growing upward.The roots I have, came from the currents and the moon.And...

There is no reason to believe me
There is no reason to love me
There is no reason to want me
I am now cripple minded with no...

I wandered over the black bald
And fingered through the blue wrinkled pages.
I recalled when
I cracked my neck and rolled...

Express the anxiety you're faced with
From what others believe it's not a myth
Express the anger that's bottled up

You are my inspiration
and my light
There is so much pain
I have seen you fight
I love you more
Than the depths of the earth...

frozen in the past/ i am stuck,lonely,cold,and broken/when on the out side im smiling/ its on the inside im dien/when on the...

Health class
Reading my life
Only a paragraph
Pages upon pages of each topic
Eating Disorders: a paragraph
Why am I...

Cease your focus on me I am insecure about what you see Keeping your gaze, my skin crawls I am afraid you will grasp my...

Dear Self,
Would you believe me if I said that you were beautiful?
Would you give yourself a chance to be something more...

To end one journey, is a start of a new one
With the feeling of mixed emotions,
A burst of abstract colors shall rise
On my...

Your breathing is ragged.
Your lungs are on fire.
Your body is exhausted,
but you continue.
No food.
No calories.
Just water...

August 7, 2017
Tomas Vazquez
Once Upon A Time Scholarship
Growing up as a kid, my parents would take road trips to go...

You're the sun rising in the morning,The fresh blanket of dew covering a shivering field of grass,The wind flying through...

my heart is beating faster and faster
i'm overthinking
here i go again
my world is collapsing on me
i start to tremble...

To be almost anything means to
have seen almost everything.
A nice and quiet life you say?
Tell it to the pain and turmoil...

I never asked for this,
but it’s almost like at birth I got a devil’s kiss.
Sleeping I weep,
and awake I am tired.

I have always been the wallflower
When I tried to bloom away with the wind,
I came back with no power.
Week by week, day...

A smile is usually looked at as happiness
Is it really hapiness your going through
Is it really just covering your...

In my mind,
I hear many things,
See many pictures,
Of the future,
Of the past...
They could be good or bad,
They maybe to...

Never scream. The one unspoken rule, the one and only coveted truth.Not when she cries, not when he lies,Not even with...

I see blue and gold when the sun sets.
Sometimes the gold isn't always there,
Sometimes it doesn't come back.

This is the story that is more about nothing. More or less the present day Cinderella story where nothing turned into...

I'm just a bird, waiting to break loose.
I just want to express myself, and not be a burden
to everyone.
I'm a simple white...

Push me down I’ll get right up,
Pull me back I’ll reach the top,
Move the mountain life has made,
Never will you see me...

Put your pen down
on the paper
Let the thoughts flow
like a river
Let the words go
on forever
Make your feelings known

Fake to real I had no choice.
It was stand still or project my voice.
Innocent to vulnerable with decisions choose wisely or...

It all started this one night,
strolling with the dim street light.
Lost, quiet and confused,
damaged, fragile and abused....

I captured his embrace but not the thoughts of the Lotus flower I became to him.
Saturated with stardust
the time...

I enter your class, say “morning”, you stare.
You never respond. It seems like you don’t even care.
I try to understand...

Having these thoughts bunched up and stored inside of me,
How do I set these Feelings free?
its not that easy for this guy,...

To constantly fear....everything,
It's like,
Like a baby bird who is about to fly for the very first time.
Like a ittle kid...

I slowly fade away as I cascade down into the darknessNo longer will I fight the shadeNo longer will I stop the...

I, will never meet your expectations
I, will always be a disappointment in someone else's eye
I, will never truly be me

You feel very fragile just like glass
When it comes to problems that appear in your life
Making it more difficult than it...

I would wake up every morning and be my own worst critic.
I would look in the mirror and feel ashamed.
I would go to...

Motif of War:
I got drafted.
My number was called with the pull of a trigger.
My number:
I didn’t know what...

Beware, beware, be skeptical,
of their smiles, their smiles of plated gold,
Deceit so natural,
But a wolf in sheep's...

Oh why did you ever leave me?
In the middle of this special relationship,
a special bond which grew?
Every smile, every...

Eleven years old, and I feel like I've lost my soul. Sitting alone, 200 miles from my home, everything has been taken away...

I never saw it coming even though you say its been going on for a while. When I thought of my future I always saw you by my...

Broken Dreams Are Made of Gold
Some Are Weak While Some are Bold,
Hidden In The World I hold,
Broken Dreams Are Made of Gold...

Innocence is lost as knowledge is gained
Soon, as they held on to know something
As they regain the violence, and else will...

There are flashes of memories for which I cannot apprehend
And sullen faces for which I do not recognize
A girl...

There’s a boy
In his silence and composure
Lies the wickedness
Begging to burst
To act on it’s...

p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 11.0px 'Helvetica Neue'}
p.p2 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 12.0px...

Seeing things in different ways,
is giving life a perspective.
You don't have to be blind,
if you can't see them..

New life is born in each breath we speak,
So speak good living words unto your reflection.
While, yes, we are a troubled...

I wake up and I put on my mask.
It gets me through half of the day but then it starts to crack
I feel the toxic air of the...

Again it comes to me
From it, I am unable to flee
First, it slithers into my heart
Beginning its quest to tear me apart

It started
As a hole
I wasn’t not sure
How deep or dark
It will get
Doubt gets
Trapped and soon
It becomes a...

Life is sometimes rough
but everything happens for a reason
always make sure to be yourself
Open your mind and your...

It swells in the pit of your stomach
It burns at the back of your eyes
Your whole body aches on the edge of implotion

I float around a dark room, confusion eating away at my mind
My breath quickens as I attempt to perceive the reason for my...

I wish love was less permanent.
This underlying, constant toremnt.
I lay awake, thier faces at night,
thinking, what could i...

Hello, my name is Damien Lavoy Teruo Burris; I am currently a senior at Clovis North Educational Center. I...

The voices all scream down on me,
they are all screaming my name in agony.
This is why I write to release me,
to set my...

I watched the salty breeze rip through your hair. You sat in the sand just close enough to the ocean to put your feet in....

What can I not live without?
What drives me to continue on marching?
In the spur of the moment, many would say
phones, wifi...

I'm losing my inner side the side that keeps me alive
I need some help so I reach out but there's nothing there no hand to...

To be specific,it started when I was youngerI was different when approaching other facesI didn't quite fitDepression is "...

Tell me, have you ever had to lie?
Have you ever had to cry?
Have you ever fought for approval of your peers?
Have you ever...

They say that time waits for no man. But innate yourself and hold my hand. Allow me to teach you right from wrong and catch...

Drink, drink, drink until you drop,
Laughs, tears and banter,
Belly hurts so much,
Think I'm going to flop.
Drink, drink,...

I stand in front of the mirror..
And put on some moisturizer..
It makes my skin soft and smooth..
Just the way I want my...

Epilepsy Is a central nervous system ( neurological ) disorder In which brain activity
becomes abnormal, causing seizure's...

One day, I will cease to exist. I will be neither here nor there. I won't be ME. The notion that everyday Oblivion will...

So plain but what shall people gain from a life like this.
But who can see the difference.
Everyone has no freedom....

I look at the house in the distance,
In know what that house is,
The only place where can be out...

You constantly bug me and ask me whats wrongNot knowing you were the problem all alongThis pain has turned my heart coldSo...

The Other Me
Feeling pleasure or joy
It’s the perky energetic kid that has
All the wonders in the...

(poems go here) single mother looking for hope please help
damaged at war need food and housing
starving student will...

(poems go here) The pill that makes you sweat,
The pilL that makes you suffer and cry all the same,
Captures yOur heart and...
Never give up,
Always look up.
Strength and courage are all within you.
All the light is inside of you.
Never let anyone...

I stand at the window looking at the rain run down like my pain I close my eyes then feel feeling the blood I shed I lay...

I'm writing this in the notes sections of my mobile phone
There's eighteen notes on this phone
I used to have nearly 50...

We are taught
In this life
To keep breathing
To continue with moving motion
Of our hands correlating with our feet

During the blue twilight
While the mist is sleeping
And there is barely a sound of breathing,
don't give up hope.

All is well,
Breath shortened, chest tight,
Surroundings looks how velcro feels.
Could easily pick a fight,
To make the...

In the past year
I've taken too many tylenol
With the hope of being able to sleep
In the past year
I've starved...

This oblivion is the only world I know
No one can see me, not even my mother, nor my brother, nor my father
The rest look at...

Looking down at the blade upon my wrist, I thought It's better this way if I hurt my self. As the blood dripped from my arm...

The daily torture you can't escape
the fearful days you have to face
when you walk in, they all stop talking
when you walk...

So they say that the depression is manic up so high in mind I panic,
they lie it happens, I die in fractions, Infactuated,...

In this moment,I step off the chairFeel the ropePull on my neckAs I swing through the airOn my summer tree."Would you kiss...

She walks a path,
Her own...
No guid before her
No shadows behind
Only clouds above her and ground below,

They tell me that I'm crazy
But I don't think I am
People whisper about me when I walk by
Sometimes they even stop to stare...

All the seasons come and go
Sunny days turn into snow
Winter transforms into spring
Aglow with flowers it shall...

Nobody knows,Nobody sees.
A trapped soul,In her own deeds.
People walk past,People skim over.
But they do not realize,Her...

I'm standing on my own
I'm different than them
I don't need glory or money
I need honor
I need to prove more of myself
I'm a...

Alas, I am sitting in class,
Stressed for the upcoming test.
Afraid I am unprepared to pass,
My heart pounds in my chest...

Once upon a time
Cinderella committed a crime.
She worked so hard,and finally found her prince.
Cinderella thought it was...

I have zero desire to do anything constructive;
I am practically craving destruction.
Apparently I have an acquired taste...

I am sorry.
i am sorry for shredding you to pieces when you deserved to be cherished.
i'm sorry for the six years of abuse i...

At your lowest point, where your never thought you'd be. Well, that was me. With no one to turn to, but with so many...

She was always a mess
Scabs on her face
Dried blood under her fingernails
Her heart throbbed until
It crumbled
And pieces of...

Because I love you, I want you to live
Because I love you, I want you to eat
Because I love you, I want you to be happy

Calm down take a breath...
there isn't much to say society is becoming the victim while the rest of the world is a dictator...

I am the leaf that blows in the wind,
no one really notices me but I am there.
I get stepped on and crushed with out a...

What happened that night? I still don't comprehend.
From my therapy sessions to my wet, sweat-filled sheets in the middle of...

When you hear ADHD
what do you see?
A little boy, seven years old,
unable to remain in a chair.
What about a bright girl...

Have you ever loved someone so much it hurt?
That the single thought of them leaving causes your entire world to invert.

I lost a piece of me, once upon a day
Once upon everyday
It seeps out of my pores
The flames I once was praised for

Why I Write.
Well, I write because my lips are sealed,
Im speechless,
The words on the paper stab at my meekness and rips...

A seed sprouts its roots and reaches upwards towards life,
It does not know where it is,
Or what is to come

Every sip you take and another toxin attempts to destroy your core
You don’t know it, but you show it, your mind and body...

I try to be a winner
But the cuts on my wrists remind me that I'm a sinner
And perhaps mostly that I'll never get better

i sit still waiting
waiting for the hush tones
tones that are never far
they begin their chatter
chatter i try to mimic...

I trudge through this open field
Yearning for my Heart to yield
Same goes for this heavy Head
Empty and Possessed, unread

Yesterday I met a man,
A man who wasn't real,
He felt and smelled and sounded so alive,
But he wasn't real you see,
He says...

I wish that I knew what to say to you. You were such a lovely girl when I met you; I think you still are too.
Not that I...

Why does the word “hurt” hurt her a lot?
Why do i feel her eyes staking my body when she hears the would "hurt"?
Why we’re...

The dark skies, the lightning bolts,
Are they in your heart?
Gusting rain and thundering cries
Are they in your mind?

Dear School,
I apologize for my absence today.
I would never miss on purpose.
But just last night, I felt I had
A case of...

To be disturbed,
is to be obscured.
But thats what I am,
a disturbed person who is a nerd,
Who is disturbed by the presence...

Brandon (RIP)
A name so generic
Not to me
Brandon signifies someone who I loved like a brother
A bond I shared with...

I'm in the middle of the ocean,
isolated and utterly alone,
drowning and choking on the harsh waters
while everyone else is...

People say a broken heart is like death .
You feel pain and sorrow .
You give your all to someone then they tear in two...

As I am
Not like many others who do not stray
I am but one of whom you can't clone
Whose emotional tune does not play

Grass and red crayons,
Blood is only drops of Ketchup on the ground,
Alcohol is a choice made by Humans, not by Peer...

A small tiny prick
A round little thing
To much time to think
Trapped in a restless mind
Scars were wounds...

Youve lost yourself
Your pain i feel
Youve lost yourself
On the battlefield
A battlfeild that one tries to avoid
A place so...

I'm trying I'm trying
I swear that I am
But my life is in pieces
I don't give a damn
Yes I know it's unhealthy
Yes I know I...

The mind is a torturous place.
It can be a palace of warmth and security
While also acting as dungeon of inner thoughts...

I slashed wounds into pinked skin,
Now I kiss them red as they burn.
I pulled thoughts before they ripe,
Now I soil them...

Just take a good look at yourself
What's inside your mind
Look at your eyes
See what's inside
Just take a good look at...

Millions of girls,
Millions of boys,
Millions of men,
Millions of women,
Every morning you all look in the mirror,
but how...

Fear rules my desires
Scared to love and to feel,
To put my soul in a bind.
Let me throw these thoughts in the fire

I could be classified
Labeled, Deemed, whatever,
As probably insane.
I laugh at this theory,
But some of the surrounding...

My heart will break
My life will be shattered
My world will be gone
I cannot even bare the thought of loosing you.
I know we...

The things that I take
Make me feel real
People tell me it's all fake
The colors that I see
They represent me
It's flowing...

My thoughts rain downUpon my victimThe many months goAll at onceAnd by anguish is looseBut not for longAnd as I open my...

Cue drum line please, as I march off to this war
I'm fighting against myself, but I'm much stronger than before
But no I'm...

Can you see the stigma in my face
The warts and blisters on my feet
Do you know how I got in this place?
I've lived and done...

On my ribs, pointing towards my heart
You’ll see the sign that helps me to move on.
When my heart starts racing,
My fingers...

(I though I was okay making this decision
being with you all the time made me wonderful
I didn't know it had many...

"What's wrong?"
What is wrong is that a 15 year old girl was sent to a mental hospital for threatening to take...

I used to dream.
I used to dream about you,
I used to daydream.
I used to daydream that one day we'd end up together,

What is Sought
Why do we keep running?
What wheel do we spin?
A race in chase of nothing
That none shall ever win.

Every issue takes time.
Every moment does not always end in rhyme.
Some things slowly unfold,
To allow the best stories to...

Losing someone special breaks your heart.
It rips you apart.
Imagine that someone being your child.
Tears feel your eyes...

Hannibal the cannibal was not always in a cage
He once was a marvelous prince, some thought he be-ith a mage
Every night a...

I've grown to hate the night. I never seem to be at peace like everyone else that's fast asleep. I've grown to hate the...

her name was depression
she drew me in with aggression
without me knowing what was happening
I found myself struggling

Attention Deficit All Alone
By Derick Gentner
The crumple of paper in the hall, a pen hitting the floor,
I have to...

The world around me seems so suppressed.
Everyone just looks so depressed.
Never knowing what'll happen next,
all you can...

There was a time when, she felt helpless.
Her sadness was known, all over town.
Her heart turned cold, laughs were forced....

Mirror mirror on the wall
Can you really see us all
Everyone that looks in
Can you see our every sin
If you look inside can...

I've seen my mother cry twice-once when my dog died, and once when I tried to.
"Why would you do this? I give you such a...

Hey You. Yeah, You know who You areWonderfulLovingStrongDevotedThat's what I used to call YouBut now They call You those...

Love. One word. That has so much meaning and power behind it. I mean, I’m not even sure I know the value of it is anymore....

As darkness approaches My mind just seems to know This is time The time when I should go. The thoughts that fill my head...

In my poem, sadness is not a synonym for depression because I only felt numb and I never really cried.
My anxiety tried to...

I’m scared
Of today
The past
It’s clawing at my back
Sticking to my legs
Leading me
Into the darkness
Am I evil...

That's what he said we'd be
Forever Loving
Soon became hard breath
'cause in my head were disillusion
you can't...

Depression is a selfish illness in that it makes you think
solely about one thing; Oneself.
You try in vain to conquer...

Life may be hard
But i know you'll push through.
We all matter
and mostly you
If you are feel all alone
know that you are...

its seductive whispers sends me spiraling down
to a depth i didn't remember
after i clawed out.
its slimy, inky stains...
One, Two.. One, Two.. is the mic on ?
When i get too three I'm gona let all my thoughts explode...
and out will spill...

Just breathe
Keep calm
You got this
You studied for hours
Wait is it A or B?
Wait what does this even...

Anxiety is...
it's the silent killer.
I have to cater to everyone's needs.
I must but
it's not enough.
I'm trying so hard

She wakes up
Feels the rush
All in one motion
Takes in the sickness
Because it peels skin
Until she bleeds
It clouds over...

You indure the valleys lows
the world could be yours
climb the frozen mountains
the world could be yours
travel through...

One cut, Two cuts,
Three cuts, Four,
C'mon honey,
Whats one more?
Five cuts, Six cuts,
Seven cuts, Eight,
Want some dinner...

Everybody hides
behind something.
You may think you know everything about someone,
but there's something in them,

You’re just an unwanted visitor that springs up out of nowhere,
Come anytime and have no face,
You bring along sadness and...

you can runbut you cant hidethe Rules of societyi refuse to abidewhat would you expectwith parents like Bonnie an Clyde

Learn life and turn your nightmares into dreams,
Success is only reached by building the right team.
Passion is the driving...

I wanna see cheange like walking into a store without being spyed on.
I wanna see change like going to court without being...

Is it okay to hurt me on the inside,was it okay to ignore what I say?
Was I alright that night, you push me closer to the...

she let out one last breath
she was gone and nobody could stop it
The words finally got to her
She fell to the floor with a...

I never knew how to count before youThe day I met you you told me I didn't need to listen to the way my lungs collapsed on...

Depression hurts It is not the latest trend to be snapped up by the eager massesIt is a false faced monster that swallows up...

Sitting by a fire Wondering what to doI can’t think of anythingExcept that I love you.You left me behindWithout caring what...

"Levantate por que te vas a apestar"
("Get up because you will start to smell')
He wakes me up
and forces me to strive...

Troubles are passing, with no one to listen
Look at the stars , see how they glisten.
but will the stars be there to hear...

It was a looming figure,
the shapeless ones you see
in the dark enshrouded by a halo;
A halo with no recognizable source...

thinking of a message
a message clearly
drafted in your writing
"I miss you, dearly"
trying not look up
or give a smidgen

Why Are Not I me?
The care I don’t hav
The not care I can’t Afford.
The leaning eyes looking in my direction..But only on ...

Love, Love, Love. Love is all we need. And most of the time, we need love from others when we cannot love ourselfs. I had to...

Don’t remember the look on my face,
The everlasting glare.
Don’t remember the curves of my waste,
Or my long red hair.

She looks like she hasn't slept in days
I want to ask if the bags under her eyes are too heavy for her face.
Rivers had...

You’re gone a lot,
Lost on a trip
In your cell phone
I think.
Sometimes for a week
Sometimes for a year.
But usually I don...

You were wildfire.
Someone lit you and left you to burn.
So when i came along,
Your ashes and flaming embers,
landed upon my...

/// I don't work well around pressure. You make me get a headache of varying intensity, with the company of nausea and now I...

I am a hopeless mess
And I refuse to believe that
Someone understands you and what goes on in your life
I realize this may...

The will to live
Determined within
Needing that one thing
We all strive to get
Each and everyday
We want to be happy

she's been trying for so long
fighting for her way out
but she's tired
all she wants is just to be freed,
and to be...

I can’t figure this out.
Do we change throughout life?
one person the day we were born,
And the same when we depart?...

Pretty in pink
darling in silver
diamonds are forever
love is my journey forever
he was all I prayed for and more
I hope...

Being the oldest,
Of all three,
You took charge,
Material Support,
Yet not,
Emotional Legacy.

Love bleeds red
Hearts are made of stone
Not every scar is seen but every scar is known
Scars are my life's story wriiten...

Hi I have a few disorders
ones you cannot pshycally see
Im different in many ways
to start a list here i go

Thanksgiving break, my grandma comes with a handful of insults
"You're gonna balloon up," she said once. I said it was fine...

It keeps me up at night .. Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years ? They ask me that and I don't have a real answer...

Who am I? Who are you?
Where to start I haven’t a clue.
I am the girl who wears the black and yellow, although my...

They all asking what's wrong
Why am I so destructive
Maybe I'm just defective
Everyday's the same
Feeling so locked inside...
I been determine, I been determine all these years to win, To be sufficient enough to achive,But, But what happens when your...
Don’t try to speak to me
I have nothing to say
Despite forcasted developmental trends
My etymological roots have decayed...

Skipping meals to get thinner than the pill I'm ingesting.
Pills I'm ingesting to prevent dry heaving are the only thing I...

You live your life day by day
and yet you continue to wither away
A shot here, a puff there
is it getting you anywhere

Why do you do it? Why do you put yourself in so much pain? Why do you put me in pain? You may not realize it, but every...

People wonder what goes on in my life.
I wonder the same.
For years I have suffered with depression.
But recently, I grew...

Don't you tell me that youth is lazy
When the average high school student is expected to complete
Over a thousand...

At night I used to struggle to breathe.
Metaphorically I drowned in my own breath as I realized my room was filled with...

It took so long to feel this way.
Walking into the madness? I would never want a replay.
She would hunt about and recapture...

I always wanted to be strong.
I always wanted to be beautiful.
I always wanted to be kind.
You are nothing.
I close my...

The darkness that surrounds you,
comes from inside you,
those attacks of painc,
making you sink like the Titanic,
you try...

Throught life you have to take decision and whether its positive or negative, life goes on
Life about whether you take...

i inhale.
there are knots in my Chest.
tension runs through my veins,
snApping at each curve.
my bones,
oh, how They...

Oh that little blue elephant at the corner of my bed. As I close my eyes I hear it's whispers in my head, please tell me...

You were born a little later than me and the other,
Your personality truly sticks out from the rest.
Yet despite the fact...

All I Need is my heart
But oh, much more
Than for my own life
I need my heart
To care for others
To love the unlovable

I'll strive to be Better
By: Carlie Furse
The powder on my mother's nose
I see it’s taces on her clothes
I watch her force...

Little girl
don’t listen to that mean voice,
little girl
suicide isn’t the only choice.
Little girl
who once laughed so loud...

Two minds, one body.
One heart for passions and ever-changing interests,
And a brain to make him like everyone else, a hard...

Dear girl who flew away,
You hated being the center of attention.
I know you would hate me for writing this.
However I am...

I have anger
that boils within me.
it erupts like a valcano.
Therapy can help you.
I'm always sad.
Moving hurts me.

Depression isn’t a sickness you can cure with medication.
You can’t just take the pills & be happy
You can’t just walk...

Difference is separated in a community
Where it's hard to find another
To break away from negativity
Just to be together....

Hurt within,
Never spoke,
Didn't tell me,
What it desired,
Tiredness and pain,
Growing up with this,
Never realising,

One may have told you that you have one conscious.
Today will be the day that I break the news to you - You have two.

I'm trapped like a mime in an invisible box, people can see me try to fight myself free, but no one will ever see the true...

Tragedies create the inevitability of loneliness and wisdom. With the realization of your victories. Of what's wrong and...

Let the flowers blossom in Spring warmth.Cool our burning soles from Summer’s wrath.Watch the leaves fall and fly in...

Answering a question right in class
Breaking a rule and not getting caught
Capturing the perfect picture
Daydreaming about...

I breathe in deeply as the flashback plays in front of my eyes.
A girl with short brown hair and big beautiful brown eyes,...

My brother used your name in his paintings
I wondered why he would
You chose to not exist, years before we were born
I see...

As I lay here hopeless and alone,
my heart aches like a broken bone.
All I want is someone to always be here,
who will stay...

To you,
Who doesn't want to go.
To you,
Who messes with my thought,
To you
And those times I fought.
To you my demon,...

All i've ever needed was the warmth of your body to cloth my naked skin
All I crave for is your thoughts from within
All i'...

flow so potent no emotion jus stay focused on your toesa
show my foes i go beast mode chico loco pouncin bogo
ocean motion...

_________________ The Lesson___________________________You were nowhereThen you were born, and you came hereYou grew and got...

Who is to be
The most successful in life?
Who me or You?
the soft bells
in a white overcast shadow
Reemerges oneself
Dear Failure,
You do not define me.
I don’t care what you are or the power you have.
The pressure you give each and every...

There was a boy
Who wore polo shirts and tucked them into
His pants
He knew that he would never be great at anything...

A year ago today
I was picking up a razor in the school hallway
Telling myself I would just chuck it
While knowing I would...

Going Army to civilain
Was a challenge for me,
Bringing all of my experienced baggage along
From the sights of active duty...

The darkness
it swells up like a wave
getting taller every second
it looms ominously over my head
and then

To have hope or not to have hope that is the question?
Without hope my soul would wander aimlessly
Waking up each...

I'm like whatever so its whatever
cause he never cares to ever endeavor
He only thinks of ways to stay clever

For The High School Sophomore, Failing Math Class
At fifteen I drew a map of my high school
and stuck gold stars on all the...

The nip of the blade sinks deep into the skin,
Adrenaline rushing through every cell with each sweep,
Feeling like you will...

Rapid thoughts,
Confusion, chaos,
Anxiety wraps its heavy hand
Around my thinning breathe.
With so few hours,
to do so much...

“you push away anyone who could possibly care about you. why is that?”
i need you, but I tell you to leave me alone.
i want...

See.....I was birthed in this world, without life.......
Where morals were past few, and cash was the thought of flight....

It was dark,
Not quite midnight
But late.
I was tired.
My eyes felt heavy.
They shut,
And it is dark again.
I awake not at...

Breath in the trepidation Sit on the couch with your contemplation Light the cigarette Instantly swim in regret
Inhale the...

Child I am here
For your friends have disapeared
leaving you all alone with nothing else but fear
society it's pressuring...

There are all sorts of people around us,who will be harshly judged.
They will be called cruel names, we need a stop to...