
The dolls creeping, chilling, their hands dragging you down 

where the dark space of...

the chilly lonely hole full of dolls parts 

the hole gets father as the rabbit falls down the hole

with chestiers grin and the closets seals the door 

all vanishes but the object and space 

sought out to kiss the body that lies and falls 

the darkness like a blanket of warmth rather restricting

bought taughts from the soul of dark never to seen from again

showing the kiss of the scars on the vein which pump

having dark, bright, lonely she'll absorb you in space as you become nothing

Disintegrating, sought, breaking till the soul is vanished 

the pieces of the past, present, future are no longer the real ones but darkness fought and sought 

the rabbit with cats grin now frowns

everything now know is lost 

the person lays in warmth of construction where it will never recorrer 


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