random poem of fate

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My title

One, lonely guy standing in darkness
Two, friends talking about girls
three, people walking away
four, people who meet again
five, people who don't talk
six, lies told to each person
seven, minutes later
eight, people have a fight
nine, people walk away
One lonely guy again,


Grant-Grey Porter Hawk Guda

Powerful expression! 

Multi Stanza Haiku on Growing Up

My father passes.

With him, my world also fades.

My life is broken.


All hope is now gone.

What can I possibly have now?

Jesus, my Saviour.


After a few years,

I rediscovered the Truth

I am not alone.


I would not have grown

Had I not found Christ again.

Life would be over.


I now see the world

Clearly, through another's eyes.

He is my Lord God.

This poem is about: 
My family
Our world


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Sun, 05/05/2019 - 00:05 -- S670843
This poem is about: 
Our world


Ode to a Day at the Beach

Sun, 08/18/2013 - 08:03 -- blab

 The sun beats down,As the waves come crashing in,Knocking me facedown,The cool water against my skin. Sun as bright as a single light in darkness,Luminous and limpid,Spiritual and blameless, Its shine lights up a day so wretched. Loving sand,As soft as a pillow,And like a warm stove touching my hand,That falls off my face below. Building of sand castles,Picnics, parties and more,Intimate letters in a bottle,And messages on the sand floor. Waves as flowy as a dress,Calm and soothing, To ease my stress,As my thoughts began dulling. Throwing of frisbees more and more,Bathing and tanning,On the cozy ocean floor,As gentle as a bed’s bedding. The bright smiling shores,With water as blue as the sky,It meets the sand as it soars,Warm and embracing letting you in nearby. Water flowing in between my toes,Constant and level,As it comes and goes,A feeling so revel.



My dream job

Might not sound like much

I want to be a pharmacist

Pill pusher, drug dealer

I don't care what they say.


The science behind healing

The beauty of chemicals

combining into wellness


Years of school lie before me

And then interning begins.

I hope to do

the very best that I can





I'm evolving

Every waking moment that I choose to be something else

That something else has already left me behind and I've become something new

I am evolving

A year of pain and gratitude and not putting up with people's bullshit anymore

In honor of the one woman I thought would survive

The hell year we all went through

But I guess we didn't suffer enough.

I guess this year realized we were too tough and

Tried something else to beat us down

But it can take whoever it wants

She would have wanted us to evolve

To get better

To throw our middle fingers up to the universe

Saying I outlasted you

Because while you were busy trying to beat us

We were 3 steps ahead


From wounds you had yet to inflict

Your pain only makes us stronger

Only made me stronger

And all the hate in the world can only make us kinder

Albeit a little more cynical

We are evolving

And as we reflect on the year we left behind

I stop to think about got me here

There was joy and pain and a rather strong emotion called

The lack thereof

Sometimes not feeling anything is the strongest thing you can feel

Because when you come out of that


Ever evolving

You appreciate the things you can feel

And those that make you feel them

No matter how painful

Because in order to evolve

We all need a little


This poem is about: 
Our world


Its's not what you see

Its not what you see but what's underneath

beauty catches the eye 

but he sees what no other sees 

he sees her true beauty underneath 

no this can't be 

for i just awoke from a twisted dream


no it can't be seen not in a person like me 




Tales of Demons and Geese

Mon, 11/18/2013 - 20:42 -- lmntary

I'm alright, it's okay.

I'll be fine, anyway.

No need to take time from your busy day.

I alone can keep the demons at bay.


But, would a flock of geese

notice if one of their own was not at peace?

And if indeed they did...

...would they help? or keep it hid?


In the jaws of victory, alas,

I have found nothing but defeat.

I will retreat


back to the recesses

of my own ethereal world

where my imagination caresses


my withering soul.
