Dum Spiro Spero


I can’t always feel it, because sometimes it is out of reach.

Lonely, anxious, worried, scared.  Negative thoughts race though my brain.

But something pulls be back to rationality.


And I hear:

“As long as I breathe I hope.”


It takes me a second to remember why I keep trying.

Happiness seems so far away.

Just give up!  I tell myself.  But instantly I’m yanked back.


There it is again:

“As long as I breathe I hope.”


It takes months, but I’m in a good place.

Loved ones care, I learn happiness is a choice.

And I don’t need to be hauled back.


This time I say out loud:

“As long as I breathe I hope.”


Positivity is key.

Repeat the mantra and you’ll see,

Hope is always there.  Ready to guide you through the impossible.


“As long as I breathe I hope.”

This poem is about: 
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kayli hom

Hope will be there

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If you ever need help or support, we trust CrisisTextline.org for people dealing with depression. Text HOME to 741741