Peace of Mind on the Shoreline
Breathing in the fresh salty breeze
I'm invincible on that shoreline.
The waves come up and brush my bare feet
As I run through the wet sand.
My body is about to burst,
But I never want this moment to end.
God is right behind me,
With me,
Pushing me farther down the shore and
Inspiring me with beautiful creations.
My sides ache;
My legs carry me faster.
I can only hear the waves,
My loud mind is silent.
I see the oceans waves and
The sun setting on one side with
The moon rising on the other.
Each stride long and strong
Until I come to a halt, falling to the beach
Looking up to the horizon, wondering
How anyone could doubt
Somethign so breathtaking
Was created by merely nothing.
How did I keep going when I could go no more?
What gives me that inner strength?
It's the inner light that keeps me going
When I feel I can go no more.