For I am not like any other
As I am
Not like many others who do not stray
I am but one of whom you can't clone
Whose emotional tune does not play
Triggering the thought of loneliness at will
Sacrificing myself at every turn
So I stay still
Hoping everyones contepmt does not burn
Wandering away from the crowed
Not caring if you all sneer
Hearing your angry voices loud
Letting my loneliness appear
But I am not like any other
So I shall stand here alone and let darkness hover.
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This is a strong piece of presence and will, of knowing who you are and how strong you are. Reading it made me feel strong and almost away from the rest of the world, I'm not sure if it made me feel happy or sad, and I'm curious now as to what emotion you had when writing it, and maybe even now as you reread it. There are a few mistakes that can be fixed with a scan through once more, but otherwise it was a great piece. Thank you so much for sharing this.
Very powerful so much meaning and incredible emotion