Can You Hear Me?
Can You hear me, God?
It's me again.
I've come to talk to you
about my dear friend.
She told me the story of
how she became
who she is today.
How her happiness
was sucked out
from a dementor from within.
How at the yound age
of eight, a clot
in her blood caused
her mind to blank.
She visited the place
of light,
only to return to
her own personal Hell.
Her arm is paralyzed
and what did You do, God?
You added more of a
burden to her
already flawed life.
At the age of nine
she was playing in gym
when the alarm of fire
started ringing in her ears.
She dropped to the floor,
hitting her head.
Uncontrollable shaking,
but not in fear.
Her mind is playing a game
by creating
a never ending storm.
Another trip to the
hospital, as the shaking
does not stop.
Her mother was a mess
as she tried to stay strong.
Her father was away,
freedom calling his name.
Why, God?
Why would you do this
to an innocent girl?
Do You hear her, God?
Do You hear her as
she weeps in her pillow
when the sky grows
cold and dark?
Imagine how her father felt
when he returned
to see his little girl's
happiness has vanished
while he was away.
Her despression was created
by all the kids at school
as they cowered away
from the girl that shakes.
Her only escape is
a camp in the summer
where she feels safe,
as though she
finally belongs.
She's happy there.
She feels accepted.
Do you know
she doesn't believe?
She thinks you left;
abandoned her.
I have always told her
You only give Your
children what you think
they can handle.
She's breaking God.
She cannot handle
the pain anymore!
She tries to act
like she is okay
but we both know
Everything is not what
it appears to be.
At sixteen she has
never experienced love.
In her mind the world
hates her.
Everyone makes fun of her.
How can you just sit
there and let all this happen?
Watch as your strong children
pick on the weak,
each of them slowly
starting to break.
I'm worried, God.
I am worried she
is going to visit you
sooner than planned.
Can You hear me, God?
I am asking for your
Forgivness for her sins,
my sins,
the worlds sins.
Can You hear me, God?
This is Your daughter,
pleading you to help
all those going through
hard times.
For those who
never knew their parents.
For those hanging onto
their sould,
begging to stay
another day.
But I want to thank you, God,
for introducing her
into my life.
She changed
the way I think.
She is my
Best Friend.
An she helped me
become who I am today.
All I want is to help her,
To tak her pain away.
Are You there God?
Can You hear me?