As a child, I endured extreme anxiety
once my adolescent body found itself
incarcerated by the unforgiving
darkness of the night.
Every breath increased in weight
heavier and heavier
until complete paralyzation
Chills ran across my skin
Stomach clenching
chest about to implode
Warm water falling from my eyes down my cheek.
The black of the abode surrounding my presence was my enemy.
And It seemed as if it would always be this way.
Now I am older and I can sleep through the night
with my enemy in every corner.
A deep and immediate trance as if the darkness
blooming around me had never existed.
The shaking subsides and both my mind and my body melt
into relaxation as if this is where I belong.
Maybe my fears and anxiety towards the dark were all just
a result of child-like ignorance in which maturity could rid.
Maybe I have realized now that I'm older,
that the dark is peaceful.
That the dark might just be relaxing
That the dark is
ultimately a matter of insignificance.
Or, maybe once you grow older
and your eyes seem wider
and your thoughts get deeper
and you experience the burden and fear life provides ,
you find yourself engulfed in what you use to fear the most.
Because now, darkness is all you can see.