To Endure is To Live

Tue, 09/24/2013 - 22:15 -- CEG11


The sun sets as shadows consume the land
Demons travel with them and the forgotten one comes last
He consumes my mind
Dark thoughts explore my end for hours 
The inner torture strikes my soul
I feel it in my chest
It wishes to break free from this mortal body
And fly towards the glorious light
Towards Immortality
But it can't
I don't allow it 
This is life
There are no shortcuts
I endure all the evil thrown at me until the sunrises
And the dark ones depart
And the angels come as quick as the first ray of light 
And bring glory and happiness
To remind me
That everything I endured was worth the rewards I receive every day
From up above
This is life
We must wait out and fight through tough times
To see the light and experience glory and happiness

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