The Darkness Within

I'm in the middle of the ocean,

isolated and utterly alone,

drowning and choking on the harsh waters

while everyone else is miles away on the shore.


I call out for help,

but my please are muffled from the brackish water

They tell me to swim, hold myself up

For God's sake, at least try and save yourself from sinking.


But they don't understand,

It is so hard for them to comprehend me.

It is hard for me understand myself.


There is a darkness inside of me,

that I cannot describe;

a monster that steals

my joy,

my love,

and the memories that I cherish.

Destorting my dreams into nightmares,

and my nightmares into reality.


It robs me of everything I possess,

and leaves in its wake

destruction, emptiness, and darkness.


Guide that inspired this poem: 



The dark passenger within us all, thankyou 

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