Don't judge a book by its cover
The things that are kept inside
are the things that no one sees.
It's the things that are hidden by a smile
or a laugh
or a shirt sleeve.
It's these things that are hidden
that should be brought to light
but instead they are left to rot.
It's these things
that kill us from the inside.
And no one ever suspects it, either.
The silent killer,
the one who doesn't leave any evidence.
But if you were to look closer,
you'd realize the evidence was everywhere
and you just didn't see it.
When you know what signs to look for
because you've lived through it
then you think that surely you'll be able to spot it a mile away.
You swear you'll never let your friends down
the way people have let you down.
But you still get surprised
when you're talking to a friend you thought you knew
and they roll up their sleeves to show their old scars.
The fact is
that we can't judge a book by its cover.
We don't know what's inside.
But we still try
and we fail
and we still say that we didn't know anything was wrong,
we didn't know they felt that way,
we didn't know they were doing it,
we didn't know
we didn't know
we didn't know.