My head is up and my heart is beating
But yet it doesn’t feel any different to be standing here
Like I’m someone I’m not
My heart has been beaten, torn, shattered, and broken
But life moves on like no one can believe
I’m stuck in this moment
And it keeps replaying over and over
What does it mean?
I’m stuck in the past and can’t move on
Others make it look easy
Like one simple step
It’s not
I can’t move on
I’m in denial and can’t get up
Reality broke my knees
And made me realize the messes I’ve made in the past
Never having a hand to hold
Or someone to say it’s gonna be ok
Many people may say things
But does anyone ever mean anything?
My world works like a prison
Reality is a prison
Memories are the guards that keep everything in line
And me?
I’m the prisoner…
Locked away and forgotten about
No visitors, no light to see
So many seconds pass by as I sit and wait
Patience is not an option
Neither is directly coming to a conclusion
Who am I to be judged?
So many others have the feeling like they’re alone
Truth is they’re not, but reality is
Who can help them?
My questions don’t meet up with the answers
Neither do the memories to the past
It’s times like these that make me feel
Like the monster inside me
Has been unleashed to the Realm of Darkness awaiting
There’s no one there waiting for me
I look down in the muddy water
And see the reflection of someone eaten by misery
The twisted features are surreal and cannot be described
No matter how hard you try
It cannot be done
Pain and healing are two different things
But never as united into one in my case
My stare is blank to the world
Others wonder what I may be looking at
I would be looking at what I could have done
What I’ve started and could have ended
Reality doesn’t let you escape easily
And never wants to let go
Of it’s victims...