Dear Loneliness,
You are with me everyday
With no friends, you are the only one
There is nothing I can say
It seems as if I have no one
It’s hard for me to connect
No one feels the way I do
They only know how to expect
I feel the pain of the world
I weep for those dying alone
But I cannot do anything
For I am only me
I don’t want to live for the money
I don’t want to party with strangers
I want to comfort the lonely
I want to be the changer
I want to heal
I want to shape
I want to create
I want to innovate
But you, loneliness, control me
You capture me in your darkness
I cannot be the person I deserve to be
I am left in the stillness
I deserve more than this
I deserve the love I give
I deserve the calmness I spread
I deserve to live
With myself
I will rise
I will show my true self
I will be the sunrise
Although I don't have many friends
I will not let you beat me down
I will push myself to talk with others
To see things from their view
To prove my wonders
To see them through
You may be the only thing I have now
But soon, I will be myself
I will get rid of you anyhow
I will prove myself
It will be tough
I will give up sometimes
But sure enough
I will get up a thousand times
I will be my beautiful, silly, weird, different, nerdy, glitter-loving, book-reading, Hogwarts-wishing self again.