Cutting the Noose
The noose had been tightening around my neck
Or more specifically, my waist
As my skin began to seemingly
Melt from my bones
I found myself trapped in a terrible cycle
One which took a tremendous amount of strength
And the support of my loved ones
To break
The noose sufficiently loosened
I escaped into the freedom of self confidence
And the burden of recognizing the signs
The rope marks around other necks
In my psychology class
We learned that eating disorders
Are more of a mental cage
Than anything else
I noticed the downcast eyes around me
Some of my peers trying to shrink into their seats
As if they could get any smaller
It was then I resolved to not only loosen
But firmly grasp their hands
Place them on the noose
And help them tear it to pieces
A threat heroically vanquished
In order to do this
I need the knowledge I thirst for
The ability to not only be empathetic
But to dissect their words and create a powerful shield
They can use to block temptation
I need a college education
A degree that can remove their doubt
When they walk into my office
That I do not understand and I can’t help them
I already have the emotional and physical support
From my family and loved ones
But financially, I am crushed and am reaching
For a hand to pull me out and make my dream a reality
I want to create a mirror in the minds of each patient
Let them see their true beauty
Let them see their worth
But I cannot do this alone
As I once needed the help
To still be breathing today
I need the help
So others can live as well