Who am I
Behind the mask,
Just get to know me,
And you won't have to ask.
I'm like nobody else,
A snowflake of creation
An individual person
A source of inspiration.
I've been through hell and back
Therapy and hospitals
Helped to get me back on track.
Back from myself,
My doubt and self hate.
So many years
So focused on my weight.
Anorexia. Bulimia.
The monster of self harm.
But I've grown from my monsters,
That scar my mind and arms.
I hope to be a source of hope
Recovery and Love.
Love for ourselves
That's help us rise above.
Rise above our demons
And voices of self doubt
Im not ashamed of my past
So I just put it all out.
Out for the world
To learn from my mistakes.
Anything that will help
People find their own snowflakes.