Wings/ Eating Disorders
I once was
A girl caged in lonliness; living nightmare
The devil on my back
Crawled in my head
Infected by the lies
A virus in my mind
creeping into my well being
A lifeless corpse of fragile bones
Crying out for mercy
Starved my body to the bone,
Yet my own reflection fed me illusions
A heartbeat growing fainter day by day; moment by moment
Saved by grace and Love from those who I couldn't understand; but now do
Their gentle eyes all I trusted
I now fly free
To give back:
pluck out the toxic images
scattered among our culture
Thin becoming the only ideal for beauty, happiness, success
Prove them all wrong
A counter culture
Where souls define us
Not the Shape or size of our bodies
Let them see they are beautiful
Birds with wings longing to fly
To be let go of the captivity
Help them understand
Deserving of breath, nourishment, joy
Let my struggles not be in vain
So I may be a voice to the speechless
A mind for the troubled
Let my struggles
Become a purpose
To aid in ending this battle of eating disorders
Let your wings be free
For you are more than what you see