Let Me be Me
Let me be me
Stop criticizing every move I make
Stop judging me, without fair play
You make me out to be the villain
Though I am the victim
For years you acted out
Forcing me to stay and listen to all your complaints, your whines, you tired voices, and your yells
While, I, not utter a word
But inside I felt like screaming for freedom from this place
Never, have I constantly complain and bring down others with my words
Never, have I told others my inner and personal issues
I kept it all inside, like a ditch being filled with acid
You have no clue what’s inside me, my body or mind
You always go on about what you’ve done for me, and what you’ll take
Well I’m tired and I’m sick of it
Stop doing things for me, and take what you want away!!!
Will I utter these words, of course not, because somehow I would be in the wrong?
You say it’s because of my age and how I am
Well, it’s not about my age, and I’m okay being me,
There’s no one else I’d rather be
The real problem is everything around me
It’s constant and refuses to go away
The gossip, the health, the brat, and social
Too much drama for my taste
Let me be me,
If I step out of line don’t fuse like it’s the end of the world
If it happened days maybe a week ago just let it go
What’s the point of bringing back yesterday?
You and I both know it won’t come back, so why waste time on it
Let it go and move on
I’ve already have
Is it so much a problem that I’m not like others?
That I don’t act like the kids in my school, that I don’t have much of a social life, that I’m not anyone’s average 15 year old, that the only real friends I have are miles away
If it is a problem, then stop trying to make it your problem, your business
Its mines not yours
If it’s a problem in my business let it be my burden
So what if I don’t act like those other kids, I am me, and my personality is not theirs
SO what if I don’t have much of a social life, it doesn’t make me a freak
SO what I’m not anyone’s normal 15 year old, I’m not supposed to be, I’m supposed to be me,
And so what the only real friends I have are miles away, at least they unlike most of the people I meet and won’t befriend, will never turn their backs on me, betray me, and leave me in the forgotten dust of faded memories
See a true friend to me takes time to make, it’s not immediate like most, but that’s okay, at least I’m trying to be safe
If you don’t see my way, then you just don’t see
Accept it anyways
I have no need for your rude, negative comments,
They will do me no good
I’ve learned that I just need to be me, because all those years ago I was focused on what others thought of me
That if I did something out of step then it would be over
Back then their words were like kryptonite, slowly killing me for days, even after the words were said
I would think about those words, and those words hurt
I hated it so, that I created a bubble for just myself
To keep away the danger of others, yet it didn’t work
For years I did everything I was told, always did my best and yet where did it get me
A pile full of rewards and a reputation, which I rather could care less about
My image to others was a snooty girl who thought little of others
But now things are different, I’ve come to a realization in my mind
It doesn’t matter what others think of me, I’m fine the way I am
That I shouldn’t keep all of my emotions inside of me, because it will break me
Stop listening to everyone crude comments, they‘re not god
I’m me, and I have to remember that in the long run
Because when the world has turned its back on me
And I’m forced into the corner,
The only person I can turn to for help is myself
And like a phoenix, who has been beaten down, broken, and has been droned in the pool of insanity
I’ll burst into flames, and rise anew, healed of all of yesterday’s wounds, and stand on my own two feet
I vow that no matter what I will survive this game we call life.