you're so strong,
you leave such a great impression.
PLEASE! Leave me alone!
Leave me alone so I can go back home.
Your existence is an illusion,
...seems I AM too,
That's my conclusion.
The sadness you bring to me,
Your demands are those of confusion,
But hating you is like hating myself,
Mystifying my every thought into madness.
Sadness and madness,
They seem to go hand in hand,
Making me believe..
I should no longer...exist.
Clenching my fist,
Thinking no one loves me,
Thinking Depression is right
I'm TOO WEAK for this ONGOING fight.
Giving into you is so easy.
Distorting every thought,
Every emotion,
Crying every drop.
Please depression
let me be!!
Let me go home,
So I can see my family,
letting them love me,
Because they always have,
But ...Depression... you...
You have arrested my trust,
Leaving those loving words ...
to just be dust.
Dust that HAS meaning,
Dust I cannot hold onto,
Because of you depression.
Because of you Depression,
Everything in my life is dust....
Caught by the drift of wind.
No longer can i hold onto things,
No longer can people hold on to me,
Because of YOU DEPRESSION!!..
I AM the dust.
Swept away and forgotten,
Leaving me downtrodden,
sticking to everything
Anything and everything.
Depression leave me be!
Loosen your hold on me,
Let me go home
Go home and be free.