Group Home
I met some folks at work today.
It was my first day at the job.
A fellow staff gave me some keys
Then turned to fill out paperwork.
Now I can unlock chemicals,
But how can I unlock a heart?
A mumbling old lady stared straight
Ignoring the fact I was new.
Another client ran away
Because he thought I meant him harm.
I almost missed the youngest one
Who was playing video games.
I walked into the strangest place;
An indifferent coworker first
A woman who hears voices next
A paranoid person was third
A video-gamer was last.
I didn’t know quite what to think,
So I recalled my training then.
I talked to the grey haired lady,
But she conversed with someone passed.
I knocked on the second man’s door,
But he said to me “go away!”
I tapped on the gamer’s shoulder,
But he slapped me across the face.
Subdued, I resorted to files.
I read into their history.
They locked the poor lady away
Inside a special hospital
After she killed her only child.
She doesn’t know that he is dead.
The fearful man was once a nurse,
Until hard stress disturbed his mind.
I tried to read some of the files
Of that violent youngster right there.
Orphaned, excluded, abandoned.
I just couldn’t finish reading.
They’re victims of systems varied.
I must foster independence,
For that is what I’m paid to do.
Break past the past and broken lives,
Win trust and offer comfort kind.
But this will wait a little while,
Until I’m finished with crying.