I can ride a wave of light to the stars and
swallow them whole, spitting out
constellations and fireworks.
I’m the heat that will leave third degree
burns on your eyes if you look
at me long enough, the fire the will scar your
soul if you keep me close.
I can tie a bowling ball to my back
and take the brunt of being thrown into
the cracks of the earth.
I’m the darkness that you breathe in
and become at night, the ink that stains your
skin when you didn’t know I had
even spilled.
I can be the matchmaker of the
temperature of your skin to the air.
I’m the whisper of you neighbor’s party
being heard through open
windows, the cool sheets that wrap around your
body and lull you to sleep.
I’m on the bottom of the scale of
“you’ll never know me”
to the top of
“you can’t get enough.”
Known as a shot in the dark and a question
you’ll spend your whole life
trying to answer, I’ll pull you into my battle
with paint on your face and a
hunger in your heart.
Those who have yet to meet me
will see my fire and scamper to glimpse
my beauty.
I am a warrior built from gunpowder
and shards of the sun.
Do not think you can
tame me,
do not think you deserve
my time,
you don’t.
Stand too close,
I’ll swallow you whole and spit out your bones.