The Dark of Night


United States
42° 50' 3.8472" N, 71° 50' 42.9864" W

The light of day and dark of night
This pale moon is such a fright
A breath of wind, or a catch of air
Caught beneath its treacherous glare
The cold wind begins to howl
Causing the wolves to snarl and growl.

A sound that is completely silent
Mixed with a promise, that it is violent
We wait for the morning, with its beautiful light
For the dark is where the monsters delight
With their razor teeth, so white and so cold
This night will soon get so dreadfully old.

With no way to know where it is that you are
There's not a single, shining star
The moon disappears, and the night goes black
Then lightning strikes with a resounding crack
Is it raining, or is it pouring
Or is it the silence, itself roaring?

The light and dark, are falling around
The light and dark, don't make a sound
My worst enemy, or my best friend
There's nothing in this soul left for me to defend
The light has faded, and shadows are frail
This thing called life...

is now just a tale.

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