Faceless Beauty

A faceless beauty with out a name
Oh, what a shame if you only knew her story
You would know her name

Just another face in the crowd overlooked by everyone
Can anyone see the pain she hides inside
Or the scars that cover her skin

A Girl with a painful past yet no one wants to ask
She tries and tries every day yet
She gets lost in the dark inside her

A faceless beauty with out a name
Oh, what a shame if you only knew her story
You would know her name

Another girl that is called names
If you only knew what she went through
You would see her pain and her name marked in blood
Along her arm

Just another cut
Just one more for the pain she feels is nothing compared
Compared to the way she feels inside

A faceless beauty with out a name
Oh, what a shame if you only knew her story
You would know her name

Another night she cried her self to sleep
Another fight she had to endure
Another screaming match with her father and mother
Another final goodbye written

Written just to write it
For her family would never find it
She can never find the right words to say
She can only tell them sorry

A faceless beauty with out a name
Oh, what a shame if you only knew her story
You would know her name

The scares that mark her skin are there to say
She can no longer stay
She tries so hard to leave but can't do what she needs to

She tries her best to stay alive but
All she wants is to die
She writes letters to loved ones
All the same story

She got called another name
She got hit another time
She was made cry another time
And as time goes by she only wants to say goodbye

Another rope pulled tight
Another pill taken
Staying under for too long
A knife to the throat
A cut on her wrist
Another gun to her head
Another attempt to die
Another attempt to say goodbye

A faceless beauty with out a name
Oh, what a shame if you only knew her story
You would know her name

She tries to get help
Yet she cant seem to get better
Every time she talks about the black hole she is in
All that happens to her is
Going deeper into the abyss

Just another face in a crowd that no one notices
A face that may not be there tomorrow
Yet no one see and no one knows

A faceless beauty with out a name
Oh, what a shame if you only knew her story
You would know her name

Every time she tries she thinks
What would this do
Who would find me if anyone

She loosens the rope
She spits out the pill
She gets up from under the water
Removes the knife from her throat
Takes the gun away from her head

A faceless beauty that cant see
What she is meant to be
Saves her life for another day
She wishes someone will know her name and save her
Save her from her grave

A faceless beauty with out a name
Oh, what a shame if you only knew her story
You would know her name

Poor faceless beauty
How can she not see she is beauty
How can she not see she is strong

She pulled her self from the edge
She made herself live another day
She gave her self a chance to save the world
She gave herself the chance to have love

A faceless beauty with out a name
Oh, what a shame if you only knew her story
You would know her name

Another day passes
Then a week goes by
She Suffers through another month
She waits another year to see
See if she will get better

The new year came and went and nothing changed
and now no one will know her name

A faceless beauty with out a name
Oh, what a shame if you only knew her story
You would know her name

Guide that inspired this poem: 



Wow so overwhelming so much emotion this is my favorite poem that I have read on this site please read my poem I woul dlike your opinion amazing poem

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