The Logical Fallacy of the Grinning, Rotting, Grotesque Carcass
Never scream.
The one unspoken rule, the one and only coveted truth.
Not when she cries, not when he lies,
Not even with maggot-like fingers caressing your thighs.
Never, ever scream.
Because if you scream, then the cops get called,
And if the cops get called, they see you sprawled
Over shards of glass, and they're appalled,
And then into the system you get hauled--
So, you never, ever scream.
But if the cops are never called,
Then your demise is never stalled,
(And no matter how much you fear his drawl)
Exactly, what good does it do,
To never, ever scream?
This poem is about:
My family
My country
Our world
Guide that inspired this poem: