As a Bird
As a bird
She flies away
With the setting sun
Brave and radiant
With a burning soul
And determined heart
She soars far above
Any distress that could reach her
Brave enough to face the future
Full of all its uncertainity
Strong enough to abandon
All the remnants of her scarred past
Never looking back, only carrying lessons
No pain to burden her
Holding her heart from flying free
Flying in perfect unity with the sun and sky
The moon and stars
And all the wonders of the night
When storms rage in, still she flies
But she flies far away from here
For she is afraid
Afraid of those around her
With their capabilities
To lie and cheat
To capture her
And forever cage her
Another sorrowful song bird
To take her wings
And break her heart
Her sould strong, but worn
Her heart brave, but delicate
Enwrapped in a cage itself
Inhabitant of darkness
And cold, iron bars
Just so it can go on beating whole
Flying forever to escape the fate
Inevitable to her identity
A heart meant to love
Stolen by callous demons
Morphing to cold and hate
Let her fly
Leave her to feel as if she is
Brave and beautiful and strong
And she may be
But never will she truly be
Until the day comes
That she finally stays