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You're standing right beside me staring at me with those piercing eyes.
You're not seeing what I'm made of, but you're seeing what's inside.
You're stripping me down
Till I'm less than flesh,
They break your mask
Crush it with their feet
Point and laugh at
How ugly you look
A monster they claim for you
To be
To play the role of an actor
A villian,
When all you wanted was
I suffer at home
Do you like the show?
I suffer at school
Do you like to be cruel?
I struggle to cry
In a garden bathed in light, two blooms, unique and fair, One stood tall, the other, a tender bud in her care. The elder, a sentinel, a beacon through the day, Watched over her sibling in her own protective way.
Kindness matters to me
Kindness matters to you
Kindness matters to us
Compassion, Inclusion
It will change the world!
I used to think there was no way you could ever let me down,
Then you broke my heart and knocked off my precariously placed crown.
I used to think I couldn’t live without you,
No you're not.
No it didn't.
No you don't.
I can't handle that.
I can't deal with you right now.
You are ten years old.
I'm sure you're just exaggerating, she's not that mean.
Parfois, oui parfois, c’est bon d’oublier
C’est bon d’ignorer hier et le passé
Pour aller vaillamment de l’avant
Pour continuer vachement avec le vent.
Sotto il ponte a Del Rio sono fermi, bloccati, appostati, accerchiati
Ammucchiati migliaia di migranti Haitiani, non Ucraini
Sous le pont De Del Rio sont arrêtés, coincés, entassés
Amassés des milliers d'Haïtiens migrants, pas d'Ukrainiens
Sob a ponte Del Rio eles estão parados, presos, estacionados
Milhares de imigrantes Haitianos, não Ucranianos
Francamente, se fossem os últimos, não seriam penalizados
Bajo el puente Del Río están parados, atascados, estacionados
Miles de inmigrantes Haitianos, no Ucranianos
Francamente, si fueran estos últimos, no serían sancionados
Never, never tell a good Poet what to write
Or what to say. The Poet always tries to be right
To be on the good and the best side of history
I'm sure you noticed
The day you turned 63
You received birthday wishes from several
But you did not receive one from me
It was intentional
And I have no regrets
Mistletoe and Christmas go hand in hand
The mistletoe and its beautiful cherries
Blaming the white men
Is the idea, the insane ideas
That many of you have in your eyes
Mais do que você me despreza
Mais do que você me diz bobagem
Mais do que você me abusa
We stumble, we fall and we get upWe don't beg, don't kneel and we stand upFailure will never be an optionLife is about struggling and taking actionWe are living in a world full of hypocrisy
If you were born in the month of August
Be cool, be calm, be wise and be robust
Nous tombons parfois amoureux de la bonne personne
De la parfaite, de l'immaculée ou de la plus mauvaise poltronne
Você não é ninguém
Como eu não sou ninguém
Você é alguém
Como eu sou alguém
Há uma humanidade
Non sei nessuno
Dato che non sono nessuno
Sei qualcuno
Come io sono qualcuno
C'è una sola umanità
You are nobody
As I am nobody
You are somebody
As I am somebody
There’s one humanity
Let’s thank God and Jesse
El eterno silencio
Es la muerte
A menudo decimos bajo este cielo
Donde los enemigos están en todas partes
Incluso entre matones y tontos
L'eterno silenzio
È la morte
Diciamo spesso sotto questo cielo
Dove i nemici sono ovunque
Anche tra teppisti e sciocchi
Death is
The eternal silence
We often say under this sky
Where the enemies are ubiquitous
Des enfants déjà grandis
Des baisers déjà oubliés
Des plantes déjà fleuries
I don’t want to think
I don’t want to blink
I don’t want to imagine
I don’t want to be seen
A kiss on the forehead
Is a gesture of betrayal
It's not a kiss of love
Filled with joy and humor.
Un baiser sur le front
Est un geste de trahison
Ce n’est pas un bisou d’amour
Empourpré de joie et d’humour.
The croaking toad
The spitting toad
Is ill
Time and wind pass
Like poor cowards.
Still tears in our eyes for our Brave Haiti
Still tears in our eyes for our incredible Country
North and South are fighting againWasting lives, money, future and funWar is hell; there, everybody is on the runNonsense is their common sin.
It is Good Friday
Remember, remember
When, for Jesus, everything was nasty and sour
Love those who love you
Appreciate those who appreciate you
A dog never bites its owner
Democracy is about freedom of speechAnarchy is, without a doubt, the oppositeOf democracy, liberty and freedom to wishTo hope, to dream and to confront defeat.
L’amoureux brindezingue dit non avec la tète
Le cerveau fort agité amèrement s’embête
Pendant qu’il dit oui avec le cœur enflammé
Wir kommen
Wir wandern
Und wir gehen
Das ist alles was wir wissen.
Wir kommen auf die Erde
No mustard bombs are droppedNo audible or silent shots are firedNo planes are necessarily blown or hiredNo flags are deliberately flown or flappedNo soldiers crossed the borders
We do not want only a piece
We aspire and want Peace
A mammoth piece of Freedom
For the north, south, west and east
These are not events that took place very far in the past
These are obviously ongoing racial gaffes and contrasts
Where human beings are bombarded and mistreated
Instead of bombing, shelling and trashing our neighbors
Let’s all do the highly popular fun ‘Jeru’ dance
Liberty has been taken hostage, abducted in many parts
Of the world
Freedom is often smothered, suffocated in many hearts
In this world
Lethal Thermobaric Bombs
Also known as vacuum bombs
Sucking the oxygen out of the air
For many miles. Nuclear and cluster bombs
And after all, all these, my love
I adore you and will always love you, my dove
After so much hubbub and confusion
WarIs where
Nobody wins
And everybody sins
At the unbeautiful bar
War is hell on earth
“Are you going to eat me”, the koi asked the cormorant?
“No, I don’t have any plans to eat you”, said the cormorant.
Haiti (Ayiti, Bohio, Quisqueya, Saint-Domingue)
Is a long ago
Kidnapped country
Before the parturition of the harmful bayonets
“Don’t stop.”
“You deserve this”
“You should just do it”
That’s what kept replaying in her head over and over.
As she was reopening old cuts.
I believe he can’t fly
I believe he can no longer lie
I believe he’ll die in jail
I believe he should have known better
You would have to see or witness this to believe it
These horses were smarter than the border patrol agents
Because the smart animals avoided charging these poor migrants
There’s some days when I still wonder about youHow your life isWhat you are up toWho you hang withBut what I really ponder on is if you ever think about me.And if it’s still like before...negatively.I’m not even sure what happened in the past, why
they spend their days bullying but I am not happy
then wonder why people take their own lives to be freed
it affects others, or it doesn’t, but it’s clear to see
if you’re saying all this stuff, you clearly don’t like me
Have you ever thought?
The girl you called fat today in the hallway
She is starving herself
Even though her ribs show and she can see the bones in her arms
She starves herself
Aiming for my confidence they shot the gun,
hitting me with that, “you’re so dumb so ugly so…”
I’m so numb, that’s what I’ve become.
I bit the bullets of words hitting me,
"I have already lost touch with a couple of people I used to be." ~ Joan Dideon
When I was born I had a good life
But then it all started
When I was young I was bullied
And I felt disregarded
My sister used to make fun of me
He hit me
I went to hit back
But he hit me
I went to escape
And he hit me
** ** ** ** **
I moved in with him when I was sixteen
We were so happy together
Or so it would seem
This is the story of a young boy
And the bullies who fought agaist him
They kicked, punched, broke his toys
Until one of them met a bitter end
He was walking to his school the long way
Stop making people feeling ashamed of themselves just because thier life didn't turn out as they expected ...
Don't let people feel bad for wearing what they can afford, let them wear thier fake stuff in peace
When writing this poem/song, I took inspiration from the greatest rapper of our time (in my opinion), Tupac Amaru Shakur/also known by his stage alias, “2PAC” while listening to arguably his most popular diss song called “Hit
It's hard to pretend to be someone you're notYou don't have to choose your spotYou're not a mistakeYou are a piece of artIt isn't your faultYou are not a mistakeIt wasn't your bullet to take
I suffered in silence but
humor was my way
If everyone else forgot about it...couldn't I?
I was okay with you laughing with me
because it was mine to joke about
but when it wasn't humor
I wrote the words in white paint, proudly as I could have written them. I wrote those words for him, when he was gone before. Now he is gone again. They shout at me.
I said 'No' that evening.
I told you not to do that.
Not to touch my breasts.
But you didn't listen that night, did you?
You asked me to 'calm down'.
You told me everyone did it anyway,
Hey you, come join our squad
You’ll be so great, the audience most definitely will applaud…
...For us. We’re a team
You better believe we’ll shine bright and gleam
A little girl looks in the mirror one day
And wishes her reflection would just go away
Echoes of torment resound in her ears
As her eyes fill to the brim with tears
Dear Bullies
Why do you have to push me around to make yourself feel better?
Dear Bullies
Why does pushing me around make you feel better?
Dear Bullies
Why do you have to look at me with disgust
Today I am wearing a hoodieI hear the laughs in the backgroundOf my peers laughing because my clothes aren't top brandMy hoodie is a shield from your hateful words
She cried herself to bed,
Hoping, the tears would soften their hearts,
It didn't stop the words to be said,
Aimed towards her like a dart.
In the corner was where she sat,
I felt their eyes, piercing through me with gazes as sharp as knives.Drip.I listened to their sweet lies, releasing the bitter poison that they implanted into the depths of my throat.Drop.I saw the sudden bursts of raw emotion, introducing me to t
An endless cacophony of meaningless noise.
As seen in every answer she writes,
Ink puddling on the page margins.
Walking down the hallway,
Looking at the people I see on this day,
There's the Jocks, the Scenes, the Gays,
The Cheerleaders, the Nerds, and the Emos saying "I'm okay",
The Mean Kids, the Tomboys, the Girly-Girls,
A hammer shatters the mirror and blood pools in the places punctured by the mirror's shards. Maybe the blood loss will make her lighter.
140 to
135 to
104 still counting.
In the United States, 105 people die every minute, out of those 105, 32 committed suicide. It starts small the names you call them bitch, slut, hoe..
Let Me Tell You Something ... !!!
My Nerves Are Near ....
.... COMBUSTION .... !!!!!
Cos' These Days People ....
Seem To Think it's Cool ...
To PUSH My Buttons ... ?!?
Behind closed doors she hides herself
and what she has become,
the cuts, the bruises,
the angry words said -
that should never be undone.
But luckily she lives and so forgives "Him"
This ... Disrespect Thing ...
IS ... OUT OF CONTROL ... !!!
From Work To Street Corners ...
To ... Most Peoples' Homes ... !!!
My Poetry Roams .............................
Just Like Mobile Phones ...
We believe if we were to confess what we believe
Everything we ever knew and loved... we would be free
Arm in arm, carefree as can be
Reminiscing about our life before and what we would do
They say ”sticks and stones,
May break my bones,
But words will never hurt me”
But what about all the words,
That took the lives of many,
In a snap, the mind can have an intense internal battle
The one you could see if only you looked hard enough
You stand by as others aim to push and rattle
They believed that if they looked in the mirror, their reflection would shatter the glass
Only, because society made them think that way
You fucked up
You know that you did
We'll ruin you for it
Shit, we already did
We want nothing to do with you
Nothing, we're through with you
That beautiful girl
Under the blossom tree
Reading her books
She never acknowledged me.
And in my mind
I knew she never would
And even though I wanted to,
I knew I never could.
I mourn the tides of the sea, siren’s calls
that once reached my ears fall deaf,
lost in a roaring mob. I reach out
to the ocean, to the blue, to love.
There once was girl
Oh, so bright
Who used to smile each day
She’d smile in laughter
Smile in joy
And even smile when grey
For smiling was her safety blanket
A cover for the pain
with the intelligence of a god,
for whom intelligence is the base,
it would hardly seem odd,
if she got red in the face,
when with the click of some keys,
at a relatively quick pace,
Dedicated to all victims of bullying, which include girls & boys of all ages, sizes, and backgrounds. (That includes me too.) "You can beat a bully without using your fists!"
The killer, the executioner, the hunter, the slayer
Ostime, the one who was kicked around by many
For no reason that the child could comprehend
Ostime, the one who tried to be kind to everyone
Athens high school was home to some of the best and most talented gods and goddesses in all of Greece. This high class school was home of Zeus, Poseidon, and Aphrodite.
Stop. you heard me stop. Yes Iḿ talking to you, all of you.
Stop what you’re doing and listen to me. Stop thinking about how weird this is,
Stop it my hairstyle shouldn't matter to you.
Stop. you heard me stop. Yes Iḿ talking to you, all of you.
Stop what you’re doing and listen to me. Stop thinking about how weird this is,
Stop it my hairstyle shouldn't matter to you.
Teacher: I am teacher.
Student: I am student.
Teacher: Good morning students I am your teacher.
Student: You were my teacher. I was meant to trust you.
Both: But you are less than what I thought of you.
Friends are important. They may be the only reason why I’m still here today; they've brought meaning back into life.
Listen to the shouts and jeers
Words that are used like spears
At home you let out the tears
These are your darkest fears
They mocked you until you cried
Wouldn’t care if you died
Nobody listened
“Nobody” heard
Nobody ever said a single word.
Nobody asks
Nobody feels
Nobody tries to help me heal
Sitting around
a new day in town.
Start a new year
all my friends are here.
The look at me
and all they see
is my cut up hair.
"It was my choice!"
I strain my voice
The Creative arts,
They reach out to her
They tell her she’s not alone.
The Empty spaces,
They reach out to her
It's been years now but, the words still hurt like it was yesterday. I am grown now but, why do I still feel this childish hurt everday. I say im happy but, I still find myself in the back of the room or comfortable only in the shadows.
Was always scared to talkHardly ever showed my emotionsHated being called on duringclass in fear of being wrong
Was always scared to talkHardly ever showed my emotionsHated being called on duringclass in fear of being wrong
I was sitting in my private school, around age 8
The religion teacher said everyone sit in a circle
Don’t speak
Close your eyes
They say stand up for yourself when someone makes you feel small.
But, then they tell you "Chill out".
All of a sudden speaking up shouldn't be an option.
wont talk
she just nods
scared to speak up
she wants to be heard
but knows nobodys ever truly listening
she tries to trust but shes struggling
before you judge
before you point and laugh
before you mock someone think about this
what do you really know about them
that boy with the bruises on his legs he gets abused at home
Hey, you there, sitting alone in the dark, why don't you get some sunlight, take a stroll in the park? I know this world can be cruel and I know that even your parents, can sometimes be fools.
She wonders why she feels this way;
Living in the shadows of her pain.
Why do they ignore her daily?
Is this a sign her efforts are failing?
Surely someone has answers for her;
Those voices I hear in the hallways,
Somehow always used to torment me.
Cruel words escaped their lips.
Poison vowels and sounds,
Yet I was taught they were good.
I was born this way...
When you look at me, what do you see?
I'm a girl who's full of Humanity.
I'm someone who fights for what's right,
And does no harm so I can sleep at night.
Do you see who I am? Do you really see,
"I pity the deaf girl" they say:
Her mind is off in a land far away.
She can, she can't, she might, she might not;
In a big ole trap she is caught.
They doubt her, they decieve her;
Why do they keep doing this to me?
Don't they know I'm F'ed up on several meds?
That I'm emotionally unstable?
She tries to be perfect within society standards,
Everything she does is so precise.
She doesn’t speak her mind,
It was only grade school,
when I had my first friend.
Stuck together like white on rice
She always treated me so nice
Then one day,
Another girl came along
And we couldn’t bare to get along
Reach the sky,
trust the sun
and crave its kindness.
Rely on the orchestra of rain
to quench your thirst.
Depend on the lavish ground
to stand tall.
When Winter dethrones warmth,
In daylight around my peers
My stature and character becomes sharp as if it were a spear.
But everyday has a night
This is where my anxiety begins creating this dirty little sprite.
My Features are Mild My Body is Part Curvy But Strong to strong for a women so they say They laugh as i past By with hopes that i grow to hate myself Because of there insults.
I can almost hear the whispers in the back of my head,
Those taunting sounds that I despise the most,
Cheeks reddened, eyes shut, fighting away the tears,
Desperately trying to find my breath,
“Why do you sound like that?”
“Shut up and fix that.”
“Your accent can’t be that?”
“You can’t give a speech”
facing my fear,
was the last thing on my mind,
heart beating everytime I see my bully,
I was running out of time,
skinny kid like me ,
standing up for myself,
I was deep in my thoughts,
10 years old is for cars
for tire swings, spelling bees, and candybars
10 years old is not for hospital lobbies
not for scans of imperfect bodies
you’re different, but that’s fine, they said
you're four and pocahontas is your world.
mommy and daddy don't understand,
'you want to marry the princess?
you can't.'
(they don't know why you're confused.)
You should know, bullying hurts.It starts with one word, one word you blurt.Fat, ugly, worthless. These are the words they hear.Did you know you're their biggest fear?
When you hurt
There is a malevolent force
One feeling you can feel
Which is all great remorse.
It was only once
Wait it became twice
The feeling was so good
It became thrice.
I was thirteen
my family packed into a van
"Wham bam thank you pam" to the land where I began
Fuck my school, fuck my friends, fuck my plan
knocked off my feet
and now I really can't stand
Over the course of my lifetime
I've never understood societies ways
Mommy I’m scared, am I going to have wrinkles like that lady when I grow up,
she shushes me and apologizes to the old woman, no darling she says as
she pushes me out the door.
I am not defined by the color of my hair or the size of my hips
You can’t make me believe that all I am worth is what you tell me
I am not worthless, because I’ve made a world of differences to the ones who know me best
The way you speak to me
only shows the way you speak to yourself.
-so please stop hurting the both of us
I whistle a tune
unbeknownst to all
subjugating aerodynamics
take flight in the V, they quack
no? I chose the letter G
I hum a melody
that pricks the ears of Grays
shall they
I slept hard as a bear
That eats so much food in a dark cave,
What no one notices all the time,
My ears can hear, but I have weary tears;
Beyond the walls, there is so much fear,
I know what you're thinking-
Not the echidna.
I see them-
massive structures of meat and bone
on destruction
it’s not about being sensitive
it’s not about being a social justice warrior
it’s not about being PC
and no i’m not triggered
it’s about feeling safe
it’s about feeling comfortable
My friend waves a phone in my face and huffs.
It's a brand new girl everyday.
My friend points and judges this girl with anger.
She finds flaws in each and every way.
You just saw the girl walking in the hallway with tears.
You don't know who is in her home,
You don't know if she feels alone.
You just saw the girl walking in the hallway wiping her tears.
They always say
If you having nothing nice to say
then say nothing at all
For why the scars are there
My tears are the words that never left my mouth
My scars scream for me
Your words cut like knives
You attack,
Always from different angles,
Always with the same artillery.
You aim to destroy,
To take my life,
And turn it to pieces.
You watch me fall,
“It gets better”
A phrase i heard a lot
From people who didn’t know what else to say
Or who haven’t the experience for advice.
A phrase that felt like an excuse
I come from blurry images that look back at me from the mirror
I say I'm beautiful but harsh words from the past hit me like a pair of
Anvils weighing down on me
Bulying hurts and lays skin deep
BalloonBy: Kailin MitchellBa-ba-balloon. I still hear it. It’s been seven years, yet I still hear it. You thought you were funny. I thought it cruel. But you didn’t see The speech practices. The frantic ums and uhs. All making me quieter. Quiet
I’ve never imagined myself growing up and getting old
My depression has taken over so much of my mind
It doesn't allow me to see anything past tomorrow
To whom it concerns:
To everyone who has taunted and teased me:
For the color of my skin.
For the texture of my hair.
The things you said were more than words:
Those evil barbs you fired my way
Were meant to hurt, to crush my pride
So stunned, I had no words to say
I took one on the chin and once
From the first day of stepping in the school,
I felt like my life was no longer important.
I didn't know anybody and most of the students ignored me.
A few months went by and I lost all of my tools.
Thank you for always being by my side,
When all the others would trudge all over me
Thank you for crying with me,
When all the others would just chuckle,
Thank you, little girl.
For hiding your shaking
hands and nervous breaths
And faking a façade of
Smooth stability.
For smiling during the storms
Without poetry
I would be dead
Because I kept hearing voices inside my head
No one cared about the pain I carried
Everyone would tell me to keep my feelings buried
I trip and fall.
I feel pain.
A crush tells me that he does not like me the same.
I feel pain.
I get bullied and ostracized on the bus.
I feel pain.
I miss those mornings where everyone is called out for breakfast
I miss those noons, where you're exhausted from school, work
And you're forced to take a nap
I miss those evenings where the power is on
Poetry has taught me
That love comes
But that love also leaves
Poetry has taught me
To get excited about words
But that words do nothing to ease your loneliness
Poetry has taught me
Whisper here, Whisper there,
I heard you whisper in his ear,
Told him the gossiper's word,
With the forbidden glare.
The hallway, a lounge,
The lockers, full of the smoky words of cold hounds.
"Stay calm maybe tomorrow will be better,"
Maybe the girls won't make your life more of a living hell
Maybe they'll stop trying to make others hate you,
Stop them from being your friend.
Seeing the beauty of life is only attainable by freeing yourself of negative energy:
Golden gates of bridges divine cross your thoughts and opinions,
Full of dominions telling you to dominate your own fears,
I'm choking,Sputtering,I can't fucking breathe. My throat is gone,My lungs deflated,Is there anything left of me?
First week of freshman year; the hallways were bright
before the bullies mapped their routes
and made it nearly impossible to get to
the good vending machines.
An occasional shove into a locker wasn't the worst
You think no one tells me,
You think I'll never see,
You think I don't have a silent plea,
You sit and stare out at the fieldYou shut your eyes and form a shield.Where did you go wrong?The words and insults form a song.You’re such a fake friend!
Handfuls of hair tugged tight,Kids crying out in fright,Do they know this is why people cry at night?People thinking they are always in the right,
I hate you, and I can't stand up to you
You represent everything that I hate about this world
You are the epitome of evil
You are the living proof of why no one wins by playing fair
Everyone loves the tough guy
The new girl wore sherbert pink capris and
a matching polo shirt (despite hating girly things).
The desks were arranged into a U in the 5th grade class.
Strange plants in tiny pots lined the windowsill.
My heart has been ripped apart by your words your seething lies I denied because my love for you made me blind. Where is the light? You laugh at me as your darkness chokes me smothers the light that I wish would come back.
Put that gun down
Young one.
You may be feeling red,
But you’ll be seeing red.
If you use that there gun.
It won’t solve
But cause a whole lot of
Going along, separation
Spurred by deception
It worked until the ocean called.
It’s siren rang out
How could it not catch your leavings
Twelve years old with a huge fabric binder,
a new pair of shoes,
and the exact same wardrobe as the year before.
The shoes were maroon and grey
and "only cost fifteen dollars!" my mom said.
It's been a year.A year since you broke me.
It's been a year since you cut into my fleshBefore I even got the chance toAfter telling me how horrible it is.
I hate the way some like to say,
"Man high school was some bullshit!"
Like, "I never learned anything useful!"
They hated me for being someone else they hated me for being me.
They told lies about me to the whole wide world, so a hoe is all that they see.
Here we are
Once again
Just you, me,
And Twitter
And look here
Someone retweeted by pic
Let me us send a quick thx,
Oh wait
This person used it negatively
They posted this
There was this boy that I use to know,He was proud of the big heart he use to showSadly for him he learned that others hearts were full of fools gold.Oh it hurt him and it turned him to stone,
the Student
who became a statistic
the Victim
that took it’s life
she didn’t want to cut
he didn’t want to overdose
all of the days when you wanted to hide
all of the times when you made mistakes
all of the moments when you hated what lived inside
all of the nights when your heart finally breaks
I forgot I’m forgetting I’m forgotten
Since I got away from you for solid years,
Built up confidence like a Berlin wall that separated my mind from people like you.
As a child,
your first friend,
who promises to be there 'till the very end.
That day in 3rd grade,
when she finds someone new.
Tells you that you were never quite good enough,
A shiny, new, bustling city.Full of people.Each with ideas.Each with thoughts.Each with emotions.
But then It starts.
Tick Tock goes the time bomb in my head, what'd ya say...I'm better off dead...
Nothing to live for here comes the sun, day after day, the hauntings just begun...
Every day, every hour, every minute, every second...
I meant no disrespect
I never did,
but I am not to be held accountable
for what you think I meant.
If I say we are allowing ourselves to be victimized
it is not as bad as you think,
Every day people pass me by
Like I'm not even there
I want to be noticed
I want to be seen
I want to go about my routine
Without having to worry about everyone else
Or being anxious
I wish the existence of pain was non-existential and the person in pain could get better just with words.
Maybe it's merely impossible but it's a goal that can be halfway accomplished.
Loneliness is similar to a jail cell,
except the bars are invisible and the guard is your worst fear.
Loneliness is similar to poison ivy,
once you try to get rid of it on your own- it only gets worse.
Holding my words above my head.
Words stemmed from rumors that bring out the worst.
I, the kindest soul...
have grown the meanest exterior.
All because of the words...
held above my head.
Am I pretty now?
You told me I need makeup,
You can hardly tell it is me anymore,
Am I pretty now?
You said I needed to lose some weight,
Well i have, now I'm anorexic,
Am I pretty now?
This is for the girls who believe the number on the scale, determines whether they are beautiful or not.
This is for the men who don’t fit in the role of “tough man,” that media portrays them to be.
words are powerful
this a fact that should never be doubted
they can hurt or they can help
they can make you cry or they can make you smile
they can make you angry or they can make you laugh
that all i feel,
freedom that i want to gain,
to set me free from the pain,
threat ,that all i get,
depression is return,
for my freedom, burn,
my peace is all i want,
What if life were a glowing light
that shown through death and cut the night?
Where then would it go if I were to die
would it flicker out or maybe hide?
I look at myself in the mirror and only see a monster.
I see the fat that sticks off of my stomach; what am I? Pregnant?!
I see the stretch marks that line my legs, I must be fat.
Dear past oppressors,
I don't forgive your malice.
I don't know if I ever will.
The damage done is certain,
all your taunts, they haunt me still.
My self-image has been shattered.
Hey little me,
I know that nothing has been okay,
and I know that you're afraid.
I know that you're alone.
I know that all of the scrapes and bruises
they are nothing compared to what can't be seen.
Dear Nathan,
I’m sorry I couldn’t say goodbye or even say hello
I wish I could’ve stopped you
And showed you that you weren’t alone
Or if I couldn’t do that
A rare species
So hard to find
Someone to stick up
for themselves
and others
ones with courage
have gone
im trying my hardest to keep my head up
but ive been pushing through as best i can
no matter how hard i try i cant seem to make friends
it seems as though i'll never be able to communicate
A boy at the highschool down the street from mine killed himself.
It's sad, I know.
But I'm not sad, I'm livid.
Dear Her,
I saw Her wrists.
I saw the scars.
I have not forgiven myself
for failing to save Her.
I do not know how to refrain from losing Her again.
It's okay to be different.
It's okay to be plain.
It's not okay to keep thoughts trapped in your brain.
If you're struggling with something
Make sure you tell someone.
Life should be the battle
No matter my size,
I've got this power of voice,
So you can disregard the opinion,
Or absorb the knowledge, your choice,
But its ripe,
Its moist like fresh brownies from the oven,
Dear Antagonist,
In a regular story, the villain
is plainly,
There was no doubt.
However, while reading my own story, you had me for a fool.
I used to resent you.
There used to be a time when I would wake up dreading the day.
I dreaded having to hear your voice, or see your face.
And you knew that.
EVERYONE knew that.
To me, " Emo" is just another stereotypical name that society gives people who dress in darker clothing. So what? i wear darker clothes. But, society also attached other characteristics to the stereotype. Like " suicidal" "self harm"
Dear My High School Peers,
Filled halls... head down
Breathe... breathe
Only four more years
Three more years
Don't pretend to sympathize when we can see the greed in your eyes.
You say one thing, turn around and say another.
All you speak is lies.
A child constantly arguing who is right he's never wrong.
When I was a child I wanted to be so famous that I would be able to touch the star.
Trust me if I could meet him again I would ask what makes him dream so far?
To my high school bullies,
I think
Being dead
Is no relief
Running through this eternal emptiness,
Power Dynamics are strange.
We would like to think that everyone is equal to everyone,
But in reality
We are all bouncing from one power dynamic to the other
Never truly finding equality between partners
To All Free Thinkers,
You wish to speak your mind?
Watch your step, beware,
And don’t you even dare
Alone AgaIn Hello
Darkness, My Old FrieNd
Second, Mintutes, Hours To Days
As TimE PassEs,
Wishing My Body Could Decay
im sorry Yall probably wont ever see this but this needs said
im sorryI know at times it appears otherwise but i love you all truly i always have
What really makes a Monster?
Is it their actions that make them so dangerous?
Is it their intent?
Or is it just who they are?
It must be just who they are
That's the only way
They keep staring
My dear future daughter,
You got to be a bit stronger.
Times will get tough.
And life will get rough.
People will talk,
People will judge.
You got to make it out,
You cannot pout.
My dear future daughter,
You got to be a bit stronger.
Times will get tough.
And life will get rough.
People will talk,
People will judge.
You got to make it out,
You cannot pout.
To the high school girls I know,
And the ones I do not,
You are so much more than you think,
In case you have forgot.
You are more than the boy who broke your heart,
To people who deny the correlation between the Internet and teen suicide,
You walk into your room. On a beaten wooden table sits your phone, cool and motionless. It is off.
Students are not reaching their full capacity,
Some think it's because they have the audacity,
To sit and watch their life spiral down.
Dear future lover,
I am not easy to love.
I am unworthy. I will shower you in affection and yet feel as though I do not deserve yours
Who am I?
Am I someone who's good at art, music? Or even dance?
Good at writing?
Who am I?
Am I supposed to smile all day?
Am I supposed to follow the rules?
I’m from a small town,
lonely and lost,
my dysfunctional family,
with a lost hope in humanity,
growing up with so little,
so little to love,
Hello! I am the narrator, and this, is my story.
Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess.
Her name was May.
Dear whom ever you might be,
I am the offspring of nature and the sun
My parents call me their son/sunflower.
My parents are exotic, foreign,
Death is knocking at my door again tonight
I’m trying so hard to slam the door in his face
But each day it gets a little harder
He’s been persistent comin round every night
My nerves shatter does it really matter
Everything's a blur It's too bright my stomach turns
Closing my eyes i put my head in my heads and sounds you can't hear are driving me batty
Nothing seems to be going as planned
No matter how hard I try it's never good enough
Though i'm surrounded by people it often feels as though i'm alone
Everyone at school were assholes to him,
in a general sense.
The worst were the
meathead jock types.
The pricks who'd
call him a FUCKING FREAK
and then copy his chemistry homework.
Blind, naked and uncontrollable trembling.
Drowning me,
Suffocating me.
Are you okay?
Whats wrong? Why cant you say?
You're a fake
Just afraid.
You're not pretty,
See Look i'm not the best at poems but im sitting here trying to fight my problems while i'm wiriting. im the type of rapper or singer i make my own songs but i'm not tryin to become them....my songs are sad and tell
We let these kids just sit and wait
In school and not participate
they step
they stumble
they trip
the fall
Kids laugh and keep walking down the hall
Teachers don't try to intervene
The actions you do,
The words you say,
Slowly eating away.
You don't see the psychopath,
Who lives inside of me,
Leading me down the wrong path.
I want to shout,
To my future child,
I know your mind is somewhere dark
as the whole world can be a twisted place
where people seemingly enter your life just to knock you down
Dear bully Is there something wrong with me?I beg you please stop bullying me Telling me that i am fat Does it make you non-fat?
Dear Bully,
We haven't spoken much since middle school,
I'm sure you've noticed.
Or perhaps you haven't noticed.
The only thing that I am truly sure of is you used to notice me every day.
My nerves shatter does it really matter
Everything's a blur It's too bright my stomach turns
Closing my eyes i put my head in my heads and sounds you can't hear are driving me batty
autism is a spectrum disorder not a curable disease
I overthink the simplest things often blowing them out of proportion
You don't need more food...
You should probably get a small...
You should go for a walk...
You should cover your stomach...
Why aren't you speaking to me?
Why do you always sleep?
Her pale arm isn’t raised up high,
I’ve concluded she texting on her phone underneath the table.
Much to my suspicion the teacher calls on her to answer a question.
A herd of zebras was grazing on the African plain
They were a blur of black and white and from far looked the same
Each zebra was individual, but who could tell?
I’ve been here before Way too many times. I’ve spent countless nights in terror Letting out frantic cries. I’ve plotted my death Again, again, and again. I’m willing to give up this fight, After all, it seems to have no end To you, to him, to her
I would do anything for you. I loved you...as much as my stupid hormonal 15 year old brain could. All I ever wanted from you was for you to care and at least tell me that you love me.
That’s what people see when they meet me
They notice my glasses, my tucked-in shirt, and my messy hair
No sense of fashion they whisper
Nerd, they snigger mercilessly
Afraid of being alone, but you always feel alone. So are you always afraid? You create a bubble to bury yourself inside. You can't keep calm during class. You drag yourself down all day. Even while you're encircled, you feel emotional empty.
Dear Beautiful,
Yes, you.
You are loved.
You are perfect.
You are beautiful.
In our society
People are so quick to judge
Based on what's seen on the outside
Hey mister boy with the bad hair
straw blonde and frayed like old bandaids,
thin pencil lines of shaking flaking lips,
And your bleached farmer pants
and fratboy tee- shirts,
I fell like a water drop
from the skies tears as it cried
for its lost love,
the earth moved silently
and without the moon
the waves were pulled by
storms of jealously as
winds howled for their
The children walk alone with nowhere to go on the very dangerous road that the darkness controls some walk others run but there still alone forever on the dark and scary road.
The Internet is the Wild West and it should be monitored,
And users do not need to waste time and energy.
One day, I joined a chatroom discussion and encountered
Trolls to get me riled up.
I feel as though I walk with a target on my forehead,
A sign saying "Please mess with me, it's fun",
My pleas to leave me be are left ignored,
And I consider my escape, a gun,
I want to look into their minds,
You are the moon and I am the stars.
So close, yet so very far.
They seem to have met a million times.
yet somehow, it's still not mine.
the moon and the stars still haven't met.
What a whore?
What a slut?
Oh my God, did she give it up?
Drink some bleach
Get a rope
Didn’t cut deep enough?
Next time try your throat
Ew it smells like rotten fish
Education, it seems,
Is nearly as mediocre as social media,
Except it is more restrictive.
Things like cyberbullying, harassment, and fallacies are allowed in school,
The clocks were pointing at twelve.
Lunch Period.
Nobody knew about the kid crying in the bathroom stall.
He pressed a revolver to his temple,
waiting for the courage to sieze him.
I am nothing.
I am someone
That people have forgotten.
That is my life.
And now,
I watch it go,
Fade away.
Everyday girls stand on the scales, and cry.
They look in the mirror and cry.
They look at themselves, see themselves as fat
when they are fading away to skin and bone.
Yeah, I guess I'm a disappointmentDoing everything I can, I don't wanna make you disappointedIt's annoyingI just wanna make you feel like everything I ever did wasn't ever tryna make an issue for youBut I guess the more youThought about everything
Ive been treated with fake love since day 1
the just loved the baby side of me
I was born with short term memory and they didn't want to tell me
knowing that could've helped
instead they lied to me
Several things you do not know about me. People make the assumption that because I have brown hair and dark eyes, that I am basic.Indeed, I am.I collect keys and snow globes, but I hide them when my friends come around.I wear my heart on my sleeve
To have a friend
Is all you need
To talk to others
In order to succeed
I never had that choice
To be loved by my peer
Simply cause of my voice
Others were filled with fear
I lean against the locker,
Hard and cold on my back
Breathing in and out,
Keeping it in track.
She's coming for me.
My fingers have gone brittle
and I bite them to the bone.
She's been trying
That's what they say
She won't make it
Not today
she's a failure
It's no surprise
With all these looks of demonize
But no she's a civil fighter
Skin as white as snow, lips as red as blood,if only they could know you've been dragged through mud. Skin representing your depression,never happy enough to make a first impression.Lips representing the thoughts inside your head,thinking of things
Everyone can bully and that's the truth
some families joke
but mine don't.
everyone van bully and that's the truth
some friends joke
but mine don't.
bullys ,
“It’s a girl.”
The doctor said
Holding the squirming babe up to show her to her father. Immediately, he tries, and fails, to hide the blue balloons.
“She’s a girl.”
Her cousins state,
They don't come in true colors.
Some come in blue.
Some come in romantic red,
But some come,
In Backless Black.
In the depths of darkness,
The cut is cleanly made,
When one uses the correct blade.
But if the sword is misused,
Then chaos may then ensue.
The blow is full of force,
When the blade follows its course.
Ever since I wore a size 3 in shoes i've always wanted to fly
Like the sprakling BlueJay
Maybe like the sneaky Red Robin
I could learn to stand out more, like a hawk
[(I was 15 at the time I wrote this.)]
Because I'm not like you,
you fear me,
you hate me,
you torture me.
I refuse to be like you.
I fear you,
I hate you,
I run from you.
I'm standing on the
Scale. It shows I'm 80 pounds.
Am I good for you?
Want me to be straight?
Left the girl I really loved
Am I good for you?
People called me fat.
Marks left on my wrist.
A Civil War,No, not of ,GunsSwordsAnd Cannons.But of Words,SpitAnd tearsA harsh ink splatteredOnEveryPageOfwhat was calledA holy place.
Cinderella mops the floors.
Cinderella has more chores
To pamper, aid, and then protect
The evil sisters that make her a wreck.
Smiling through a crowd of tears,
She hands them dresses as they cheer.
Her voice is ear pinching,
Her movements are bold,
Her statements are out of the ordinary.
She walks up to you with excitement,
Screaming in your ear.
Your instinct is to walk away,
Growing up as a young girl with yellow-toned skin,
It was hard for me to find role models I could relate to.
Luckily for me, I stumbled upon Bruce Lee.
She is perfect; slim, beautiful, and more.
She’s not perfect; large, ugly, even less.
She is perfect; rude but never a bore.
She’s not perfect; depressed; nothing I guess.
Where have the days gone
The ones seen in those old movies when sticks and stones were the tools of torture
The ones where pain could be seen by others
Where the scars were physical
Late at night I lie awake
Pray the lord my soul to take
And if I fall asleep tonight
Don't let me see the morning light.
The echoing halls are ringing
with the forgotten cries
comming from a raw throat.
Nobody will turn to look at her
as she cries for help,
dying on the inside.
Nobody will hear her
There is a vast ocean of things I don’t understand,
Instead of taking the time; to explain these things,
You would laugh at me, you would shun me.
All because I didn’t understand.
i'm sorry i was the disappointment i'm sorry i could never figure my shit outi'm sorry i was such an embarrassment i'm sorry i can't fix myselfi'm sorry i'm the reason for your paini'm sorry i thought i matter i'm sorry i thought i could do someth
The pounding of your fist at the door of my chest
Can no longer withstand what you tell it to
No matter the number of times you use your sultry words to beckon it to life
There were empty spaces between us
And I couldn't tolerate them anymore
Stuck in the muck, I am a slut There is nothing I can do but sit and sulk. I can't control minds, I can't control your vibeI can't control your life, but you controlled mine.
It never seems to stop.
The ticking of the clock,
The mocking whispers in the backdrop
And shadows of the giggles, aiming to stalk.
It never seems to stop.
Walking quickly with the head bowed,
Today. Today I question myself
Who is in my life?
Who cares? and Who holds me back?
The answer awaits
You see, for me to ask that
I would need to understand myself
What do I want?
America the beautiful, the broken
The late night party, he takes advantage
When she wakes up, she feels the damage
There are no repercussions for his evil deed
Land of the free. Land of poverty.
In this country you’re judged on sexuality, and ethnicity.
In actuality, we shouldn’t be a theocracy.
We got legality that we can believe,
As I’m walking out, I see a different world.I stay looking at the news, telling myself this isn’t real.I feel like I’m always gonna be asking myself why. Why does the world have to be so racist.Why does the world have to have so much hatred. Why d
It’s funny how much I’ve changed. I’m 14 years old, sitting in my room, now surrounded by white. White sheets pinned to the walls, white carpet, white dresser. They were blue once, but that has been drained away.
They say they help us to acheive,
This is what they make us believe.
But, can't you see the darkness creeping down the hall,
As they take the last bit of innocence left for us, as they take our confidence to stand tall.
I am sad
but never mad
no one knows
I dont get how
people can smile
when they see
people cry
Temples, chapels, shrines and mosques All homes of Almighty Gods Whoever the hell has more might She prays to, for a life of love.She's tired of demons and the ghosts That possess her heart and soul
At 6 I never had a friend
So when someone came up to me and said
“Bare your soul and I'll give you the lint from my pocket,”
I told her, “You can pay me by being a friend.”
She wore the smile, she played the part.
She hid her feelings deep within her heart.
She put on a show, faked her smile.
Her feelings and actions are becoming idle.
No one knew, and no one cared.
I know what she's going through. I know who's aiming at who.
I understand this world is pretty bad, I understand better than her dad.
I know it hurts, hurts to be picked apart and thrown together...
You Can't see the Noose
Coming 10,
Had some friends
Had to learn
No bad ends
Coming 12,
Hello World
Oh so broken
Little Girl
Words hurt worse than most things
Words hurt worse than anything
Words hurt worse than stick and stones
Words hurt worse than broken bones
Words hurt worse spoken by a lover
Words hurt worse spoken by a brother
We each live in our own little world
Without a soul, to open a new door.
We try and try to fly so high
When we never even see the sky.
If we look around, we will see.
I remember
The stones
They way they pelted.
I remember
The girls
The way they laughed.
I remember
The fear
The I fought not to tremble.
I remember
As I slowly scroll
I read poem after poem about an aching deep with in the soul
They tell how they were effected
by the pain that was inflected.
It’s too much of a norm
Those who have always stood by,Have never stood up.Head down.Arms crossed.Stay safe,Stay alive.When they heard the cries they stepped aside.“It’s not my place”This is how they justified.Head down. Arms crossed.Stay safe,Stay alive.When they saw th
Look around, this place should be a place to learn.
Not a place that unacceptance is the thing that you will earn.
Not a place for you to feel that people have no concern.
Welcome to the carnival of life
Where brilliance shines, flashing lights
Where memories are our currencies
Where affection is shared like cotton candy
Where strength is measured in courage
Welcome to the carnival of life
Where brilliance shines, flashing lights
Where memories are our currencies
Where affection is shared like cotton candy
Where strength is measured in courage
A life shadowed in blackWhere nothing good ever seems to lastWhere the darkness always seems to find youTormentors assult youThey try to convince you their poisonous words are trueThey fill you with hate
Bullying seems only to me to be
The single thing that’s keeping me from you, but not you from me
You laugh at me, you push and shove,
I run home crying, to pray to the man above
Ask him to help, in any way he could
As crafted neatly within a metal box,
My minds and feelings are meant to be left alone.
Won't they understand
I need to be closed off to see the true light of day.
They worry for things they should hear
"I'm surrounded by isolation"
well did you take your medication?
no, not really.
you see:
this is a dream
and your nothing
but a thing
looking for a place
just a figure in my dream
I see my window and the light shining through, I smell the toast in the kitchen,
I feel the sheets on my bed, I taste the damp air,
I hear the singing birds.
I’m laughing, smiling,
Dancing like I own the world at age seven.
Stars handpicked like strawberries for only my eyes to eat
Nothing could tear me down.
All because of a slip
A fall
A simple miscalucation of my feet and my world came tumbling down
As I lay there on the ground
Once again I became
That Girl
The same girl from all those years ago
There once was a little bird
Who just wanted to fly
“Spread your wings and leap,”
The other birds told her,
All my life has been
torture bending backwards from
the swing of words
hanging off the edge of
mountain’s wishing someone
would stop and pull me
Stay Gold
You never know what the future holds, with our stories yet untold, our beautiful mind can't be sold, our words will be forever spoken forget the background noise, focus you are not broken.
Show them you are strong,
Why do you fail to see yourself when your reflection is right in front of you?
Why is it that you don't realize your self worth?
You need to STOP letting the opinions of others change your view,
Dear world, I wanted you to know
That I wasn’t the same like 5 years ago
I was a nerd that everyone bullied on
There was no one there to tell me to be strong
One day I decided to be everyone else
So that girl is an idiot
that girl is a slut
that guy is a jerk to everyone’s eyes for speaking his mind
did you know that we are not made up of one thing
The sun had risenThe sun shines inAnd I’m forced to awakenTo this world of sin. The clock is tickingAs I lay in bedTime drags onAs I fantasize about being dead. I tell myself to “get a grip”People have had worseEveryone has told me thatBut it does
Faces of those around me,
Each has a different story,
A beginning, middle, and end,
And a perfectly integrated plot.
Yet, I am declared Faceless.
They don't see a story,
They don't see a face,
Scuff, slap- rubber soles of the damned. Dance is, to the young man, a means of freedom and expression. Seven years of heavy footfalls, krump was the language and rhythm was the canvas.
My wonderful wife.
Why do you not see your beauty?
Maybe if you looked in the mirror a little while longer you could see what I see.
Someone who is so beautiful no matter what they all said.
She sits in the chaos wondering when her misery will end
They laugh and stare as she walks down the hall
She ask for relief but they can't fathom the thought of making an amend
Who was it that hurt you
I wish I could make you ok
Who made you feel you couldn't be
I wish you would shine like early may
I wis these words wouldn't make you break
Who was it that hurt you
January, February were the months of good packing snow,
packing snow on my crippled carcass
in cumbersome coats.
I lay there and let your bitter cover me.
I sit alone by my locker,
A bully just teased me.
I want revenge on him,
So I can cleanse my palate.
But I want to be friends,
So I won't be alone.
What should I do?
If I could go back and do it all again who would I be?
Would I still be me?
Would I have stood up for that kid,
or would I have just hid?
He needed me
September 19. A friendship began.
October 31. An unbreakable clan.
December 25. Gift exchanges and cheers
February 14. A new atmosphere.
March 18. Eyes on the prize.
April 20. Not so wise.
I expose my soul
To the world
To the people
To my friends
To my enemies.
I tell what I feel
To whom I feel for.
I speak my mind.
I share a hug every time
I signed my soul away with a 21st century John Hancock,
To get rid of stubborn, ages old writer’s block.
And now these trembling hands they do mock,
At my crooked fingers and smudged fingerprints they gawk.
Here I am, an inferno in my heart
A passion made of stone,
A love made so exquisite.
Humanity is not the same,
Yet I can not see myself inside
An envelope of development.
There be spirals of letters,
As a child I was the odd one out
Wanting to be smart and learn non-stop
and people criticized and looked at me with such disgust and saw me as a threat.
Sitting at lunch among my group of friends
All of them, laughing until their hearts content
Their smiles so bright it seems they never witnessed hardship
The boy who always yell,
He bullies,
He fights,
He cries.
At home,
No friends,
No love,
No one listening,
No one.
Expression: showing emotions through colour --
Music -- words -- creation.
You give other people insight
Into your feelings, because
Humans Are Social Creatures.
When you're healthy and young,
The wind is blowing
cuts like knives throuw my soul
This pain in my heart
hurts more than the world will know
Voices in my head
whisper light as a feather
It'll take a little time
Your reason to wake up may be different from mine
but does that make you any less?
You open our eyes, right at nine
and that in itself means you're instantly blessed.
Today is the day,
the day to rise.
Rise above all that has been lost, all that has been done.
I have been told that hope is lost.
I believed that all hope was lost in this imperceptible darkness
Words are imporant,
Flashy or dull,
However the meaning changes,
With the way the person behaves,
Without an ear to listen,
They are only sound in a world of many,
Without a mind to comprehend,
Because they didn’t like me, I would walk into class in my clothing that is different from what everyone else is wearing, terrified that someone would point me out and laugh. My makeup is heavier and darker than everyone else’s.
One with rainbow hair and one with golden eyes.
A high school project turned sweet
Though I awake
And my first thought is of the sounds of pain
That I mill make
I remember her smille
The look from her as I take her hand
And we walk the deserted mile
Black, yellow, white, and Brown,
does it really matter where im from.
We all live togather in this world,
side by side, toe to toe,
She gets up."The world is brigher at night,"she would remark with a laugh,but it meant more than whather smile hid.
On Monday, she’s weary, teary, and unsure. She is sure that she’ll be able to fake a smile, but unsure if her friends and family will know it’s fake.
Have you ever met someone,
And thought that it was for real,
And that the friendship would last forever?
Have you ever had that person stab you in the back?
Or lie straight to your face?
Goes the clock.
It doesn't stop.
Time is running out.
The little girl cries.
I no longer view this word this way
Now this is much better
A mess of stuff that is put together to make it look, decent.
Alone. Naturally alone, walked upon by everyone and no way to make it stop. Agony, suffering, sadness.
Awake choking,
Bathe crying,
Walk limping,
Become deserted,
And you'd understand why suicide is prevalent,
It's just another way out of this claustrophobic world,
Some times fate takes too long,
Sometime I realize there's nothing left to say
When someone that you love says it's time to walk away and
Sometimes I know that there's nothing left to do
But pray these words come the way they always used to do
It's too bad I'm not a mas-o-chisttie me down like i asked-for-this
I'm screamingI'm strandedAbdicatedAbandoned
No. Free. Will.
They speak in broken English and they lie with silver tongues,
They swallow down old whiskey and they smoke away their lungs.
They cursed me for my difference, they hated words I sung.
YOU laugh as YOU push her down insulting her size, pointing out all her flaws while she lies on the grown This is a daily thing for YOU and YOU don't even know her name, everyday you wait for her after school to tease her as if she's the blame, Sh
This agonizing silence,
This terrifying darkness,
The ignorance, the pain they give me,
The way they show their emotions to me,
The hate and disgust on their faces,
Take this pain away,
They don't matter.
This is said in multitudes
falling from lips of loved ones
as easy as breathing...
But my lungs don't take in oxygen well.
They don't matter,
stated as if scientific law.
Sometimes I feel like dying inside,
other times I feel as if the world is my oyster and I am simply creating a line
in some gigantic storybook where I am a minor character.
Forgive me,
but I have such a hard time believing that you're being sincere.
I feel my fingers rattling—
tapping other bones,
nervously checking my phone,
Pushed over the edge I fight just to keepmy own sanity always pointed out what I do wrong or what I haven't done I try hard but maybe not hard enough Why isn't she proud? Why am I not good enough?
Hah. You think you're funny? you think you're great? Just because I'm stuck on the bottomAnd you're on top, you call it fate?
Just because you cannot see the scars does not mean that they are not there.
It does not mean that the thought did not cross my mind like the blade crosses your skin.
Born into a sheltered home, no worry met my gaze. From divorce to death, so many a time, and yet my smile stayed. I understood what others said, from every time they teased. Yet still I smiled a crooked smile, letting the worst befall on me.
They call me names
They spit on me
They glare in disgust
They say I am nothing
But aren't I something
I am a surface
That can be spat upon
Something they can see
And choose to hate
Smokey room filled with chills,
Empty bottles, and pills.
Today's fears are tomorrows tears.
She feels Euronymous creep in,
As he shatters every seam.
Today she is seen but tomorrow dreamed.
I can’t breathe
I can’t see
Feeling so lost
No light to guide me
I have fallen
Fallen deeper into the grave
I can’t escape
From this pain
You can take my wings
I have an illness.
I have an illness you cannot see.
I have an illness you cannot see that is terminal.
I forgive.
I forgive you when you warn me.
I should have been more grateful.
My dismantled figure stands beaten and wounded, for you have no sense of sympathy as you change into a metamorphisis
My anger, frustration, and humiliation suddenly turns into banter for the crowd as they pull their cellphones out
Emotion so strong I have to show it,
thoughts so deep they must be seen.
I know they are staring
I can feel their stares on my back.
They laugh at my openness
Glareing faces and hurtful jeers.
A shove.
A push.
A punch, made from the fist.
Cries and pleas, hisses and scowls.
Whatever you do simply doesn't matter.
Poetry isn’t just writing to me
It allows me to feel oh so free
My teacher made me read it
I felt a connection that wouldn’t quit
I was thinking I would share my first
Poetry was a way to escape
The cruel harshness of the world
With people who were more like rabid animals
Than people.
I could write it out in ways
In a language
That made sense to me.
Can someone please tell me why this world is so full of words I can't understand
Why I can't comprehend
please lend me a hand so I can understand how to be your friend
don't flatter yourself darling
they never loved you
they never even
loved the idea
of you
they loved the fact that you're
both easy and a challenge
you're just running
Young boy walks home from school,
It’s been a long day,
The other kids can be so mean,
He just wants to feel okay,
Young boy is so tired inside,
So he puts on a mask to hide,
There she sat, drowsy and slouched,
Thinking, "Why does it have to be this way?"
For a person with depression, even when you give every ounce,
It never seems to be enough.
Nothing seems to be enough.
“It’s not about the taste
It’s not to be cool
It’s not about trying
To make myself look like a fool
It’s about drowning
I hear the screams
I hear the cries
But when I try to stop them
The voices reply,
"Darling dear….”
“You've been talking back!"
D O N O T R .I. P
Only so many times a heart can tear
So why did it?
None of you were there
Hard to think that
You'd believe all their lies
It left me tongue tied
So I cried
What is left after we go our separate ways?
Never to see each other again,
When once we saw each other everyday.
after all the words are spoken,
The things that they said that left me broken.
It's okay little girl it'll be alright,One day those bullies won't make you cry.It's okay little girl it'll be alright,One day those rumors won't fly in the sky.It's okay little girl it'll be alright,Your mom'll always be there to hold you tight.I
Who will care when the world ends?
Will it be you or any of your friends?
What if the world ended today?
Would you be happy with how it ends?
We cannot even describe the way
We look at you every single day.
You, the tormentors, the ignorant, the sinners,
Yet also the popular, the loved, and the winners.
"You're fat"
"I hate you"
"You'll never fit in"
Words have a mighty power over me
Whether it's a joke or serious
I am to be handled with care and caution
Most days I am sad and I do not know why
Yes, I know.
You and I, we have suffered through so many speeches,
Dusty, crumbling words about bullying, discrimination, how kids can be so cruel.
But we know, you and I, that we would never commit such acts;
I’m not just a coach.
I know I’m always right
But I’m not a massive douche.
I wish I was taller,
I make up for it with my truck;
My truck wishes she was taller too.
My wife wears my pants
I was just twelve.
Twelve years of age when the words hit my ears like a blood curling scream.
Pinned up against a wall clutching my heart as the words pierced me like sharpened daggers.
Back when the two pillars of freedom collapsed
A people, galvanized, suited up and axed
The chance to make peace by going to war
Without ever asking; What are we fighting for?
Dear Diary, Can you tell me what's a friend?Is it someone special or who will stay to the very end?Is it something that can only go to those who are trueOr is it just a glimpse of hope waiting there for you?
Cold Frosted Bitter
Meaningless to you, no?
Because you're so Perfect Golden Saintly
But I'm a Monster Villain Outcast
We never think twice about labels because at one point we forget that we are one.
But you know the things they call you they’re just labels they don’t define you.
When I was 11 years old I was first called ‘fat’
We like to pretend that we're the three wise monkeys,
We pretend to be blind,
We turn a blind eye to evil,
We pretend that we're blind and that it never happened,
The Jock. By Jenna Williams Varsity jackets and nike crew socks. All you do is sit with friends and mock. Strutting around, thinking you own the place Do you think you can walk a slower pace? You are practiced at handling balls Ap
Ever since I was a child the world looked so bright
It seemed like all the darkness was pushed away by light
But my young mind couldn't comprehend all the truth
After all I was in the starting of my youth
Their words like swords replay
While plays the Bohemian Rhapsody
A heart with nothing to lose
Listens with much intent
What seems a sorry plight
Gains a beautiful disposition
To those ready to leave, your coats are being washed
It seems something's spilled on them and now you have to stay
At least until I'm finished saying what I need to say
It's difficult to walk away from sunflowers,With their adoration and life spreadSo neatly across their features.But you do. Because, that adoration isn't for you.
as the odds stand against me
as i walk the glass covered roads, lost
The savage beasts sink their teeth into my feet
and dark blankets cover my eyes.
My blood must taste awfully good
they dont know
that i stay up at night
dreaming of who i could be
what i could do
what i could make and own
they dont know
that i try to picture my mother
the small details i can remember
Throughout my life I have been the clown,
In the classroom and in life.
I made jokes for other people to laugh to,
Yet it wasn’t my jokes they used to laugh at.
My head, my shoes, my scrawny legs,
I hate how the word hopeimpersonates a pleasant state of being
How it whispers wishful whimpers
Soft promises to keep my heart beating
As if I need to hold on
I wasn't prepared.
I guess I was blissfully
of everything you never said.
"Mommy, I don't want to live",
the shot to my chest,
and then the awful words
upon that little IPod screen.
That girl, in the back of the class...
The one looking lost,
of things only she can understand.
Things such as peace.
Not just in the world but in people.
In our selves.
If you couldn't feel the pain from my body then you will never understand the reasons I cry The tears that drew from my eyes because of you I couldn't stop I just couldnt it was my only type of relief .That was six years ago on this very day I s
That cruel winter day, she knew, would be filled with hate,
That one, single day would determine her fate,
If they smiled, or stared,
How much she wishes they cared,
As they laugh and call her names,
Starting now,
She shifts in disconsolate fear.
Days passing one after another,
It seemed time encumbered her thoughts.
Faces tell her she is alone.
She forgets faces.
Years now,
With two fingers down my throat I taste only shame as I imagine myself with a negative 2 inch waist and a gap between my legs that could've gone on for a mile and I envision the boned creature that dances in the darkest corners of my mind parading
Cursin' like a sailorIt's okay, right, avail herCommanding the ship so stronglyyou thought you finally had it off mebullets keep bouncing off me like a trampoline, except this one isn't so fun, you see?
I am here,
where are you?
Do you remember the times of fear?
Do you look back into our years?
When the torment brought me to tears?
Can you still feel the pain you caused me,
I come home with these afflicting wounds
They’re everywhere down my arms on my back, my face
I try to heal
I find a different route home
No matter how much it hurts,
You have to keep a smile on your face,
And keep your head help high.
You have to pretend it doesn't bother you,
Because nobody can know how much you're hurting inside.
Dear You,
You cannot cry,
For crying shows weakness.
But I will never let you be happy,
Because what's the fun in that?
I dread the days that never end, they are hard and the life I live is not meant for me
For you should have just let me be
For a very long time, I was alone;
not because I wanted to be, but rather because of the way that
I would stare at the sky and be amazed by the clouds that would float
like tiny castles in the sky.
I wish I told my 11-years old self, that you are perfect the way you are.
That I didn’t have to be someone else in order to be accepted,
I could tell you of my longings, but first you need details.
Asperger's Syndrome is within me, a disorder from which I ail.
I loathe it not, take my word, though water I do bail.
LISTEN, who told you that God could not be a woman?I am almost 6 feet under my own fearsand I have no holy power to turn tothat is a reflection of me.Who shoved their generationally skewed
Ya know that quiet boy
That gets bullied every day
Then you say you’re not at fault,
Because you had nothing to say
When a guy who’s got it made
Hide the scars draw a heart on your armtake a pictureadd a filterkiss her scars "stay strong, love"
doesn't play sports well
more comfortable with Barbie
punch him in the throat
A heart can be corrupted,
Suffocating under the malicious hand of darkness,
Its armor chipped away piece by piece
By the thoughts that torment our souls,
Can somebody take me away,
To a better place,
Where your skin doesn't bleed,
And your eyes don't cry,
And happiness lasts,
More than a fleeting moment?
Or does that place only exist,
I traversed the halls waiting
Waiting for something that should have been there
Waiting for something that wasn't there
Waiting for something that was gone
The bell rings and I head to class
Friday—a day that every kid looks forward to because it is the beginning of the weekend
Most kids are excited because it means they can do whatever they want
We say there are only seven deadly sins.
We are wrong.
There is an eighth sin.
A silent one.
One we don’t recognize.
Walking in to my class it seems like a nice day
until my teacher decides she has something to say.
She pulls me aside
and slowly I die.
No matter how hard I try to be good,
Money, power, accessories.
I would banish all these luxuries,
All costly clothing, all fancy bling,
For the sake of something
Every phrase to secure a uncomfortable situation, "It's okay."
There's a limit to what you can say.
And that limit is not to lie to your friends when your emotionally hurt, "It's okay."
Or to your family, "How's school?"
Till this day,they think I am a dorknothing less than a jokeI cant denythose words ruined my lifeTill this day, I still think about them at nightI close my eyes
Your words hurt
All of the time
Simply asking someone to not be mean
Could make a person feel so small
Pity them, please.
Forget the kids in he factories
What is beauty?
The answer has alluded us for years,
The question creeps into every little girl's fears.
"Am I good enough?" they think, teetering on the brink.
Once upon a time,
In a kingdom far away.
There was a mistreated maiden
And to her dismay they teased bout her shoes and her hair everyday.
I'll let you in on a secret
So tell everyone else
If I am not beautiful,
Will you care to see
What lies far inside of me?
If my skin is not tan,
Will you care for my mind?
Speak up young student!
Are you creatively blind?
I'm the ugly sweater,
I'm just there so you may laugh
I'm the ugly sweater,
I'm here on your behalf
I'm the ugly sweater,
I've always been the same
I'm still the ugly sweater,
How about we play a game
I made it up just for you
We'll all run away
And you'll be the big scary monster
We'll ignore you, avoid you
Sticks and stonesmay break my bonesbut words will tear my skin apart. Sticks and stonesmay bruise my skinbut a bladeis what almost killed me.
There are no words to describe
the pain she felt in her heart
they laughed at her in ignorance
her world falling apart
her family in pieces
no one to help her
she needed a friend
We don't know why we're here
So confused, we may want to leave
All these trans folks gettin' killed here almost daily
We're just trying to fit in, but instead become a pet peeve
He arrives at his living hell,School.Tortured and taunted by bullies,Like buzzards skipping and flapping around.One bully, the Dark One’s true name.The rotten bastard and his posse,
Shame me
Break me
Blame me
Hate me
Hurt me
Stay silent, I tell myself
While you tell me I'm not worth it
I don't call out for help
Because I don't deserve it
but you don't realize
The Abyss
so dark and cold
sucks my heart in
and almost has my soul.
The Abyss
traps me inside
and people pass by
without a word of hope.
Some push me in deeper
into the Abyss
In your life, the saying
“Sticks and stones may break my bones,
but words will never hurt me”
Is something you’ll hear a lot
One look could cause an uproar
One smile could turn things upside down
One picture could haunt you for the rest of your life
A lost soul, looking for the light, trapped in mental slavery, trapped in the darkness, trapped in this state of depression and suicidal thoughts, losing the one closest to me… I never thought that losing you would be a reality call, I never thoug
The light illuminates her face.
The words on the screen bring on tears.
All she did was post a selfie,
One she thought she looked stunning in.
And now she's headed to the bathroom,
Is it you?
The one that talks to me the way you do
So is it you?
I don’t know how to feel towards you
Those repulsive, stomach turning, vomitous
People will ask you:
"Why are you so sad all the time?"
People will stare at your wrists and wonder how you did that. How did you get those cuts? "The cat," you will say, "the cat did it."
Heard it in the hallway,
None knew it floated my way.
They seem to stage whisper,
In tones that are crisper.
What they say is quite alarming
And very much disarming.
Why keep pretending?
Fly on the Wall by Christian Betancourt
The fly on the wall
Sits silently in the room
And says nothing at all
Just because a person is different
Just because they are fat by your standards,
Or skinny by others
Or a mom at 16
Just because they don’t have your level of self esteem
Just because they are perfect
Day in and day out you abuse me, beat me, tear into me,
I do all I can to defend myself, thus I am helpless.
Some days it is just you, other days it is your friends,
Kicking me in my ribs, busting my lip,
The best time of our lives becoming the worst
Lies plague the hearts of others
Laughter becomes a sign of persecution
Bystanders cheer on as lives are ruined
Love of life is quickly fading
i'm the new kid on the block
the new kid on the street
trying to get along
trying to make end's meet
sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me, yeah right.
You're kicking me, you're punching me,
I'm begging you get off of me, you have on my knees to the floor slammed me on the locker door.
I'm bleeding and looking around I see you laughing watching me frown.
Anything you can do, I can do betterI'm sick of you telling me I'm dumb WorthlessNothing.
I'm sick of you telling me I'm a nagUseless.
Your mockery blasts through the air,
An explosion that decimates the ground under my feet.
As I fall into the void of misery,
Spiraling evermore downward,
What color am I?
The color of my skin is supposed to define
My color is my barrier
What color do I have to be to be intellegent?
What color do I have to be to be beautiful?
i walk these halls everyday.
why am i not good enough?
i see everything..
That girl that ya'll thought was ignorant..
That girl....
is my reflection.
"Bloody... Hell..."
I whisper and whimper.
My white bath tub-
Slaughtered by my blood.
Tears freeze at the corner of my eyes,
And three jagged lines,
Slowly pouring my life away.
Plastic Shadows
Fake lies
Screams that slowly die,
But where do I come into play?
Oh, I remember now -
The blood rolling down my sleeve...
Flashbacks of being shoved
-like a ragdoll.
After the NAMI meeting organized by my family,
AKA the GSA club,
My friends,
Stood in a circle behind the refreshment table—
Together we stand as oneGetting believers is shooting for the long runTired of people giving up and saying they're doneWe should all feel we have won
They threw rocks
at me
They smirk and
snicker as
walk among streets
and alleys
do they not
know what
He moved here in the fifth grade, Immediately we were friends. Or at least i thought we were...but i guess it all depends. The years ticked past,and the bullies came at me stronger. He was there every second, without him or his brother i doubt i
Once long ago there was a good young boy
he loved to play and laugh his name was Roy
Roy was a loving but mischievous boy
one day in his daddy's closet he found dads toy
She's afraid to come to school
because she's treated so cruel
Nothing ever seems right when she's there
how can all of this be fair?
She won't take her life because of them
instead she'll fight for her life
Smile, sit up straight, and quite down
Do as I say, but don't forget to smile
Actually don't smile, because your nose is crooked
Your fat, ugly, and a waste of space
Cruelty, laughter, misunderstood, Maybe they'd just go away if they could. Teasing, taunting, going too far, Your humor tends to leave a scar. Trying to be cool by humiliating others, You look like a fool, and you've yet to discover, That there's
This is a curse not a gift So what is my mission this is a skin condition Not one of my ambitionSo now here's your time to listen When people look at meand ask me what is on your arm I change the subject they should find some respect Not try
What even is a world without hate?I wouldn't know, this one sure ain't.We live in a society teaching us nobody cares,that nobody wants you,and nobody's there.Society teaches us to not like what we are,
Roses are red.
Violets are blue.
The sugar is sweet.
Just like you.
The roses are wilted,
the violets are too.
The sugar is gone,
and so are you.
She forever hoped that she would find her way,
Spending her nights only drifting away.
Her eyes fluttered opened, and attempted to shut,
I am unloved and unwanted
I wonder if I will ever be accepted
I hear the voices in my head
I see them laughing at me
I want to be accepted
I am unloved and unwanted
They broke my heart
They made me cry
They called me fat
I don’t know why
They pushed me down
They pulled my hair
They ripped my clothes
It’s just not fair
They were my names
written in ink
my labels that were burned into me
for years.
Children would run in a panic
people with depression aren't lazy
people with anxiety aren't rude
people with mental illness aren't crazy
people with suicidal thoughts are boo'd
it's like i can't get through
with a fucker like you!
Sitting there, looking around, I didn't make a sound.
The torrent of words was enough for me
for there it hit me, slow and true,
a Truth I've always known somewhere inside yet never quite understood.
Did I deserve to be taken?
Did I deserve to be silenced?
Did I deserve to be beaten and...
Do I deserve to be in pain?
Will it always be this dark of a world?
Do you know what i'm about to do?
As I bend over and tie my shoe.
Broke my arm
after he stomped on me,
then I went home
And was called a freak.
I faked a smile
Around my friends.
Then cried alone
waiting for it all to end.
Strangled by the showerhead
She answers but she doesn't speak
She's too busy staring at the wall
Making sure it doesn't leak.
She sways and sinks, continues to think
Sometimes you ask me why
Why did I ruin it?
That lovely skin that you never cared to mention
Was lovely.
You never cared to ask me why
I felt like the tears felt like they were running down my soul
I am scared of these hallways.
These white walls haunt me and I dread entering them.
Let me loose.
Gay rights?
They don’t exist here.
“Welcome to Hell” the sign should say.
I am Lucas.
Yet people insist that I am someone named "Hannah",
Someone that is no longer me.
I am male.
Yet people insist that I am female
I can’t remember when she last said
“I love you”
And I can’t remember when
“Good night” turned into
“You’re late again.”
And I can’t remember the last time
There was a smile on her face
I have tripped over luck and stumbled upon tragedy. I find myself stuck in an elevated, praised, honoured institution, full of the most vile and wretched creatures to fill this earth.
They said that I'm ugly.
That my parents didnt care.
They said that I was fat,
And laughed when my brothers were no longer there.
They said that I smelled,
They laughed because the lies stayed the same.
So, I poem about me? Well,
Me isn't the me you see.
At least on the outside,that is.
Have you ever looked into the mirror and seen something you're not?
I will tell you what I am not.
I am not someone to be pushed around, or someone who likes their emotions to be played with.
I AM a human being, I am someone with feelings inside of me, and a beating heart.
Sticky, pale fingers
Black hair a mess
Limbs of no descernable length
Tangled around a fence
Mirthful laughter
Reddened cheeks
Sneaking the fruits
Behind the shed
For who I was,
I was not loved.
For who I was,
I was hated.
I was picked on,
because I was me.
I would cry
due to the sorrow.
No one cared
for my fare.
To be a bastard is to be fatherless
To be a bastard is to have a father in Heaven
To be a bastard is to be without the Father in Heaven
Curvy, skinny, thin, or fat.
What should I wear, should I eat that?
Should I talk slower, should I walk faster
Am I too talkative?
Should I shut up?
Tears in her eyes,
Time seemed to stop by.
Blade on her hand,
Blood will soon shed.
She was done with life,
so much bad stuff,
she wasn't tough, everyone said.
She did it,
I am whatever I want to be,
at least that's what my parents tell me.
But yet I walk down these hallowed halls,
people laughing,
You pushed me, kicked me, you didn't care cause I was unknown,
I've heard you thought school was your zone.
I watched with tears in my eyes,
as the sky darkened,
everyone seemed to cheer you on,
I'm afraid
I hide my body
I don't talk
I don't cry
I don't laugh.
I'm afraid
I don't show myself
I hate myself
I hate everyone
I want to die
But I'm afraid.
I felt so hurt inside
I didn't know whether to live or die
never smiled because all I did was cry
As I let your abusive words eat into my soul
I thought how can a person be so cold ?
I felt so hurt inside
didn't know whether to live or die
never smiled because all I did was cry
as I let your abusive words eat into my soul
I thought how can a person be so cold?
Mirror, spotted with age and time. Rust begins to spread, but you see yourself just fine.
I look upon the moving crowd
Slowly sighing, looking down
Hurting, fallen, angry, shy
Now I cannot just seem to fly
I hear the Rumors in the halls
Now I get unwanted calls
When I saw the scars on her wrist,
I didn't see an attention whore,
I saw an angel counting her days,
Come hither,
see me whither,
in the wind like dust blowing away.
I falter and fallow,
as my tears run down my face so sallow,
I'm alone and afraid,
what should I do?
I sit in class
i'm always choosed last
I spend my time in the restrooms
I waste my tears on useless tissues
I eat by myself during lunch which feels like a darkroom
Stand up and fight,
Shy little girl,
Meek as a rabbit –
Taunted, tortured, and tormented
By their words.
Stand up and fight,
Glass doll,
Pile of shattered shards with
I dream a never ending story.
The message is still not clear on this very morning.
I am soaring over the valley safe from harm.
I defy gravity, wind beneath each arm.
Steady in flight I continue to soar.
He was nine.
Hadnt experienced a thing
Expect for being tortured, harassed
And the horrible things that words can bring
Words hurt
They hurt more than sticks and stones
I admire a lot of people.
I admire Ed Sheeran, Gandhi, ... and him.
My classmate so poetic his words can be lethal.
The way he talks is also so prim.
Well-mannered and nice
into an eternal abyss that no one even knows
how far will it take me? how far will i go?
the lies go on,
never once ceasing
hitting my heart
as it continues bleeding
like a river of hate
your speech spills out
why do you do this?
i just want to drown
This one goes out to all my kids, my teens, my peers
All of you who've found yourselves bruised, abused, misused, unable to choose
The life you deserve to live; all the while you give, forgive, just try to live
“From dust you came and to dust you now return.”
A mound of earth sifts through the preacher’s hand
Small rocks break free, hitting the coffin’s lid
With pops like tiny bullets
My vision may be dark
But here's a spark
To light the flame on a candle of a heart
That's long gone for me now
Once torn asunder
Pain is released from the soul down under
Being hurt doesn't matter
Being controlled constantly is the norm
People don't notice how you shatter
Overhearing the other girls cruel chatter
In your mind their whispers brew a strom
Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.
Spit and cuss I’ll make no fuss cause words, they’ll never hurt me. Ha.
I try to convince myself to this defense to my soul, heart AND myself…
Highschool had to start,
I wasn't pretty.
The teachers thought I was a sweetheart,
but my peers thought I had too much acne.
He gave me a kiss,
he told a lie.
I refuse
I refuse to let you define me
Simply because there is no defintion
I am who I am
I refuse to let you attack me
You may not accept me but I do
I do not need your approval
The kid sitting alone at lunch
Looks shamefully down at his lap
He doesn't want to see everyone talking
It mocks
It hates
It's unsure
It follows allong
It doesn't want to be left out or excluded
It doesn't care
With nothing left to do or say, I turn around and walk away.
I feel their eyes as they glare at me, they must not get my misery.
They've never wanted to be my friend, so what would make them try and pretend?
Violence would have saved me.
A thought I struggle to comprehend.
It were the words that degraded me, broke me down,
they wrapped around my neck.
"Piece of shit"
"a mistake"
I'm no good with poetry
as it's an art that is felt
rather than seen.
I'm not one for feeling.
I'd rather stare at my ceiling
and not feel much at all.
I once was a princess. Sweet, clean, and neat
Like a Victorian castle, so was life. I was
Too quickly those years evaporated.
You slap my books
You slap my faith
You slap my apperance
You slap my family
You slap my life and you slap me
You slap me around and I can't handle it any more.
It causes fights it starts jealousy
it tears up friends it cuts down dreams
it makes you sad it makes you mad
it makes you embarrassed
If ego were no more we'd start
to build each other up.
I feel the sylables
Nesting within my breast
Effectively avoiding spillage
Emptied from my clenched lips
Destroying the illusion
Held of prefection
Enclosing the unspoken
In my universe,
My whole life is a curse,
A curse I must live.
In my universe,
My mind is very fragile,
My chin must face up.
In my universe,
All I ever feel is pain.
And I have grown numb.
I look at people and see,
see the truth and power they carry.
I want that within me,
why can't this be?
Words cause pain,
you may not know it,
but I look at my eyes and all I see is rain,
I know it might seem like the world is crashing down
Trust me I know what it's to feel like that
It feels like you're standing in the rain without an umbrella
Stuck in an eternal darkness
Problems at home, problems at school
She didn't know where she belonged
She thought she could take this much pain
Well guess what, little girl think again
Naaaa i ent saying that shes blame
Problems at home, problems at school
She didn't know where she belonged
She thought she could take this much pain
Well guess what, little girl think again
Naaaa i ent saying that shes blame
No one can begin to fathom my life today,
Running, rushing to get to that place someday
When asked, "What is your name?"
My response is also a question
Why am I unsure--of the one title I've possessed since birth,
How do I claim to know myself. If I still don't know what I'm called?
They laugh.
I cry.
They joke.
I sigh.
Their words of hate.
flowing out of their mouths,
funneling into my ears,
breaking my heart.
I may be autistic
but that doesn't mean
Talking to me why bother?
I’ve gotten this far without my father
Hurt, Pain, Sorrow, and Agony
Not much more can really sadden me
Those people are only saying rude jokes but,
She didn't act like that
until they called her fat
then they called her ugly
Her best friend noticed what she was hiding
she saw the scars on her wrist
I guess she cut
But why?
In a world where people are periodically posting pics and sending selfies to fellow citizens, there is a surprising amount of self hate surrounding the subject.
When you look at the world What do you see?
Do you view your food and friends in Mayfair and Valencia?
Your wasting your time deciding which accent makes your skin look tan
The others, they'd laugh, they'd snicker.
Choosing teams, they'd say, "Don't pick her."
Turning red, embarrassed, I stood.
I envied them and that's not good.
Without a care in the world I stare at the lens in front of me,what has become me
Behind the lens you will find the real me, not the one I appear to be
It's inside out, without a twist of doubt whats becoming of me, you see
Dear victims,
Dear that kid in the corner , who is afraid to raise a hand
Dear that girl in the locker room, who is afraid to dress again
Dear that boy getting punched from a so-called " friend "
My old high school is haunted
That what everyone says
Not to me that would be absurd
Still, it's what I've heard
I wander through these halls alone for now
a pale kid known for his hand-me-downs.
Maybe I'm crazy and insane. Maybe we are not the same. But now I know what I see. Every time you look at me. It's innocence, That light. A light that shines through any dark night. And tho you are far away. These words I still have to say.
Why me? What did I ever to to you?
No, it's why YOU! Why would you attack me?
Why me? What did I do to deserve this?
No, it's why YOU! Why do you think you can do this.
My name is Jada
I am not your video slave
I am a young girl
Boys raped me on tape
Sadly the tape went viral
Now everyone knows
I chose to stand tall
I was a victim it’s true
I'm just me.
The guy who makes a joke
and at fun I always poke.
I'm just me.
The guy who makes you feel uneasy
and the one who says you look cheesy.
I'm just me.
Adults always tell us
that they know best
They have more experience,
and time, they'll attest
They feed those words
Into our brains
Inject that message into
our infant veins
When I take a picture
I smile and stare at my relfection.
My mind wonders if they will like it
if they will see me the way I see me.
You see a world of black and white
I see a world full of color
Where you see a river too wide to cross
I find the bridge to go over
But we both have eyes to see
And ears to hear
You laughed at the girl who sat alone,
Insults thrown at her like rocks, her name unknown.
She was the girl who sat in the dark,
Her once-happy heart, torn apart.
You laughed at the girl who sat silent,
People often realize
they can endure more
than they thought they could
when enduring becomes the only option.
But sometimes-
when people can't endure-
they break.
break a little,
I demand change.
In these twisted, damaging days.
Where women are afraid to leave for work
for fear of merciless rape
Where people of color
cannot receive a fair wage
Dependency Conflicted
What should've been restricted
Honeysuckle violet roses
Come to me
When I'm at my lowest
Opiate sinsemilla
Desolate feelings are too familiar
Waft Inhale
Misread and verbally beated
Unloved and mistreated
Alone and unneeded
No one knows the way their river flows
Always ignored, the pain grows
I am a woman who can do it all
Even though I am so small
I have so much potential because I know most of the essentials
Bully Beatdown
I was doomed from the start
Torn apart
A dart through my heart
Self-hating Bogart
Some called me sweetheart
I was not beautiful.
I am not beautiful.
I will never be beautiful.
But I could be thin.
It began as a whisper
It grew louder, it spoke to me
Until every day it was a
Screaming in my ear,
Blood as red as a rose
They said death was something that you just chose
Truthfully it chose you
I feel numb inside…empty & lost.
I find myself trying to rekindle my soul, while keeping my eyes open for the lost pieces of myself; they were sold, but at what cost?
Creep into the day
aware with an unforgiving glance on your face
deepend with hate and anger
spit out the foul words that were once used against you
and then bleed the picture on canvas.
Gravity seems compelled to affect my tears alone.
I'm suspended above the crowd that will always judge me.
They see me as falling,but I'm stuck in the air--
Buttons and keys Pop
Sounds Don’t Stop
Like or Not
Walk little or Lot
The ears you got
Show the sounds don’t stop
Each tells another story
i wake in the morning,
having no warning,
of how i would be looked at
like i have on a funny hat.
i walk through the halls
with no fear at all
knowing that who i am
The Different Kid was colorful
His voice was loud
His eyes were bright
Sunny hair and a wide, white smile
They say that if you brushed against him,
You’d walk away with a rainbow on your shoulder
When I was 13 years old, I was sent to a public school. My mom told me to stay strong. To be a tree. With no one to know and no one to know me, I stood alone in the forest society calls middle school.
There once was a girl
Who held her head high
But you’ve stolen her confidence
And you’ve made her cry
in third grade i was the weird girl with glasses
freckled face
head hung low
whispers of
"she's weird"
"why is she so quiet"
i didn't know what self-hate was back then
When I was five
You would pull my hair
Call me a doody head
I wouldn't care
That was okay
You made fun of me
I didn't comprehend
When I was eleven
You would whisper
I wake up, put on my clothes,
wash my face, fix my hair and look in the mirror with disgust.
Yes, I'll do it.
I go to school and walk to class,
I can hear them behind me, laughing,
I hate this moment
I dread condolence
There is no hiding
This time today
My knees are weak
My mind is bleak
I cant conceive
a way to believe
That I am strong
Perpetual darkness was all I seeked
It was all I knew
Ugly hurt shaped my heart
And sadness filled my core
My insides so full of pain
I am who I am
Only I can do me like I can do me
You can't teach self confidence
It comes with taking what others say about you
And making it irrelevant
Skies dull where they once where full of life, light had shown through those clouds just months ago.
What once was a flaw, that everyone could see,
stuck out like a sore thumb to anyone but me,
Bottled up inside of me,
trying to thrash its way out,
this monster grew stronger
'til my control it did oust.
I wear a mask of stoicism.
Even if the violence,
The irritation,
The hypocracy and hate,
They get to me and cause my blood to boil.
But, I can't let them get to me.
My mask is what keeps me calm,
The world is a scary place
The world is a scary place
All around me I hear laughter,
Yet I am not laughing.
They did not hit me, but inside my soul is hurting.
I look whole, but inside I am just a pile of broken pieces
Waiting, hoping, praying
Walking down the halls
Their eyes are buring into my back.
No acceptance here;
No turning back.
The pain is surreal;
The memories a blur.
Trying to find myself
Just didn't seem to work .
There's something you don't understand.
Maybe it's the different lives we live
Maybe it was what I was wearing
In high school everybody wants to be cool
well guess what, I'm not a tool.
i don't care what people say,
i do things my own way.
i shop at the thrift store,
so what if my clothes are a bore?
No, I am afraid you’re wrong.
I am words
And lyrics
I am “tell me that I am everything you need.”
No, I am not silence.
I am tears and laughs
We're all suicidal telling others that suicide isn't the answers. Telling the confident to set their ego aside. We can all be good but, the good one's tend to hide.
We're together,
Till the end.
We giggle and laugh,
We are friends.
There starts to be jokes,
We can no longer take.
Our unbreakable bond,
starts to break.
We no longer look,
They tell us it will all be better some day,
To deal with the pain - it will all go away.
But what do they know?
They haven't lived in my shoes!
They don't know what it's like!
They don't know what they do!
I see them down the halls
Hear their hatred along the walls.
Do they not care?
Their words are something I cannot bare.
Why must they pick on me?
All I want is to let be.
You push me down into dirt,You stay proud of what you blurt,Of all these words screamed out at me:
Ominous ebony smoke fills the air
A mist of forsaken souls condemned to demons
Alabaster arms reach out and grab the prey
Frozen fingertips stain the innocent flame
Nails running deeply into the skin
Okay soNice to meet ya but I wouldn't wanna be yaBecause being myself only gives me a spellA kind of happiness one could never tell
Today has been the first time I’ve smiled in years
The first time I haven’t cried myself to sleep
The first day I haven’t been forced to smile on queue
I remember those days so well; my scars won’t let me forget
Sing a song from youth,
dance the beat inside.
When you get to where you’re going-
don’t forget to shine.
Stars are night-time smiles;
giving hope til’ morning rise,
You are probably wondering what I look like without a filter
I have Flaws
Too many to count
My forehead is too big
My mouth too wide
My skin too dark
I have black heads
They tell you
Success is a number.
A weight
A score
An amount.
They trick you into
Their lies.
You say to yourself
"I am surely nothing!"
But you hold the stars in your smile
The road to success is marked with signs and always under construction. To make something new out of what was old, there must first be destruction.
Keep moving forward
people will hold you back
no mader where you go
people will try to bring you down
He pushes you
You cry
He stab you
You die
It could have end at the push
If you knew how to punch
To Bully is to be cruel,
Noreason reason to do so,
Hurting people,
Making many cry for no reason,
They become depressed and build up anger,
Many kill themselves to end the pain,
And for what?
You think no one loves you, but it's untrue. I am the one for you. Open your eyes and see, see all what we could be. Close your eyes and make believe that the people who put you down do not breath.
The world has taken focus on the way people treat each other,now people are upset on how they've been treated by one another.Most people can be rude or mean without even focusing,
Cold, dark and miserable
Was told it was part of being a criminal
But why title me that?
It's not like you know all the facts
True I don't know how to act
But at least I stay true to my colors
I have a special affinity for the x-ray machine,Faultlessly highlighting my bones, heart, and spleen.
You're a coward that is full of messPushing me around and hitting me in my chestYou're a coward that has no heartBeating me up dragging me apartYou're a coward I say I say with grace
All I did was love you
While you snuck out and gave your love to another
But all she wanted was your money
And now look who's the sucker
After you made me sign that waiver
I have to hurry home and prepare dinner tonight
I have to finish my cleaning or else it’s another fight
I’ve still much to do: the laundry, the dishes, the dusting, washing the stains off the floor
He didn’t fit into the “in crowd”Just because he wasn’t allowed.But coming home to screams and shouts.
He didn’t fit into the “in crowd”Just because he wasn’t allowed.But coming home to screams and shouts.
NIght comes and goes im in a deep sleep dreaming about what happenes next
i wake up tired and my long day startes i have to use public transportation to get to my destination
There is silence all around
to those that never spoke up.
Their lives will always be silenced
Even though I'm freckled and thick
Even though I'm blind and poor
Even though I'm short and white
Your words don't hurt me anymore
I've come to learn what it's all about
Bringing down others
Undermining ones own self confidence
Leaving a trail of broken people.
Lifless bodies strewn every where due to you
I can only wonder and pray that i'm not next.
Im running and hiding in fear.
Everyone around me points and laughs at me.
I run to the shadows but your there.
I beg you to leave me alone but your there.
Walking down the halls I see it everywhere
In some way shape or form bullying is going on.
This needs to stop.
I am but one person but my voice is heard by thousands.
Bullying is for the weak
Bullying is hard to beat
you have to stay strong
To survive what's inside
You think it will disappear
If you stay hidden within,
yourself and keep it from
Why should I feel lesser because you are jealous?
Why should I feel like I should jump off a moving train because I have friends?
Why should my best friend belittle me for making changes in my life?
I shake his hands,
Yet my toes are beneath where he stands.
He’s been stomping my toes for hours,
Pacing on them as he explains why his belief, should be ours.
Any longer and my toenails will fall off,
I am from cells, built together to make my mother’s uterus,
If I wasn’t supposed to come out, then how did I,
Fat. Ugly. Emo. Gay
we've all heard what the haters say.
they act so kind right to our face.
but then they talk crap once we're replaced
by yet another hater (who hasn't really seen)
Ethnicity, an identifier to some,
a misfortune to others...
to her.
She hides, her true identity under a body she feels isn't her own,
Mocked behind closed doors
Stared at myself in the mirror
Why am I doing this to myself?
I have to stay strong and find who I am
Do they have to make me feel like nothing?
Sometimes I sit and think to myself
Am I made of glass?
Let me start off by saying I was a victim,
I was beat down and taken advantage of,
Three girls, those were my bullies
Physically, emotionally abusive.
I was told that I'm black and ugly,
She spoke loud and talks with a voice that unheard of
she spoke loud and theres no face revealed
She was whole.
Everyday was words
From the mouths of those around her
Those who she loved
She wasn't good enough
She couldn't do anything right
She never met expectations
The hate of the world can beat on you
The hate of the earth will make you blue
Bitterness can harvest, in your heart
Bitterness will make your tongue tart
I know. We all know.The world is full of hurt and hate.
I want you to know I am kind enough to open the gate. I am kind and passionate.
Now stop lashing' at that kid over there. Look at his poor, innocent stare.
Every day, she gets called a different name.
No one seems to see the pain it causes.
To them, it’s all just a game,
Even when she cries, no one pauses
I can still hear the crunch of the potato chips resounding in my ears like the crushing of my dreams to fit into that dress,
A girl is hiding, hiding behind that curtain
That curtain right there, I know I am certain
That is her, that girl hiding behind that curtain
She is shy and uncertain and bullied eveyday
Sideways glancesSmirksSnickers behind binders
But they don’t knowThey don’t know what she’s been throughThey wouldn’t do this if they knew
There's never a statute of limitations on an apology.
Tell me what makes one think they are greater, or almighty.
Behaving ridiculously. disgraced
I am ashamed to be your neighbor.
How is it that I am under you?/ Why me?/ Am I really that different?/ Am I really easy prey?/ Am I really weak?/ Does it really give you the right to hurt me?/
I want to give you a reason in life
To keep on keeping on
Put down that razor, you could someday be a wife
Nobody wants you gone
Stop crying pretty girl, you are beautiful in every way
don't tell me things about myself
that i know are lies
don't say that i am not good enough
when i know the truth
don't say that i am ugly
when i can see clearly
there is something wrong in a world where we pour ourselves out to
strangers on the internet
but our best friends dont know our torment
and there is something wrong in a world where beauty is only skin deep
Driven through darknes she lies, looking up in the skies to fake a smile filled with nothing but lies.
I've got a club, it fits just two
Consists of only me and you;
I got your back, you've got mine
Make sure no man is left behind.
Up in a fort with winter chills,
Always kept me on the shelf
what a never-ending hell
can I cope with all the stress?
Everyday I’m so depressed
She takes her seat before the glass.
The reflection she sees so far from what she feels.
“Why do we show the world a mask?”
She pondered.
Don't you see what is happening?
Don't you see the emptyness?
Don't you see cold stare?
Don't you see the pain...
Zero love to turn to,
Zero understanding to retreat.
Weird, Homosexual, Creepy, Autistic, Geek
These labels have never once brought me the grief of intentional bullying.
The lack of them has.
Give them labels to define me,
or they will assign the labels themselves.
you thought this time
it would go by the book again
it almost always does
you know the one
it's my own edition
but its always the same story
or it was supposed to be
Is all I can see
Is all I dream
Has long since faded away
Each and every single day
Is slowly turning to dust
When i went to kindergharten I spoke Spanish
and only spanish
"What`s she saying?"
"oh that`s Ariana, she`s just stupid"
people like to say kids arn`t racist
they arn`t
they`re just crule
Imagine this You're in a room with no doors, windows, or anyway of escape. The room is filling with smoke and its becoming harder and harder to see and breathe.
See that house,It's crumbling.One more kickAnd it's tumbling.Rain is poring downAll day and night.The wind so harshIt won't give up the fight.
See that house,It's crumbling.One more kickAnd it's tumbling.Rain is poring downAll day and night.The wind so harshIt won't give up the fight.
When I came to this world
I was but a blanket of snow
Clean and unmarred
It’s hard to keep my snow
Fresh and clean
When others taint me
With dirty footprints
That make me feel less
She sat there in disbelief,
The things they had written were so malicious.
She read the words on the screen:
Whore, slut, bitch.
She sat there in disbelief,
The things they had written were so malicious.
She read the words on the screen:
d the ability to get a glance at the figure of the physique under the black veil I've cast upon myself, I applaud.
The empty box of tissues that lay in her wastebin.The journal of sadness, she keeps tucked under her arm. The drugs, he takes to escape, hidden in his bedside draw. The sadness in his eyes, that will never leave.
Be the Change.
Stop the bullying.
Instead of tearing them down bulid them up.
Or say nothing at all.
It’s not a joke
Yeah I called her a skank; yeah I called her a slut. But what about it? It's not like she cuts.
I stare at the mirror,
Trying to understand why everyone hates me so.
The people at school whispered and laughed.
The adults sneered and turned up their nose.
Surrounded by echoes,
You may not...Tease him in the hall, thenTrip and watch him fallKick him when he's down andJump him while he's on his ownBut then again...
These words are constantly asked.
"I'm Fine"
The most common lie.
Its easier to just not explain.
I used to know a kid when I was younger. He had blonde hair and brown eyes and was a bit small
but, he always put on a brave face. I used to think he was annoying until I befriended him.
Our eyes are once again forced open by the sound of a beeping alarm. Morning has stolen our precious sleep.
I don’t want to not believe
I don’t want her to become something other than what she sees
In the mirror, is a different person?
Researchers say crying is inborn
I had to learn how to cry
I stifled the sight of my tears
Away from the taste of salty crystals on my tongue
Afar from the expression of my fears
To never be perfect for anyone.There is always one person who will.Hate.To know hate at a young age,then to petrayupon another is,inhumane.From a child to now,people glare.
I try to speak outAgainst discriminationAgainst wordsOf hatredAnd humiliationOf racismAnd against hurtI try to speak upI try to speak outAnd I AM upfront about
God Bless America.
Where suburban neighborhoods flourish
and every house looks like the other,
like rows of mass-produced Fords.
God bless America.
Where the government spends money
I am nothing.I am scum.
I am stupid. I am ignorant.
And be sure to remind me how much you despise the fact that I walk this earth, breathing.
I am a person, but be sure to ignore what is me
I am kind.
at Mira's home
by 14 year old Dove Seconds
in english my Name means orange
brilliant, bright
For several years I was stuck in a rut
It was time for a change, so I trusted my gut
I was doing the same thing for many years
It was time to step out, time to face my fears
So, you thought you knew her?
you thought just because you knew her name,
you knew her story?
Do you realize how deep your words cut her?
She thinks that her mere exsistance pisses you off,
i mean,
Look me in the eyes,
tell me what you see.
Do you see a happy girl?
Or the demons that control me?
Do you feel my pain?
My jealousy? My guilt?
Maybe now you'll understand
You can't see it but insults are weapons, actual weapons. Everydaycitizens use these weapons we were born with to harm other people.Wake up, words hurt. We, the people, we have been trained, and, we
When I used to look in the mirror, I would see
A girl who struggled, but yet was sometimes pretty.
I struggled with my relationship with my family.
Although they clothed, fed, housed, and spoiled me,
I know I’m unwanted,
Yet I still try
To find the one
Whom would die
For me and make me feel
I said i'm going to rise to the top of the mountain....wait wait wait...
I said I'm going to rise to the top of the mountain.
Stand on this stage declaring my Name,say.
Because I am a king, ayee.
Parents try to raise you right
And teach you it's not good to fight.
Always be good they said.
Don't be a bully they said.
Two statements that stay in my head.
Practice what you preach,
Black Lines,
That’s what they see.
This pen.
My pen,
Flowing across the page,
My heart spilling,
In black lines.
These black lines
punch right,
jump to the left
run away
there's no time left
jump up
over the rolling barrel
look behind you
their still there
look forward
they cut you off
turn the corner
Living in a society filled with hate;Where People are judge by gender, ethnicity, and race.Hateful words storm through the air;As I stand in silence with a disgusted face.
A message to the douche I once were
How are you doing?
Let me change the question
How were you doing?
Let me guess
You were crumpling sheets of papers
From the handwritten words of your classmates
The school hall
where everybody is in their own corners:
the sporty girls
tough guys
trouble youth A
and trouble youth B
even the believers strolling with their folks;
You are enough
You are enough
You are so enough,
You have no idea how enough YOU are.
You are the light in my darkness.
You are the happiness behind your mom's eyes.
When I was a 14
I went on a school trip
We ate dinner at a
Buffett, when I
Feeling full still
Walked up with my
Friend who didn’t want
people say that it was magic they say.magic as a good feeling but the word magic means power and power is magic so do you have the magic to stand up to bullying?
Little girl's tears run down a red cheek
All she ever heard is "You are such a freak!"
Sitting quietly with metal death in her hand
With a lot of fear and nothing more to stand
The sun sets on that last, golden dayA chance to have a smile on your faceAgain comes the numbers, whirling aroundMaking everything unjust and solemnIt's a test, as everything is,
Teardrops can stain a surfaceTeardrops can destroy a work of artTeardrops can destroy makeupTeardrops are their own silent stormIf only people cared as much for teardropsAs they did for storms
You hear the whispers.
Your hear the rumors.
Everyone is talking.
Everyone is judging.
You cut.
You slice.
You mangle your arm.
You cry.
You scream.
And pretend it does no harm.
The words.
The judgment.
They replay in your mind.
There she goes, pure as snow,
Just trying to get by in life.
Here you come, mean as a thug.
So eager to dim her bright light.
I see the sneer upon your face,
That devilish little grin.
"Free information"
Say it slow and enunciate
Remember it like this
Before your eyes precipitate
All I remember from old days,
Is crying so hard, must’ve been a phase,
I couldn’t see, I saw from different eyes,
I was so little, why didn’t they just let me be?
Them being mean wasn’t a surprise.
"SLUT!" They shout in my direction.
The hallway grows hushed as they await the reaction from me,
Me, the gay whore who slept with 4 guys
Or was it 5?
I cant remember nowadays.
Been there done that been hurt just like that life sucks when it hurts to be scared
They should be behind bars we are only human with flaws we all have to remember who we are were we stand and know who is the better man
Mr.Bully, your words hurt me
and so does your hitting and punching
Everyday you make me wish I could fade away
I try to be strong but sometimes I cry
I'm so tired of saying I'm okay because that is a lie
Tweedle-Dee, tweedle-dum.
She lays there likes a drum, as he's pounding into her.
Treating her like no one.
This goes on every night, and days when Aunty is away.
He rapes her and beats her, forcing her to stay.
You think you are safe
you think you are sound-
A place where many are not found
for what they want is not what they need-
but they search on in this unfamiliar place.
flooding with ignited thoughts
---you don't have to do this
tons of pressure push you to the ground
---please don't
stress is the leash that tightens its grip
---I will listen, I promise
No one notices how you cry at night.
No one notices how your heart aches through the day.
No one notices your depression.
People say I'm happy, that I'm never without a smile.
I bet those people would be pretty surprised to find that I used to spend nights wishing to die.
There is a mask that every person fakes,
Don't slam my drama books down in the hall
Don't throw me into lockers or a bathroom stall
My home is not the school trashcan
Let Me Be Me
So what if my hair is black and blonde
So what if you think I'm Gay?
We are all young,
We tend to push people down, and make them feel worthless.
but yet, we know we are doing these things and not stopping them.
Even though she looks unhappy to be here,
every time the last bell rings she doesn't hustle out the door like the rest of them do.
The weight of your anger,
Turned on me, a total stranger.
I haven't done wrong,
You just wanted to feel strong.
I see through you,
This isn't something you want to do.
I see the hurt inside,
Her cries are never heard
Nor is the pain seen on her face
He voice is quiet like a bird
She is the social disgrace
He is filled with pride
He knows exactly who he is
i wake up in the mornings with a smile on my face
that is suddenly erased
the moment i step foot onto my school campus
the people that surround me
couldnt give a damn about me
Do you mean
What you say
From behind your curtain
Typing away
As if you're unreachable
But you aren't
You're a coward
And it must be hard
To yearn for such
When I'm gone they'll say they loved me
They'll claim they had no hate
But the reason that I'm dead
Is because they came too late
The ground will cover me now
As they gather 'round to watch
Hide hide hide
I would say
Hide what you love about yourself
and put it away
They try and hurt you
so hide hide
put your true self away
And that way
They'll never
We have a tendency to hideEveryday before leaving homeWe put on our maskAnd leave to go into the real worldThere's almost no room for authenticityHow can we "just" be ourselves?Your beliefs, my opinion,
What is the price we have paid
We have all thrown away
Our lives
Trying to impress people we despise
But its not worth it in the end
We have struggled with ourselves
I'm just another
double digit age
triple digit scars
I rolled up my sleeves and chased a dream
"You're as happy as a Christian should be."
"Have you ever cursed?"
"You actually know that song!"
Just a few of the daily comments from my peers.
Is it ok to be gay? Because that's all I've ever known.
I tell myself I can take the jokes.
it is today
i cannot stand the thought of my next birthday
i cannot stand the thought of another day
with excuses
and hiding
and so much hurt that i feel numb
See thats the thing between you and her. You're getting better and she's getting worse. She ductapes her sadness with a smile and cries in silence. No one notices her bruises and cuts because theyre within.
Not really, It is my mask of meaniness
It is always on. (In school mostly)
I have it on for protection
For a reason of deep resentment
If people saw a different mask on
Oh! Here comes the trouble.
What makes me happy is my ability to overcome, I thank god everyday for making me as strong of a person as I am and being able to fight through the hard times to find that ending light.
I sit here wondering why
why do i get tortured why bother to even to cry
people always seem to judge without even batting their eyes
and I am sitting here still trying to figure out why do I bother to cry
HOW would you feel if you were talked about to your face?
You would feel as if they hate you and you're a mistake.
WHATwould you do if you didn't fit it?
Another bathroom to eat your lunch is where you'd sit in.
Happy eyes,
Hidden tears.
Smiling laughter,
Suppressed fears.
Innocent words,
Knowing mind.
Light chords,
but deep behind.
Just a joke
to me there's meaning.
You would think someone with a disease would have problems in school such as socializing or generally fitting in. Growing up down south and moving to New York city was a huge change for me.
I get kicked down the halls and on the inside I scream
No More
I here you two scream and fight breaking things into the night
my brain is drained and all its going to say is
Image is a strong word
for girls and guys both.
It's not the word of the bird,
but the sense of the matter.
It's about what you can afford,
You thought you'd beaten me
But here I am
You thought you'd won
But here I stand
I have a voice
You didn't silence it forever
Here I am, standing tall.
We live in shadows all by ourselves
And sell our bodies on street corners
We smile to each other's faces and act like everything is okay
When it's obviously not
We feel okay to tease others
When steps are heard
Looks are exchanged
And head bowed
Tears won't help now
So they'll take the hits in silence
And spare a smile only for the other
When young, learn well
Why is it a chore to stay alive,
Why do we laugh when we want to cry,
Why do we hide behind a mask,
People should aspire to be themselves
Where did the masks get put on
Where did this all start
The root source will forever be unknown
Why are we as humans continuing this tyranny
All we have to do is
Understand that
not everyone is the same
when you think about it
where did people get the "standard" for criticizing people
since when did not wearing brand name clothes
become the definition of
I, a young woman today , realized my flaws.
I H I D E under a persona that is not me.
I H I D E to protect myself from scars caused by not strangers but people I love.
Dear high school bullies,
I wonder if you know what you did to me.
I wonder if you still believe the things you said.
So you think you're a tough guy?Beating on the weakThat sting in your knuckles echoed by a life timeIs what you createAn artist of despair
Be yourself
Not like that
Speak your mind
Using these guidelines
Express yourself
How we allow you to
Before uttering a sound
Rethink your idea
I remember,
when I was fourteen,
I found out my friend had been raped.
I didn't even know what it meant
back then.
My friend,
she was a drug addict.
Living with the trauma.
To be alone in this world is not as bad as feeling alone surrounded by the population;
They look at me like I'm some kind of abomination;
It seems that everyone has their lives in order, except this one individual;
Why you felt more confindent harassing me alone?
You called us friends, because you thought it was funny to see me crumble.
I only smiled because mouth had malfunction and fail to say STOP!
"Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil." (Psalm 23:4)
The worlds a stage and we are just mere actors, But the stage is too large, the lights to bright The audience won’t like us if we aren't just right Just the right amount of funny, pretty, smart, kind We panic under the pressure but it’s all just
I sit near the window frame
Staring at my own shame
Nothing is the same
Am I really all to blame
Or is this really just some game
My emotions are set aflame
This isn't some ballgame
Well, it’s broken now
Does anyone really want it now?
Who would want a broken arrow?
That’s all it is
The dove flies
With the light of his soul
As he egerly goes
And claim his goal.
Over the rainbow
Through the wind
To the sun
Where his journey'll end
But a raven lives
To some it was easy,
we ran through the maze.
For us it was easy,
as we left behind the haze.
We kept up with the pack,
and ran with the crowd.
We never looked back,
Have you ever felt that hollowness inside,
That feeling that no one understands you?
After hearing of emos and man-periods,
The really not serious descriptions of depression,
You saved my life.
I was slowly killing myself.
One slash at a time.
But now I am on my way to recovery. You standing by my side, what could be better?
That smart girl at the back of the room
Who is she?
"Just a two-dimentional nerd"
As if, I'm so weird I'm four-dimentional
"She is too busy studying to have a life"
She sits alone, to be out of sight. Unheard.
She hides behind the booming voices of unorganized chatter. Screeching people.
am always hiding
from the eyes of others
in the hope
that they will
not notice
I wish
not to be recognized
in the fear
that those
You go to school
You put your books and book bag in your locker
While you get the stuff for your next class
Your face is now smashed up against the locker
Sticks and stones may break my bones
But my bones can heal
Say what you need to say
Say what you want to say
But say not what will break me
Sticks and stones may break my bones
A name is so pure, with no meaning behind it
The people and stories are what truly define it
No matter how long or confusing the spelling
The name is not on which we should be dwelling
When I was six
I had a pal
Some now know'im as
The rainbow childW
We spent those years
Playing tag
Watchin' All That
ANd getting laughs
But his name
There is so much that they don't see
So little do they stand up and lead
Many faces in the faceless crowd
Only few will stand, and be proud
Only few will go out of their way
No piece of artwork looks the same,
because they are not meant to be,
yet we still stare at the mirror
How can you not tell when someone is crying out to you
As if they don't give you any clues;
When you are known for happiness but filled with sadness
When you're trying to figure out this world through all this madness
You told me, that one day, I would be the Queen of my own kingdom.
You said that the bullying would stop, and that I wouldn't remember all the hateful words that had been said to me.
everyday is a struggle,
everyday i, we act like someone else.
to fit in we use sarcasm,
afraid to show eveyone who we are,
we hide,
Drip drip drip Let it flow down your wristYou let the pain get a grip And now it pours out the slitAlone is the feeling
Troubled times strengthen my soul with love,
Heartache fills me with joy.
Loneliness fills me with gratitude.
Betrayal enlightens my intellect.
The burnings of words brightens my countenance.
They never know. They never do. They only speak on impulse.
They cannot seem to comprehend the motives for their insults.
A chuckle here. A giggle there, to break what has been broken.
6 letters
1 word they say can shake the ground
and bring you down
to put it nicely they called me fatass
and its amazing
how words give you worth
Bullying is the worst evil
It can make you bleed
It can make you feeble
It strips away your confidence
It can destroy honest men
It steals from the poor
It preys on all fours
I try to stand upright,
but I just keep falling.
I try to keep the blade away,
but I just keep bleeding.
I try not to puke,
but my throat is raw.
I try to care,
but I just can't.
I am not the rain on a tin roof,
I am a blanket that never keeps your feet warm at night.
I am the uneven barstool at 2 am,
And the kiss that doesn't quite feel right.
Hello, hello, is there anyone here.
Please hear my cries if there’s anyone there.
Oh dear God, what have I done?
Love them,
Love them with no excuse,
Love them with no exception,
Love them with no prejudice nor hate.
‘Love one another’
He said…
I've been where you are
That place where nothing seems to make sense
That place where it's you against the world
I've been there
I've been to that place
I am a bully because my individuality never mattered.
I will magnify your insecurities because mine were read out loud
Behind that fake smile
there's a person who screams for help.
She drowns her pain and sorrow
on her bare skin.
Blood drips from her writs but
NOBODY sees a thing.
Why should I have to become a statistic?Something never dreamed became so realistic!In the game of life I drew the short stick
When I wish upon a star
I dream of something far
Up above, beyond my dreams
More extreme that it seems
See the people in the streets, barely any clothes on their backs and no shoes on their feet.
They have nothing but empty bottle packs
during the first few months of when you first understood what words, languange, and feelings were
you were called ugly.
Imagine how for the next years of your life you were reminded of how ugly you were.
Saddened self harmers,
Battling bulimics,
Angsty anorexics,
Isolated insomniacs,
Scared schizophrenics,
Lonely lesbians,
Gloomy gays,
Battling bisexuals,
Troubled transexuals,
rasicim insercurities stereotypes
all so common but all of it bites
no change no shift
but who going to change
especaily when we live in a world where everything that is taught is sane
He sat in the best seats
And everyone adored him.
The instructors recognized his glory,
And I sat behind him.
I've got you in my bare hands.
Yet it's as if I am at your command.
It's no wonder you have a reputation for being so witty.
You know my secrets and at times they're for you to keep.
Loin are very fierce and powerful, they creep up to their pray, they are like thieves in the dark, you never know when the lion will come.
Violence, much happens to people who keep silence
Oppression led the oppress to depression
One gun can kill many sons
Teenage girls are confused, all bruised
your cruel words slam into me like a trainwreck
attaching themselves to my every thought
they soon become a part of my being
tattooed, exposed, unsettling
i slowly peel off the layers
with help from friends
you wanna talk about pain
pain is her middle name
she's branded as lame because she's smart
she's constantly bullied because she rather read then party
at thirteen she's a victim
You wanna know why I'm biting my nails,
or nawing at the string of my hoodie?
You wanna know why my I'm quiet,
and have a face on ready for killing?
You wanna know why my jaw is clenched?
we say ignorance is bliss
hatred, intolerance, and greed are the trifecta of our society
do you see it?
news anchors deliver breaking news: a pop star got married yesterday
Words have so much power.
The power to heal,
To inspire,
To attract,
To amuse,
To teach,
To excite,
To change a life for the better.
Are you listening?
Because I don't think you heard.
There's a boy crying in the corner,
He's just been called a nerd.
Are you listening?
Because I know you didn't hear.
That girl you called a loser,
When did it become so wrong?
Despite our desperate need to be strong?
Crazy, weird, spazz, freak
Strange, stupid, loser, geek.
He stands over me like the Chrysler building, tall and frightening.
He speaks words of doubt, but I can't hear.
Large and stuffy building, jam packed full and tight,
Hundreds of students gathered, trying to do what’s right.
“Get an education!” they tell us every day,
But what they fail to do, is to teach us the way?
A young, innocuous boy
Bullied from day one, saw no way out
Of the severe pain and cruel traps he was always getting caught in.
He found his escape,
Metal, black, and fatal
Listen, have you heard?
when I speak to think I'm the center of attention is absurd.
Every week; a rise in tension because they terroize this nerd,
The Feels are slowly seeping in.
From deep within I feel them rising.
Growing stronger by the moment, I wonder if I can fight them.
I put on a grin and bear the day.
I know that this is the only way.
I am a spicy fabric!
I do not stick to the skin
I do not sweat
And who are you to say I am a ditz to
be amazed at life’s simple pleasures?
You always like to rain on my parade
Oh Silence,
My hushed homeland hide-out
a gem
rarely unearthed
main supporter when all is wrong
When all words fail
Can the people hear what we say?
It’s not death that has us worried
It’s not pain that makes us pray
But the words used against us
The weakness we gain from strength
As we carry smiles, and heavy burdens
People will judge you
from you looks to you attutide
to your nails to your shoes
that is what people do
they wont remember your name
unless you rise into fame
and have money and expensive things
Let me bathe in the light of your hate!
For there seems no other place nor person who cares more about your thoughts than I.
I've seen bullying in my life,
I've been on both sides.
Some people say it's not the place to be,
But I must say...
"I just get off on the pain."
Now, it's been a while,
I cry for help, and plea for a friend.
But no one is there to lend a hand...
I try to stand, but no one understands me.
They all sheild their ears from my helpless pleas.
What is MY Purpose?
Is it to be labeled different?
Is it to be seen and then ridiculed?
Twinkle, Twinkle, little star
Can you see me from a far.
You stay so high up in the sky.
A little glimmer in everyone's eye.
I remember when I was small.
Running between the apartments so tall.
Leave me,
I'm hurt can't you see?
From the harsh words you've said to me,
I'm fed up with the tears,
We are all sons and daughters of our Heavenly Father.Can't we all just get along?Can we continue to love one another,And help those in need?Can we bare each other's burdens,And pray for one another?
Figures lie, and liars figure
All wanna' write out a new piece of scripture
They'll say count your blessings before you're gone.
You don't know if you'll last long.
These are your hands and
This is how you tell the world you’re not all bad
These are your wrists, those are your scars,
This is your story
This is how you dodge the shattered glass around your feet
Let me tell you what bullying is
Bullying is mean words that get under your skin
And the only way to get them out is
By tearing open your arms and legs and extracting them
It's normal to have thoughts, ideas, questions.
But is it normal to have an imagination?
To let it wander so far into dreamlands that you'll wake up hours later not knowing where you are?
Or what you're doing?
So you know the phrase:
"It gets better."
Well, for me...... it doesn't.
At least....... not yet.
Or maybe building so slow that even a tortoise outruns it by thirty miles.
Always the same.
people tend prey on the weak ones
as much as they hate to confess.
You're shattered. You're broken.
Not thinkin' anyone knows.
You trudge on, resent all, for the pain from the stones they've thrown.
But there's this secret I'm letting out. You didn't know I was here all throughout:
Open skys, please open
Hold my wings and allow me
to glide.
Take my pain
that I hide.
And bring through the clouds
a brand new tide.
he fights like a brawler
instead of finding discipline
he has cops called on em...
she lays hair like a duck's back
instead of finding school
at 17 she holds 2 babies heads back...
My life was like a loaded gun
Waiting for someone to use me
Waiting to be pointed in any direction
My reflection was silver bullet clean
My look was mean mugging me
Finally been thinking about all those thoughts in your head
and those feelings that wouldn't come out?
Sometimes you can't say it out loud,
You said you wanted to die,
but I think you just wanted someone to care.
You went so long,
oh so long,
dealing with the whispers behind your back.
There were so many people that cared,
Roses are red, white,yellow, and pink.
They are still roses..right?
so why must people who are different, cry themselves to sleep at night?
I'm know as a slut, geek, or a freak.
You hide yourself from everyone else
Because there's a monster inside.
He can't be controlled by anyone, not even you
But you talk a good talk and lie about the truth.
Something about this room
Holds a ghost of you
In the dark it makes me cringe
Causing me to check shadows
When you dwelled here
Your words where nine-tail whips
Every vowel cracked mid swing
They all say
"speak your mind"
then laugh
when they all hear what you think
They all say
"be creative"
then remark
that is the worst idea they ever heard
They all say
Used by many
Left by some
To all spares every penny
But has ears from none
Caught up in a journey
Though it's just begun
What is beauty?
I mean true beauty,
None of that ‘coat yourself in makeup’ or
‘be like everyone else’ stuff.
Beauty is strength.
But strength comes from pain.
Twisting into her,
the putrid sludge of self-deprecation,
tentacles of a slimy beast.
Malleable flesh open to disease, filth,
flung from the mouths of true monsters.
So eagerly bared to the world from birth,
Maybe I'm a little outspoken,
but I held the words on before,
and I felt as if I were choking.
To you, I am a nobody,
but nobodies have feelings too.
and your words, well,
they stick to me like glue.
I can see you
feverishly stabbing away at your keyboard
the glare of the computer screen illuminating your countenance
Why do you have to hate me?
I didn't do anything to you
You love my pain
my sorrow
my sadness
You act as though I've hurt
you tormented
you abused you,
when I've never even spoken to you.
I don't like hate.
Judgement makes me irate.
Racism makes me want to scream.
Homophobia makes me angry.
I'm sick of people being mean,
bullying because of their own insecurities,
I am the master of my fate
I once said to all who hate
The words they said are bad
And once heard, can make me sad
Magnificence was not something I questioned as I child
Certain People deserved to be heard
A word used to portray a person thinking or coming up with ideas, is now used to describe a girl who has some messed up ideals.
You cut into my skin
Whether you know it or not
You don't think it a sin
I'm just an afterthought
My troubles you laugh at
And you say they don't exist
Somehow it's just that
If a child throws a fit in the store,
If a man drinks, drives, and wrecks,
If the rainforests are being depleted,
You say this pain is my fault
that i put this gapeing hole in my chest
when all i tryed to do was set you free
from your monster inside
i put myself in harms way over and over again
i tryed to help
When I was in first grade I got straight A’s, my parent’s were ecstatic.
The next year I got all A’s and a B, but they were still proud.
So on and so forth I still did well, but mom and dad got less excited every time.
Alone on a couple’s bench I sit
Won’t you come to hear the stories I tell?
For when I disappear, that may be it.
All my life, I stood the misfit,
And to this day I still repel
Society paints an image
in a young girl's head.
A contrived idea of perfection
makes her wish she were dead.
Society gives the boy false judgement,
he believes the wrong is right
Who's to blame me or them?
I was shapeless I was ugly they said
So they beat me, made jokes of me and called me names
I couldn't face them; I was nothing, so I took my life so tell me in this case who's to blame?
Her eyes have witnessed horrorsIn the darkest of nights and the brightest of daysIf you'd look within them deep enough They would give all her secrets away
I will always root for the underdog or the person who is never heard. Shame on the people with stitches on their ears or staples in their eyes. Don't make me want to show you how much it actually hurts.
I write because of the open wounds I possess--the pain, the agony and all the stress.
You don’t like the way I talk or the way I walkIt’s funny to call me names and antagonize meWhen I’m down and out you know how to hurt me
tick tick tick tick...
here we go again
everything I see pounding agaisnt my head
tick tick tick tick...
trying to make sense
trying to be unseen
I'm here for you.
Know you are not alone
And that I am here.
Let go of that razor,
Those pills,
That gun.
You will make it through this.
I believe in you.
You just need a friend,
"A Shooting at (Insert name here) School has left (Insert Number here) dead and (Insert larger number here) wounded. Police have blocked off the area and people have been escorted out of the building.
-Redefine beauty. Extract all the melanin from my skin, or add just a bit more to yours and let's see what difference it makes in our personalities. No change.
May 15, 2014
A Larcinamonte Robinson Original
Everything i've been through in my life.
I wish i could have just sprout wings and just flew away
Every single time i've been hurt
Looking down at the earth
I wish i could have just flew around
Hey, guess what?
Yeah, I have something to tell you, hypocrite.
I'm a human being!
Oh my goodness, did you seriously forget?
Oh no, darling, this is no illusion nor a trick.
I am a human.
Of all the dreams I dreams
I think about my self-esteem
It might me high, it might be low
Just talk to me, so at least you’ll know
Life is like a game of chess
There is a King and a Queen most are trying to impress
But none the less, some fight to be themselves
One most delve
Ragin monstersswarm from the deepto devour,murder.They must be vanquished.
The pretty dronesraise their perfectheads to laughat me.I don’t like them.
Every morning
She looks to the clouds
Begging each one to take her
She wants to live on them
I still am lost in the wonder of its beauty
So sweet it is
As it just lays there
Deep in red valor
I want nothing more
Than to freeze this time
This time that is sacred and rare
I don't like it.
Not at all, I don't appreciate this.
This immense hatred, and dislike.
That is all towards me.
Why? I must ask why...
Why am I the target, of all,
Your hatred?
I was 8 years old.
My light up sketchers with my pink book bag outshined the sun and my smile.
Entering the school with excitement I hear one kid say "Woah shes fat"
That day sticks with me/
Who do you think you are?
One minute you laugh and joke with me,
the next, I'm your joke.
Who do you think you are?
you make fun of the way I speak,
the way I care about others.
You should know bullying hurts
It starts with one word, one word you blurt
Fat ugly, thot
These are the words they hear. Did you know you're their biggest fear?
Life is filled with pain
Life is filled with sorrows
Bottled up anger
As it goes deeper and deeper
It's too much to keep
Tears shed everyday
All the nasty commemnts i hear
She stands alone
with people all around her
she looks left--- she looks right
could she be invisible
Is this what her life was meant to be;
the laughter rings out around her
I started to think about the sun
That hot blazing fire in the sky
Destined to bring the earth to her death
Every movement
Every heartbeat
Every breath
Our bond was of a different kindbut now I feel it fading.
We used to dream up worlds together,sing songs of different eras, of times pastand cultures
“Sticks and stones may break my bones
but words will never hurt me,”
and I call bullshit
to whomever spouted such folly,
to the one who thought
bully, Peace is what I want.
bully, so why do you taunt?
bully, Do not ball your fist.
bully, do you get the gist?
bully, I don't think you do.
bully, I do forgive you.
Overly concerned with imperfections,
I couldn't bear my own reflection.
I was slowly coming apart at the seams.
I was struggling with low self-esteem.
As I ponder and start to recall,
The struggle is intolerable
pain is inevitable
but yet i accept it
all of it
because I know thats the only thing I can feel
I've got walls around my heart of steel
I try to live my life as you see fit
To be the person you want me to be and not who I desire to be
My heart yearns for freedom my unspoken words dig into my flesh
How do they feel,
With all your hate?
Once they've gone,
You'll find out too late.
How would you feel,
If they messed with you?
Would you fight back,
Or just know it's not true.
The whispers
The side looks
The constant putting down
You’re no good
You’re not cool and never will be
You don’t like me.
Well guess what?
News flash
I don’t like you either.
Bullying starts in your mind and make you feel insecure inside
Bullying is a sin, because we are all God's children within.
Why can't we stop this vicious sin?
Is it, because we are too scared to step in?
"Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me"
why does she starve herself?
you're fat
those are just words
why does she hate what she sees in the mirror?
you're ugly
Used to the constant gunfire since you first set sail,
This time is different.
This time their cannons have crashed too deep.
Slam the galley doors as water floods from the ducts,
Choking out your cries.
I’m a whirlpool,
A thunderstorm,
A category 5 hurricane,
Of thoughts, and hopes,
Of memories, and dreams,
Of puzzle pieces and star dust.
But everything stays silent.
Each an every day,
you hurt me in each and every way
I want it to end,
Wish we could make amends
But my bruises will never heal,
and i still try to appeal,
but you never give me a chance,
If a stranger was the face reflected back
You wouldn't break his jaw would you?
Threaten to murder him for being black
Or beat him for loving his fellow man
Too often I see the withered dreams
Sitting. Waiting. Wishing. Hoping that life will spare me today.
So impatient, anticipating the change of atmosphere, but there is none.
Negativity surrounds me; four concrete walls of hostility slowly closing in.
So spit at me.
And Color me blind
Sing me deaf
Label me crazy.
Do what you will.
For now.
But know that each:
When you see my half smile and bright eyes from a flattering upward , slightly to the left, angle...what you cannot see is more important. The pain my heart and hurt in my veins do not flush to my cheeks or surface on my skin.
Shallow as a puddle of tears
blurred lines with black smears
no one sees what's underneath
no ones seen that girl in years
Superficial beauty style
overly painted little smile
skimpy, short, tight, or fit
The things that make me really tick
Are also things that make me sick
When people neglect any of their pets
Middle School
Fat Girl
head down, walking through the halls
no friends
Fat girl
shy girl
that girl with a book she's alwasy reading
Fat girl
There was a darling little lady bug, smooth as the cloudless sky,
Who ought to be at home resting, but she never was the type,
To lay down all her dreams, and forget them for the night,
The sky
Drowns the world
In silent sorrows
Of its own.
Oversized droplets
Create a harmony
Of misunderstood
Like the raindrops
Bullying needs to stop
We all need to let it drop
Your trying toact cool
But really you look like a fool!
Why the mean words
and all the useless slurs?
Bullying needs to stop!
All my Life I been going through the same thing
At times want to give up
Because of all this pain
Trying to prove people wrong
They say I wont change
Well why judge me when they are doing the same thing
Foster Life is not that bad.
Foster Life is a blast.
From being mad.
To having mast.
I went through hell.
I went through dreams.
But now its real.
I am a living dream.
Give me hope
Let me be a beautiful flower that blooms from the ashes of an un-privileged past
Give me hope
Let me feed from the opportune victals of a chance for higher education
Give me hope
You slap me, hit me, and rape me like a hound.
Do you think I am your toy? Am I your pet you can treat in any manner you wish?
You put me to run around the fields in the snow, the heat, and the thunderstorms.
Eyes. There were six of them, green, blue, brown, and lavender. Now, why were they hovering? The lights were too bright to cast shadows, so why was there a lack of bodies to these eyes?
The truth kills
His body rots day in and day out
A lifeless corpse, a broken spirit
Never-ending pain finds paradise
Devouring his hope
Hope keeps him walking
Hope holds his spirit
A girl at my school just killed herself last week because of bullying,
They called her Slut bitch whore useless and any other word you can think of.
You see me drawing sitting alone in the white void of my room
You may even speek up but reseave only the cold winter's chill as a response
But if you brave the cold and push threw the transparent snow that blocks you and I
Life's a party,
One you can never leave.
So live it up,
break it down,
and never regret anything you do.
Because in the end,
it makes you who you are.
The life You seek must be fast
The speed of life makes me laugh!
Death's just around the corner for
a Queer like me!
Well so they say all of them Freaks.
I'm not the prettiest girlIt's me against the worldJudged day to dayAll I can do really is prayWhat does it really matter if I dress a little different?
to many people
school is boring
they ask
why am i here
i say
to learn and create a future
they call
you are a nerd
i say
i know i am a nerd and glad to be
they say
I hear the word so often that I have become numb to it.
I think that is the worst part. They call me out of my name and they hate me so much.
My Father always asks me, "What makes a man, a man?" and I'm never able to answer because I simply know I cant.
You're warned - there are signs.
It starts to get dark outside,
and on your foggy window is
the soft pattering of rain. You
know what's coming,
and you're hiding in your room,
Ever since I was young, I wasn't sure what life was about. Sometimes I'd sit in my room and pout. As I was growing up, I didn't have much friends. I grew up on a farm full of hens. After grade 8, I started online schooling.
Dark shadows underneath those
frosty blue eyes,
smudged with jet black mascara
from a long, hollow night.
The wind blows relentlessly,
the world is still asleep as you
trudge the streets that
I want to rip out the bottle blonde hair from your head.
I want to rip out your larynx,
so your annoying and nasal laugh cannot be heard.
I want to open your head and find your conscious.
I signed up for Facebook without knowing the consequences
I didn't realize that when I logged in today the rumors would follow me here too
I scroll through an infinite number of notifications, accusations
Whats the point of faking a smile?
when in all reality your miserable inside
people call you selfish for wanting to die
but your whole life you've faked the smile
so they don't feel guilt
No freedom.
You have committed the worst crime in their eyes.
Being different is a sin.
You don't think like them.
Positive happiness is in your every thought.
That isn't allowed around here.
Eyes dart back and forth,
a world of malevolence tanspries when he is not looking.
Everything shutters on and off,
They called her names
They laughed as she cried
They pretended to be friends with her
They filled her head with lies
She believed their words
She took it to heart
those are just a few names they are called
are not different
because of a disability give to them at birth
they are humans.
Slap me with your words and crawl into my mind
where you'll find me or what's left of me.
Grab me with your hands, handle me like you had handled me.
Seventeen years of observing others
Seventeen years of sitting in a corner.
Just watching form a distance or nearby
To the point you start to understand.
Understand others and their action
You can never be betterYou will never do betterYou don't deserve betterThat's what I tell myself everydayI look in the mirrorDisgusted with my appearanceFull of regret from the decisions I've made
When it's gotten so hardThat you scream upon deathTo take you away from this miserable placeAnd you cry because no one can even noticeThat your crumbling insideThat your shattering into pieces
People think I’m offbeat, an exception to the rule
They see me as a goody goody or a naïve little fool
My eyes are clear, unscarred by tainted cycles of a moldy way of life
Gray is mediocre, I see black and white
Crowded hallways never felt emptier to him
Devoid of people who sympathize with him
Walking with his guard up in case some bullies try
To pick a fight with him just because he’s shy
Is it okay,
To feed off of someone’s insecurities?
To tell them shut up so often that they are afraid to speak out?
To make them want to crawl into a corner and hide?
Is it okay,
Every Day, Every Minute....
People get bullied
Every day,
Most bullies don't stop to think,
"Are they really getting hurt by what I do?"
Some see no wrong in it.
The decisions she's made lurk behind her like a predator and it's preyShe's never known where she belongedShe's never known what to sayHer voice weak in the crowdsShe cannot speakShe cannot be heard
You scream and you shout.
No one's answering and you ask "Why?"
This world is cruel.
Get used to it.
With the weight of 12 worlds on your shoulers
the years of adolesence take a tole on your mind
the same years that your parents spend theirs reminiscing in
are the same that you enter this competition for a better life
But do you really?
A boy in the back of the class scars on his wrist.
The girl in the front throws up to keep her figure.
Locked up in a cage
Victim of rage
tired of the story
so rip out the page
Its been a long time since I've seen your face
There's pain and remembrance written on your face
I want you to know
A noose of ignorance and gallows of derogation set up for the distinct,The blaze of the stares just as severing as if it been the blade of an ax.Gagged by the silence, and hands bound by injustice,
Little girl, dry your tears
For today you are free
Your body is healed
Your soul is flying
No longer wanting to flee
Little girl, walk in the sun
After everything, you were ignoredLike me before, lonely and boredI chose to take a standGave to you my hand
When I was eight years old they told me to stop
At eight years old my academic license expired
I was destined to be average
All because little girls and little boys ridiculed my intelligence
So you pick on me?
Do you really hate me like you said?
Or is that a lie.
Like the lies you tell to everyone else saying I did something
Like I am your enemy
Well your mine
Your my enemy
welcome to the issuewhere emotions are lost in the words we’ve foundbut i’m here to change thatactivate switch to operate: freedom is choicehow to do everything right: forgive yourself
A word of six letters
So casually said.
Not often thought of,
But easily read.
Yes, I know it means 'slow',
And I know you don't care.
If I could change one thing
I would change the petty people.
The ones that smile and chat
And then stab you in the back.
These falsified people
Who treat others like dirt,
Should all meet each other
Life of a bully oh how it must be
to have people cower all over your feet
Storming and raging, even the skies are afraid
of who ever would come across you and your rage
If I could change anything
about the world.
It would be how we see the shapes of human bodies
and how they are percieved to be ugly
or undesireable.
We tear down those who are too skinny
Do you feel it?
Do you even know what you’ve put me through?
I know you’re in pain too
I can see it in your eyes as you taunt me
We could be so much more than the pain
Help me up; we could be so much more
I feel useless
I feel unloved
I feel like no one contacts me unless they need something
I know it's true because when I need someone,
No one replies
But the second they need me I am there
Today is today, I mean that's what everyone says. But today is the day that I hide , in the shadows, faces of you are revealed in my sight. I'm afraid to ever walk in those steel doors, because with me you have no insight.
You look at me different
yet we are the same.
you tell me i am something
of which to be ashamed.
why cant you see
that we are alike.
YOU are exactly like ME.
we are human beings.
Backpacks, shirts, and lunchboxes,
Trading cards and games;
In our world you must take care,
Lest you be called names.
Some kids will laugh, they'll scorn, they'll mock,
They'll make you feel alone.
No one remembers
The year you were born
Not the month
Especially not the day
They only remember
They don't remember
Your mothers name
The snickering surrounded her like a blanket
It followed her everywhere
The halls began to grow smaller when she passed them
She felt she would never be free
the ten year old boy sat still
waiting for his mom to drive him to school
his stomach felt ill
the kids called him fool
i look at him
he looks at me
i say keep your head up
it'll get better
There they are, you see them
Society judge them, but do you?
Do you see what society tells you to see or what you want to see?
She doesnt like to dress fem
Is this a problem, does it hurt you?
Hah, Hah. A simple denotation of happiness
all but one musters a smile.
Only he bears the whip of society.
“Look at his haircut!”
“Why’re you breathing so heavily?”
Why are you judging so heavily?
Smashed down in a box is a smothered tulip.
No one knows who put it in there.
It can breath slightly through the cracks in the cardboard.
It sees a mere glimpse of light.
I'm fed up with the drama
It never seems to end
I'm fed up with the tears
That no amount of hugs will mend
I'm fed up with th attitudes
They drive me insane
All of a kids high school years, are spent in fear, fear that he'll get picked on because he's fat, walking down the hallways and hears them, pointing, laughing, all for a joke, he sits there and wishes he could choke, every single one of them.
YOU need to change
YOU utter words of pain
Sharp enough to slit my wrist
Yet clear enough for me to think
Should I really end this?
The name calling the jokes
It all never stops
Skinny psycho
they call me
but they dont know
I'm falling
With all I have to show
They say I'm too thin
I'm losing too many pounds
I hear laughter.
I tense up.
"Nobody likes you."
"You're ugly.
I've heard these words before.
Stupid words
But they hurt.
I shake my head. "No."
Did you ever think
The young girl with the brace face
Or the boy who was afraid to come out
Or the teenage mom who to her family was only a disgrace
Would be living on the brink
Of a never-ending sleep?
He doesn't have too many friends
Then again, it's a small school
None of us have too many friends
But he doesn't have too many friends
And he's walking down the hall
And someone yells out
"Hey! Look!
People do not think always when they speak
Some words can change us and set us apart
We have heard it before, fat, fool, fag, freak
These words are like sharp daggers through the heart
I can taste it
no feel it
the warm, crimson colored liquid as it seeped out of my flesh
ahhh FRESH
but as the darkness devours me all I can
think of,
I’m sorry,
sorry that I let you down because you
have ridiculously high expectations
and that you want me to
be a better version of you,
he's always eager for school to end
they tease and taunt
his jeans never fit right,
he only has two sweaters.
but to them,
it's funny
she goes about her school day embarrassed
The world is too big for one man to do all the talking
The world is too small for everyone to speak at once
That’s why I’m speaking my mind now
She goes by no name. Nor has any friends. She sits alone watching everyone else smile and laugh.
Everywhere we look, people silently judge, that's what they always do, we think we look fine, we act polite, we dream big and cry inside, everyone is a judge, you just don't know , they could be your best friend, a parent, or just a mere acqainte
The wind whispers dark secrets,
That I should not have told;
As I set free my emotions,
And let go of the old.
Now I cannot capture the wind.
Nor the words caught in it,
You think you’re so great
Does picking on others get you off?
You’re a dick, you’re a jerk
You need to find a cliff to jump off
You ever hear the words
‘Treat others as you want to be treated’?
Heck, do I even know who I am anymore?
I mean, I knew who I was back in middle school…
weird, crazy, out-there, cool with everyone…
a nerdy, lovable-type kid—that was me
But now I’m in high school
He is popping pills
Trying to get rid of the pain
But all people seem to realize
Is that he's an idiot and completely insane
Harassed on a daily basis
He can't seem to get off the crazy train
In a nation deemed free, prosecution still reigns on a day to day basis. The “right” bash the “wrong” and the high continue to rise, while the low still fall.
They sent their kids to get an education
But what they got was a nasty situation
They thought their kids would be laweyers and doctors
They never thought they'd be victims and martyrs
Welcome to hell
Why would you just stand and watch?
What if it was your friend or family?
Feeling emotionally lost.
Feeling as if no one is there.
Feeling embarassed.
What I Would Change
By Adde Kramer
I have a happy voice
that can be heard by fe
ut e people that do hear
i hop are happy too.
You ask what I would change about things in my life, today. Why does the world listen to the media and accept what they say? Why doesn’t internal beauty matter to us more than external looks?
Change yourself,
Change the world,
Bullying is not supported,
You may not degrade someone else,
You will not laugh at someone
Based on religion,
But what of me, standing in the corner,
Hidden in the shadow.
Placed there unwilling,
Listening to the conversation flow.
Never do I ever want to hear another word
You're terrible words pierce through my viens.
The looks I am given bring me down.
I catch myself.
I will not back down.
I live because I am given this life.
Change your evil ways.
I’m not bullied,not me.I never have been,and I probably won’t be.But I’m sickand I’m tiredof watching these people laugh at other people.
If I could change anything
I would change a dad’s mind
I would make him still love
By choice; not just to be kind
If I could change anything
I would change those who stare
Sticks and stones may break my bones
But words always scar
Negligence to be the same
Falling down the road to self hate
They say, “Retarded, idiotic, queer”
He said that it was such a stupid thing to have
that I must feel embarrassed
And I was
for the sheer innocence of it all
I didn’t understand why he scorned upon it
hated me for it
I don't understand why you turn backs on friends. First you tell stories using my name,Just so you have someone to blame. Then only after you make all these harmful jokes,It's my self-confidence you've begun to choke.
All he needed was a friend/ But he was different/ So he was invisible/ His life more than miserable/ He had nothing already/ Home life unsteady/ The girls never liked him/ The boys wouldn't let him fit in/ The pain was all there was/ Pain was all
Torn apart,
And feed to the beasts
That surround me.
In my mind
I fall
Pushed over the edge
Not by weapons
But words.
I know what its like,
To not belong,
To be called weird,
Just for being me.
I am alone,
I know not what I did,
I know not why,
But I stand alone.
Some say you have to be cruel to be kindI say being cruel is just so you could say hurtful things to othersAnd not care what that person thinks.All my life I have been bullied and witnessed others being bullied
You see that kid over there?
His dad abandoned him when he was only five
, and his mom killed herself when he was just ten
Hes a foster child.
His foster parents beat him.
He smells like alcohol and weed
If I could change one thing, it'd be bullying.People constantly hurt eachotherThey don't realize the pain it causes one anotherThey make you feel worthlessMake you feel out of place
Confidence is key.
Where would I be without this essential trait?
Building my own confidence has been a huge challenge.
Diseases, diseasesKeep me with Jesus.
My name's not punk,Nor am I junk.To give you a start,I have my own heart.
does your name define you
or do you describe your name
say you were named Paula
would you not act like a Lauren
what is the meaning
of naming everything
is it to categorize
What would I change?
The world.
Often at times we don't realize what we
Are doing to each other
Right when we begin to do it.
We don't see the pain, and the hurt
That we cause in others
Lonely, lonely, lonely,
The silence holds no comfort.
Lonely lonely lonely
The silence screams my thoughts.
I’d scream, I’d, shout, I’d laugh just to hear the sound
Little girl staring at the blackboard.
Font of the class is no place for girls like her.
The silence at recess tells her she is forgotten.
The noiselessness carrying across the pint-sized kingdom.
The truth.
Always hard to face but we all know it's there.
We ignore it saying "It's just a phase."
Crying in the bedroom
Ready to end it all
Bet you don’t know
How far you’ve made me fall
Your cruel words,
Those evil taunts,
All the things you said that I haven’t forgot
There was a time when she was little
And her brother would call her names.
But she didn’t believe them because she loved herself
And thought they were all lies.
Why should it matter what I have on?
What I Look like?
If I have the newest cell phone?
The color of my skin,
the sound of my voice,
my sexuality.
Or whatever my choice.
❤ The warmth burning my skin
is not what defines me
I can be evil .❤
❤ long frosty blonde lockes
brightly blue frozen ice eyes
my skin smooth cream .❤
I’m on the verge of setting free
of all the pretty things left inside me
does that scare you?
If I could take your pain away I would.
If I could take your hurt away I would.
If I could take the words away I would.
Society needs a change.
Society tells females that they are beautiful without make-up, without pretty clothes, and that their weight is perfect.
I sit here lost in the world
of a book
I put out that I do not wish to be bothered
But you and your friends
To change one thing would be a dream.
Where people don't bully or judge.
Whether it's just because or you're holding a grudge.
Around the school,
But wider than that,
More encompassing.
Collective cruelty,
Choking the world
With harsh words
And angry glances.
Nice to meet you.
This is my friend…
His name is Brian.
Let me tell you a few things about him.
Brian is a habitual liar….
We are given, only one body, to treat any way we wish.We are given one purpose, to define, why it is we each exist;Given such range of emotion, entangled in life's passionate kiss.
All the room is silent
Sounds of pens clicking
Teachers flipping through the pages of the same book
Suddenly a girl walks in
She seems different
Smells different, too
Boys snicker and tell her things
I come inside waiting for the stone.
Wait, wait here it comes.
I see it flyign, and on its way it shone.
You said I wasn’t good enough,
It became my doctrine,
I conceived and gave birth to your lies;
The mental toxins,
Low self esteem living in my life rent free,
Afraid of being made fun of and how they tease,
There stould the rock who stould alone wishing to be more than what he is.
Bullying hurt..
No matter how old your are
Step up and say something
More than a 1,000 kids are bullyied
It hurts... I know it does
Make a change to your school and reach out to others
Why such hurtful words?
Did you enjoy the first time you got a tooth pulled cause your cravings called for sweets?
Did you find pleasure while falling from your bike, scraping a chunk of skin off your leg?
TrappedNever was myself.
Always reminded
At my bare locker.Brand names were never
My thing.It never seemed to work.Popped collars and Coach
Sticks and stones
May break my bones
But words can never hurt me
A deceiving phrase
Hardly said these days
Words can kill most certainly
The words light up, emblazoned on her face.
As she walks a lonely path, the only one she's ever known.
She wonders if she will ever see the light,
ever get the chance to stand.
Aren’t you ashamed
Of what you do?
Someone goes home with tears on their face
Since they feel so alone
And ashamed
Of who they are
Remember to believe in the sun when its not shining
Remember when you think you cant, that its worth trying
Tick, tick tockthe bell rings, startling meStep, step, tapmy shoes moving swiftly through the hallwaysNotebooks, pencils, paperOn every students desk
You think it's rather funny don't you
The way you send your little notes
With their harsh words and angry tones
You thought it was all a joke but because you pursue her
Do you not realize that you promote
I am a punk rockerRocking out to the drunken moon.
I am the moon drunken on the everlasting plea for the sun's rays to shine on him.
I am the super sun shining for a day that never ends.
Tears, lies, gossip, and drama
every day in my school...
Rumors start simply because
people think they're "cool".
To stay out of it and avoid it
is what I decide.
I wouldn't want to be responsible
He cries alone in the hall holding himself. He wonders how kids could be so crule.he wishes he could stop the teasing. He wants to put this all behind him stuff the memory on the highest shelf. "HOW DO WE STOP THIS!?" he asks.
Man, it’s humid out today… can’t blink or else the sweat will burn my eyes, just what I need…
We’re only at the mile mark?!... This is gonna be a long race...
The White Crayon stands aside,
For the white paper makes it hide,
It feels as if its color is like a tide,
It swishes and swashes, but it still cant stand -- it is put to the side,
Hurtful words behind her back,
screaming those words that they can't take back.
And finally when she can't take it anymore,
she grabs her razor and locks her door.
Cries as she fails again,
Once there was a girl carefree,
until after the grade of three.
for when she walked into grade four,
"You're stupid. You're annoying. You're ugly. We don't want you here."
These are words my brother hears daily at school.
Cruel is the words to describes the children of today.
The first time I saw you . . .
I was greeted by the most unearthly howl
The sound of a thousand jackrabbits being impaled while dragging their nails across a chalkboard
It stopped when
The hours she spends to be perfect,
the hours tries to cover her flaws.
She cannot see the beauty within,
she only sees the ugly outside.
If only she could leave the quarrel;
just disappear into thin air.
***This Poem was written to help others who have difficulty coping with depression and bullying who need help**
"You're too close," I told him.
"You're so close, I hear you breathe, I see your fears, I hear your heart.
There was a sad story,
well it was more horrible than any.
A story of a woman,
a young woman at that...
A woman who spoke kind words,
and never felt or suffered hurt.
The Girl with the platinum platformed heels walks with her head held high.
Ticking, he was a ticking time bomb.
Irrational, maybe, but he couldn’t help it.
Controlled by emotions he misunderstood within him.
Kicking the broken pieces of himself.
Watch her run. Watch her run down the hallway. Let your laughter ricochet off the walls after her. Never let her get away without crying; that ruins the fun.
A flower begins
Invited from a seed
To bring beauty to its surroundings
It grows, tentatively, slowly
Into a beautiful plant, complete with full, unblemished petals
But someone draws near
Born I was
To a couple who would teach to love and cherish every moment of every day
Raised I was
To never say anything mean, to never act with unkindness in my heart
But schooled I was
Too many teens sit on the steps in their house after school
with tears on their face and blood on their wrists.
They get out of school and they load their home screen on facebook
or twitter
or tumblr
When you look at me what do see?Do you see an original or do you see a copy?
Do you see beauty or do you see ugliness?
When you look at me what do you see?
Do you see a rich person or do you see a poor person?
If you play a game
Do you consider yourself a player or a gamer?
What if the sky and ocean reversed?
What if our roles in life were extremely cursed?
What if good is actually bad?
welcome to the world, darling. here's a list of expectations:you must turn yourself into the perfect temptation.the general population is counting on you,they'll be watching and judging everything that you do.
Through the halls, head held high,
making fun of kids of many types.
Just for fun?
Just for kicks?
I couldn't really tell you why.
The laughs
I got, for rude comments I made,
The young quiet girl with baby blue eyes,
I see her in school,
I see how she hides,
But hides what I dont know.
The young quiet girl who never did speak,
I see her get bullied,
Look at you
So young
So lost
A compass without direction
You do not yet know the cost
You smooth your hair
You stand real tall
Already knowing that you are small
There is no quiet place
inside of my head
everything between us seems dead
I can’t help but to think there is no sun
You let others break you And they watch you fall
Do you even try to fight?
To speak up at all?
Or have you been silenced?
By the mocking
And the pain
When they knock you down again
I don't like being laughed at,
or pushed down anymore than the next person.
But I can honestly say...
I'm used to it.
So... I'm okay.
You see, I've been around long enough to know that it's a cycle.
Once you fought the life you had
And your soul burned bright
Then you fought against those who pushed you
I am left with no words when the mirror yells back
All of my faults.
All in one frame
I am gray
I fall in the middle of you all
The endless abyss of unaccepted
Hated by none? All? Some?
Bullies aren't born, they're made, So now there's a movement to foil it
How much can words hurt you?
When you don't show any emotion
Tearing running down your soul
Cries knocking at every door
Wishing to be heard........
Smiling to the world
Without having any clue
Words don't hurt she said
Get over it they said
Stop being sensative he said
.....But you don't understand I said
Words Hurt
Why do you care? she screamed
Learn to walk away they screamed
You were taught as a kid to be nice not mean
but growing up you were taught to stand up for what you believe, so
if a bully calls you out " your ugly, you stink , those eyes are too big" is it wrong to fight but
Stuck in the dark, so bland and dry.Tired of remarks, so full of lies.Shutting it out, yet in it seeps.Without a doubt, too many emotions to keep.
High on life, feel so joyous
No more strife, lovely world so glorious
Darkness descends, enveloping joy
Unable to mend, this overlapping ploy
People today don't know someone cares until it's do or die or they're already dead
The feeling of knowing that you're all alone
By yourself
Fighting a million against one
When times are hard and hopes are low,
Let the wind blow,
Let your emotions out,
If you want you can even shout,
Run free and seek,
A great destiny,
The sadness will leave,
I can see it in your eyes,
All the things you try to hide,
You can say everything is fine, but I can see your pain,
The pain thats screaming for help and won't go away,
I can see it in your eyes,
All the things you try to hide,
You can say everything is fine, but I can see your pain,
The pain thats screaming for help and won't go away,
I'm strong inside,
The feelings you never see,
The Feelings I don't talk about,
Because no one understands me,
I am like a shield,
No one can see through me,
The one thing that I would change
Would be the bullies of the world
I'm tired of all the pain and sadness
Spread by their hatred towards people
Who don't even deserve it in the first place
My arms remember
The way she held me.
She kept me safe.
As safe as he ever made me feel.
My eyes remember
The tears I cried
When they told me I would go to hell.
The pain you cause her, is it worth it?
You don't know her, her life, her story or her thoughts.
Why is it so fun to cause her pain?
What if she goes home and get the same tourment?
Walking down the hall, is like being on display.
People point and laugh, every day.
The fact and the matter is, is that this is not okay.
I know that I can't be the only one who has anything to say.
Your words no longer faze me, they can’t hurt me. I cried at night you made me hate me. Your words cut, cut so deep I watched myself bleed. You with your pretty hair and your perfect skin how can I fight back.
You say all that mean stuff
I pretend it doesn't hurt me
I laugh along
You pretend you're just being funny
Yet you know you're hurting me
It hurts
You have no excuse for your cruelty
You think you are superior
Because of your intelligence?
That is one quality. one aspect.
Is that really all that we are?
It starts from my chest
And begins to bubble up
Until it escapes
My frozen lungs begin to melt
and the words begin to spill
My burning heart relights
The poor teenage girl sits in her room to cry
Remembering all the mean things said today
"Lose some weight! Wear a mask! Just drop dead and die!"
On her bed, knees hunched, tears fall
Stop! Drop! And Roll! No, that doesn't work for me. I drop, bundle and fall as other start to kick me.Their shoes scratch my head and leave marks on my arms. I dress myelf in long sleeves so that no one can see my harms.
A lot of people wonder why I’m so concerned on listening to people’s problems and respecting people.
They say sticks and stones may break my bones, but your words can’t hurt me
Well, forget words, what about what’s going on physically?
Kids committing suicide cause they’re being bullied
Homeboys killing their own homies
This nation.
No matter the class or station.
How I feel with this load I bear.
Jesus Freak.
The labels they stick on me.
If bullying was a instrument it would be a harp
playing an eerie, sad song as its listeners look away.
If being bullied was a color it would be dark purple because
It pains to hear the words.
Fat, ugly, no good.
It kills to hear the words.
Fat, ugly, no good.
Go kill yourself they say. No one will know they say.
These words, impacted, imprinted in the brain.
Dear Soceity,
You need to stop with these lessons,
Where young girls are forced to see
How imperfect their bodies can be.
How sex is a tool for sucess,
How breasts are ment for something so much less.
The world was not kind to meI guess it saw me unworthyOr maybe just too plainOr maybe just too strangeJust too different from the restAnd decided I needed some painI suppose some suffered more
Self esteem--self assurance
Scuttle your young shoes across the freshly waxen blinding whiteness
They say highschool gets better
Hang your head down and drift into your mindless universe
I am sensitive,
More delicate than
a Bleeding Heart.
Ice cold criticism
is my demise.
I resort to
witty remarks before
lashing out as
my last defense.
"What is it that you don't like?"
The words that haunt my every thought
Longing to rush along my lips
and spill out
Filling in the crevaces of the space around me
What do they mean
We all walk down the halls
Some in groups some not at all
Traces of nervousness cover the walls
There are failures, and the winners come out tall
Because life has no second chance usually not at all.
What the Hell would your parents think
If they heard your foul language
I Damn sure wouldn't approve of it
If you were my own kid
Do you think your Shitty behavior
Is really all that acceptable
She looks up from the porcelain sink to see the reflection of a girl. Her face is drained of color and her lips tremble.
One last time i look in the mirror
my eyes red, blood shot
unfinished tears
running down my pale cheeks
my hair's a mess
tangled on top
i cant even bare to meet my own reflection
It was only a joke, she said.
It was only a joke when you called me obese?
I was concerned about your health, she claimed.
It was only a joke when you called an embarassment?
He runs home, excited to see I'm still here.
All he can do is yell and laugh and cheer,
scream and holler, because I haven't left him yet,
because I'm the only one here for him.
Alone in white she stands,
tounge knoted whlile she clasps her shakey hands,
Lies pour out of their mouths iike rocks in a dirty waterfall,
she gets tossed around like a used up ragdoll.
Is it normal to hate someone we've never met
Is it normal to talk about the way they look
Walking down the hallsThey laugh.They cry.They throw food.They cry.They push them into lockers.
She says sticks and stones might break my bones
But words can never hurt me
Some wear nooses like necklaces
tied tightly with the words of those with hollowed out hearts
Some experience sleepless nights filled with the empty promises of brighter days
but fear remains that nothing will change.
We live in a world where double standards bloom around us
Waiting for the picking
Like fresh lillies in the spring time.
If you have acne, you're ugly
If you don't, you're stuck up.
You think you know what I feel,
The feeling, its just to real,
Your words, they hurt
You treat me like a pile of dirt.
All he ever did was push and shove, his body boring heavily into mine.
"You're so ugly and useless," escaped his lips like venom so clear, and so fine.
I let the words drill into my mind like sharp knifes engraving my skin.
Forever I’ve been contained in this small glass cage,
No longer seeking anything but to survive.
Having to hold in this pain and rage,
And question whether or not I’m alive.
Shall I continue my masquerade?
See it all began with a feeling a feeling of emptiness of loneliness and numbness a feeling we felt we could conquer we could beat but we couldn't it took over our lives like Rome did to Europe and just like Rome it came crumbling down.
Every abuse is not a physical pillUnless you’re unwise and unskilledThese tones stone the insidesOf happiness and eventually toss youTo shame and leave you fearing any game
Not exactly insane
Closer to sane
Preserved in an imaginative mind
He gawks
He analyzes
“He’s weird.” –they say
He’s different
He’s awkward
He touches
He stares
Launch me into the atmosphere,
So I can float among the stars.Sail me across the ocean,
Do you know my story? Do you know my pain? Can you even say you know my name? Do you know my goals? Do you know my fears? Do you know that your words bring me to tears?Do you know it hurts, when you say these things?
Help up in her room,
No more time for tears,
Another fifth gone,
But it won’t numb her fears,
The words they said,
Even in the silence it’s all she hears.
This world is bitter cruelAnd I was a foolA fool to think I could change a world of coldThat I could change it into something bold
Where does it stem from?
The disgusting glum,
The unfounded hate,
That secures a poor boy’s fate.
If he’s not straight or a bit overweight,
There’s no debate.
Who are you to judge
In a swarm of scattered souls
Lie traveling whispers in our ears
And yet the decent one stands alone over there
And even from afar the whispers were clear
Whispers shouldn’t be that loud
As she walks through the halls
the whispers get louder
she's listening
her tear drops glistening
your telling her she's not good enough
some say she's not hood enough
she's debating
Trying so hard to change your mind
To show you all things get better with time.
You can make it through this
I know you can
Your greatest weakness only shows when you stop believing in yourself.
“They r just (w)ordz.”
Tell that to the suicidal kids
Taking it everyday, silent
Letters (o)n a screen, never quite heard
Yet stings of fag and slut ringing in the head
the heel of your shoe
beneath my chin
it rests, smothering
all joy within
and choking the breath
containing my sin,
or so called,
by the unrest
who with lonely lungs
Hands in the sky
On my knees
Nobody heard
My piercing scream
The broken remains
Of the world around
Shattered and fell
With a deafening sound
Constant struggle.
Daily beatings, no matter what it is.
Feelings weak, so weak.
I shut down. about break.
Wanting to cry for help.
But only feel alone in a dark room.
Did you come across the weary hunter?
Seemingly harmless hungers in silence.
But just who is this weary hunter?
Unsatisfied, unstoppable, and intangible
This is real.
The shiver up my spine.
This is real.
The metal my face has ever so met.
This is real.
The warm blood trickling from my nose.
This is real.
He used to tell me that I wasn't good enough. He used to hurt me, but on the outside I just played along. I never looked in the mirror and liked what I saw. I put scars on my skin, like he etched on my heart.
They call me the "Ice Queen" for a reason.
I honestly don't know what happened.
Even when I was kid, young, naive, and believing in everything, I didn't believe in myself
First day of high-school and you are roaming the halls
There is no one around, no one to call.
You hear the popular girls laughing at you to your right
But you don't even care, they dont even bite.
I sit at my table, dreading the day already
And there he is, the boy that made life miserable
He laughed at me
Made fun of me
I felt sick
And who would help me?
Was I just a big baby?
Your class was the worst thing that ever happened to my poetry
Every night my homework was to spill my soul across a page
Telling my class stories and truths I wish I could forget
And every class when I turned in my poem
Laughter fills the room as sadness takes the floorDrowning a couple of pills to feel some type of waySmoking to smoke the pain that way
He called her ugly.
He believes she is ugly.
He hurts her.
He is ugly.
She is beautiful.
She is strong.
She loved him.
He is ugly.
I came to you when things were bad.
the jokes, the names,
Retard. Fag. Pussy.
I came to you. My mentor, my leader.
But you walked away.
I just needed to toughen up.
You tear apart your family,
You make me want to die,
You can't accept the unplanned,
You're the main reason I cry;
Why do you do these things?
I may never know,
But I wish I could pour sense into you,
it's like a battle feild out here
stray bullets everywhere
but its like there all aimed at me
i dont understand why
the silly thing about it is
they expect me to fall
they want me to give up
You say it's better not to know.
It won't get out the window.
I'll never tell,
Until you ring the bell.
The bell of permission.
About your secret mission.
We sit counting,
Developing ticks
Twitch and match the
Of an endless day.
While you sit
Towering above our heads,
Preaching from
Black books the idea
Thenis what I never want to be again.Then is that alarm clock-esque reminderwith no snooze.
I can feel my mother’s warmth, holding me close from the other side of the wall. Her nails reach for me, as she scratches on the bathroom door.
Things aren't always black and white,
There’s always a tint of grey.
Someone's always watching.... judging,
It happens every day.
Teachers never see it,
No one else knows what goes through my mind.
Everybody thinks I am happy when I am no where near fine.
In the shadows I sit
Away from the crowd,
A class full of voices
My own starts to drown.
From class to class I rush and hide
From room to room I stumble and cry,
“You don’t know everything Ms. Johnson!”
“I know everything that goes on in my classroom!”
“Oh you do!?!?! You know all about your students?
Do you know what they deal with outside of these four walls? I don’t think so!”
Why do you bully me?
To make me feel small?
To make me feel pain?
Who do you think you are?
The end all? The be all?
Nerd, Punk, Dork, Geek
I found myself becoming meek
Words, words, what can they do
Change me and change you
Spit words, tears fall
Oh, I hated the shallow hall
Forgive, forget
I guess you can say we all have two personalities:
The one during the day,
If we asked if we are happy,
If only they knew , if only i could say..i hate coming to school everyday.
Not because of the lunch, or the switching my class rush.
The bell resonates through the building
They awaken from their cells and saunter into the halls
They gather ‘round their water fountains and dented grey lockers
I can't cry,
Because that is admitting defeat,
I can't cry,
Because if I did you'd tear me down more.
I can't smile,
Because you know if I do it'll crack into a thousand pieces,
I can't smile,
All it takes
Is one leg extended into the way
And I trip and fall.
All it takes
Is one word, casually said without thought
And I hold in tears.
All it takes
Is one threat made
Restless and weary I make my way.
Only to sit for hours on end hearing the same nothings
The letter S caresses the chest,
Kryptonite is your Achilles heel,
You fly through the sky
always lending a helping hand.
While the name may be mythical,
The idea is purely realistic.
Every Sunday
she worries what the week will bear,
scared and nervous,
not wanting to go back there.
Watching quietly as the teachers let it happen,
no one will say a word,
I am reaching out to youBut you cannot or will not hearCan’t you see that I am in need?You look without seeing my tears I am so lonesome. All by myself
Kids, teens, youg adults, we are not all the same.
Not in our ability to learn nor our in our ability to remember what we've learned.
So why,
There once was a boy named Pat
And on the front row he sat
Try as he may
It just wasn't his day
From behind him a boy took his hat
Well Pat turned around all mad
Told the boy he had been bad
In school we get through the names that try to drag us down,
That try to hurt us, to define us, to limit our potential.
We let them be the weight that ties us down,
The noose that we strangle ourselves with,
A double edged sword.
You take the pain,
But what is it like to inflict it?
You find your target,
You spit out some words,
That have been spat at you.
You see that girl, right there?
Yes, she was with us.
But no one cared,
and she faded to dust.
A dusty photo in an album,
is all she'll ever be now.
Why, you might ask?
The real question is how.
We see it every day
We’re reflected in each other
We're all bullied or hurt
And then one of us leaves.
Whether we’re AP Students
Glassy eyed from sleep loss
Not really learning, just
I closed my eyes
I walked on through
To the hell that no one knew
They looked at me with angry eyes
They pushed me down to the ground
Slammed my face no one cared
No sympathy they could share
"It doesn't exist"
"It wouldn't happen to you"
"Just walk away from it"
"Ignore it"
They don't understand
It's not that simple
Because when they have told you
countless of times
Say Something
Rebecca-Lin Talmadge
They say this is good for us
This place will be our home
But they don't warn you of the hate you will face
A light in the darkGlowing so brightThe flickering flameIs always alightA light in the darkA light shad of greenThe love in the flame
It can come on slow and it can come on fast
Sometimes you’d never know it’s even happening
Your palms start to sweat and your heart is about to burst
Hey, you’re fat, you’re skinny, you’re black, you’re gay
too tall, too short, too white, too tan; more than anything they’ll ever be.
You can’t be black without ghetto and baggy pants following your name?
Bullying is a severe issue that is a huge concern to me. Personally, I was never seriously bullied.
When you walk through the halls and students don't know
If you're a boy or a girl, and think their confusion don't show
You say we can come to you when needed
We need you to listen when you’re called
But you won’t be there when we’re crying
You’re not there for us at all.
Breaks the spirit of the vulnerable,
As a china dish shatters when smashed against cement
Breeds insecurities, depression, sorrow
As a public restroom breeds disease
The right to an education,
Is guaranteed.
To everyone.
This means that we are all,
On even ground in school.
And have equal opportunities to learn
And excel in our studies.
But just where
There's a time
and a place.
Where nothing is as it seems.
There's a fear
and a cry.
A sound that nobody hears.
An angel in the light.
A devil in the dark.
every day
zombies walk
lifeless eyes
crushed spirits
are the few
we have
I am the black girl sitting in the back of your classroom
The black girl that deals with racism day after day
Put down the knife
Let down your hair
Abandon those thoughts
You're no longer there
I was there
Watching from above
Answering your prayers
Sending my love
Before reality hits you, problems are
small, issues fixable, and faults
acceptable. Everything easily
Before reality hits you, life seems
easy; no regret no fear no pain.
Used to be friends our first year
Fast-forward, I’m standing here
Halls are deserted, no one in sight
Here you come from behind and body check me on the right
That’s how it started
I thought of what I could've done, To prove to them their words, were not my number one. I thought about it day and night, For the words they said to me had gave me such a fright.
You’ve been through school
So why don’t you see?
A plethora of your students
Have been bullied many times previously?
What about the kid in the back row
Who is always so quiet?
I wish you could see the things they say to me,
But you're too busy with teachers pets and talking about pologamy.
Pettiness is all I can say
What goes on at school day after day
He says this She says that
She may have finally done it
She may have finally found her path
The sky blue comforter was appealing,
But with deep thought,
She found that its arms of cotton,
Its pillows of visions of fantasy,
There's a saying.
It's quite old.
There's a saying.
That's often told.
"Sticks and stones may break your bones,
but words with never hurt you"
I don't believe that this is true.
You don't understand how you hurt me
You're saying things that make me think
I'm getting so scared in my own head
I don't even think it's safe
My skin is marked with razor kisses
Sometimes, we don't live for ourselvesAnd for the lives of othersWe purge our existenceWe let others take an advantageOf the life we were meant to live
Im addiceted to help
To put others needs before mine
Cause we live in a cruel world.
One where gossip is a hobby
Being mean to others is perfectly normal
Killing others with words is typical
Teacher Teacher, do you see us as passing faces?
Another year another set of faces?
Don't you want to know more?
More about us?
Like how Miranda's mother tells her she's worthless?
School is
Supposed to be a sacred place,
School is
Supposed to be a safe space,
Every student requires an equal opportunity,
A choice of their own
Between success and failure.
The echo of a snicker.
My feelings their biggest conquer.
Emotional hurt they prefer.
Poking at me,
That memory still showcased.
Authority refused to see.
Now they hide behind cyberspace,
Roses are red,
Violets are purple
The teacher does nothing when i get a "purple nurple"
I scream, i cry,
The teacher ignores me with a deep, long sigh
And, yet when i try to tell her
The things he did
Dear Teacher,
I've been bullied
I've shed tears
You treat me like I'm follied
And pay no attention to my fears
I've thought about quitting
Cause it seemed so fitting
But I wasn't lucky
I didn't ask to be different.
Didn't ask to be this way
Some people find me brillant
Others shove me away
I didn't ask to be "abnormal"
To have my mind work like it does
Like a heavy blanket laid across her backor a burden wrapped around her neck like a scarfHead always facing the groundThere's not enough light to look up
I care about my education
Which is why I don't want to attend this school
I've seen America's test scores
And I don't blame the students
When a girl gets groped on at a dance
And everyone looks away
You're strong right? You could probably beat me to a pulp.
You're friends, they know your strong. Everyone knows you're strong.
But do you? Of course you do, why wouldn't you?
I wonder, why don't teachers ever teach self love in school?
Why don't they teach us self worth, self wonder, persistence and humility?
I am Beautiful!!
I am Strong!!
I have courage but what is wrong
Do I not make you laugh
Is it my glasses and shoes that makes me come last
I don't care what you say
You have no right
There it goes again.
Another fist to their jaws,
Another bomb to their world
That you promised was bombsheltered.
They’re sick and tired
Of being tired and sick.
Yet you’ve done nothing
I should not thank them,
for I lived three years in hell
with no escape - not even a chance.
To thank, is not wise
not after what I endured;
knowing the demons who were to blame.
Yet thanking is thought,
for thanks is shown when grateful,...
You look on
at the cataclysmic phenomena we call
And your eyes see nothing,
blind to the quips He shoots at His known inferior.
He is almighty, His omnipotence hypnotizing even you,
You may think words aren't weapons, but really they can feel like a bullet to the heart. Think twice before you use your words. Words are weapons.
She was a very young girl
Life just started it would seem
About fifteen years old
Life being torn by the seams
You think you know it all
A certificate on the wall means nothing
If you can't see what's in front of your eyes
The smiling faces of your students are just a facade
Punches and bruises,
Laughter never seems to come my way.
Yelling, screaming,
No one seems to hear me.
Day by day,
I wish life will end.
Then somthing happens.
She was
She was teased.
Ugly, slut, whore
They said.
was suicidal.
She was extremely unhappy
and wanted to give up on life.
She found happiness.
Walking down the hallways
Seeing these faces of sadness
The broken hearts, plastered on the sleeves
Of forgotten ones, of lost loves.
Seeing people hurt,
slammed against lockers,
School just isn't your thing,
says my teacher
as I sit with my head in my palms.
That may be the case
I tell her.
For now
that is.
"Stand up," you say
"You'll use this someday"
But that day never comes for T. Gray
They called her whore, and
you heard all of this
Yet you ignored it because ignorance is bliss
"Stand up," you say
"You'll use this someday"
But that day never comes for T. Gray
They called her whore, and
you heard all of this
Yet you ignored it because ignorance is bliss
Laughter. All I hear is laughter.
Girls snicker at me and look away to whisper.
Boys point at me. What did I ever do to deserve this?
I just want acceptance, to walk into school with pride.
Grasping for air that my lungs desire
as i pull the tear drops back inside
Camoflaging the dark clouds that hover above me
When will you acknowledge the darkness
that surrounds my inner walls?
I hear voices
Go see the school psychologist
I am not eating anything
Go see the nurse
I am cutting myself
Go see a guidance counselor
I am pregnant
Go see Planned Parenthood
At school there will be times that you feel alone. You will may just want to go home. If you stay strong and stand tall, nothing will make you fall. I promise, you can get through it all.
People saying that it will get betterWhenWhen will it get better?Living through hell each dayThey don’t know what they are doingAnd it gets better?
In a sea of fish,
You are the sand.
On Christmas day,
you are the socks my mom bought for us.
In an orchard of peaches,
Take off my glasses. Put some contacts in. Put some makeup on. A lil eyeline here some lipgloss there. Do my hair should i curl it or make it straight? Some guys like the messy bun. They say girls who wear those are a lot more fun.
What have I ever done to you?
I have always been loyal and true,
yet, you always laugh and jest.
Is this some sort of test?
Does my pain make you feel stronger?
Words hurt
They say nothing can be deleted from the internet
Just like nothing can be deleted from your heart
your eyes can not unsee what has been seen
I'm a glass house.
Just take a glance, you'll know if I'm home or not
Maybe a light is on, music is playing
Peer a little deeper to be sure that I'm not
Survey my windows to see if you can find me,
Gnawed on pencils, annoyed expressions,
Everyone had their own confessions.
Yet, here we were, sitting, pretending to care,
About the lives of others, like it was even fair.
Judgment and the shifting of eyes,
We are the ones shot down day after day forced to tip-toe around our own shattered remains. Reality surrounds us. Holding us in its painful grasp. Never daring to let us go and give us a chance to breathe.
Words can hurt,
Especially those that are not intended to.
“Bullying” they call it
May not be so obvious as it seems.
Every day
Kids walk through the halls
Smiling on the outside,
Mixtures of browns
Mixtures of greens
Smells of nature
Smells of safety
All rush by
As I bolt by
Bolt down this path
Dirt on my feet
Dust clouds behind me
No bird sings
Waves crash against the shore,
A storm is on its way.
I cling to my desk in a bitter hope
That it will all pass over me.
But as they walk by,
Their lightning strikes—
Cold, hard stares
There are things I should say to my teachers if I couldBut I don't have the courage, so I really don't think I would.
Living in darkness seemed the best way
Light never reached my face as I lay
As the fabric of life seemed to fray
Hateful words spoken in spite
Light was no longer in my sight
Here are all the words
I’ve been meaning to say
Smashed and crushed
Torn away
You should see what happens
When you walk away
Desks pushed side to side
Like ebony feathered ravens
--squawk, caw squawk--
beaks sharp as talons
talons sharp as hawk’s
They prey on the weak,
the strong, and the brave,
the boisterous, the silent,
Every day I am in your classroom
You call my name and occasionally speak to me out side of class
But what you don't know and can not see
The cuts that run deep
The knife in my side
You see that kid
Yes the one by himself
You think he's a nerd
A loser
Or even maybe a nobody
All his classmates trease him
Then to go home
And just get yelled at by his parents
blistered skin,
that whispers flayed.
my life, a cage,
to which I'm chained.
Haunting voices,
following close,
the creeping utterances,
my subtle foe.
feet trimmed by velvet,
Go ahead
do it
call them a name
but do you know their story?
you should be ashamed.
All they do is worry
worry about you being a bully
they ask themselves why are they alive
President Ronald Reagan looks straight ahead
and says, Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall.
And 29 months later,
the sledgehammers pound.
Rock chips.
Concrete cracks.
You see the discrimination.You see all the hurting eyes and the crying faces.You just stand there as they suffer. And I, a third party, am just as guilty. Insults sting like gunshots to the legs,and she takes the blows. Words hold no power.The gun
Oh what things I wish I could have said;
That I would taste rolling on my tongue;
The sweet and sugary words of not so cliche;
And the sour spite of not feeling wrong.
She can't have peace
She can have people point at her
She can have her papers thrown to the floor
She can have her face pushed into her locker
But she can't have peace
Sh*t I can't say to my teachers?I can't say that you're only here cause your tenured inI can't say I can't stand youI can't say you can't teach, but you say I can't learn
The Boiler
Sitting lonely on the oven
Currently not in use, just the way he likes it
Consciously aware that his anger will be their joy,
They feed off of him
Her eyes,Melting away,Into sadness,Into decay,People who,Describe her look,May say she's undecided,But not a crook,When she rises early in the morning,She makes no sound,
your snide commentary
about our collective thoughts
puts everyone down
you're the reason
that we dread
coming to your class
Dreading Spanish every day
Something I wish I could say to my teacher
You flirt with all the boys and ruffle their hair
When I leave crying,
I'm the "trouble maker" I'm the "Liar"
I am never Alone
But feel outcasted
I am never forgotten
But feel unwanted
I am but a shadow in a crowed
Always following but barley noticed.
No one gets upset when I am gone.
Laugh all you wantAt that girl over there.She honestly does notGive a single care.Go right ahead.Give her funny looks.Laugh at that girlFor reading her books.Call her mean names
Teachers don’t work hard nowadays
Rather than focus on education
They focus on my grades
I may have passed your damn class
A young girl is brokenThat poor girl shed tearsThe little girl is leavingNo one even hears
Crying, she falls asleep at nightWaking up seems to be a curseNo one ever loves herMaybe its time to go home
The cuts on my wrists aren't a joke
So why laugh?
Saying that you're going to go kill yourself around a suicidal kid;
cuts them deeper than their own blade.
When you tell another classmate to kill themselves;
A smile whispers upon your lipsA rare sight I can only glimpseHolding fast to days gone byI feel it all beginning to dieNo more shall I feel your kissOr look into eyes filled with bliss
Down the halls its hard enough
“Fag” “Gay” “Queer, that’s never enough
Into the locker my face gets stuck
A teacher walks by and gives me a shrug
Finally in class
In the middle I sit
Long days,
Even longer nights.
Momma workin' overtime just to keep the lights.
Dads gone,
Don't give a damn really.
It's survival of the fittest in this big city.
There is no day that goes by
I feel angry with the world
I sit quietly in my room
I pray for a better tomorrow…
How would my life be
Without fear and sadness?
How would it feel to be
Am I good enough? You ask.
Tears streaming down
Needing acceptance
Wanting love
Feeling raw and empty
As you feel scars open
The past breaks through
Regret cuts you like a knife
The Night arrived room,
The flame lit up the glistening blade.
Her towel fell from her body,
on the ground it laid.
A drop of moisture from her hair,
curved her upwards chest.
How can I learn to trust that you'll be there If I need you when I'm hurt or betrayed or scared, When most of your species only turns a blind eye To what goes on in this place, like it's sanctified.
With freinds like this who needs enemies?
Big, Huge smiles and grins,
But Ignorant to the feeling that lied deep within,
Not knowing that it was all just pretend,
Jealousy, Lies, Envy, Deceit,
As the warmth gistens on my face from the sun
The strong laughters arent always fun
I hear the whistling of the birds who are being set free
But no one is pleased or happy as can be
We all live contrasting ways.
We alter our ego’s mask in order to
fulfill what we think others want to see.
We all forget what’s most important to tightly grasp;
You see me walking in the halls,
I dont know why you make me fall.
On the inside and out you break me down,
But they still treat you like the class clown.
Its not funny the way you make us feel,
This isn't why I came to school today.
Not to learn how to avoid the bully.
I need you to listen to what I say.
I'm going to tell you the things I see
I want to learn about math I don't know
No matter what don’t ever give up
No matter if you’re down on luck
Hold yourself together
Even by the smallest threads
Don’t look at how far you have but
How far you’ve come
For everything and everyone
You learn it.You earn it.You give it.
Or that's the way life is supposed to go, anyway.
Take a look around this classroom.Do you see it?I sure as hell don't.
I just want to be myself that nobody can change.
Writing down my path and finishing a page.
My life in my own words and drawing out my thought.
Listening to all my peers, but forgetting what I'm taught.
That boy was pushed into the lockers again
And everyone just looked the other way.
They divert their eyes, they walk faster
They just don't know what to say.
He just wants to be liked, to be accepted-
I've never known fear like the day I found my sister's cuts.
When she was younger, she was abused by her peers.
It seems like a girl can't be tall
or a little overweight,
without being targeted.
You say that you really care,
but do you show it, NO!
Have you ever been there
for me when I was getting
harassed, NO! You just
made it looked like I was
the snitch and not a victim,
My body aches with pain.
Fear flowing through my xylem as I'm rooted to the floor a Charlie Brown tree in the midst of a forest of strong pine.
Teachers should be our friends.
We should look up to them,
Envy them,
Respect them,
And most importantly we should listen to them.
What is so hard about that?
We talk about bullying,
blame it on the kids
blame it on the parents.
But there is one party
who doesn't get
their share of the blame.
They can help or hurt.
Their words leave
This shouldn't happen.
There she goes.
That poor girl.
She keeps walking though they are calling her those ugly names louder than thunder.
The lunch bell rings, and not a minute too soon
My stomach has been growling ever since noon
Didn't get enough to eat in the morning, guess it's my fault
But as soon as I set foot in the lunch line,
Maybe it's time, that I give you a simple rhyme. A reason to listen, as my eyes glisten. I'm tired of the lies, those that binds and ties; my very soul from becoming whole. I may not be the poster child, but I wasn't raised up wild. Don't mock
Wake up at 5AM. Get dressed. Eat something.
I’m sure this sounds familiar already.
7AM and classes have started
with the chattering of my peers and the clicking of pens too colorful for our assignments.
The bells are ringing
But is this ring heard?
Do people stop to say any words?
When a bell is rung
is it silent? No
When a bell is rung it calls out just so
a reverberation
Your thumbnails are very beautiful, I’m sure you think so too;
You must be very proud of them, gorgeous, pink, and small;
I can tell you love them very much, because staring at them is all you do.
I see you walk down the hallway
Staring at the ground dully
When you lean your head up you give a weak smile
I can see the pain in your bleak eyes
You look like all the happiness was whipped out of your brain
Her fingers are feathers,
Lithe and delicate
As they hover over the brushstrokes of Monet,
Drawn to pigment like a moth to the flame.
His eyes are the ravenous mouths of predators
They tell you that they got you,They tell you that they're there.You smile with ease,lie to yourself,"Man i dont gotta be scared."
There was a time, a time I lied
A time when no one cared that I cried
To some it was because they didn’t know
Say what you want, do as you please
for I know that whatever you doin ain't
gonna happen to me. You can scowl,snarl,
and glare but I'm untouchable like the air.
You may say your wicked taunts and do your evil
Isolated from your peers,
alone and rejected,
different from the others,
you feel diseased, infected.
it's impossible to change everyone,
difficult to get it through their heads,
clinking metal frozen
wrists bound
reaching for freedom
no key to set me free
or strength to uncuff
clinking metal frozen
wrists bound
reaching for freedom
no key to set me free
or strength to uncuff
Let me ask you a question
About the thoughts in your head,
The things that you feel,
The words that you said
To that girl down the street
With those beautiful eyes.
I know you remember her;
Life, life goes on. It goes on. A bus full of light, and im not on board. It continues to march forward in an illuminescant path, but i cant seem to find my way. Am i trapped or am i stuck? Why cant i approach this light?
What did I do to you?Your words hurt
We were friends
You are trying to take him from me
Forever engaged to silence
getting through day by day
smiling and laughing
pretending your okay
"Im fine" or my favorite "I already ate"
she pretended to happy
but all that was fake
Everyday I come home crying.
Everyday I hate myself a little more.
Everyday I hope to die.
Everyday my limits are pushed.
Everyday I am laughed at, taunted, and abused.
Everyday I hope I don't wake up.
The butterflies swarm inside my head,My mind decides to tell them everything I've said.Fluttering, moving, spacing out,They come from all directions to have no doubts.Peaking and peering inside my mind,
I’m sorry if it’s strange, but I don’t feel right
And it’s taken me a while to figure out why.
Now it’s hit me, I know why I feel so undone.
I’m just not fighting anymore.
First it started with a snicker
Then there was a whisper
Now there is just my wimper
I feel so alone
With these scars on my heart
And the scars on my arms
They remind me of you
i need to see the change is the world
i need to hear more of the unheard
not everyone is recognized
but more of people hiding in disguise.
i want to see more happiness
and more people who forgive and forget
Cant sleep
Eyes shot
body weak
heart tired and mind exhausted
exhausted from the games and always being given the run around
as if i was being directed to your heart.
Day after day, my peers struggle with understanding,They find themselves plagued with a diverse culture,But despite their best efforts, they are a dying breed,Every day, leaps and bounds are made on a national level,
Sticks and stones break bones,
And they aren't always alone,
Cause sometimes words hurt even more,
Leaving behind a heart truly sore,
And beating three beats behind,
`fool-Hero such a pity
`more important witness
`some kid
`News Reporter
`Concerned Citizen
They all hate me They all hate me
I am the ugly sister. These are the words I can’t escape. I cannot escape the rejection, or the hate. I am the one that no one comes to claim. My sister says the muffin top will go away, that I need to work harder.
The whispers were always there
Ever since they realized he was different.
For years, I just let it happen
Let them talk
Let them call him all those things.
Brutality at its best
Unhappy so you need power
Like a Tea Party member you’re ignorant
Like the blind man you can’t see that
I realize it is this skin!
For some unspoken words it is this skin
Does it bare a mark of ancestral sin?
How when they built this country on their bakcs and tears and blood.
How come when a white looking Hispanic man kills a black boy it's all over the news,
African American is killing African American.
Sometimes they are boys,
Six and seven!
Walking down the hall
I see so many faces
Faces of people I know
But never speak to
And the loud girls
They make friends so fast
But the shy ones
What chance do they have?
All you did was stand there,
Eyes taking in the scene
While he tore me apart like a grizzly bear.
Teachers are educators, mentors, and role models,
But why should I look up to someone
Laughter all around me, students talk about me
As I walk these halls, I can hear whispers
The air is still and I hold onto my books as I'm receiving these grimicing looks.
A room full of students
different and unique as can be. Laughter can be heard from all directions,
like thunder rumbling in the distance. As you move closer, laughter turns artifical.
Still pulchritudinous,
I can see you now,
No Mystery here; nor why or how,
The color of perfume caressing your arms,
This damn velvet scent will never change,
I'm so sick of it when people
put you down.
Who do you think you are
? Stop it right now!
Will you listen? Just once
im finally able to speak, senior year is here
its fmally here, my chance to take the stand
my words will be heard
im here
ive been here
im not leaving soon
Your subtle whispers
scream in my ears
exclaming hate
pronounce my fears
I can see your staring eyes
looking through me
judging, spreading rumors
But I am strong
These words are merely words; these lessons are just a lesson
Walk through the strangling halls and hoping no offense is taken
Class by class your ears grab onto something new
ou claim to know me. Yet you don’t see my pain, my suffering, my black, shriveled up excuse for a heart. All you see is the smile, the overweight child, the kid that sits alone at lunch. You claim to know me.
the cyber bullieslike to hideyou want to knowreasons why
cause in realthe games they playthe hurt they makethey cant get away
You ask why I go against the grain
It is because it I am above it
I am more superior then those who make rules
I am not a follower I am a leader
You cannot stop me from doing what I want
I walk into the room, no one looks up,
I stand just outside the group, no one seems to see.
At first I think, "It must be me."
Then I realize, it's you.
I can look out at the world, but you cannot look in.
I won't let you see the part of me that hides within.
My face is masked with nonchalance, my words will not betray,
Can you see it?
The hatred, the abuse?
She doesn’t show it
But what’s the use?
People will say it’s for “attention”
Throw her against the wall
Threaten her to mention
Because they fear to fall
How can something that’s always there
Always in our faces
Be so completely ignored,
The elephant in the room
begging for attention
for help
How can people turn their backs to what they see
Cradled by solitude
Because of other's attitude
Death, depression, and disfigurement do a bully make
Leaving destruction in wake.
Take a soul, bottle it up
Pour out a wretched thing.
Me, myself, and I, a guise.
Her, him, they, and we, a guise.
Influence plagues the mind.
Primitive purity heavily veiled by a guise.
Opinions and pressures spread.
Hands- young and taut, thick and thin, wrinkly and not-
They're almost comical-their capabilities-
A Surgeon heals and stitches, your wounds away,
And mends the broken body.
There is a reflection of pain in her eyes, as she fights back tears.Trying to figure out why she has put up with it all of these years.Innocence gone.Just taken away.Struggling to deal with it & be free someday.
You can hit, you can punch
I can too.
You can bleed, You can die,
I will too.
Why hurt me when you don't wear my skin?
It's like you hurt me when you just stand by and watch as my tears had turn red.
Teachers teach. Students learn.
At least thats the way it's supposed to go.
In my eyes teachers are guardians.
While we are at school it is your job to keep us safe
from other kids, adults, and even our parents
There you are
The smudge on the carpet
The stain on the wall
People walk all over you
You are tagged and graffitied,
Spit on, pissed on,
Cleaned off by the janitor, glaring at you in disgust
Do you hear that?
To the words of the unspoken,
To the one, who no one sees,
To the child who everyone questions,
To the innocent who no one understands,
She sits all alone
In a room full of hate
She stares at their eyes
And notices they’re fake
Have you ever thought of suicide?
If you’re strong enough to put a blade to your throat?
Or a gun to your head?
Lines in perfect symmetry,Depicting the image I tell you is me.A sweet, warm smile and hopefilled eyes,You'd never guess that this masterpiece liesThe passionate strokes and the colors I used -
It's sad to see, through a student's bruised eyes
How mock and torture,
Succumb their lives.
Brimming with ridicule, socially inept.
Feeling like an outcast,
Like a total reject.
You only write once
Well I think that's a lie
For writing is eternal
It will never say goodbye
My life has been a mess
Lots of stress
I'm almost done with high school
And that's my final test
Don't think i'm the guilty one,
when your impressed with status.
You can't ruin the abuser, when hes wrapped up in silk,
a royalty in high school,
while i'm just the pauper who cried wolf.
Prithee tell me, high school
When does it stop being cool
To kiss the Queen Bee's feet?
She may be full of honey
But she's anything but sweet.
Her eyes shine much like diamonds
Do you realize the things you say?
Do you know the memories won't ever go away?
What would I remember
If you died today?
You think the little words don't matter
Or a slap in the face after
Hey man, don't you see me crying out for help
I'm feeling something that I feel no has ever felt.
Hey man, I'm right here I am sitting in your class
But it's not like you have time or will ever think to ask
She's diabetic,
but you call her fat.
So she starves herself and ends up in the hospital.
You call him a fag for crying.
His mom just died from cancer.
Everyone thinks they know everything.
Throughout the halls, the lunch bell rings.
From the shadowy lockers, come the Misfits.
The aliens, the freaks, the weirdo kings.
Sadly, typecast as dimwits.
There’s Jimmy, a lazy, aloof, pothead.
She has cried in the dark for far too long
Soul Screaming un born Songs
been trying to be Strong
Waiting for the right One to come Along
She has been shoved to try and Belong
I have recognized that everyone is on their own
At the end of the day we have all sung the same song
Our emotions are imperceptible, we can barely express them
We can easily fool each other with our thoughts and truths
Fiction is a picture in my mind I’d wish to share
But moving as it may be it leaves with no pants
so all can stare. It’s random and it’s strange, putting
Images in your brain making lies into truth while pulling
You tell me to raise my hand when I know the answer.
I have several answers for the things you want me to know. I know where Belgium is. I know why CO2 is a greenhouse gas. I know who the fifth president was.
Hello, you! Yes you there!
I know I can’t be that invisible,
To the point where I fall into class and you nor anyone else sees me.
Well, I see me. I know you are of ability as well.
Hello, you! Yes you there!
I know I can’t be that invisible,
To the point where I fall into class and you nor anyone else sees me.
Well, I see me. I know you are of ability as well.
Hips, ribs, and collar bones;
Never hurt by sticks or stones.
Words made you this way.
"I can't stand myself!" you say.
You think they're right,
You think you're wrong.
"Keep it up,"
I know you see me staring through you up there
Open your eyes and watch me scream for your attention.
I scream through my silence, a silence that was never there before.
I talked too much and would get detention for that,
Are you a scientist?Then why are you placing me on a slide?Who gave you permission to judge every aspect of me?Every strand of my thick hairEvery scar on my legEvery less than perfect nail
The first bell rings. That girl, the one whose hair is dyed, the one who always sings. She walks into class. The looks she receives are crass. What is her job today? To find the adjective decay. She sits down in her chair (or tries).
All my life I've been silent, Never let out a peep
Even when tumbling down hills, rough and steep
Before I cry out in pain, I hear my mother's voice
Hush! Be quiet. Don't complain
When I go to church
Because The Sound Of Voice & My Lips Were Close !
You Told Me Just Repeat "Strawberry" My Heart Beat 100 Miles per hour!
Not Knowing How and When To Say it !
Poor Child only 9years old !
I saw you being bullied by the group of boys
Twice your height, making fun of the way you still play with toys
And you rushed out the door
Your tears, along with mine hit the floor
I saw you being bullied by the group of boys
Twice your height, making fun of the way you still play with toys
And you rushed out the door
Your tears, along with mine hit the floor
The injuries are internal,
No physical pain.
But every day she has to go back
To that godforsaken place.
She gave up on hope,
Family and friends, too.
'Cause friends would help her
A victim of bullying, finally standing tall
Swings their fist, ending their thrall.
But how can it be,
that the schools only see
Two numbers in the system,
and can only list them
Seems like you can’t function without it.
Have your coffee dark roast—
Extra bitter.
Grounds swirling in the bottom,
--Swirling like those hateful thoughts,
You don't know that your fist feels like butterfly kisses,
And your words, as sickly sweet as gas station seafood dishes
Don't faze me.
My face, has been through more abuse than big city sidewalks
See you only see him
The one on the ground
But what about me?
I dont even have that to stand on.
His life is frightening at pieces
You push me around, the teachers don't see. How could a schoo let this happen to me? I go home at night and silently cry. The whispers in my head make me want to die. "School is a safe place." Yet the teachers don't care.
Tell me who you are so I know who to impress. Are you a jock? Because I swear I always watch ESPN. If you're a dancer that's cool I'll show you my pirouette.
I see you in the hallway,
trying not to say "HEY"
Instead I turn heads
and look the other way.
Confused and afraid.
I need some aid
from all the pain
you try to gain.
You are a "Bully"
Why.. why do we live in world full of challenges? Waking up in the morning is a struggle. If only I lived in the world of Harry Potter so I wouldn't be a muggle. The hustle of getting ready and eating breakfast oh..
Why don’t you stop lecturing
And listen for a change
Maybe pay attention to the kids in the back row
Who might have some scars to show
And goes home to cut and feel low
I'm sitting in the back.
You might not realize, but I'm alive.
You think I can't see the glances you shoot my way.
Like I'm scary.
Like I'm a freak.
I'm shy, but you know that.
Or do you?
Founded by people who want us to succeed,
Surrounded by people who do not believe,
Hurt inside because of depression,
No emotion or impression,
Hurting others with a fist,
Bruising at no risk,
P { margin-bottom: 0.08in; }
At first glance, the classroom is quiet
and the teacher is talking,
Students are attentive,
just simply learning.
However, go look closer
and you will find,
The scars on your arms
do not mean you gave up
they mean you were strong
enough to stop the pain
to stop the hurt.
They mean that you
didn't take anyones crap
you proved to yourself
Alone in the corner they sit at their desk,
Pulling down sleeves to cover their bruises.
With frightened eyes they follow every hand,
Even though here they are safe.
They look at you and hope you know,
seeing him get pushed in the hallway
i feel bad for him
i cant stop them
my friends might laugh at me
how do i help
i cant
its not the cool thing to do
what if i lose my seat at my table
Wall to wall
Staring, judging.
A silent plea for it all to stop.
Do they even know you?
Floor to floor
Moving, pushing.
A silent prayer for the pain to stop.
The social media has built up bullying
And the principals won’t do anything
They say “kids will be kids” or “we’ll figure something out”
Dont ignore when I ask for help
Dont say their just playing around
Do you think I will feel better that its just a joke?
You might think im lying to get attention
You might brush me off as being emotional
..If they just knew that it is all just a play..Ha i cant believe people can fall for a fake face so easily ..Fake smiles ..Fake laughs ..If they just knew how my life really is ..If they just knew how my past has been..If they knew how much I hat
Clouds letting loose with cool rain
A rhythm of a favorite song vibrating in saddened eardrums
Here I sit and ponder
If we could have made it work
Words unsaid sting my throat
Walking through the halls you see them everywhere, The mean girl making others feel invisible. But where, where are the teachers? The ones who should being protecting us. The ones that are supposidly our safe haven. The warmth in the sun.
Standing in the cold silence
Waiting for you, for you are violence.
You sit there watching her with those evil eyes,
And somehow you caught her in surprise.
Everyday she's beaten and scarred,
Some things will never change.
such as the moon, the stars, the sky.
however i cant help but ask, why?
ive come to terms, with the facts above.
but i cant help but ask, where is the love?
She’s kind
Though she never really says much
She smiles
Though it never really seems real
She laughs
Though she never really seems to enjoy being around
She’s here, doing what she has to do faithfully
I want to disappear I wanted to fade into the background......
I thought that losing the weight would make them like me...... They don't...
I started to get more involved in school no one seemed to notice either.....
Thank you teacher
For not seeing in the bleachers
A child sits there through the violence
In silence.
He is tormented and attacked
With the words which he speaks not back
To the ones who
I sit behind the window watching the other kids play... I'm 9 years old and wondering, "What if I just weren't here today?". Anywhere I go, there isn't any good; only the kids who bully me throughout the neighborhood.
If I were to harm myself can you tell me how you'd feel? Would you feel ashamed of it, of how you made me kneel?
Walking in and feeling alone
Tears streaming down my face
Will they care?
Hell no
Why would anyone care about me?
Then he walks over, caring eyes
“Come outside with me”
Never did I think someone elses words would effect me
But repititon left its mark
Looking in the mirror is a constant reminder of how worthless I am
There's not a day that went by that I didn't shed a tear
Sit in your first period class,
Laugh at the big kid who just walked pass,
Nothings really funny, but we laugh anyway,
We're scared it might be us someday,
So we laugh our fake laugh and move away,
His eyes brimmed with woe,
“You’re wrong, because I know I’m right.”
“Nope, you’re the idiot that thinks that way. Moron, you’re remarks are merely trite.”
First Day of School
I wore gray
All I wanted was to blend in
I walked down the hallway
Staring at the floor
No eye contact,
No trouble
They all stared at me anyways
I could feel it
A lonely child in the halls, no one knows but he calls, out to someone for help, they all tell him he needs self-help, this kid is gay and that's okay, he doesn't understand what he feels, he starts to skip meals, no one pays attention, he's scare
Tears like rain fill oceans of sadness;
It’s the pain that we hide – greater than we see;
I’ve spoken to broken looking for suns to soak in,
But the heart is missing
Where a soul leaves space.
Everyone hurries with smiles and laughs;but the girl just passes so solemn.One day after the other the kids seem happier;but the girl just remains the same.Parties, friends, make up and more;
You're not really sick!
You just want attention!
You just want to be treated differently!
That's what they cry
Their words becoming sticks and stones
That break my soul, mind, and bones
No miss, you don't understandHe doesn't “like” meHe doesn't “like” me at allThat's what this is all about, seeHe calls me fat, missAll the timeGuys don't do that to girls they “like”
It starts off as a joke Then turns into madness. Wishing you could revoke. But its too late. All the teasing, pushing and laughing Has took its toll. Now all the things you say have lost control. You couldn’t help it, You mom and dad had split An
You teach of tolerance,
But you know not what you say.
One false word
From lips wishing to express
What it means to be free
Sends missiles raining
Upon the heart
That only wished for
She stayed alone in the corner
As the students ignored her.
Those big words they use to abash her,
I feel the gazes
All the sages in the world couldn't take away the problems
The lie they tell
Is only a part of the pie they say sell
When we all fell
We were told that it was what we were all sold into
I may not have that much time left.
I may not know how I am to leave this world.
I will not live in fear.
I refuse to fall into the snares of depression.
I will take what I can get;
So long for now,
till we meet again.
together forever,
you are my bestfriend.
my heart is breaking,
tears are now falling.
You had to leave,
because heavan was calling.
Lost and Broken.
Words unspoken.
Watch him crumble.
Watch her fall.
All because, you said it all.
People are different, people are the same.
Each of us has a different brain.
(Read top to bottom)
I am part of a dysfuntional minority,
and I refuse to believe that
I can change people's views.
I understand that it is difficult to grasp but,
"guns kill people,"
is a lie, and
I don't think you get it. Have your parents ever hurt you? Day after day?
Bruise after bruise? I don't mean physically, But by harsh words. You'd think someone
The dress code is a joke,
Meant to make you choke.
If not a size 0 you dont have it made.
If your hips are too wide its not their problem they will say.
Too short, too tight.
Too loose, not right.
Lost in the world around her
The kids in school call her names,
Mock her ripped clothing
No one knows the truth.
She goes home to a drunken father,
A broken mother and a missing brother,
I got my report car yesterday
and like any teen my age,
I went on my twitter page,
saw a bit of rage,
expressions of a bitter day,
but as I go to type my tweet, I don't know what to say.
I’ve had a target on my back since I was five.I got to the point where I didn’t want to be alive.Like other children, I just wanted to be an actress.That turned into hiding razors under my mattress.
Bullying. A subject that when comes to mind, makes me want to cry. I have been bullied. Not physically, but mentally. People telling me "shutup" or "you're stupid". I take everything to heart all of a sudden. I feel so insecure. I feel suicidal.
The child in the corner.
Yes, that one.
The one with their nose in a book,
eyes slowly tracing over the patterns in the paint.
Sharp aches and stabs through their heart.
Anxious fear.
Average Nuisance, Unnoticed Weed.
You grow--then you die,
they do not notice when those ugly petals disappear from their garden.
Trapped beneath the shadows of their beautiful leaves,
Look at me with those malicious voids you call eyes,
Not truly eyes because you show no soul through them.
My bum firmly planted in the chair of torture, you watch me slowly die.
when i am okay
sunny days
won't be an excuse
but a reason
when i am okay
my life
won't be a constant debate
of good or bad
when i am okay
my decisions
i am loved by little
i am wanted by all
why do you want to belittle?
watch me crumble and fall
see these beautiful tears
for she is the creator
crying over my fears
which haunt now or later
Who we are is who we will be
The only one to change that is the voice inside of me
The voice telling you right from wrong
The voice telling you that you don't belong
education its part of a nation its where you make your best creations where you learn your best aggrivations
Not all kisses are magic, not all guys live up to your expectations
Yet we all fall into some kind of a temptation.
There are moments where romance, friendship, love,
You can sit here and watch me cry knowing dying is slowly creeping into my mind. Over and over you tell me that it will be okay, but day after day the hole in the ground keeps digging itself deeper.
Average, never uniform. Irregular. Not consider the 'norm'. Outcasted, rejected, neglected, apprehensive.
Delusional, Alone...
The words stung not only forever ingrained. Becoming forever dynamic. Identity.
shut them out, as I suffer to breathe
Where are the words?
Can we talk instead of scream?
My opinion remains unheard
The violent escapade
on the frigid ground, I laid
he charged at me,
I am just ordinary, she
is so extraordinary
more than she can ever,
ever imagine.
When we met, we were lost
like bees trying to find its honey
we were lost.
Little boy rage,
Screwing down puberty plate,
An underlining cage,
A percent of hate.
Since we are forced to come
Might as well try and make it fun,
But when you feel as if you’re dumb
We might as well lay down and be done.
You act as if you do not see
The pain inflicted unto me.
The name calling.
The pointing.
The laughing.
It's a burden I quietly bear.
I see it happen to other students
You're fat,
You're ugly,
I'm barely holding on, I'm slowly letting go
of this thing called reality, that's served its final blow
I can't keep fighting, I'm not moving forward
if anything, backwards, from this unrealistic torture
Every breath, Every tear, Every move, Every blink,
Every stare, Every joke, Every laugh, Every push,
Everything pushes, Everything pulls, sliding and slipping, forgetting the rules,
Chased down the halls,
Laughter pounding your ears.
Kids yelling names your way.
As you run, you grow smaller.
Find your favorite teacher.
Plead for help,
Alone in the light.
I sit at my desk.
Not a soul bothers to ask how my day is.
Not a soul stops to look at me.
My teacher looks the other way,
She doesn't know what to do or how to handle it.
I am from a picture perfect world
Where everyone has to be a certain size
Where children are growing up to realize
That their size is not acceptable
That they must change how they look
To fit in.
The daily torture you can't escape
the fearful days you have to face
when you walk in, they all stop talking
when you walk past, they all start laughing
you sit alone everyday
mocking me, judging me
laugh laugh laugh
hurting me, killing me
stab stab stab
if words dont hurt you?
why am i bleeding so bad?
trying to recover
but im halfway dead.
As I sit here staring at that picture so soft in my hands
I can’t help but think when it will end
The memories all rush back into me like smoke clouding my lungs
If I die today
would you remember me tomorrow?
If I dropped dead
would you give a damn?
If I stopped breathing
Your lifeYour choiceYour bodyYour voice
You can say noYou can yes
In the end, you live with the mess
It's your lifeYour choiceYour bodyYour voice
I walk into class every morning
at 7:15 AM.
Kids push and shove into me
and my scowl is covered by a red face.
Why do you let kids
hurt each other?
Whether it be words or swords,
Drama, Action, Stop, and Cry.
That what goes through my mind.
Drama, Action, Stop, and Cry.
That what I feel like in the inside.
Drama, Action, Stop, and Cry.
Crying is a weakness it eats you alive.
I walk into class day in and day outOnly wishing i could turn and shout
"You're a teacher, so teaching is what you should do""Not a dictator, even though it seems the power has went to your head to"
She cant help but to feel,
every eye slithering up her spine
as she slowly takes her seat in the back row,
giggles cause her to put her head down,
water floods the desk an begins to drip slowly
There oncewas a boy who rode my bus,
with wide green eyes,
who sat alone...
and didn't seem to care.
There once was a boy at my school,
who was quiet
but had the most beautiful smile,
You think school is all sweet and all.
And you think teenagers like me are the generation to fall.
But you don't understand that outside those silver gates.
Life soon becomes a brawl.
The words cut like knives.
The actions cut like swords.
And I stand here...
By myself.
With no one to hold me,
And no one to love me.
Your words cut like knives,
The Hill That Never Sleeps
Have you heard of the hill,
That never sleeps?
We’ve been properly acquainted,
In my virtuous sheets.
Watching-your every move,
In search of flaws.
Kids may say I'm uglyKids may say I'm dumbKids may say I'm weirdSticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt meThat I'm fatThat I've pimples all over my faceThat I've got butter-teeth
So apparentlyPeople don't careHow what they sayEffects others
So apparentlyPeople don't careHow what they sayKills others
With a hug and a knife to the backYou destroy my lifeAlter everyone's opinion of meYou're a backstabber
Words hardly describe The world he sees.Hand motions do notGive him the peace he needs.
He draws then,A mermaid in the seaAnd an enormous ship.
She is sitting by the mirrorBrushing her hair,As tears fall downHer hands tremble When she thinks about last night.
I lose my substance
and I fade away.
Becoming transparent,
I see them through
my looking glass.
Terrifying brutality.
I let my breath
fog my vision.
Strong enough to stand alone in a blitz
Deception after deception after deception
It will never stop
It will never seize
It's life's cold hearted tactic made to rid of the weak.
How can you judge me?
Do you know me or my story?
How can you even judge me?
Have you ever walked in my shoes?
So, how can you judge me?
Have you seen what I've seen through my eyes?
It's happened to you
it's happened to me
By word of mouth
Or physically
It's an eight letter word
No body likes
That word is bullying
And it needs to cease to exist
The pale moon floats in the sky
I wake up in the dead of night
These are the nights that I despise
Where there is no hope, no light
It is always Dark
Countless thoughts
Afraid I’m the only one
If it was the n-word he just said,
you wouldn’t have tolerated it.
If she had put a hand on me,
She sinks, Zoloft blue and sulking purples
“I just want to feel normal.”
A dawn of pitch midnight, starless and cold
Splintered planks groan underneath
Fresh air catches and turns bitter as she stands
The pain and torment,
The agony, the fear.
Just make me invisible,
I don't want to be here.
In this vulnerable position,
Cowering on the ground,
Beneath the swinging fists,
I hear these words everyday
I try to elude them in every way
Most of them are replete with lies
And some are the truth I can’t defy
I try to debunk all of these words
I still remember the first time,
He chased me down the halls
swearing he'd get me.
He did and it hurt
scars on my arms,legs
hurt a little less than the names
he made sure they would call me.
There he is crying all alone right thereBut I know you don't even careYou won't even go to help him You lied, you never helped so now his light is dim You act like you know it all
I'm not bleeding it out.
There are no razors to touch my skin,
none to cut it.
Bleeding does not help.
Not like others said.
Physical pain is not a cure,
for this kind of agony.
Teacher,School is a place of learningWhere we do much exploringAround this one globeWithout leaving home
The Mockery
Students file out of buses in the morning,
Into a web of quota.
Curricula goals created not by the educators,
But by the State.
The System
With admin lurking,
Smoking, Snorting, popping pills doing drugs on the fly ,
Dealing with this stupid pain I have inside rapid heart, and so it starts.
Smart student, choosing to just skate by .. Maybe the drugs will stimulate a rise.
You can say that you're my friend.
But i know in my head, that you're not.
You can say that you're here,
But you'll just ditch me for beer
The next Saturday we have off.
You can say that you wont'.
He wakes up in the morning,
the sun is painting the horizon with its rays.
He sits at the table, yawning,
because it's getting harder to sleep these days.
Breakfast is huevos rancheros,
Alone some feel when their mother dies. The cold shameless, white body that lies stiff before them.The trailing tears, that flow from her victims eyes, the witnessOf the tragic loss. Imagine, this is you. And these are the people that at one poin
His head is low,
his eyes full of tears.
He gets upset easily,
but I know it's not anything small.
There are people laughing,
people laughing at him.
I say something,
something blunt but true.
Let’s make a change,
Let’s make a change to our society, to our lives, to our futures.
No longer shall we hide around the corner when we see someone being talked to as if their nothing.
My breath sighs and wakes the dust sleeping still and silent on the
rough leather covering pages of my brain.
EYES SWOLLEN and overflowing with stars,
I begin to gnaw my pencil.
You see what you want me to see,
but yet you do not see what you're supposed to see.
I went home both days and nights,
sitting there, fighting my own fights.
No teacher, no staff, no parents; no one
Those words go deep
as you toy with my heart and emotions
My very essence
being ripped out and examined by vermin like you
Looking for any weakness
like being too nice to speak out against the torment
Bulletin boars,something to hold pictures,of friends and boyfriendsbut what happens ifthe bulletin board is empty?To a girl who loses her friendsand has a brutal heart brake,pictures are reminders,
I see through the looking glassA lot like Alice didBut I don't see what she didI see painI see sufferingI don't want to see moreBut I doEverydayMore people cry in hungerIn pain
She is
I am
She is
A girl who, when she says "hello" her smile is genuine
And it makes your heart pound in your chest
how dare you put me in a box
labeling me because i dont fit in with the hollywood image
how dare you belittle me because im different
i rather be happy being me then being sad trying to fit in with this asshole society
Words can mean everything, / Or nothing. / Words bring you joy, / Or despair. / Words show you're wise, / Or foolish. / Words can give confidence, / Or heartbreak. / Words can be heard, / Or ignored. / Words can teach, / Or destroy.
This is my body,
this is my hair.
You may be the new principle,
but I don't care.
You're an awful person,
and I can't stand you.
I will NEVER wear a school uniform,
I will stay true.
Some say I’m conceited, others I’m mistreated.
Some are scared to lose me, others just abuse me.
Some think I’m a queen, others say it’s just a dream.
They tell me I won’t make it, but I just gotta shake it.
You see im not much into historythe dictionarybut I know what the words we say mean,the words we say take affectrecalect, no respect,Like tomorrow , sorrow,we have so many things to see
Bullycide Little kids, big kidsAny kind of schoolWhere is a safe placeWhere bullies dont rule? Teachers say nothingKids hurting kidsScared to go anywhereDo you wonder why they hid? Pushed down the stairsEven caught on camAdministrators dont do not
Silence broke out,
and she hid in fear.
Crying to herself,
hoping she wont hear.
All the voices,
that tell her that she doesn't belong.
And she keeps telling herself,
Dear Mrs. R,
I know I am not one of your favorites
You've made that very clear
But I do have something to say
That I think you should hear
I think I'll make it short and sweet
You brought me from darkness into the light focusing now on the right path rather then a crooked dead end. Trying to turn away from sin. You have never stopped loving me from with in.
Now I know that in and throughout this unique nation
Success is based mainly on education
So I was one of the few who decided, long ago
To be the best student and make some dough
Good ole' teach, how you are so blind
Your students with "no homework" excuses are in a bind
They could have understood it
But they could not concentrate over the sound of their parents fighting
I ain't have the best childhood but I had it better off. Others be walking these streets with no parents insight guided by these street lights. Running into drugs, prostitution & such & such.
Your world is closer and closer to falling apart,
I can see it in your eyes.
You are scared of what they will do
They Tell Me I'm Brave
Because I argue with the teachers
When I know they're wrong
They Tell Me I'm Caring
Because I always stand for those
Who'll never be strong
Your body is your vessel
It will travel miles farther than where your head has taken you
It is your storage unit
A unique container of your individual world
Why do people bully so much.
why did they put people down.
why do they want us to suffer as much as they did.
I think bullying should be stopped.
you will never know who will get popped.
I can feel your anger and your pain Throbbing through my veins I can feel your tears in my eyes And I'm smart enough to realize Theyre for you , and what you're going thorugh
Remember back then when I said I was all for me yeah I lied Writing this at 3 am with my pillow full of tears that I've cried Why did I lie maybe because I thought saying it to myself would make it real
The angles above, fly with the stars and sway with the clouds.
They once walked with us, down the streets. In the halls and maybe in the school ball.
We knew their names, but not them.
People laughed, they cried.
My neck cringes as I stretch my mouth from cheek to cheek,
My teeth reflecting the indulgence they constantly seek,
“Smile,” is the only word they directly speak,
Teacher teacher, Can I....Sorry...I mean..May I, leave..I can't take the stares,The whispers & the taunts.Teacher teacher,May I excuse myselfBefore it gets any worse.I'm scared,
You kill me with your labels,
Your brands, your terms, your names.
But I will rise above it,
I am finished with your games.
Don't write me down in history,
By calling me this or that.
People say to never lose faith, but it lost meI look for a brighter tomorrow, yet there's nothing to seeCan't live with happiness, when there is no peaceSo what are my options, if this doesn't cease?By merely existing, I'm burdensome to othersSure
Kids walking down the hallway
with they're heads hanging down.
Because they just got teased,
about they're hair, clothes, or laugh.
Kids just walking with agony,
wondering when this is going to stop.
Kids walking down the hallway
with they're heads hanging down.
Because they just got teased,
about they're hair, clothes, or laugh.
Kids just walking with agony,
wondering when this is going to stop.
We all saw it
The shoving, the laughing
The mockery
The tears
We saw his pain
As he pushed through a world that didn't want him
So why didn't you?
We all saw them
Her silence speaks louder than words. Cushion your impact and don't sit back because right as you relax she's gone. Gone, farther than this universe, her life's reached an end, and she's dead. And you took her life you...you...bully.
Walking Through The Halls, Every one Stops and Stares, Laughing and Teasing, I Drop To My Knees With These Tears, Frickled Face, Old School Clothes, But Poverty Struck My Family, I Guess Noone Cool Knows, The Way I Talk, How My Glasses Look, How M
Teachers, here's a lesson
you don't seem to appreciate:
Judging students yourself
Causes classroom hate.
Stop pretending you don't see it
When your favorite student bullies.
Stop turning the other way
My childhood was filled with simple joys,
raindrops dancing on summer-scented skin
and soaking my downy head to the scalp,
belly laughs for so long they hurt
Keep your head up in the halls
It's only a hop, skip and jump away
Ignore the people and what they say
Stay away from those bathroom stalls
You're here safe and sound
Crack open your book
here i go another day like nothings wrong
gotta keep my head up pretend to stay strong
cause if they find out what ive felt all along
thats it youre done.
when suddenly the people you called your friend
I knew that I loved God
and I thought this was enough
I lead retreat, I said my prayers
I clung to him when times got tough
so now you say I'm wrong
in believing what I do
Because of so many
Who like to cause pain
Here is a list
Of those people's names
One was a friend
or so I had thought
Tonight she lays there,
her tears falling on her pillow.
People refer to her as Weeping Willow.
If you see her in the streets,
she is always looking down.
She used to wear a smile,
You don’t know what I’ve been through.
You don’t know what it’s like in my shoes,
to have so much and then to lose it all.
You tell me to get over it
but you don’t understand.
I cant go on with this pain on my chest
It's like a bolder with its final place of rest
Theres been no greater sin
Than keeping this all locked in
You've thrown me and shunned me
she falls off the moon,
she carries her wings,
she fights with herself,
she's dying to please.
she knows every word,
she's heard it before,
she's not what they want,
Take one look at me. Do you judge just based on what you see?
Do you just take your eyes a passing glance, forgetting my features and onto the next?
I see that look. Disproving. Spiteful. Angry.
Good Bye!
Sincerely; A victim
Yes I am sitting here with no confidence
yes I let there words get under my wing
but why i am still sitting here with a knife
with my lifeline hanging on a string
"Hey, guess what I heard" started it all,
It wasn't meant to hurt but
It did... I didn't know it would
Turn out this way.
"I heard she's a slut!" filled the air
That we all breathed in and
Hushed voices. Everyone turns. My name still in the air. Spread rumor. Everyone believes.
Ignore them. Walk to my seat. Throw myself down. Head on desk. Let it all out.
Depression is a disease that sucks the blood from your veins Leaving a corpse to roam that has forgotten its name Emotionless eyes show a soul that's holding in pain Walking a path down a road just searching for a end The next bus could be their e
You think you broke me with what you said.
You think you broke me and left me for dead.
THOUGHT I'd be submerged into your idea of beautiful.
THOUGHT I had to change to be considered normal.
Around here, we love ourselves first.
We cover our faces.
We talk about tomorrow like it belongs to us.
Around here, we ask what we should like.
when I was a child I was told that words can never hurt me
I was told that a word is just a word
a name is just a name
it doesn't hurt.
that's a lie.
words are like knives in the back of the legs
I’m lost in myself
A train ride from help
A distance worth taking
There’s no escaping
I’m, lost in myself
Why is it like I’m not here?
A shadow to my peers
The first time I was attacked I was nine years old
They liked to call me an 'it'
And blamed me for killing the class plants growing by the windowsill.
Later on in the year my teacher left the room for ten minutes
Maybe,The whispers will overwhelmThat beautiful mind of yoursThey'll pull, rip to shredsThese worries in your headInsecurities you didn't knowPlagued you.So convinced that they know
Sometimes they point.
Sometimes they laugh.
Sometimes they use you,
And stab you in the back.
Not always do they hurt you.
Not always do they glare.
Not always do they let you
One too many
Two too many
Three too many
As she stared into the glass mirror seeing nothing but a worthless reflection
One too many
Two too many
Is three too many?
the Girl with the Red Hair, the scowled lips the Pretentious curl,The sun's grace, but as fierce as snake venom.Tongue made of butterfly wings and unspoken dreams. I watch from afar,
He's too thin.
She's too fat.
Not good enough.
These are words that define what society says nowadays.
People judge one another.
Anorexia, bullemia, depression.
So, you want to be the big boss, eh?
To be feared and revered by all
And to let the innocent to feel lost.
Influencing the weak for your own gain
Sometimes I am strong
But sometimes
I am weak
To be honest
A life of true happiness
Is all I seek
You can shower me
In a waterfall of silver
At first it started
Something like a joke or a game
but I soon found out
that the true winner
was brought to shame
for the first few seconds
everything was cool
The summer, 2010
is when you started
and I predicted and END
not an end of you
or an end of Me
but an end between
between you and your drug
High school, a melting pot for social cliques.
The lunchroom is in a simple layout.
Jocks on the left, nerds in the middle, and everyone else dispersed in the nearest seat.
You see they say"Sticks and stones may break my bonesBut words will never hurt me,But words do hurtThey push me to the dirtWhere you pelt me with sticks and bricks
A young man with many dreams,
But lacking the courage to pursue.
It's all so hopeless, it seems.
Whatever should he do?
The world laughs and mocks him,
Calls him revolting names.
There is no greater testimony than the first bath a soldier takes after she’s just come home from a long war.
The story you tell when this world expects you to stop speaking.
The moment you walk after you’ve just been paralyzed.
It all begins on a yellow limousine,
Driving down cracked and crooked roads where strays creep,
The first morning you'll look your best,
Put on the biggest attitude to match the 'L' on your chest,
It is like the biting into the core
of a cold,chilled lemon, the realization
leaving its memory to taste like a deep, salty, sore.
It holds and grabs, a needle piercing deeply against
your skin, my skin
Thus I warn thee children of here afterFor the aqua rush of years pastShall bring back memoriesThat none will last
We don't chill anymoreWe rarely talkI'm barely hereI've moved away emotionally
The laughter in your presence is forcedMy love for youTainted with remorseSits upon a shelf labeled fragile
You thought you could take me
You thought you could break me
All the things you said
The things you wished would go to my head
They say listen to your heart, don't listen to your mind,
But what they don't realize is that's just a waste of time.
You got people over here actin' like they cool,
Tryna' be popular but they really old school.
-She walked along the darkness of it all. That was it. The darkness, it seemed like she was blind walking without seeing anything around her. The Abyss.
The darkness consumes me,
Taking over like a poison I can't control.
Mt dream is to be free,
To take control of my heart and soul.
Trapped behind bars, day after day,
I watch him flapping, tapping like a bird who tries but can't flyI hold him in my arms and pray that he will get byHe is different, but with help from ushe will be understood. Anxiety takes over and I stand there watching, waiting for his tantrum
The darkest night hides a chilling truth,
Invisble to even the most adept sleuth.
Creaking, whining, shrieking, twining,
Sneaking through the depths subliming,
Reaching out to the gleaming sun,
You call me fat ,
you try to demean my character ..,
why do you follow me home ... When all you do is laugh.....
if you feel so much dislike for me. Take a step back and ...
Memories of gold and greenfloating in the unearthly breeze of the forestlike a nymph tickling the toesof all who threaten her Cognizant vitalitywhat is real is what is realNothing more, Nothing less.
I see these letters floating to a page, mixing together, trying to form something beautiful. I imagine them being typed and each letter running through a subway of letters trying to find the right place to go,
Your body was not meant to be a battlefield
nor your vertebrates land mines
war does not belong on your fingernails
but the spaces between them echo with fire
of guns aimed at something deeper than flesh.
Why I write, is so I can have an outlet.
My lips are frozen, my voice is broken, I can't express how I feel because I-
am softspoken.
Why I write, is so I can vent.
Every Friday night I like to sit behind the screen of cold warmthAnd write my divine feelings into stories that teach all the lessons of life and loveThe treacherous slap in the face that words can deliver
Cothurnus is defined
by the pain of our past,
the weight of our world
and the anguish of our eyes.
We, who have been hurt,
relish the notion of rest.
Where wounds can heal
I curse the world
that murdered you.
I curse the murderous words they used
to make this weapon.
one by one they entwined
to create the rope
that stopped your heart.
I curse the world
Sticks and stones may break my bones
But words will never hurt me,
Such a lie runs through my mind
As your words slice me deep,
cutting me open for the whole World to see.
If only I would have told her,
Just once,
That I loved her.
If only I would have smiled,
Just once,
To show I cared.
If only I would have stood,
Just once,
When no one would,
Someone who was abused and neglected and decided that , that girl was the one to blame
The same person you grew up with in pre-school was now a bully
A person with no pity in her heart no remorse for what she did
Joy, happiness, and excitement
You in body all these,
You were not acquired by accident,
You know me for who I really am,
You understand where I've been,
Accept me who I've become.
Cannot go any further, the pain hurts just so
For months and months, they taunted
Mocked and tortured the soul
Bullies amuck
I saw it all, just because my locker was next to his.
His silent cries, the bully can't hear
ring through my own two ears.
The bully will push and shove,
and the kid will be silent, but cry out for love.
You know that girl who's always smiling?
The one that laughs at everyone's jokes?
Can you tell on the inside she is dying?
A pain that even Hell can't invoke.
It is because she is different.
Blue the drum, pitch and pang,
Steel-stain rim, resounding clang.
That which stirs the thoughts and actions.
Haunting sorrow, dire factions,
Resounding near, far and wide.
Dancing words, painted masks all passing by
Hazy thoughts, painful thoughts
Thrown past my eyes.
Three rings on the ground
Why don’t you come and give it a try?
Mirrors all around blurred,
Never give up,
Always look up.
Strength and courage are all within you.
All the light is inside of you.
Never let anyone bring you down,
Never let anyone make you drown
In this world full of obstacles,
I hate the way you look with your fucking green eyes glistening in the sun
That bump on your nose that makes it look like anyone can just ski right off of it
They told her
Not to cry-
As if tears were anything more than
A lifeless bit of memory-
And sent her away.
Eight years later,
The sun still rose and
Her heart still beat to the same
People can be worse than guns sometimes
How about instead of bullets and napalm
We drop jeers and mistreatment on our enemies?
We've tested the effects of emotional warfare for years now,
Why do you get the sudden urge to punch them or put them in a locker is it because doing it makes you feel like you have the power why is it that you must treat everyone badly even sometimes your own family is it because of an unforgettable traged
“You can never win”
Society roars
They seek for more
More is what they yearn
A sudden fill of whispers fill the air
Not ever so rare
You can never win
Tears protrude
As I walk down the street I see all the faces;
The happy, the sad, the downright mad;
Some might believe they are always this way;
Soon you'll know that's just not true;
The mad man at the bus stop,
I'm surrounded by many.
I know people love me.
But why do I still feel lonely?
I smile, laugh, and have fun.
But why don't I feel happy?
What people see isn't always true.
When you feel like giving up,
And you just want to die.
Remember all the people you love,
And who would want you to try.
When everything is going wrong,
And life seems like a sad song.
The tears were streaming
down my face,
happy thoughts
I could not retrace.
I stare up at
my computer screen,
social media
can be so mean.
I type my goodbyes
Poet notice: I wrote this poem for my final project and presented it. The parts
in parenthisis are supposed to be sang and are from various songs.
(Well here we go)
Freshmen year 2009 were the times
Remember when you made me laugh
I would always smile
Remember when tears rolled down my face
You giving me a shoulder to cry
You didn't listen what people said about me or you
So did I
Gossip again.
Smile your secrets.
Dig a shallow grave
for all your regrets.
The hurt you caused,
the nooses you tied,
the pills they swallowed,
the times you lied.
Sew your lips shut
Have you ever been put down by anyone?
Yes, I have.
Have you ever felt like your not good enough?
Yes, I have.
Bullying happends everywhere on your life,
the internet, school , you name it
She yearns for compassion and love but cant find it
Its as if everyone is blindsighted
How can she be strong if hate is ignited
everywhere she goes people stop and stare
when she judges herself so shamefully,
You could be the most beautiful rose in the garden
but a florist could still prefer daisies
So don't bend your stem
if you weren't picked for the bouquet
Because for every year
there is a Valentine's day
She cuts her wrists, but no one sees
they mock
they joke, they push
they tease
But no one gets that she's a wreck
and one day the slits on her wrists
will be a noose 'round her neck
They don't understand.
The more they put me down , the more I feel like hurting myself.
Walking through the halls trying to hide your face,
Feeling like you’re way out of place.
When fag and motherfucker are bandied about like money,
No one cares if you don’t think it’s funny.
It drips from everyone's lips like venomous honey - seemingly harmless
and yet indescribably destructive. Flowing through the halls of high schools,
We are born,
into this world,
different status,
different life.
Kids look for
the endless wonder,
just behind to door,
You want to know more.
Getting older,
go to school,
Scars fade,
Memories last.
I remember those long, sleepless nights,
Where I sat in my bed,
Blade in my hand.
Watching the blood slowly begin to appear,
from the freshly made cuts.
Behind,this fake smile,Is a sad,pathetic,ugly,Lil' Girl,Hiding a million tears,Within her "hyper" self,But at night,This all changes,The tears rolling out,like a severe Thunderstorm
If I am white,
And you are black.
Why am I treated right,
And you treated worse than that?
Our blood is red,
And our teeth are white.
We all have heads,
But some arn't bright.
I know why the caged bird sings,
To tell me the message,
That of which Maya Angelou wrote for me,
She wrote it for me,
Just for me,
You see,
Sometimes I need a little pick-me-up,
A quick quip
is the clever tongues whip.
How violent is a laugh
to demean or cut in half
The weaponry of comedy
is ssurely bloody scenery.
A laugh always comes at a price.
To my parents,
A hidden secret awaits,
Please don’t hate me for this,
It’s not a choice.
To my friends,
The hidden secret is out,
and I’m accepted by most,
You choose to shun me.
I look at my legs and I see all my scars
Somtimes they're as vivid as my nightmares
Sometimes they're as invisible as that little girl was made to feel
I look at my arms and I see exhausted veins
I will lay down today,
and my world will melt away.
Let my heart lake flight.
I wont even put up a fight.
I will watch as everything goes black,
with a fear that I lack.
This to you, if you are a person who bullies I hope you hear
I hope you listen to what I've got to say
This is you , the victim , I want to tell you not to fear
Pen to paper
Fingers to keys
Words spitting from these blistered lips
Words that bare my soul
I hide myself behind smiles and laughter
So you don't see my pain, feel my terror
I wish you could see
The freckles you hate are the ones I love.
Those curls you try to straighten are the ones I can't wait to see
The eyes you think no one could love are burned into my soul
She had always liked him, but never truly knew why. He hardly ever talked to her, normally he'd just pass by. She smiled at him in the hall, he would simply nod his head. "I'm just not interested," is what he always said.
It knocks me down
All I do is frown
You call
I fall
I cry
I feel as though I'll die
But I dont.
Beckon me you do
I am yours to command, pursue
Broken almost am I
People ask, and say, and do
But who may I, ask are you?
I am a girl, who thought she was smart
But was duller than a broken dart.
I am emotionless they say
Night by night, and day by day.
My head is spinning, round and round.
My legs lose power, I fall to the ground.
My scars are burning, brighter and brighter.
My hope is soaring, higher and higher.
In my mind, their voices say.
No matter what, she was always sad.
Lost and confused, in her world that was never so glad.
With no sense of confidence, no hope in her heart,
her darkest hour was beginning to spark.
People pushed and shoved,
Here is a word, or maybe some more
I guarantee, simple is bold
We see the unseen
And feel the signals
The signals of heart
But there are choices
Choices to be made
What is Beauty?
Is it what your face holds
Or is it skin deep within our soul.
In our society
Being Thin is in
Lighter Skin
and other countless things.
What happens to the other girls
Delinquents with damaged egosWhat lies behind a smile?A fragile soul cracked like shingle tileAs the cold wind blows
Okay God,
what do I do now?
I've prayed and rebuked, but the feelings of everything cloud my mind.
It's not that I don't try, I won't lie, I do try...
But, peace never seems to pass me by.
( life of a teen is hard to explain ; from girls/boys and material things. clothes are fashion statement , money come and go,focus on your education in never let go.
Have you ever felt lost to the point of no return?
constantly being reminded of your imperfections..
and thinking...what's wrong with me ?
Where has the genriousty gone?
Why isn't my happiness no longer a concern?
I shouldnt be here not at all
Well thats what they say in the halls
Thier hair in high blond ponytails
A stain on their high price skirt?! We all here them whail
They play all the cool sports
When the freaks come out to sing.. I want you to know what it means.. Listen to the words before you push them to the dirt.. Come out and play!! When the creeps come out to play and belief of what it's worth.. I want you to know there pain befo
Did you harm me in any kind of way? Do you have a guilty conscious of you doing me harm? Did I sense you did? Hope that you didn't and hope I didnt catch on... If I do sense so, the delirious state of mind causes retaliational thinking.
I know I said that there is nothing else to know about me,
But there is something you need to know,
Just one little thing,
Let me start by saying:
I know I love you,
And that you love me,
There seemed to be no way out.
I couldn’t scream and I wouldn’t shout.
I let it go in a dangerous way.
Too much has happened for me to say
What is there to do?
When the big kids beat up the little ones.
When the little ones were afraid to speak up
to defend themselves or their peers.
No one would say a word
There he stands each night,
looking down into the water.
He searches for the lovely girl,
who lives under the waves.
It was there she sunk,
deep into the water.
The streets raised me from the dusk to dawn
never knew life could be less fun
suicide attempts everyday with my gun
people think i'm okay but i'm not and then some
There was a student, who was very shy,
He dared not to look at the judging sky.
His soul was lonesome no take to others,
He would only converse with his brothers.
He then was disclaimed by his no good band,
Once a day in bed I would lay
Asking myself if this is all to life
Should I take that knife?
end it all and show the how far I fell
If you saw me about to lose my life
would you tell?
Make it stop!
Make it stop!
Just let me be FREE
Free from the pain
Free from the thoughts
Free from my own mind!
I don't want to be trapped forever
one thing I know for sure,
Blankly she stares out,
Wide-eyed at the broken world.
Trying not to scream and shout,
Yearning to be a normal girl.
Pushed down. Rises shakily.
Books fall. Continues home.
Boys laugh. Tears fall.
Label me, bitch.
Label me, bitch.
Label me, bitch.
Fuck up.
Label me, bitch.
As I listen to her taunting me
With a daunting smile
Bickering and fighting
Like a child
She’s in my face so is the crowd
She shouts pop off bitch pop off
Were close closer than close
I'm running, but going nowhere.
I need help.
Help me try to get through all these nightmares
that keep racing through my mind.
How long will it last?
Someone, anyone, help me.
You think it’s funny
Calling that kid a faggot
You tell yourself it’s okay because he laughs along and shrugs it off as if this is no big deal
But you have no idea
I write for the moment,
I write for the pain.
Everytime I've been bullied, harassed, and full of disdain.
I write for my teacher who told me to pick up a pen, because of her I write for the children,
the women,
Us poets
We use words...
We try to use words...
for good.
To enlighten
to educate
to share
to create
and inspire.
do not use words
so positively.
If words were whips
that stung the flesh
and left the prisioner craving death
would you dare
to care
at all?
If names were knives
that scarred the face
and stung the wounds
My father is a jokerand I love him with all my hearteven though his jokesaren't funny at all
Screaming,crying,breathing heavily,these were never in the brocure that they gave me
You fiend!
You make me worse than quarantine
Do you know what I have heard?
And what I have seen?
The evil, the mean
The pen is mightier than the sword
As the cut is weaker than the word
And while your body is greatly scarred
In your heart you are even more scared
So I write for you
And give you words to heal
you open your heart, just so it can be broken,
you cry for it to be healed.
you fight not knowing that
this helps you change
You won't take the time.
So you don't know.
She has a good heart.
But through her exterior that doesn't show.
All you can see is the poverty that her family has been cursed with.
Taking the risk to spend the time
The currency which cannot be returned
On those you yet to know are worth it
And no idea when the rope will be burned
Contemplation of future events
Do not speak
Now speak
Now hush
Please fall
No speak
No wrong
Of course
Pen touches paper
Ink touches sheets
The marks on my skin
Are the words you can read
I let it all go
I stop and unwind
For a girl who gets bullied
My escape was to write
I'm just a piece of paper
I can't hurt anyone, except for a little sting
But people can hurt me
People can crumple me
I can't be flattened out again
People can tear me
I won't be the same again
He took part in an act off delusion,
something that he was curving for his solutions.
Hypothetically speaking I gave him roses to match his questions, as his beacon.
But he tries to match his words with his reasons,
The first color of the rainbow
The color a lot of people wear
The color the think about when they think of death
The color I see each time I get mad
They tease me and hit me
I've put up with it for so long
One moment she can be so delicate, but the next it is as if that moment did not even exist, as if
the same blood did not flow through our veins. It’s like a bad dream. I look at her and at times I
The Invisible Lady
This lady paintsHer face without makeupAnd she wears no skirtsOr dressesShe is the eye of manyEven though she publiclyIs the face of distain
If eyes are the windows of a soul, mine are mirrorsMirrors crashing at your feet,shattering into splitters that grow into treesThe roots are ingrained so deep they cannot be unearthedThey spiral around my arms
Your body's getting cold, your lips are turning blue. why did you do it? you're the only one who knew, I see the earth below like the pillow on your bed, no ropes no guns you overdose instead.
A cart rolls into the frigid clean room,
the sheet is removed, revealing terrifying tools with innocent names.
I sit back into the chair as it crackles in disappointment.
Ink stains my face, my chest, my stomach,
They aren’t living, they’re avoiding death
Life is shabby and death is graceful
They can’t see life as a death wish
A wish to be living at your death
When I die I’ll be falling
I'm sick and tiredof being a constantcatastrophe
I'm sick of not seeingbones, but instead,rolls of flesh.
I'm sick of all the whispersas soon as I walk away,no one liked me any ways.
PREJUDICE is prejudgment towards any person
It is why in the past it led to owning perpetual bondsmen.
It can also be the reason of jealousy
Prejudice equals sexism and bigotry.
Put on the blank mask
Draw the smile and bright eyes
You know your task
To make it through the lies
Bind your soul
It can wait
Fill the hole
This is fate
Tie the strings
Is it impossible to see
As you're tearing me apart
Just how much that you've hurt me
And my fragile little heart
My happiness is now a lie
And I fear the tears won't fall
No one knows
just how hard it hurts.
I can take the blows,
and I can take the hits.
My bones can shatter,
and my blood may pour.
My teeth may chatter
I can take being sore
Have you ever seen the rain come down?
Those days where the grey is less white than the pain,
Desolated days where the chains hold you at bay, yet the wind ceases to balm
I'm the girl in the crowd you never notice
The girl who smiles even in pain
The girl you pushed aside for the cheerleaders
The girl who wants to be heard
Ask me a question I'll be honest
pushed in a locker with a blackened eye. head hits the back wall. falls unconcious. time passes by and the bell rings. too scared to move. too weak to push the door open. wanting to escape. the final bell rings. i open the door. ive escaped.
A loud voice can do many things. It can free a caterpillar.
My words stayed small for so long and no longer will they hunger for excape.
I fought through the jungle of my mind and freed my thoughts from it's captors.
The monster.
It is hungry.
It needs to get out.
It needs to get away.
It claws at the bars.
Knaws on its cage.
It needs to be free.
The monster scratches
And bites
My life can't be lived by others
So why do many try to control my actions
As I journey forward to a new life
My friend and family make factions
I have no hope for the past
A simple word, with many definitions.
A simple word, a greater mission.
A smile, a handshake, a hug.
Simple actions, a simple proposition.
Spread the word and find repetition.
Your words are like a pistol going off, releasing violent gestures.
Mind absent of the sense of safety and security, aslo
the well being and feelings of others.
Every day is spent imprisoned in my own body
I try to change, but nobody ever sees me
Wishing things would go my way, but
knowing they never will
I would like to welcome you to my hell
They don't kow the tears I cry,
They don't know the life I have,
I have wings and I can fly,
Going by my own path.
I seem weak,
But I am strong,
Very sweetly meek,
But not for long.
I sit alone inside this empty room,
And find myself some time to hurt and think;
Just wondering if I will break down soon,
Because these days have passed in one quick blink.
Each day is spent in busy distraction,
The darkness, the darkness, the darkness,
I can feel it behind me
Its breath heavy on my neck
Cut, slice, tear, hang,
Whispers fill my thoughts
Clouding all senses
Why won’t it stop?
Three friends walk side by side
No one knowing what the others hide
The first wants a pet Giraffe
But he feared the others would laugh
It was his biggest dream
And he swore they would only be mean
Sitting at this table all alone
Looking at the cool kids in the zone
When will this segregation end
When will this equality begin
They are all envied by all
But for reasons unknown they want to see me fall
People who are of a higher class than a person such as me
Shouldn't treat us like what we walk on...
They don't see that we;re all equal and not at all perfect.
They bully and tease us from how we look to what we do.
I hate remembering how perfect things were
How when I was small I could run free
But now this world can swallow me whole
And the monsters I thought were under my bed
Actually do exist.
Get Em
Get Em
Get Em
Party Party Party
Cups stacked along the corners of a torn house
Aligned like a house of cards, fragile
Reeking of booze, alcohol
Oops spilled some on the floor
Skipping meals to get thinner than the pill I'm ingesting.
Pills I'm ingesting to prevent dry heaving are the only thing I swallow cause it's nothing like eating.
Once your skinny they can tell you how fat you used to be.
The torment brings peace,
to an overly troubled mind.
In this chaos, there is
And complete destruction.
Blissfully dancing, each crimson tear
One by one creating a river
Each river unique
Yet each river filled with sorrow
Why has each river been painfully caused?
Each stripe, filled with red hatred
sometimes i wonder,"why was I born?,why did god create me?",mostly everyone i know told me that they hate me,I'm a cry baby i guess,who's scared and lost,and slits her wrist in pain,"why god?,why me?,this happens everyday",I just go cry,I always l
Being different is scary.
when you don't act like every one else,
people judge you.
but today I say I am proud of being different!
I don't care if people call me names,
i know my true friend love me for me.
When I was young she was taken from me
She was a second mother, a friend
After she died, I felt the joy she gave me die along with her
This was the spark of my depression that would build up over the years to come
Such a hateful gaze
with a force to amaze
but not for the good but for the unobeyed
no one listens
no one cares
you all just sit and stare
at the blank walls with all your blank cares
no one lives
Sticks and stones can break bones,
But words can break a person's mind.
though to some, words are small and no big deal,
to the targets they are far from kind.
A bully is someone who uses
Insults, violence, fear, or manipulation
To get what the bully wants
Or just to put down those around them.
You said it.
You didn’t know it would hurt my feelings—
Or me, the way it did.
But nevertheless, you said it.
Broken Ones
You’ve been covered by black
A sadness that surrounds you
You’ve been laced in pain
You’re helpless to free yourself
You’ve been sitting in doubt
If you feel like you don’t belong
her blood stained sleeves cover her arms
hiding the wounds of her terrible pain
she wears a smile so you cant see
the real her, who she is
even when it's hot,
she wears the jackets,
long sleeve shirts
Chains Chains Chains Chains
Call for a need of change
Born free
Every child learns how to wear the manacles
How to chain their minds to someone else's paradigm
How to live with bent backs
One lonely book
trying to find its place on the shelf
it sat with the comedies, red with laughter
but it did not laugh
it sat with the actions, black with suspense
but it did not sit on edge
Its sad to live in a world
where you can break people with words
Its sad to live in a world
where you can die
thrice in a day
we all live in the world
and say "look at the bright side"
I watch and I weep
to see such potential
to see such beauty
to see such possibility
left there to rot
to stagnant and stale
just because of some idiots
the fear and the scars
What am I
I love music
I love food
I love soccer
What am I
Do you know
can you tell me
Some say I'm crazy
some say I'm ugly
What am I
Rusty bricks painted by graffiti.
Lit neon flickered—
Quick Draw! ATM Inside!
Steam rose out of street grates
as if it were ghostly fingers come to carry sinners below.
The sign posted—
Waking up in the mornings and trying to find some motivation
I fought the urge to tell someone about my recent separation
They acted like I had a killer disease with no possible vaccination
*Poem is dedicated to my friend who tried to take her own life. How it would have been if she was successful in doing so*
People everywhere.
Loud noises.
I'm too cold and too hot.
It's too difficult to speak.
Oxygen has abandoned my lungs.
Where am I going?
Did I just bump into someone?
Persecution ,
The unforgiving actions that have been taken.
How can I change the hurt they've been making.
How come I feel so forsaken.
My life's been scared .
I'm a broken angel
I have no wings
My heart is black
Blood runs cold
Wrists stained red
From the blood they've bled
My eyes are bloodshot
Because all the tears I've shed
Thoughts are dark
Sweet fly on the wall,
no one cares at all.
Waiting for your fall.
still no one to call.
Attack, attack they would say.
Ghastly figures to obey.
SWAT SWAT, oh dismay.
Why no pity, no different way?
Subjugated to emotional heights,
My frail pre-teen mind succumbed to the sweet,
underlying comfort a typewriter provides.
I could throw my heart at something,
without it being ripped to shreds,
As a young girl I had always felt
That something was seriously missing
From this place I lived called "The Bible Belt."
The people spoke, hissing;
And some insult was always dealt
I have been ridiculed for disproportionate body parts,
And I have done the same to others' fragile hearts,
I have been teased and toyed with until tears came,
And yet, I have unto others done the same pain,
One Day I Was Asked,
Why Do You Write ?
And The Person Expected A Simple Reply Such As,
It's Just Fun To Do
But My Reply Was Something Utterly Different
(My Father Was My Shield, Yet My Mother Was My Sword)
Sickened by it's touch, yet life was stricken from my presences.
I blinked twice and still questioned, why?
Life shouldn't been way more through the eyes of this young child,
but thinking of that fact only makes it more difficult to compact and contract.
Stripped of my confidence,
I am struck by your harsh words.
You tell me that I cannot do it,
that I cannot achieve my dreams.
I am a fool, a mistake into this world.
A loner. A nobody.
That one kid
that one kid who is quiet and kind
that one kid who is different in the mind
that one kid who is oft ignored
that one kid who couldn't see why.
When I was tossed into the darkness,
I was lucky enough to be ignored
but still I felt the sword...still I felt the sword.
The fight never ends for me.
My life, also known as the never-ending battle.
Murder. Murder my fear.
Kill. Kill the hate I feel.
The day will come when my enemy
takes my loved ones away from me.
she limps hard. She's never walked on two legs before.
she claws at the walls, trying to keep steady
she glances up, hair streaming down her small face- she's breaking a sweat
she takes a deep, hard breath.
Slowly the years of my life go
and I sit here with nothing to show.
I look up at the beautiful sky,
not really caring whether I live or die.
Some things just can’t be described.
A thought is clacked out
The clacks speed up, words flow out
The clacks slow down, letters slowly rise
The clacks stop completely, a dot seals the line
The mouse whirrs speedily, click click, click click
You were born to dream,
To love, to breathe.
You were given life
To fight defeat.
You were chosen
By God
To take a stand.
You were given breath
To grow into a man.
who am i
who are you
what are we really
can you answer questions or not really
see we spend so much time judging by wats on the outside
when are we gonna see wats on the inside
I smile outwardly to you because I don't need your pity,
You see me as a happy, bubbly, and sparkling young woman.
Did you ever realize that beyond my smile my eyes are filled with stories I'll never say with my lips?
The mental state of a young black kid is contended
The fast life he has seen on the screen is addictive
Having money and clothes is all he thinks about
Plus the thought of cigars going in his mouth
It was a beautiful day.
The sun shone bright, but the clouds were rolling in,
Obstructing the wonderful sight.
One by one by one by one,
They push their way through, blotting out my sun.
I carved your words into my skin
Let them sink in and take residence there
I let them stain me and and burn my flesh
And when the words are finally gone from my skin
They’ll still be etched into my mind
Decisions Surround us everyday. whether or not we make a good decision is entirely up to us.
She thought
It would be over
In a minute.
She would open her eyes
(or close them, who knows?)
And chew off the cord
Wrapped around her neck
And swim into the light.
On the bed thinking.
Where's my razor
So I can cut up.
Where's my razor
So I can take this pain away
Why do people consistently bully or judge me when they don't even know me?
All is not lost
Blossoms bloom through frost.
Can’t the impossible be just a myth?
Did not David beat Goliath?
Everyone faces trials,
Fear, doubts, and denials.
Grin and bear it.
Life is what you make of things
They say you take the good with the bad
They say that life is full of wonders
That there is something waiting for you at the end of the long road
They lock you up
They take pieces of you
Inch by inch
Try to force you
Into silence
Into willful captivity
Caged birds cannot fly
But they can still sing
Do not let your song be silenced
Small but poisonous,
Black but rimmed with green
Envy and red
Darts are thrown with
Deadly accuracy
They pinpoint their target,
Puncturing the peachy flesh and
Exploding upon impact.
They all look at me and think they know my past.
They all look and judge my actions.
I am scum, a low life, an invalid.
I can't be trusted or saved.
My life doesn't benefit others because all I bring is pain.
Your harsh words cut them like knives
but you still don't flinch.
Her heart is breaking
but you just leave.
His strength has faded and
your pride has grown.
I want to invisible
never again seen
you are my tormentor
so cruel and mean
i have listened to you laugh
you haven't heard me cry
do you know how it feels
i ask myself why
do you know my pain
I love you, I hate you, Its all the same,
Your always telling me I'm to blame.
Ending this marriage, your speaking of,
Doing it in spite, not for love.
Its the best for me, and my child,
Tapping fingers on a desk
No one notices
Tapping fingers on the keys
Everyone laughs
Tapping fingers on my head
Everything is hurting
Tapping fingers on the trigger
I liked one thing
And horror did it bring
I knew he was kidding
But he had me bidding
They all called me a vampire
And of that I did not tire
see theres this thing
this feeling
that eats
and eats
and eats away at my brain
and i feel guilty and cruel
and wrong
because thats what they told me
i was SUPPOSED to feel
You thought that you were ugly, so you learned to be invisible.
Learnt to look down, to avoid conversation and peoples stares; you spent your hours, days, weekends in quiet solitude.
Don’t call me weak,
because a movie can cost me a tear.
I can be emotional, so to speak.
But calling me weak, I don’t adhere.
As I sit behind these tears of a clown
you expect a different perspective, psychiatrist playing detective
years i've been drowned, yet nobodies around
(Inspired By "A Star Is Born" featured on "The Blueprint 3" by Jay-Z.
Written because some Stars were not mentioned)
This one is for the unsung. The unheard.
The one who never got his congratulatory words.
My thoughts have taken the long way out
Everything I do kills me now.
The beautiful ugly that resides in my mind,
The silence that screams at me all the time.
I take the medicine day after day.
I can’t stand anymore
It hurts to breathe
I can’t take anymore
Please save me
God You’re my only hope
Everyday is a war
A battle to live
Because when I go to school they create a new stab wound
Dyke, Scarface, geek, pimple face
I’ve been called them all
Day in and Day out
Its the same fight
With you and with myself
The tears flood my eyes
The sharp metal in my grasp
Day in and Day out
Its the same fight
With you and with myself
The tears flood my eyes
The sharp metal in my grasp
A young boy on his own
Thought he had no control
Felt like he was spiraling down
Falling, rocketing toward the ground
Forgotten by the wind,
Autumn leaves lay over your grave.
They pray for thy descendant,
The forbidden blossom of fear.
Living in a crowded space as people move from place to place
I stare at the blurs of colors in my eyes and wonder were am I?
Were am I in this sea of blues, greens, and inbetweens?
A glimpse of light behind me,
Darkness is encircling me,
I know not where I am.
Fear is the side effect,
Spawned from the isolation
Of my imminent demise.
Adrenaline fueled aggression,
Every 43 seconds, someone attempts a suicide. Every nineteen minutes, someone succeeds.
I'm like a rubber band
I can't be broken
I have been hurt so many times that I'm not breakable
I have cried so many times that your words will never hurt
Stick and Stones may break my bones but words will never hurt
Brand new day, full of light.
Open the curtains, what a sight.
Put it behind you, leave it all behind.
Beautiful day, time to start new.
Sticks and stones, they no longer hurt you.
Down the stairs into the hall,
Do this, do that
I walk these halls wondering what will become of me
Who am I and what was I meant for
My peers look up to me, but say horrible things
Put me on the outside of the so-called circle
The mother stands at her child's funeral thinking:
I will never see her grow older
Never see her smile again
Never hug her again
Never talk to her again
Never hear her laugh again
Never comfort her again
He was born with these genes
That got him wearing tight jeans
And he didn’t have a choice by all means
Living differently with sexuality that leans
Towards another direction that caused scenes
although born a female, there was something that i knew
i knew that i was different, thoughts that stuck like glue.
i put on all the dresses, i did just what they said,
but every night i cried, i fought hard inside my head.
Red hot fire burns within.
A dark smoky haze surrounds me,
I choke on the hazy aura of depression.
My mind fogs over
I lose myself in the all consuming darkness
I might break. I already have.
People are starving…
being slaughtered…
having to choose between family and passions…
praying to a God for their lives to taken out of their living hell…
Poor kid, Leave me alone. Leave the animosity from your personal experiences away from me. See I haven't done anything to you.
Four walls close you in
Nothing goes out, nothing comes in
Feeling content in your own little world
Everything perfect in your never-get-hurt
Little box
Alone, not wanted by anyone
Feelings of love no longer entwine my heart.
I am on the brink of chaos, destruction, hopelessness.
Darkness swirls around me
Clouding my hopes, my dreams.
Broken glass at my feet.
The sound of thunder couldn't even defeat me now.
Anger strikes me like a bolt of lightning.
I understand why I feel like this now.
I was new at twelve in middle school of hell.
You stand, stretching, reaching to the clouds,
Your words ,so heavy, raining down
Erasing smiles, birthing frowns.
Stealing hope, leaving doubt
Causing even light to bow
Are you such a giant now?
I see her hurting, lying broken,
Air filled with words unspoken,
He shouts and breaks again the silence
With his ceaseless violence,
And yet she remains, standing tall,
Leaning, breaking, against the wall,
The beep,
The ping,
Spikes the fear.
What will it be now?
What will it bring?
She reaches,
She reads,
Her eyes begin to sting.
Her cheeks are wetted as her blood boils,
It, who doesn’t hurt
It, who doesn’t care
But truthfully It is not who It tries to be
It is simple and It has feelings
Words hurt It and on the inside, It’s feelings scream
(I have not seen you nor have I known;
But I love you more than riches or gold.
I have not realized through images of art,
how close you really are to my heart.
You are my light, you make me smile;
(I have not seen you nor have I known;
Bu I love you more than riches or gold.
I have not realized through images of art,
how close you really are to my heart.
You are my light, you make me smile;
Her Heart beat is rising, while her tears are shining, why is she so ……..afraid
The Obstacles are piling, her mind has stopped its smiling, I think she is……afraid
sometimes you dont know how you will feel,
sometimes you dont know how you will react,
sometimes you are so bottled up you dont know what to do,
sometimes you do things you didnt realize you did,
Running away from yourself is not truly running
But it is merely being trapped in a never ending world of confusion
To be accepted here, loved there, why must I change to for them
I love you more than the deepest ocean.
Your pain hurts me more than the bitterest winter.
Your smile is more light than the burning sun..
Your face shows more experience than a tree of a thousand ages.
Today I lie in bed all day
Not wanting to get up and play
With my friends, who am I kidding?
I have no friends. So lost and alone.
It’s just me, myself, and I.
I feel desperate as I pick up the phone
She cried.
In that room, with all of them together, it was as if they were all empty bodies.
They began to fill themselves with the words that wept from his tongue.
They lashed out at the crowd, shaming each heart.
I stand on a bridge;
It sings a lullaby of lost souls.
It battles with memories
and watches the world carry on.
Hear the rusted cries of silent mouths,
Weeping bitterly, but not out loud.
They smile to your face,
But in their hearts, they feel disgrace.
You can see it in their eyes,
Which unlike their teeth, do not lie.
Some of the kids would go silent when I walked by in the hall
Look at anything but me
Or sometimes they'd laugh at me
They knew
They'd call me a loser, a freak
Saying things about my mom
"Sticks and stones may break my bones", but words have more power than the biggest army.
With each break, bones heal stronger,
but internal wounds never will.
Although they try.
Just before they are mended,
It's more than a shooting
It's more than a few dead people
Innocent bystanders
Two people wanting to fit in
Invisible to the rest
Bullied and pushed
We can stop the madness
One time gone too far
Did you see her walk down the hall?
Head hung low
You pushed her up against a wall
Called her a worthless
Lift her sleeves and you will see
The red lines
Fresh from last night
We are the misfits.
Some of us have learning disabilities.
Some of us have social problems.
Some of us have been abused.
Some of us have depression.
Some of us are sick.
We are the misfits.
They told me this move was for the best and that our problems were now just a thing in the past,
a distant memory, never to be relived again
You see that girl you pass every day?
Could you imagine her life in some other way?
There’s something there you wouldn’t expect,
She’s living proof of cause and effect
Just take a moment and look inside
the dissonance prevails
murmurs / mutters / spEAKING / YELLING
BLow by blow
and then a lull returns
hushes / whispers / sighing / gROANING
One year ago today,
The sweetest boy I had ever met
Took away his own life.
Nobody knew.
He looked so happy.
He was so special.
It was not supposed to happen.
she sees herself as a nobody,
and to others shes a nobody
by the time shes a somebody
she'll again be a nobody.
The wake of Shakespeare arrived
Poetic genius reborn
To tell a tale in rhyme
However odd of one.
I shall not wait until three
To tell it to thee
That this is a tragedy
Listen now to me
The wake of Shakespeare arrived
Poetic genius reborn
To tell a tale in rhyme
However odd of one.
I shall not wait until three
To tell it to thee
That this is a tragedy
Listen now to me
Life can be as short as this sentence
lets take a look at the kid named Dennis
18 years old just getting out of school
walking through his neighborhood acting as a fool
playing with his brother
How many times do you live to tell a lie
to hurt me just a little and to see me shed a cry
How many times do you live to see the day
the day that hurts me more and more in every little way
Rusted Love
I continually look above to this Texas starlit sky where it shows only genuineness; no possibilities to neither falsify nor pretend.
One, lonely guy standing in darkness
Two, friends talking about girls
three, people walking away
four, people who meet again
five, people who don't talk
six, lies told to each person
seven, minutes later
Victim of amassed judgment,
Everything defining you is blunted.
In the triple homicide of mind, body, and soul,
Words were the weapon of choice,
Words nitrogen cold.
I've known her since forever
So it is safe to say
I can see right through her
Through her skin deep beauty
Through to her soul
With it we taste our food
It is our main communicator.
From it pours blessing,
From it pours cursing.
Uncontrollable, utterly deceitful,
Is fire ice, is honey bitter?
That with it we worship God;
I would like to find the truth.
I want someone that loves me.
At this moment I can’t rest in peace.
Nostalgia is present with me every day of my life.
I don’t have any friends.
Like a wave crashed down
The tide pulled my soul
My sister so dear
Never made it to old
The emptiness grows
The pain won’t subside
The unseen affects
When you commit suicide
I wish I could see the light,
But that's a struggle, a fight.
The past has made me stronger
Indeed, I shall live longer
Words won’t come as they should but I’ll wrap you in something bigger
Enclose you in the only embrace I know -
My quiet listening heart
The hatred brewed up in someone’s mind comes flowing out
Catching a single ear,
Soon spreading down for all to hear
And making all truths into a doubt.
Today I saw Sunshine in the clouds,
The kind that makes me happy.
Today I saw Sunshine in the sky,
The kind that makes me cry.
Today I saw Sunshine in the dark,
The kind that makes me sway.
Depression strikes like a rock.
Each and every day I feel like going further and further away.
One thought, I’m done.
Another, I will always miss someone.
“Just take it,” they tell me.
Parents tried to hear me, People tried to fear me
The letter I wrote said “Dear me,”
But I wouldn’t let anyone near me
Feeling like a doll nailed up against the wall
Wanting to fall, and just let go of it all
Picked On And Kicked,
Slapped On And Hit,
Beat Up And Emotionally Damaged,
The Life Of A Kid Going Through Life At A Strike,
Strike Of An Irrelavent Person Thinking There Big And Bad,
Making Others Feel Sad,
What’s the saying?
How did it go?
Sticks and stones
Can be a blow
But words won’t leave
You shattered?
Hate will eat you up
And twist your tongue
Will cloud your sight
A bitter feeling that seeps
And creeps inside your heart
And makes a once young girl
Grow old
First I must ask, who has the right to hurt others?
I was born July 6th 1995
That is where my pain began
Up and Down
Left and Right
It came from all directions
I hope to see your smiling face,
to see the touch of fath.
but in your hands my hope is dead,
to cold to hear thy voice.
I cry and scream to hear the hope,
but only to be deined.
The freak sticks out like a sore thumb in school.
All day, every day.
She goes home
and it's just the same.
Nobody wants to speak to her
for they fear they will be
reduced in social status.
As I walk through the halls I am scared and alone
I feel weaker than before, she has torn down my soul
I’m afraid as I get ready in the morning,
This ring and I have been through it all
Seasons, months, funerals and joy
This ring is my brother, my sister, and friend
Till death do us part this ring is my man
What negativity produces;
How far can these people go?
Do they know they don’t have to suffer?
At least for ever…
We act meticulous.
We think mysterious.
We walk alone.
We're never done.
We become lazy.
We get hungry.
We never cry.
We never die.
Our two demons came,
with different form,
neither of us to blame
that we couldn't conform.
Yours was a bully,
against his words I was a shield,
defended you fully,
until he did yield.
My body pushes breath from my lungs.
It’s a forceful breath of course.
Because I don’t want to breathe.
I don’t want to show any ounce of life.
Because I fear people will notice me.
I rather cringe
I stand utterly bruised,
not defeated, just bruised.
I've come into battle with the conflict of words,
the conflict of unjust actions, and recently
in war with you.
I've taken your arrows, your bombs, and
Come to the edge
Where torment meant living
With days without thinking
May I be heartened
By the love they imparted
And take the pain
Of stepping in for them
Give me the strength to endure
I walk in the doors of his perpetual hell-hole.
Just another day. Or so it seems.
Halfway through first period, the teacher drones on and on.
Pretending everything's okay.
Why do you have to be so cruel?
Making fun, shows that you are the fool.
One day you will see,
How great I will be.
Now a respected man from high school.
What will we do on this darkest day,
When the world just looks then turns away?
Will we cry out in anger or cower in fear?
Will we forsake the ones we hold most dear?
I was always being swept away by the current, it hit me hard. Crushed my lungs, bruised my skin, bloodied my face and body.
they say YOU ARE:
I shall wait with bated breath, because
These lacerations are tattooed on my back
Initiating the tears falling down my cheek while the scars
Spell out the hurt I’ve endured,
Spill out my pain through the wounds and
Stars and scribbles
littered the once-blank pages
as pointless sketches
to express an unknown point.
We are an ungrateful species
I am an ungrateful person
How many of us have cried
but for the pity of ourselves, and not for others
Some of us have excuses, as most of us do
I have excuses, as I always do
Fourteen days
She hears it all.
She tries to ignore it,
but the words are knives dipped in acid,
tearing her apart.
I was always being swept away by the current, it hit me hard. Crushed my lungs, bruised my skin, bloodied my face and body. I never understood why.
You help me when I’m in need,
and desperate.
I can feel you there with me
when nobody else is around
and I’m crippling in on myself,
lost and alone, streaks of salty water
Long brown hair,
Dark, frizzy and out of touch.
Long black lashes,
Glasses that covered her big brown eyes.
Sitting in class
where everyone ignores me.
I don't mind though,
because they're all better off.
Smiling when you feel like crying
Laughing when you feel like dying
Loving when you feel like hating
Apologizing when you've done nothing wrong
It's always the same thing
Like a repetitive song
They make fun of me.
Things I do and say.
Is this their way
Of killing those who are unworthy?
Who doesn't deserve to be happy?
Those of us who stray
From “normal”, live with an array
The girl you see
Is not the girl I used to be.
This little girl you see used to have glittering eyes,
But now I think I deserves a noble prize
For this remarkable disguise.
A box
I was trapped in a box
A box that was molded by the visible hand of man that told me what I should or should not be
Defined by labels that are still stamped across every inch of my being because of what you say
I have a voice;
Strong and loud.
Can make people listen,
People in the crowd.
I know right from wrong;
I'm not sitting in a cloud.
I'll scream till you hear me;
Scream really loud!
The things that you love
The things you enjoy
The joys of life
The trials
The life you lived as a child
The life you're living now
Take my bones
But do not crack or break them
For my soul is far too damaged to heal its structure
The will to heal was lost far long ago
Drive people away.
Give them a ride home
And drop them off at a dead
Disregard stop signs.
Pass on a double-yellow
And don't stop when they say
I’m lonely.
I’m fragile.
I’m sitting here absent-mindedly.
All my feelings I compile.
You ignore me.
You laugh.
You see right through me.
I crash.
I go home to emptiness.
You open your mouth
But you don’t say a word
Man, you gotta think what you say and what is heard
People around you got you pulled up in strings
You can’t even show the slightest hurt no more
I am alone, yet not lonely.
I am unique, although I am just like you.
I love, but I am not in love
I care, and do not let myself be cared for.
I wish, and cannot hope.
I am living, yet I am not allowed to live.
He stands alone
Fighting to hold it together, but he's already breaking
Crying the tears that no one should have to shed
Using black to help conceal the pain so red
I remember that day
that dreadful,
October day.
When we dressed
and played.
I remember fear,
coursing through me veins.
Why don’t people ever trust me?
Why do they always lie?
I hate that they say things that aren’t true,
and they make me feel like I want to die!
I hate this,
I hate everything,
I want to go away,
Dark shadows cast among the single mind, reluctant to cease and cloak themselves in light.
The eyes that refuse to close and narrow instead
The weight that those eyes produce pushes the shoulders forward, the head down.
He is a boy who will never give smiles,
Save those for the blood on bathroom tiles,
A pallid gaunt face with stars in its eyes,
Leaving their tracks whenever he cries,
He does not eat, beauty is thin,
I need a way to say
I never meant it to go that way
Never did I think I made a big impact
Maybe that’s why I attacked
I just never predicted the way you’d react
Delve into the Mind of Depth
The Hole of Vastness
The Pit of Darkness.
Welcome to the world of Painless Absence,
Great grey wall surround this castle of Madness.
I did it again.
I made father angry.
I don't know what I did wrong, but it must have been something.
Why else would he hit me so hard?
Mother doesn't seem to care.
She's passed out on the couch,
The mirror this morning hisses at me
I hear the croaks of past critique
And for some reason, I agree
This day is cold and bleak
Time sprints in silence
And jogs when I speak
My individuality is
Locked in a little box.
My insane attempts to maintain a higher status-quo
Shoot me and throw me down a fiery hole.
What the heck am I saying?!
I’m surrounded by family and central heating in
Tough to live through, it truly is
Involves many of America’s kids,
Maybe a friend, maybe a foe
The sad thing is we will never know,
Once a friend now turned to dust
Bullying begins, friendship rusts,
I trudge along the halls hiding behind this mask.
Hiding behind the shadow that I always seem to cast.
With sad eyes I walk by staring at the floor.
People shoving past, things I've learned to ignore.
That's it. It's over.
I crumple, ruined, to the ground.
Attempt to hide from prying eyes.
Those eyes.
Ones I've followed, held on to,
Throughout the labyrinth of my life.
Holding the thick black tape recorder
your life is at your hands.
With the ability to move forward but the rewind button contains broken bands.
This apparatus is yours to keep.
To stop, play and go forward
She held the pieces in her hands,
Broken, bleeding shards of red.
They breathed the pulse of broken life,
Love, Anger, Hope, and Strife.
Holding the thick black tape recorder
your life is at your hands.
With the ability to move forward but the rewind button contains broken bands.
This apparatus is yours to keep.
To stop, play and go forward
I could’ve prevented it, but I didn’t
The name calling, the pushing, the jokes
I should’ve helped, but I didn’t
Why must we all look instead of lending a hand?
they say what they want
things they don't know
the taunters, the miss guided, the ill advised
the mean hearted and dim lighted
they lie,
they curse
run, hide
I feel the pain from my head to the ground
But everywhere I look, I never hear a sound.
Not one person standing up for me
No one telling the bullies to let me be.
They have replaced my name with hateful jokes
Be careful where you are stepping
It’s hard to see with your chin so high
And be careful not to look so deep
Into the blueness of the sky
Keep your mind on planet earth
Not in the chimera of your heroics
We're in a battle every day fighting the demons this world portrays.
We get pulled under water like anchors out at sea.
We struggle to find the air we need to be able to breathe.
Blank page, blank stare, full pen
New day, new night, some problems
Same hate, same sad
Same place, my mind
My heart is swollen
About to pop, words unspoken
hurt it, make it infected
My love
My sweet dove
I miss you so
I look for you above
And yet they tell me to say no
They say to say no to the love that grows
When you left me, left for good I said I was done
He stares right through me
The feeling of consumption surrounds my air
I can see his eyes, solid black with no conscience
He seeks me for his own gain
To trash what he see's in front of him
You know when you were little
And you had your hand
In the cookie hand
You turned and almost died of embarrassment
When you saw your dad’s face
I would like to be something different.
Maybe if I change my habits again.
Through hard work and dedication I can.
Become something not as myself.
Why did your self-esteem hit the floor? Was it because of the bullies who beat you to the core?
She suffers in silence. Her tears unseen by the human eye, Her screams unheard by the human ear. When she walks into school, it is everything she fears. They call her names and they think it is all fun and games.
She’s standing all alone.
She wants to be noticed.
She smiles at you,
but all you do is walk away without a second glance.
Not knowing that it took all her courage and strength
Stop the screaming,
Stop the time,
Stop reminding me that you are gone.
It took only a second,
And in that second,
I wondered,
Could I have done anything?
Could I have paid more attention?
Open your eyes and crawl out of your bed.
Walk through the day; try not to think.
Go back to your bed, finally at home.
Curl up and into yourself shrink.
You pass an invisible wall,
you begin to snicker and sneer
You judge me.
You make me your victim.
You cannot know where I’ve been
or what trials I have gone through
nor my joys.
my reality.
day by day you tell me what i can do
we do not have the same mentality
but if you only knew what i go through
have a seat
ill tell you my story
ill read off this sheet
but dont you worry
Tap tap,
on the glass
of life that is swift.
up the locusts from their chests,
A plague would be uncalled for, so
To suggest
the progress
achieved so much earlier in
Have you ever feel ugly?
I want you to know to me you have one of the prettiest, exotic face I have ever seen.
Have you ever feel lonely?
I want you to know that I am here for you .
Have you ever feel unloved ?
Let Me Borrow Some Time
I can do that right?
It's not an unreasonable request
I am tired of playing this sick game
I don't understand why I always take the blame
Sure I don't give people the impression
But it sure feels like depression
Someone needs to take the pain away
The Bell Rings
The bell rings
We take our seats
And care not for beings
Who we can beat
One, two, three
Step on me
four, five, six
Grab some sticks
seven, eight, nine
Now you're mine
ten, eleven, twelve
See you all in hell.
What is Love?
What is its meaning?
Is Love an action?
Or is it a feeling?
Is Love worth the pain?
Is it worth the tears?
Will it last a month?
Or will it last for years?
She was hypnotized by words, taken away by temptation
She was one small person in this nation
Her thoughts keep her awake at night, the demons take her for a spin
Her darkest fantasies were her sin
Prevailing as it may seem
Your words of enmity will not diminish me
For behind these misleading tears
I am tenacious and will not wear
You are feeble and full of remorse
And I can conceive why you pierce at hearts
Drowning in the sins and sorrows
that I brought upon myself.
Tripping over the memories past
that I personally colored black.
Suffocating from the sense of fear and hatred
that I refused to let go.
I am young, I am free,
I am looking for what I want to be.
Doctor or a lawyer, a teacher or a poet.
Humm, what will I be?
I won't be a bully for reason you should know,
(poems go here) I stopped at our house last night.
With every inch of driveway that I covered I felt a calming familiarity.
Waiting for our reunion.
We had so many plans together.
But it all went to hell in the last few months.
Your grandpa’s death, your dad’s abuse, your mom’s BS,
I live my life by a code
To never get drunk nor high,
But people think me queer or rude.
My code exiles me from the cliques,
Never invited to outings or parties,
Never asked to stand in the student body.
Justice and praise
to the things you embrace
weeping for the moment
despising the shame
we take on none
and shake off the sun
to be drenched in sorrow
only to be captured by grace
I look back at the few years in my life and I imagine what it would have been like to NOT have gone through what I did to become the person I am today.
ha ha ha
look at her fat!
fatty fatty 2X4 couldnt fit through the kitchen door!
ha ha ha
you pick on me because im twice your size
you pick on me because i dont care what you think
Im going to die soon, why care about living for.
Hardships and force is the only time i praise the lord.
And they say, "whenever it rains it pours".
I kicked misery out and now im showing pain the door.
I know it hurts,
The pain deep inside,
I know how you feel
But time will heal,
Please don’t let go,
Keep fighting,
Please don’t give up,
Keep fighting,
You’ve come too far to just let it go,
Always smiling, never does she have a frown
Through the good times, and the bad
She stands tall and strong
It seems like nothing can break her, nothing at all
But look deeper, look into her eyes
Girls are called fat if they eat and gain weight,
But if they stop eating they are called anorexic.
Either way they are judged by what is on their plate.
When they wear makeup they are called fake,
You give him bad looks
You shove him aside in the halls
You slam from his hands the books
You make him want to hide in the walls.
She’s perfectly perfect
Skinny enough
But she doesn’t see
that reflection in the mirror.
Everything wrong.
The feeling of imperfection
ever lasting.
Starvation forces numbers down
Stand up
Take a stand
Take a stand for who?
A stand for me?
A stand for you?
A stand for maybe even us?
Who is me?
Who is you?
Who is us?
We are who we choose to be.
That day she wasn't doing too well, we could tell. She seemed a little depressed, we said she needed rest. We had no idea what was inside her head, so she did what we all dread. She cut herself and dropped dead.
Have you ever thought?
The girl you called fat today in the hallway.
She is starving herself.
Even though her ribs show and she cans see the bones in her arms.
She starves herself.
Here's to the ones that allow negativity to swell their minds
To only see the falsehoods implemented by their brain
Who don't see what is in front of them, but has believed to see within each and every positive action
I was tried of it all
The profanity
The abuse
The lies I told
My caring parents
I though I couldn’t do anything
But when all of the above
Came into one
I had to do something
The strength of the mind,
So quiet, though so kind.
Can the flower taste sugar,
As the bee take away?
It may seem that a way,
but we just may not know it.
So quiet, though so kind
You push me down
You Kick Me Down
You Dig a Hole
You Stabbed My Back
And push me down
Again And Again
But what’s the point
What’s the problem?
I’m I Not good enough
Drowning in the confusion that is my soul.
Begging for mercy, from this unknown path that I'm taking.
Reflecting numbness, but I'm only searching for it, always calling out in the night.
Crying into the night, begging for redemption, only for salvation of her one true god. They told her no, they told her why. She told them yes, and made them regret every lie. The clock strikes twelve, and the knife struck her.
She stands looking at herself with eyes of pure hatred.
She picks out every flaw, every mistake;
She burns that thought into her mind.
No one can bully her the way she bullies herself.
Shingles she had accounted sitting for twenty-five
Holding onto nothing while her ornaments eat the dust
Frost-bitten frigid air whistling on the field
Storm-beaten rails singing water-songs
At the age of 1, I couldn't remember much.
I just knew, that when I turned 5 I had to be tough.
I told the teachers,I swear I did
I told them everytime I got hit in the head.
On top of the world, I bet you’re proud
Yelling that she’s “fat” and pushing that boy down
The evil flows from your eyes and mouth
Look at yourself, who is the big guy now!
Struggling to fill the emptiness inside
I fled crime scene no turning back not even glance
Remembering myself when given a second chance
My body, mind and soul was laid out on the floor
Then I realized this is not exactly what I wished for
I didn’t come here to script up a silly rhyme,
Putting together letters of the alphabet and creating a story produced on my own time.
I came to speak you a lullaby with all the fixings of my broken past
I was a little girl.
(poems go here) Sitting in class with a cluster of students around me. I feel as I'm in my own little home called...my mind. This is where I'm safe, where I find my answer's to the reason why you hate me so much.
Love is love
“Gender doesn’t define love.”
Why is it people judge what they don’t understand?
Homo, faggot, dyke, queer!
Out of all the pain we mostly hold in fear.
We endure and we take all we can.
Bruises all over me
And my body is very weak
I can barely move
My mind is twisting in circles
What is there to do?
Would anybody believe my story?
The dark sky is filled with strange dark clouds
Every night it’s hard for me to sleep
Dreaming of being attacked
Makes me not want to eat
I can hear the bully calling my name
To tell me who I am,
Is to waste your needless breath.
My youth is evidence,
To fit in
In the end
Will make you fit out.
The struggle of peer pressure.
Suicide! Suicide! Suicide!
I draw back the curtains and stare into the light
The sun hits my face with blinding intensity
This is my life
I pull clothes over my naked body, hiding my shame
Cuts and bruises decorate my pale skin
I rather be called handsome than beautiful
I rather be called he than she
And i rather you say his than hers
Not miss but sir
you don't know how it feels
How it feels to feel this hurt
Let me ask a question without talking out of turn
what makes you special that you can beat on me till my bruises burn
I mean you must have some type of seniority right?
I looked on in horror as everything seemed to happen in slow motion
I wanted to help, to cry out and tell her that she needed to fight
They were shoving her around, rough as a stormy ocean
What would you do if I wasn't here?
Would half of you shed a tear?
You think you know me
Can you can tell everything I'll ever be
Think you can tell who I am.
You say things to tear me down
What would you do if I wasn't here?
Would half of you shed a tear?
You think you know me
Can you can tell everything I'll ever be
Think you can tell who I am.
You say things to tear me down
(poems go here) Just end it already,
The statement rings in my ears,
As I sit here writing this letter to you,
I want to do it,
Why not end it now?
I always think of it why not now?
Her tiny fingers reached to the sky, but no one would grab them.
She cried and cried, but no one would ever hear her.
There was no room for her to feel any safety or comfort.
Continuously looking over her shoulder,
The car is packed and you can't wait
Off to college, brand new state.
The drive was long but worth the ride,
The world awaits when you arrive.
I knew a girl that never wore shorts or short sleeved shirts,
she never wore shorts or short sleeved shirts.
I mean it’s something that no one really thinks twice about
or even once about her.
There's a drepresion going through the sins every thing i flow these words are true theses sins that we see and not only commit we have to stop but how can we stop what we most deeply love.We are judged like the pages in our books we are ripped an
Peace and love
Peace and happiness
Peace and freedom
Peace and blessings
Peace in the family
Peace and positivity
Peace and hopefulness
Peace and joy
I am black, white, yellow, and brown.
I am tall, skinny, short, and round.
I am a follower of one god and many,
I am an atheist from the 21st century.
You spent your early days in silence.
watching from the sidelines
but never really participating.
they threw those cruel words at you
through whispers behind your back.
with your small ears you caught them
Deception starts with us
It paints a picture of inadequacy
We are convinced of what we are not
Pertaining to excellence, intelligence, or beauty
The worthlessness we feel
We can’t bear to let others see
It has been torn to pieces
and glued back together.
It has been prodded at, shoved
then bandaged up tight.
It knows no restraint,
and is blamed in the end.
All it needs is just one friend.
I want to be beautiful, she said.
Then they'll love me.
The ones who pulled my hair,
Tugged at my hand-me-downs,
Tore open the wounds made fresh,
day after day.
That’s all I ask,
Is there something wrong with me?
Did someone tell you all to do this?
Or is this just some sick, twisted game?
It starts off slow, a tugging at the heart.
A sort of deep ache welling up within the subconscious
Something that cannot be expressed in words
You see them talking, laughing, but not
like they care if you see
They call him broke and bummy
He got a 14 on his ACT, so no they're calling him a dummy.
I'm ready to get out of this small minded town
people talk and preach but I never hear a sound
They ask me what I want to be when I become a man
Happy, but that's something they'll never understand
Caw, caw, caw!
The crow goes.
Boom, boom, boom!
My heartbeat grows.
I stare at my window Waiting, waiting.
Fear enveloping my mind and soul.
Breathe in
Breathe out
As the first fragrances of the world around you
Tickle your nose
And the scent of your mother's silky hair
And your dad's calloused hands
Fill your heart with warmth and security
Another day stuck in dismay
Rain clouds follow me everywhere
Just another bad day they say
I know they don't even care
Once upon a cold December-
A deformed face in a fogging mirror-
Whispers of a shadow stretching its hand,
The toll of the bell filled the land.
Then a piercing silence did descend.
Remember me when I’m gone,
When I’m cold and lifeless,
When you miss me the most,
When your soul is filled with darkness.
It’s all an act.
They say they want to help,
But they don’t
They act like they care,
But they don’t.
They are just like
Everybody else in today’s society:
I have a cat,
and then I had three,
Feeling the world caving in,
the door to a better life closing day by day.
Shut up! She screams as she hears yet another crude comment in the halls. She's tired of the hate and the abuse towards everyone around her.
I am writing to you about this student,
Who is much quieter than most.
She hears the jeers as whispers,
No wonder she’s morose
Disease is the reason
For the loss of my loved ones,
And possibly the future
Loss of others.
You saw me there yelling for help
You didn't care
You saw the pain
You could have helped me up
You knocked me down instead
You kept hurting me
You didn't care
One day you will realize how much you hurt us physically and mentally
One day you will see the pain in our faces
One day you will noticed how many lives you ruined
I wake up, 5 am as usual
I get ready for the torture ahead
I arrive at school
I walk down the hall to my first class
I sit down
I was a pumpkin
Grown and harvested in the richest soil
My flesh could have fed
My seeds could have rooted
My life could have been meaningful
But instead of enriching the potential I had,
The unbalanced sovereign rules over his people.
Treachery, lies, and an unhappy flock.
Hobbes and Paine speak of contracts and "Common Sense".
But who has common sense?
When I felt the first hit I cried
When I heard the first word I sighed
But what did you do?
You just, just lied
When I think of you I say,
What happened to the way
You looked at me
You talked to me
Or how to acted around me
Ridiculed, the punch-line to every joke.
Do not tell me what to do,
I am not a part of you.
Don't you know it hurts?
The scars gather as well as the tears.
Deeper they dig into my skin.
There are people under the steeple
Who can’t keep their eyes off the peep-hole.
Why are their minds so weak and feeble?
It’s misunderstood, so deem it evil.
Mr. Man sits in Congress so regal,
Feeling lost and so alone
No one to turn to
Somedays you just gotta hold your own
Empty heart and broken dreams
No one to turn to
All alone and ripping at the seams
Beaten down and can't get up
If actions speak louder than words,
Is Cyber Bullying L O U D E R?
Bullying isn't something new...
But, Cyber Bullying is.
This has caused many deaths...
Most deaths are suicides..
When I was ten.
Let me tell you about then
When I was ten I went to Disneyland and was terrified of Space Mountain and the giant whale
I got a puppy
Played football with my neighbors
Read my first big kid book
My journey starts here
But , where do I go?
High hopes here and there
But , where do I go?
This test is like a show
But , where do I go?
Options weighing high and low
But , where do I go?
You never got to know me.
You would never even try.
You told me that you would rather
I just go home and die.
Look at the sky,
It’s pure and white.
Nothing compared to my soul
That’s neglected and dark.
The trees stand tall,
Branching out far
Nothing compared to my soul
That slums down,
My mind cannot be undermined
Only Heightened
How can you try to understand me
You aren’t me
So how can you try to see
See how I tick
You know,
I was upset from everything that I read
All I saw was red, when I made myself bled, bled,
Bleed 'til I die
But I don't want to die,
I've been blessed with this life,
I need to stay alive
Chuckles in a quiet room
Broke silence
And pushed her further down.
Harassment starts way too soon
From small lips
Of middle schoolers’ mouths.
All because the thickness of her hips
Chuckles in a quiet room
Broke silence
And pushed her further down.
Harassment starts way too soon
From small lips
Of middle schoolers’ mouths.
All because the thickness of her hips
Tip, Tap, sharp pebbles fly
blistering as they hit;
slices that never heal, incurable.
Severed from reality,
a shun full of force.
"A joke"
I cant take it anymore!
Any place and every place I'm mocked, bullied, and abused,
every step I take is pure pain,
and every breath is that much longer with this horrid pain.
Peace is something I've never known,
Remember all the pain.
You can't forget something that's always on your skin.
You look down at the scars and remember the knife going in.
Don't forget all the times they beat you till you cried.
There was once a girl
She was sweet as can be
There was once a girl
And there was more to her than what you could see
She dreamt of flying
Being stuck on the ground bothered her
And people were always lying
Windows and eyes.
Eyes and Windows.
What are the differences between the two?
I used to know the difference... But know it remains unknown.
People would always used to say how someone blind would inevitibly be fooled.
what is depression
what does it mean to be depressed
how do you know if you are depressed
all hard question who little know the answers.
They toss a careless word like a grenade
And watch as it explodes,
Tearing me apart on the inside
In its slow cries
All can hear.
Why say nothing?
Why steer clear?
You pray for it,
Clasp your dirty hands,
Slaughter it, fool
Its grave it lands.
Tear me open,
Scour the insides of my being,
Acquire my vulnerabilities,
Discover what makes me squirm,
You know you want to,
Little Maxy brought a gun to school today and shot himself
He put it to his heart and shot himself
The echoes from the roar of the gunshot were dense and shallow
Like the bullet passed through empty space
Was this what it was to bound and confined?
The unassailable destiny so bestowed upon thyne?
She slid the blade deep into her arm
Breathing heavy, trying so hard to hold in her emotions
yet release all her feelings.
She thought of the sister that didn't love her,
The mother to busy to care,
I'm my own person,
I'll fly with my colors or my style,
You can't hold me down,
With your collar and sting of insults
and words to shame me.
There was a boy, a boy I once knew.
He wasn't the best, according to you.
Yes, he sold drugs; crack and weed too,
but no one would judge him, not like you do.
People don't realize that in my eyes I see the truth that they try to hide.
I know their lies that they try to vocalize.
Their shifty mind not placing me in the background,
Looking around,
Noticing their breakdown.
That although we are far apart
I will hold you close to my heart
When you're either up or down
I'll always have a remedy for your frown
That in the event you shed a tear
My words are shattered on my tongue
Slicing my gums
Too afraid to swallow
But the words are broken
Will not come out
They cut up my insides
Because I have not let them out
Bullies are people, who are sad,
They have hearts and are really not that bad.
Bullies are people, who need friends,
Once they receive them usually the bullying ends.
Everyone stare
Everyone talk
Everyone think
There are some things that can be done
Preventing this action can help thousands
I'm sitting here
On the bathroom floor
The water surrounds me in an ever changing pool of tears
I search the vastness of the floor
And find in my vision
The bottle of pills
Now empty but for a few
To love as if you were never alive,
To hate as if you would never die,
Your eyes, they glistened as you cried
Their faces, consumed by their laughter
Your misery rose like bile in your throat,
That's what someone called me yesterday
I was just walking
In the hallway at school
And the girl
The blonde one
With the long, slender legs
And the flat stomach
Does it make you feel better
to hurt me with your words?
Does it help your self-esteem
to put me in a world of hurt?
Her hearts been fighting for a while now,
Her eyes have stopped their crying now.
She will pull her self together,
for one last call.
This is her break down,
her call for help
when all else has failed.
Remember me?
That girl in the back of the class.
The outcast.
The one everyone laughed and mocked,
For years on end.
To feel strong, probably.
Well, forget all of you.
This light is fading
These eyes are crying
This blood is flowing
These hands are shaking
My mind is wondering why
It's me that has to die
My heart is telling me
All I had to do was try
One cannot stand alone; shaken violently amid the brutal winds…
But a few can hold each other up, standing tall in sturdy unison, despite the trying forces.
Uncertain, Silent, Words
Crying, Pleading, Screaming unheard
Black, emotionless tries
Passed on unknowing Conversation dies
Heat flat lines
No beat. Fear shivers down spines
Unable to learn "properly"
Unable to communicate "properly"
People think it means they are stupid
Or retarded is the word used
Most often nowadays
They think these people
Will never be able to
I don't know who I am
The white in my life blew out
I don't know where I stand
At thirteen my soul was left in doubt
The only white
The purity
The innocence... of me
Taken in the dark
Insults and taunts
Whispers and rumors
Words swirling and circulating
Around and around the school
About me
About you
About him
About her
About us
About them
About everyone
Dark salt water drips on lined paper
A shaky hand scribbles
Dear mom_
Stops_ heaves a sigh
Purple and blue color his face
His body
Silent screams pour into his mind
A fire comes and goes ever so quickly
Like friends you thought existed
They stare at me for a moment and invite me in
Draw me closer
But soon they sizzle out of view,
Becoming dark, smoldering ashes
The constant taunting
Picking, mental, and physical abuse
It scars
Reaping at the core and dignity of a person
It stings
Cutting through one’s emotions
It stays with that person
That awkward moment when somebody walks through you like your not even there
They don't even bump you they just walk right through you
And it only gets worst
Her name is Crystal
and i thought I could trust her
There is something about empty space,
where there are no competitions.
The blankness is tempting,
tempting you to fill it at your own pace.
Occupy the void with anything you want,
You don’t have to hit me
For it to hurt.
Your words are as sharp
As the blade with which you would have stabbed me.
With a field full of flowers
There is always one that feels alone.
Whether intentionally or not, that one is always left out
There is always one shy, little flower.
Wind and rain pound against it
Stop and stare.
Who goes there?
Not a pal or a friend.
Maybe a foe or a fiend.
Can you see her?
Or maybe its a him?
Duck! And Dodge!
Close one my friend.
Don't fight back.
It hurts like the sting of ice and cold.
It hurts cause I know that's what's like your soul.
It hurts because you forced me to believe the words you say.
It hurts to think how can I manage another day.
My pain I keep right inside,
Your words break me down until I cry.
Would you just go away?
Or most you bug me every day?
‘Tis sweet thither sun,
atop th’ wavèd sea.
Lone candle in darkness,
from whence it hath risen.
You’re words, they hurt.
If I cry, it’ll make things worse.
You keep playing games.
I don’t think they’re fun.
The rumors, they haunt me.
There’s nowhere to run.
That’s how I used to feel.
Looking in the mirror
Sadness stains her face.
Red lines cover her, making feelings fade.
They call her names.
The torment her.
The wall she has built is breaking.
She goes home to a world too adult.
How could you hate someone you dont even know
She cried herself to sleep every night
Even the witches in fairy tales wouldnt stoop so low
That girl had a dream similar to yours
Except it will never come true
Left and right you hear people mumble your name.
That feeling like everyone is staring at you.
You know what happened is totally out of your hands, but still you feel guilty,
Well I know what I need.
And that need is to sleep.
And just as I begin to drift my thoughts began to creep.
That's when I lose it.
The hurtfull things they say bother me more than I'd like to admit.
Hearts beating fast like the beat of the drum
All of it helping me to climb the rungs
Never gunna look back
Never gunna let go
Turn around
Run around
Look for me and I can’t be found
What have I done wrong,
For you to mistreat me this long?
Am I annoying, rude, horrible, or cruel?
Or do you simply view me as a tool?
Am I everything that you hate?
Perhaps to be friends was already too late?
a team has no i in it
each player plays a part in the sport,
if one is single, go sit
everyone shares the court
if you're gonna start drama,
might as well make yourself comfy on the bench
Snap awake
I'm full of fear
Oh, its another nightmare
Can't escape
the staring faces
running races
I just can't win
can't win
I don't need your pessimism.
I don't need your false hope.
I don't need your tears.
I don't need your pain.
I don't need your broken heart.
I can do bad all by myself.
I never thought I would understand what it meant to be alone.
The feeling of emptiness lingers within my heart.
Those horrifying words these strangers keep throwing at me, constantly replaying in my head like a record player.
Why? Why are you so reserved?
So many people have betrayed you,
So you said not to be trustworthy.
So many people have lied to you,
So you said not to be honest.
So many people have hurt you,
Punch, kick, shoot & stab but what will that solve????? Nothing I suppose, so figure out an alternative way to resolve.?.?.
They pull my hair.
They tug at my clothes.
They poke and nudge and push.
And on my boat
I rock and I roll;
My body melts to mush.
I'm nothing.
I'm gone,
And I disappear so they cannot see
No friends
Only enemies
Like a pride of starving lions
They wait
For me to walk through those doors
They attack
Viciously with their words
I am cut deep
Not in the flesh, but in the soul
She’s sitting sideways
Hair trimmed and teased close to her scalp
Her legs dangling down, barely reaching the floor
And her shoelaces, undone, lay in a tangle about her feet
Let me tell you a little bit about the people you pass by every day- in school, in the drugstore, in the mall, on the street, in your one home
Why do these people hate me?
I did nothing to them yet they want to fight.
I just want to be myself and do what’s right.
They roll their eyes and light another joint.
I’ll find a new scar by a knife with a point.
Standing all alone, in a crowd full of students. Trying to stay unseen, as I'm going where they've went. Feet hovering in a small puddle, they are now soaked... Stumbling as I go along, I do not think that I'm fully awake...
He was 200 hundred pounds of ha ha your mother died and you cried like a baby making you a punk inside, And the young man left the lunch room not wanting to talk to teachers, In gym he just sat on the bleachers with depressed facial features and t
Black, Blue, Purple, Red
Are they really gone?
Can I run away now?
Is it safe?
Black, Blue, Purple, Red
I look down at the ground
And I gag at the puddle of blood beside me
The puddle of MY blood
Judgers rip me open like a patient during surgery. My glands, brains, and heart exposed, I'm vulnerable, they make me feel vulnerable, completely helpless and useless.
batters up!
child getting a fastball to the eye,
but not by a baseball, but by a fist
child gets a bruise shoulder, but not from sliding,
but by a forceful push
child gets a scratch on the back,