Thanks Bullies
I sit in class
i'm always choosed last
I spend my time in the restrooms
I waste my tears on useless tissues
I eat by myself during lunch which feels like a darkroom
I get my own food thrown at me thats why I don't bloom
I get scared that they will come and attack me
so I sit there in fear
asking why am I here?
these bullies broke down my shine
I no longer know whats mine
They beat me down
like im some crazy clown
but truly I'm just someone that just been kicked around
these bullies pick at my flaws bit by bit
when they raise their voice at me they start to spit
these bullies made me hate my appearance
they made me slit my wrists
they made me hate my thighs
and they made me want to change my eyes
oh, these bullies how they picked at me
how they destroyed me
how they labeled me
how they got to me
I blame myself for letting it get too far
I don't know why they hate me so much
I've been punched in the gut
and I've been called a slut
I don't know why they hate me so much
but right now I'm starting to hate myself that much
they have completely broke me down
from cuttting wrists
to hating my appearance
they picked me ramdomly like I was choosen out of a jar
oh, these bullies took it too far
I slit one of my veins and now i"m in the car
at this moment i realized I took it too far
I'm not all those words they said to me
I'm not a slut
I'm not too skinny
I don't look like a male
I'm not a walking stick
I'm a girl
and yes i used to slit my wrist
but oh these bullies look what you done
you made me recognize
that my life is a blessing
all those lies will never get to me again
i laugh in your face bully
because you will never see me cry again