Plagued Perception
Perfect this. Perfect that.
How can I be flawless in a society where nothing is ever good enough?
Photoshop. Filters. Plastic surgery.
Why must I conform to some unwritten rules printed on billboards and in magazines?
Disgusting. Slut. Fat. Ugly.
Can't you see we're all just humans preying on each other in a perverted version of Darwin's "survival of the fittest"?
Lose weight. Look great.
Who is to say that a number on a scale or the clothes I wear define who I am?
Perfect that. Perfect this.
How can I be flawless in a society where nothing is ever good enough?
Judge me. See what happens.
The world can't tell me how to view MY body and MY image.
I am loved. Cared for. Appreciated.
I refuse to conform to society or to let other's judgment rule over my own thoughts.
I am beautiful. I am flawless.
Not because I don't have flaws but because I am flawlessly flawed.
My imperfections do not make me unworthy. Fat. Or ugly.
They make me unique.
I won't let anyone make me feel inferior.
I have embraced who I am and I do not need to change myself to fit the expectations of others.
my Face is beautiful, even if it doesn't satisfy the golden ratio,
my Laugh is contagious, even if it is too loud or high pitched,
my Arms are fine, even without doing 100 push-ups a day,
my Weight is healthy, even with a few curves,
my Legs are sexy, even if they rub together when I walk,
my Eyes sparkle, even without clumps of mascara or eyeliner,
my Smile is bright and inviting, even with my crooked teeth,
my Skin is gorgeous, even with my scars and bumps,
I am F L A W L E S S just the way I am.