Why do you get the sudden urge to punch them or put them in a locker is it because doing it makes you feel like you have the power why is it that you must treat everyone badly even sometimes your own family is it because of an unforgettable tragedy why do you put yourself above others make jokes about them or their mother's is it because you were bullied by your sisters or brothers why do you put people in pain to get over your own or for no reason they just wanna be left alone so stop teasing why do bullies act the way they do does any one know what about you you or you no one truly knows but this awful persona grows why is it that something so wrong can last so long why is it that this has turned into a hobby it very much so bothers me and I'm not the only one let's band together and make this be done instead of continuing to ask why this bullying must die so that these poor amazing children can stop their crying and continue living it would be a gift that keeps on giving