My Suicide Was Left Behind
No one remembers
The year you were born
Not the month
Especially not the day
They only remember
They don't remember
Your mothers name
Who your father was
Your brothers
Or sisters
Your cousin or niece
All they remember is
They don't remember
Your name
Or middle
Or last
Not your features
Or that your favorite color was green
But they do remember that it was around
They do, in fact, remember
The reports on the news
Your mother crying when she spoke
Your father standing in the corner
Your sister clinging to your brother
This all happened in "2014"
But they clearly remember
You hanging there
Swinging from side to side
But you had no escape from the world outside
You tried to hide
But no they would not let you
More and more hate got piled on
You thought there was no reason to go on
You were gone
But foolish people kept saying
"We are going to help her live on!!!"
But, no I don't want to live on
I don't want you making up my song
Wether I'm in hell or heaven up above
I don't want my song to be sung
Even from a mockingbird or dove
My last words to you all
Were "Fuck you World"
"I'm done"
"Now up to heaven I shall run."
My name is *Carly Locke*
I died on 2014
I know it is a shock
That I was only 14
But the world forgot me
And wiped with a dirty cloth
Everything about me
Now on my tombstone
Are the last words I said
As you can see above
And underneath is my story
Of how I gave up
*random name*