Empty Ones
People who judge others harshly do so
to fill the emptiness in their soul
with words that cut like the bitter pill
they swallow with their morning coffee
Judging others without understanding
how utterly stupid and weak they themselves are
to have to eat the pain they cause others
just to keep themselves fed
oh empty ones,
lay down on the cool sweet earth
spread out your arms and lay flat the hands
that do no good in this world
give leave of your poisonous thoughts
feel the vibrato our mother sends out to all her children
wrap yourself in her brown earth
and let yourself feel the love from her
that you are so void of in your own life
give in to her song Oh dark heart
for there is beauty in your vessel
though you know not where, nor why, nor how
for you have only known the pain
your forebears gave to you
to fill the void their own emptiness brings about
teaching you their charade dance of life
that says the fruit of others will sustain you
though the black winters of your life
for you were born surrounded by the dark webs
they created for you out of their own ignorance
wrapping you tightly to hide you
from a light they have never known
and therefore you have never known
Take my hand and the hands of the many others
who so willingly, would lead you down the path
Of true strength and mightiness, sharing with you
the secrets of true power
The power in giving without taking
the power in loving without hurting
the power in crying without being weak
and the strength it takes to stand on ones own feet
without having to crush the bones of another.
True Power is having the ability to take from someone, yet not doing so. Power is a choice.
You are not hopeless yet