Mistletoe And Christmas
Mistletoe and Christmas go hand in hand
The mistletoe and its beautiful cherries
Christmas carols and bells, bright stars and pine trees
With light snowfall can create a wonderland.
What a spectacle of lights and divine beauty
The whole world celebrates awesomely
The birthday of Jesus Christ born in Africa
What a shock for the entire Diaspora!
Baby Jesus was different, that’s why
From the crèche they wanted to sacrify and crucify
Him, their goal was to kill Him like a goat
Which they did, but He returned. It’s time to gloat.
The Messiah can be a subject of controversies
Deceptions, propaganda, polemics and inconsistencies
Oh! This is Noël, let’s rejoice and enjoy the feasts
At least and at last in this joyous season, let’s live in peace.
Copyright © December 2022, Hébert Logerie, All rights reserved
Hébert Logerie is the author of several collections of poetry.