I Don't Get It
We live in shadows all by ourselves
And sell our bodies on street corners
We smile to each other's faces and act like everything is okay
When it's obviously not
We feel okay to tease others
And say things about them cuz they're not around
Why does this happen
I don't understand
What joy do we get
Out of all this chaos?
Is there something wrong in our lives
Or is there something wrong in theirs?
Just because they look different
Or don't shower
I'll be the first to admit
I've thought mean things
But why?
Why do we try to turn each other against others
Why do we do this
What makes it right in our minds to lie
Why do we just automatically assume it's okay?
Is it because we think it's okay to lie?
Is it because we think that no one will ever find out?
Why do we do this time and time again, without a second thought
I really don't understand
If you bully someone...