I Hate Bullies
I hate you, and I can't stand up to you
You represent everything that I hate about this world
You are the epitome of evil
You are the living proof of why no one wins by playing fair
Everyone loves the tough guy
Everyone praises the mean people
You chew me up and treat me like gum on the bottom of your shoe
You contribute to my insecurities and my shyness
I'm withdrawn from the "it" people
And because of you, I hate all people
Not only do I despise you and people alike,
But I am disgusted by the bystanders who allow the torture to go on,
Those who laugh along and contribute to the humiliation
I despise those who are not their for me in times of need
When I am the one hurt, when I am the one suffering
You, the bystanders, those who cheer on this culture of hate
I hate all of it
But most of all I hate myself
Because at home, I am you to those who are smaller
At home, I am you to those who are weaker
Those who cannot properly stand up for themselves
I hate all bullies, mainly because that is what I inevitably became through time
When that was all I was exposed to in my environment as a kid