You're Never Alone
They tell us it will all be better some day,
To deal with the pain - it will all go away.
But what do they know?
They haven't lived in my shoes!
They don't know what it's like!
They don't know what they do!
They turn a blind eye so they don't have to report
The pushing, the hitting, the hurtful retort.
It never stops not matter what you do.
You're alone in this world - just let that brew.
But that's what they want you to think.
That you're all alone.
That you can't function.
That you're on the brink.
But you're not alone.
We are here with you.
We've faught the same battles.
We've all made it through.
I'm sorry to say that the bullying never stops.
Bullies, sadly, will never just let it drop.
There will always be haters wherever you go.
So remember whether there's rain, hail, or snow.
Put on your armor.
Pick up your sword.
Get ready to fight.
It's time for you to beat down the horde.