A Heartbreaking Goodbye
Clouds letting loose with cool rain
A rhythm of a favorite song vibrating in saddened eardrums
Here I sit and ponder
If we could have made it work
Words unsaid sting my throat
Along with unshed tears behind flickering lids
I wish I was willing to wait, willing to speak
However, I am tired of being tossed like
A piece of debris that doesn’t matter
We had a friendship for a year and a half
Some memorable laughs and meaningful conversations
I’ll never forget those nights spent in worry
Terrified of not hearing from you
Those rough times were some of the worst
I lost count on how much sleep I lost
You were an irreplaceable friend and,
Losing you would have killed me
Like how it’s doing right now
This isn’t what I wanted
Don’t think that for a minute
It was a last resort to save myself from hurt
I hope you understand
Deleting you from my life is one of the hardest things I’ve ever done
Funny how removing a contact from a phone is simple
But removing a person from a heart is like a death
Death of an era, the falling petals of a rose
Revealing only thorns and soiled dirt
I would trade the world to bring back the good times
When we talked and tried to everyday
All I see now is goodbye and tears
I know you’re better off, shining in light
That’s all I wish for you, a life full of those smiles
I’m happy that you’re in a better place
And have people who care
I’ll fade from your mind without a doubt
A clean slate and all, I’ll try to understand
I’ll start with the goodbye
Pieces of my heart are crumbling
A friendship is lost, a person I once relied on
Now a distant memory, lathered in fog
I’ll be okay though, I always am
Just as you did, I will forget and move on
Time will heal my wounds, hopefully it will be soon
Although it won’t be soon enough
You were more to me than you’ll ever know
The clouds and rain will face and the sun will shine
That song we both once loved will become just lyrics
Those words unsaid will be just letters jumbled in my head
The tears will remain unshed, I will stay strong
A being once willing to wait, willing to speak
Is now standing upright and alone
You don’t have to worry about me, though
I have made up my mind
I’m no longer just a pile of forgotten debris