Grayness (To People Hating Bisexuals)
I am gray
I fall in the middle of you all
The endless abyss of unaccepted
Hated by none? All? Some?
I don't know anymore
I am gray
Neither black nor white
Neither good nor bad
Neither with nor against you
But you don't care do you
I am gray
But I am not mute
I am not blind or deaf
I will speak up for myself
I am blue and I am pink and I am purple
I am the rainbow and I am dark
I am not confused, I love who I love
Isn't that what you told your parents?
Do not judge me within your own judgment
Do not exclude me when you are excluded
Because I am like you and you and you
I will not accept any societies' rules
I live to be myself and I live to love
You live to be YOURSELF and you live to LOVE
But, of course, in your eyes
I am gray