But You Will Always Know It's There
you thought this time
it would go by the book again
it almost always does
you know the one
it's my own edition
but its always the same story
or it was supposed to be
supposed to be extraordinary
you are
in your ordinary days
you know where the traces go by now
they taught you well
tick them off one by one
like clues to a mystery
except it's one you'll never solve
add up those letters
write your story with them
these traces
you are told to view them as monumental once you leave them
but you already see them fading - you know the truth
sign your name now
the cameras are watching
isn't this exciting?
no matter when you visit again
you will always know it's there
this is your moment they tell you
and yet
next year we want better, don't forget that
next year, well that was the one wasn't it
the year they added the chapter that wasn't in the rough draft
this place where your story goes
the blood stains were missing from the script they handed you
this terrifying trace
was left that out of the manual
this trace, you are surprised and saddened to find
fades too
faster than you ever thought
as the time ticked forward and the cameras pointed elsewhere
that's the way of the camera - on to the next story now
so I guess it's back to your book.....
you flip ahead to your own next chapter
maybe only because you have no other choice
you leave this trace behind
but you will always know it's there