Bloody Hell
"Bloody... Hell..."
I whisper and whimper.
My white bath tub-
Slaughtered by my blood.
Tears freeze at the corner of my eyes,
And three jagged lines,
Slowly pouring my life away.
I feel it...
My life dragging away -
By small threads.
I shake, but remain still.
Mind is washed away.
Lies rewind.
Broken promises stab.
I chew on my lip.
Waterfall of tears escape.
Morning comes.
Cover my arms with thick clothing.
100 degrees outside,
But I must hide.
No one can see -
What the world has done to me.
Broken me down.
Stabbed me.
"Bloody... Hell..."
The only thought in my mind.
Same words I whispered
Last night
- in my death tub.
Bleaching the walls
Keep them white
And masked.
Like my smiles -
Pretty lies to keep
Everyone at bay and away.
School is completely hell,
Smirks and eyes;
Taunting and following me.
I shake and shiver.
Please make them go away.
I chew on my lip,
Close my eyes.
Slip away from reality.
Rush to the bathroom,
Scurry into a stall,
Unleash half a bottle of pills.
Pop. Gulp.
I am gone -
A few hours or for the rest of the day...
But I am gone.
Don't think.
Don't worry.
Don't look at anyone.
Tears are inevitable,
But so is the bullying.
Their hawk eyes pierce through me.
Walk home;
Slowly. So so slowly;
Want to avoid them.
Family -
End with ILY.
But do they really love me?
Maybe. Maybe not.
Where do I go next?
I scratch my arms,
Until my arms flex with blood.
Scars pile and pile
With lips filled with bite marks.
I am striped in my own shame.
Tonight -
I lie asleep.
Awake with murmurs
That echo in my mind chamber.
Stop the damn voices!
Stop everything!
Leave me alone!
The day is almost gone...
The beautiful sunset.
The last one I will ever see.
I grip my small blade...
Stand behind a dumpster,
In an alley,
And slash the blood away.
Drip. Drip. Drip.
Mixture of tears and blood.
"Bloody... Hell."
My final words and thoughts.
Silence escapes and
A tear dries away.