Poem for Abby (spoken by anorexia)
Poem for Abby
"I'm not the enemy
Food is!" I insisted.
I promised her happiness
I promised her beauty
I assured her
She'd be perfect
If she only obeyed me
Treatment sent rage
I fought back from within her
Refusing meals
Pulling out feeding tubes
No matter the contracts and deals
I couldn't take it
I didn't want her to leave me
She said I was a demon
And discarded my intentions
"Without me you're worthless!"
Or at least that's what I said
"The real demon is your treatment team
They're messing with your head!"
When little did she know
I was the one who wanted her dead
I fought with all I had
Continued to lie
I couldn't let her kick me out
Even if it meant she would die
"Without me you are nothing
But fat and lazy!
I gave you strength!
I gave you everything!"
Although she tried to stay strong
The arguing grew to be too much
A war within herself roared
Battle scars marked her arms
She cut the demon right out of her
But it wasn't enough
The doctors and nurses
Gave her direct care
To fix the abuse
The treatment grew more intensive
Recovery saved her
And I couldn't torture her anymore
Without me she was free
No longer trapped in the pain
Of my cruel game
No longer confused
By demons driving her insane
Recovery saved her
got rid of me
So she could be free