words are powerful
words are powerful
this a fact that should never be doubted
they can hurt or they can help
they can make you cry or they can make you smile
they can make you angry or they can make you laugh
they can make you hate the world or they can make you love it
they can be unrelateable or they can voice your very thoughts exactly
they can make people ignore you or they can make people understand you
they can ruin friendships or build them
they can destroy families or save them
they can save a life or take one
they can be overwhelming or they can be calming
this is a power that many of us choose to abuse
which is quite a shame
but there is no one person to blame
its so frustrating that no one understands the true power of their words
instead we choose to use words like faggot, nigger, dyke, wetback, retard
rather than using words like beautiful, happy, prideful, and unique
we use our words to treat those who are different like scum and thats not called for
why is it that we would rather attack those around us than compliment them
it seems like such a waste of what could be a powerful tool
instead of using our words to attack people why not help them
the power of a few words is immense