Dear High School Bullies
Dear high school bullies,
I wonder if you know what you did to me.
I wonder if you still believe the things you said.
I wonder if you say them around your gay friends now. I wonder if you know what you’re doing to them.
I wonder if you know that when I’m having a bad day, it’s still your voices that fill my head, even though I haven’t heard it in over 2 years.
So here’s to me letting go of you
and to you letting go of whatever it was that made you need to hurt me
and here’s to anyone who needs to breathe out voices in their heads
to be able to just breathe.
Let go of the first time you wanted to kill yourself and
Let go of the last time
Let go of the person who told you to do it
Let go of the feelings that said they were right
Let go of the nights you didn’t sleep and
the days you couldn’t move
and let go of the knives
and the scissors and the pins
you don’t need that anymore because
you’ve been through the hell they call depression
and you’ve come back.
Here’s to the times you put the pills back down
Here’s to the time you first stood up for myself
Here’s to braving the hallway even though you chest is undulating in panic
Here’s to living when you didn’t want to
and smiling when you didn’t need to
Here’s to the first day you didn’t hate yourself
Here’s to the first time you said “I’m gay” in the mirror and smiled
I’ve found peace within myself
I’ve found pride within myself
and no one can change that now because
Dear high school bullies,
I’m letting go of you.