I'm sure you noticed
I'm sure you noticed
The day you turned 63
You received birthday wishes from several
But you did not receive one from me
It was intentional
And I have no regrets
Frankly when it comes to your birthdays
I get dread
I tire of pretending
That you deserve a birthday wish
And after going against my feelings for 12 years
I can no longer bring myself to do it
I don't give birthday wishes to bullies
Especially when they're nonrepentant
And utterly codependent
And Father's Days
Make me want to puke
Because I remember you barely did the minimum
But of course mother would give you an excuse
Because she is so addled
Because she is in a cult
After 18 years of brainwash
That is the expected result
In your quest to relive your adolescence
You helped to ruin mine
And I tire of pretending
That everything is fine
You tore me down when I had achievements
You tried to make me more like you
You repeately poked me in my bellybutton even when you knew I didn't want that
Because you could and wanted to
I wish you had not became a father
I wish you hadn't given me your seed
Because you were practically the black Andrew Tate
Without the legal history