Light inside
What if life were a glowing light
that shown through death and cut the night?
Where then would it go if I were to die
would it flicker out or maybe hide?
Would my lungs fill with dust and my heart fill with stone?
will my demons give up and leave me alone?
they sing a great chorus inside of my head
they aim to torment me until I am dead.
They strum on my heart strings and play on my bones
they pull on my veins to produce tragic tones
they drip liquid sadness like an IV in my blood
their cyanide words make my food taste like mud.
If life were a light would it feel warm on my skin
or would it erase my history of sin
I am caught in a storm I did nothing to start
and your haikus of hatred are pins in my heart
but I will not quit and I’ve gotten this far
I’m painted in bruises and bathed in my scars
you have not won, the light’s still in me
For I will survive and grow like a tree.