Bullying to Suicide
Her silence speaks louder than words. Cushion your impact and don't sit back because right as you relax she's gone. Gone, farther than this universe, her life's reached an end, and she's dead. And you took her life you...you...bully. Actually she took her own life, but you pushed it, pushed her to her limit, while her potential stood limitless, it was eminent that your jealousy would add her to the pile. The pile that stretches a mile high of bodies. Listen America as I tell you this fact, 30,000 people die of suicide every year and this dear girl of ours is just 1. Cause you see suicide isn't a game. Suicide is not a do or die, it's a do and die. Nobody was there to catch her so there she lies in a casket, filled with lies that people told her, a basket that tell the viewer she's not coming back. You stare at her gentle face because that is the only thing you dare to face. The imprint of the lace on her neck leaves you nauseous. And you're cautious to look at her arms covered in scars from the knife she held every night while she fights her mind telling her she's not perfect. And as her body decays in her ditch of sorrow, tomorrow her skin turns into a reversible outerwear too graphic to stare at. Rest this on your conscience and tell me, was bullying her worth it? Telling her every day something she knew but didn't want to hear. Sharing her biggest fears. She runs to the bathroom bursts into tears. And you stand there laughing not knowing the consequences of your actions. She was trapped in her own world that she couldn't escape because she thought everyone was just like you, a bully, a monster, not willing to help her. And I'm asking you to reach out so that our fellow human beings may not suffer because you see, I have a dream. That serenity shall meet eternity. One day our world will be free from bullying leading suicide. That people like her will not have to hide. Hide how she feels so that her smile can be real. Take a spaceship from her world to ours, a community. Open arms shall embrace her. Good times are our eraser to erase her insecurities, the bullying, the jokes and tears, they disappear. We won't have to worry about someone saying something to push us to that permanent decision. Enjoy life, laugh, be living the life you dream of and join in my dream of a world where boys and girls are safe. Join in my dream where we won't have to see and suffer another lose that we could have stopped. Be true to the people around you. Stop before you do what you'll regret doing. People I tell you, be kind and keep in mind others feeling. Let us give life a rewind and heal the wounds of this girl, bring her back to us in the people that are just like her. Let us not let others suffer from bullying. We might not know what goes on in their heads do think ahead, to what might be