To a bully
This to you, if you are a person who bullies I hope you hear
I hope you listen to what I've got to say
This is you , the victim , I want to tell you not to fear
That you shouldn't have to pay
Every day some random child finds a way
To make another feel hurt, embarrassed, or just plain bad
They make another human beings emotions go to disarray
I don't know why they do it, are they mad
I don't understand what the problem is, now really
Does it make you feel good to hurt another for no reason at all
It makes you quite inhuman, quite silly
When you punch that smaller , different , other boy in the hall
When you call girl a hurtful name
Do you really think it will do you any good
Do you think it will bring you your five minutes of hallway fame
Do you think your mindless cruelty is really understood
If you do then you are wrong and just plain mean
If you think that people will like you because you pick on someone different
Do you really think that, if you do thats really obscene
Its wrong , to many it 's really quite incoherent
You think you are cool
But really you are nothing
But a mindless tool
You think you are something
But in the end you aren't
You are someone who will be forgotten
bullies eventually become irrelevant
You will be forgotten
Your short lived hallway fame won’t follow you forever
Really , that fame is nothing, its infamy
Infamy is really only good when? Never
So listen up and listen closely
Being a Bully
A name caller, a fight picked
A cyber meanie, or whatever else there might be
Remember this
It will come back to you
And when you least expect it
You become the fool
Karma , justice , call it whatever you want
It will come back around
So moral of the story is , don't be a bully at home, internet, streets or at school.
Stop the madness ,stop the hate, stop the mindless cruelty I perhaps you will seeTo not be a bully i the better person to be
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while I like this poem I think it might not be as pointed as it could be. Both the word choice and the ryme scheme are a little childish, and I understnad that you`re trying to show how innocent these victms are, clearly you wouldn`t want to use words like "jerk", but it might be better to use something like "sadist", it isn`t atagonistic, but it`s a little more mature and pointed than "meanie". I also think the wrap up might be a little simplistic, karama will get you is an important sentament, but when you say that and only that it falls a little limp. It comes off as kind of "be nice or else." It migth be worth it to finish that threat. Maybe add a quick annacdote about how unpleasant guilt is, or about leagal reprecussions. Honestly as it is it does show how pointless bullying is, but t doesn`t really showcase any kind of negative repricussions for the bully. If it was your sentament, you could end it with "stop or you`ll got to hell." just something.
In any case this is lovely, nice work. Have an awesome night.