Blind me
Burn me
Break me
Rip out my eyes and cut out my tongue
Silence my voice and censure my speech
Cripple my wings, chain me to earth-
Make me Prometheus.
Wisdom giver
Fool of man and food for the crows
Make me the anomaly
The variant
The black sheep, the paradox-
Vilify me, the anarchist
The radical-
The heretic, the variable
Label me
Label me, and I will prosper
Give me a name-
Oh, to have a name!
A black one, a grimy one
Riddled with evil and twisted with hate
Bind me to darkness, a cesspool of darkness
Take sun and take the moon and take the
Scintillating stars, leave no spark of life-
Make me Prometheus
And like Prometheus I will rise
Fire, burn, flames, flicker, never die
Brighter, brighter, ever brighter
Burn away black stinking vitriol
Burn away all pretext, all pretense, all lies
All incessant invective, all ignorance-
Burn, fire, burn
Tears of flame
Cries of ash,
Mourning wood
What innocence, what destructive innocence!
Let no enemy of mine linger
Leave no mark upon my name
Burn, burn on
In the hearts and minds
Of the fools of man
The shepherds must guide their flocks of sheep
And the sheep never question the shepherd-
Do they?
Blind self-betrayal-
Blind self-denial-
Blind obeisance-
Blind allegiance-
But for
Make me the catalyst
The enigma
The paradox-
Make me Prometheus
Take my voice
Blind me, burn me, break me-
But leave me Prometheus!
Fire, dear flame of truth, bright ember, spark of hope-
Make me Prometheus
And let my words
Burn on.