I’m Fine
When people ask me how I feel
I don’t know how to reply
I feel like I am about to die
But instead I just lie, and seal my fate
With an unreal smile upon my face
I feel I made a deal with the devil
And I’m constantly being chased, but I can’t cry
Instead, I lightly sigh under my breath
The voices tell me to give up
To go into a final rest
I’m tested to wonder why not
No one will erupt with sadness for me
As they dine on “their” fine tasting wine
The voices are sly
Saying no soul would mind
If I vanished, and just quietly died
I am now standing on the edge
My feet are now halfway off the ledge
The voices now screaming insults to my face
I question if my whole life was a waste
No-one could lace my broken heart together
Instead they all faked
Their love was just as dependable
As a feather floating on a cool breeze
Being broken so many times, my heart remains unmendable
No one would ever choose to help me
I remember how instead they mocked me
And as for my friends
They left me like chalk
Running down a rained on sidewalk
I remember my lover
Hating how I hover
Telling me to slow down
Barking orders as if I was a hound
I felt mentally abused, and slapped around
My opinions were always thrown out
I remember my mother
Wishing I was better
Her last words before she passed
Were telling me, she loved me last
~And the wonder why I was a cutter~
I felt a light shove from behind
Only to look back and see that it was I
As I fall to my death, my mind explodes
With so many rhymes and good things untold
Then the voices were gone, and I was alone
I wanted to go back, and undo what’s been done
But now it’s too late, I’m already gone
I turn away from the ground toward the moon
It’s face in such sadness and gloom
My fall came to a sudden stop
I felt my body twitch just after the drop
My eyes began to close, and my sight began to blur
I heard light whispers luring my soul
Telling me sweet nothings as they crowed
I realize my death will be just as life, alone with no one
Filled with pain and strife
At least then, things could have changed
Oh, how I wish my life choices were unarranged
Now I’m trapped in an everlasting loop
Watching my life swirl over and over as in soup
Unable to warn myself of past mistakes
I scream “For heaven’s sakes!”
But he still goes ahead and takes his last jump
And I watch his body fall to a lump
I was only a bump in space
Something here and gone without a trace
I looked at the moon, it’s face still in much disgrace
But I finally accept my fate
Knowing it’s all too late
So everything began going black
I know my life was out of whack
But I still wish I could have it back
And now I go to rest with so much pain
But remember, this was my story with so many having the same
This needs to end, just as my fall
You all need to lend
That someone your hands
Please mend, what has been
You need to become the good rhymes
That will delightfully chime
Every time one of these voices get inside their mind
That is my last wish and all that I ask
But I leave you with this
Life’s worst lie there is
And it begins with……
I’m fine