Where I Come From...
I come from rice and beans
The food of my people
And comforting
I come from dirt floors
The background of my parents
I come from a Mexican culture
That embodies who I am
A fighter
A believer
A dreamer
Being Latina has brought stereotypes to my doorstep
No matter where I go
The color of my skin speaks for itself
My strong features define who I am
I am constantly potrayed in the media as
While I am soft spoken
Passionate about my roots
And determined to receive a college education
At an early age
I was taught that a fighter has "ganas"
The desire
To put everyounce of strength into succeeding
The "ganas" to work
Twice as hard
The "ganas" to push
Through the harsh words
Said of my culture
The "ganas" to be seen
As more than the background of my parents
Cherishing the value of a degree
Has left partched
With a thirst
That can only be quenched
By pursuing a higher education
Even though my heart hammers with anxiety
Of judgement
Of the prejudice
I will not let my confidance diminish
I will suceed
And pursuing a higher education
Is the choice that I was able to make
I have the "ganas" to defy
The odds against me
But I know I can always fall back
On my true identity of being Latina
Where my rice and beans are served