The Veil
I hide behind a veil of darkness
Afraid to show who I am
For fear of the repercussions
For fear of the looks
Their sharp eyes
Watching my every move
Waiting for a chance to strike
I hide behind a smile
Masking my discomfort
My sadness, my pain
Being viewed as different
Perhaps even inferior
Cast away to the side
Like an unwanted doll
From behind this veil
I hear their ridicules
Their derogatory remarks
Their sneers and rolling eyes
This veil of darkness
Covering up my flaws
Masking them from judging eyes
I hide behind the veil
Scared and unsure
Afraid of being myself
But through the frayed edges and holes
Of this aging veil
I can see a blinding light
Brighter than the sun
Slowly, carefully
I step out from behind the veil
Into the light
Warm and safe
Where I can be myself
Without the odd looks
No stares and rude remarks
Peering into the screen of my computer
Where I am me