What Makes Me Tick
I don't like hate.
Judgement makes me irate.
Racism makes me want to scream.
Homophobia makes me angry.
I'm sick of people being mean,
bullying because of their own insecurities,
causing self-harm and suicide
among many other things.
I don't like body-shaming or slut-shaming.
We're all beautiful in our own way
and we're all prone to make mistakes.
I dislike violence and murder,
Why treat someone so cruel that you don't even know?
No one deserves to be hit or spit on or kicked.
No one deserves to have their life taken away.
I don't like abortion.
Life is worth it fighting for,
worth keeping,
and most importantly
it shouldn't be stopped before it begins.
I don't like drugs or alcohol
they take away everything a person hoped for:
all of their hopes and dreams
and even respect from their families.
I don't like poverty or the fact that
most people can't make theirselves a living.
Isn't this country supposed to be free?
I don't think it is when there's no equal opportunity.
I don't like hunger either,
we all deserve to eat.
And when everyone thinks of designer clothes,
do they think of those with no shoes on their feet?
Homeless and depserate people are everywhere,
but most of society couldn't care.
Material items are so important now a days,
but almost no one is aware.
We're all for the most part selfish and attention seeking.
What happened to helping others and the needy?
Facebook and Twitter and Instagram took social interaction away.
Why spend time with someone in person
when they're just a message away?
What happened to life as I knew it?
When I was just a little girl?
Or was that just all just a lie?
Did I not know how terrible things were?